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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of behavioural and functional neuroanatomical correlates of executive functions in multitasking and working memory

Otermans, Pauldy Cornelia Johanna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the role of executive functions in multitasking. Research has shown that severe performance decrements often arise in dual-task performance, also called multitasking, as compared to single task performance. This reflects a limitation in processing temporally overlapping information. Interference between tasks arises due to a bottleneck process limited to processing only one task at a time. It has been proposed that this interference is resolved by executive functions. However, the dual-task paradigm employed in this thesis, Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) paradigm, (Pashler, 1994) is typically investigated in the field of human action performance, and the exact concept of executive functions remains underspecified. However, while underspecified in the area of action performance, executive functions have been investigated in detail in the field of memory research, more specifically in the context of working memory (WM). Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate whether the executive functions in PRP are related to the executive functions as discussed in the context of WM. To test this question, we combined the PRP paradigm with a WM task, creating a complex WM span task. If the executive functions of WM and PRP are indeed related, then an interaction between the two tasks should be evident. Participants were presented with a sequence of letters to remember, followed by a processing block in which they had to perform either a single task or a dual-task, and finally were asked to recall the letters. Results (Chapter 2) showed that recall performance decreased when performing a dual-task as compared to performing a single task. This supports the assumption that PRP dual-tasks demand executive functions of WM. Following this, two other experiments were performed each with a different parametric modulation of the processing demands of the PRP dual task; response order (fixed vs random; Chapter 3) and stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA, short vs long; Chapter 4) of the component tasks. Recall performance was lower after a more difficult dual-task compared to an easier dual-task, which again indicates that demands on executive functions are increased in the dual-task. While previous neuroscientific research indeed showed that dual-tasks as well as WM tasks rely on lateral-prefrontal cortices (LPFC), it remains unknown whether both tasks activate the same areas or different sub-areas of the LPFC. Therefore, this study (Chapter 6) investigated how the neuroanatomical correlates of both dual-task and WM compare to each other. The brain activation for the PRP and WM tasks showed considerable overlap as well as some differentiation. Both tasks activated, among other areas, the inferior frontal junction. With respect to differences, the PRP task activated more the inferior middle frontal gyrus (MFG) whilst the WM component activated more the superior MFG. Thus, results support the assumption that PRP dual-tasks demand the executive functions of WM. This will allow us to inform theoretical models of cognition and to get a better understanding of human cognition. Future studies can build on this in order to create a more consolidated conceptualisation of the relationship between WM and multitasking.

Effekte maskierter visueller Stimuli auf die Ausführung von konkurrierenden motorischen Reaktionen und kognitiven Aufgaben / Effects of masked visual stimuli on competing motor responses and cognitive tasks.

Klapoetke, Susan 06 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating Task-Order Coordination in Dual-Task Situations

Kübler, Sebastian 25 May 2021 (has links)
Bisherige Studien liefern Hinweise für das Auftreten von aktiven Prozessen der Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Diese Prozesse sind notwendig für die Regulation der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge von zwei Aufgaben. Bisher ist jedoch wenig über die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen bekannt, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war deshalb die Überprüfung eines Modells aktiver Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Das Modell nimmt an, dass diese Prozesse auf Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, die Informationen über die Verarbeitungssequenz zweier Aufgaben enthält. Zusätzlich macht das Modell Annahmen über (1) den Ort der Verarbeitung und (2) den genauen Inhalt dieser Repräsentationen. Weiterhin enthält das Modell die Annahmen, dass (3) der präfrontale Kortex kausal in Reihenfolgekoordination involviert ist und dass (4) diese Prozesse von unterschiedlichen Kriterien beeinflusst werden. In dieser Dissertation wurde das Model in einer Reihe von vier Studien überprüft. Dazu wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma mit zufällig wechselnder Aufgabenreihenfolge verwendet. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Reihenfolgerepräsentationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis aufrechterhalten und aktiv verarbeitet werden. Ich konnte weiterhin zeigen, dass diese Repräsentationen nur Information über die Sequenz der Aufgaben enthalten. Spezifische Aufgabeninformation wird hingegen separat repräsentiert. Durch den Einsatz transkranieller Magnetstimulation konnte ich zudem nachweisen, dass der präfrontale Kortex eine kausale Rolle für Reihenfolgekoordination spielt. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass Anforderungen an Reihenfolgekoordinationsprozesse in Situationen, in denen Probanden ein von außen vorgegebenes Reihenfolgekriterium befolgen, erhöht sind im Vergleich zu Situationen, in denen Probanden ein auf einer freien Wahl basierendes Kriterium nutzen können. Die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung des vorgeschlagenen Modells diskutiert. / Evidence from behavioral as well as neurophysiological studies indicates the occurrence of active task-order coordination processes in dual-task situations. These processes are required for planning and regulating the processing sequence of two tasks that overlap in time. So far, however, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying active task-order coordination are highly underspecified. To tackle this issue, in the present dissertation I tested a model of task-order coordination in dual-task situations. This model assumes that task-order coordination relies on representations that contain information about the processing sequence of the two component tasks. In addition, the model includes assumptions about the (1) locus of processing as well as (2) the exact content of these order representations. The model further assumes that (3) the lateral prefrontal cortex is causally involved in implementing task-order coordination processes and that (4) these processes are affected by different order criteria. I tested this model in a series of four studies by applying a dual-task paradigm with randomly changing task order. I demonstrated that task-order representations are actively maintained and processed in working memory during dual tasking. Moreover, I found that these order representations only contain information about the processing sequence of tasks, whereas specific component task information is represented separately. By applying transcranial magnetic stimulation, I also provided evidence for the causal role of the lateral prefrontal cortex for task-order coordination. Furthermore, I showed that the demands on task-order coordination are increased when participants have to adhere to an external and mandatory order criterion compared to when they can use an internally generated order criterion that is based on free choice. The implications of these results as well as an outlook for future research will be discussed in the framework of the proposed model.

On the interplay of response selection and visual attention in dual-task situations / a behavioral and electrophysiological investigation

Reimer, Christina Brigitte 15 March 2017 (has links)
Die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit sind kapazitätslimitiert. In Doppelaufgaben des Paradigmas der Psychologischen Refraktärperiode (PRP) wird angenommen, dass die Reaktionsauswahlstufen in Aufgabe 1 und Aufgabe 2 sequentiell verarbeitet werden. Für Konjunktionssuchaufgaben wird angenommen, dass die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit Objekte selektiert und Objektmerkmale zusammen bindet, was zu einem seriellen Suchprozess führt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, ob die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) demselben zentralen Verarbeitungsengpass wie die Reaktionsauswahl in Doppelaufgaben unterliegt. Sequentielle Verarbeitung von Reaktionsauswahl und visueller Aufmerksamkeit würde Evidenz dafür zeigen, dass beide Prozesse derselben Kapazitätslimitation unterliegen, während parallele Verarbeitung Evidenz dafür zeigen würde, dass beide Prozesse unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. Um diese Frage zu untersuchen, wurden Reaktionszeitmaße (locus-of-slack Methode), Targetdetektionsmaße (d’) und Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs; N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral)) gemessen. Schwerpunkt aller Analysen war der visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsprozess in einer Konjunktionssuche, die als Aufgabe 2 in Doppelaufgaben implementiert wurde. Aufgabe 1 war stets eine Wahlunterscheidungsaufgabe. Die Verhaltens- und elektrophysiologischen Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) in Aufgabe 2 parallel verarbeitet wurden unabhängig von der Stimulusmodalität in Aufgabe 1, der Schwierigkeit der Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und der Darbietungsform des Stimulusdisplays in Aufgabe 2. Außerdem wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um die Anzahl der Objekte zu berechnen, die parallel zur Reaktionsauswahl verarbeitet wurden. Die Berechnungen stützten die Konklusion, dass die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. / Response selection and visual attention are limited in capacity. Concerning dual-tasks of the Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) paradigm, it is assumed that response selection of Task 1 and Task 2 are processed sequentially. On the other hand, concerning conjunction search, it is assumed that visual attention selects the items and binds the item features resulting in a serial search process. In the present dissertation I investigated whether visual attention (i.e., feature binding) is subject to the same bottleneck mechanism as response selection in dual-tasks. Sequential processing of response selection and visual attention would provide evidence that both processes rely on a common capacity limitation, whereas concurrent processing would provide evidence that they rely on distinct capacity limitations. Reaction time (RT) measures based on the locus-of-slack method, target detectability measures based on d’, and the event-related potential (ERP) technique to measure the N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral) were combined to investigate this question. Analyses focused on visual attention deployment in a conjunction search task, which was implemented as Task 2 in dual-task situations. Task 1 was a choice discrimination task. Both tasks were presented at variable temporal overlap (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA). The behavioral and N2pc results showed that response selection in Task 1 and visual attention (i.e., feature binding) in Task 2 operated concurrently irrespective of the stimulus modality in Task 1, the response selection difficulty in Task 1 and the type of presentation of the search display in Task 2. Based on a method that was developed in the present dissertation, it was possible to calculate how many items of the search display were processed in parallel to response selection. The results supported the conclusion that response selection and visual attention rely on distinct capacity limitations.

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