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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'autovalutazione in età evolutiva: metacognizione e stili attributivi

Versari, Annalisa <1974> 12 April 2011 (has links)
The aim of the research is to study the capacity for self-evaluation of 271 primary school student undergoing tests involving mathematics and formal reasoning. Subjects were asked to estimate the number of correct answers and subsequently to compare their performance with that of their peers. The results demonstrate that all the subjects in all tests showed a significant negative relationship among real score and self - evaluation indices. Analyzing comparative assessments, the results reported in literature by Kruger and Dunning were confirmed: poor performers tend to significantly overestimate their own performance whilst top performers tend to underestimate it. This can be interpreted as a demonstration that the accuracy of comparative self-evaluations depends on a number of variables: cognitive and metacognitive factors and aspects associated with self-representation. To verify these aspects we examined bias in self evaluation from an attributional perspective too. Our conclusion is that cognitive and metacognitive processes work as “submerged” in highly subjective representations, allowing dynamics related to safeguarding the image one has of oneself to play a role.

The Simon effect and its time courses: an investigation

Baroni, Giulia <1981> 08 July 2011 (has links)
The objective of the current thesis is to investigate the temporal dynamics (i.e., time courses) of the Simon effect, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view, for a better understanding of whether a) one or more process are responsible for the Simon effect and b) how this/these mechanism/s differently influence performance. In the first theoretical (i.e., “Theoretical Overview”) part, I examined in detail the process and justification for analyzing the temporal dynamics of the Simon effect and the assumptions that underlie interpretation of the results which have been obtained in the existing literature so far. In the second part (“Experimental Investigations”), though, I experimentally investigated several issues which the existing literature left unsolved, in order to get further evidence in favor or in contrast with the mainstream models which are currently used to account for the different Simon effect time courses. Some points about the experiments are worth mentioning: First, all the experiments were conducted in the laboratory, facing participants with stimuli presented on a PC screen and then recording their responses. Both stimuli presentation and response collection was controlled by the E-Prime software. The dependent variables of interest were always behavioral measures of performance, such as velocity and accuracy. Second, the most part of my experiments had been conducted at the Communication Sciences Department (University of Bologna), under Prof. Nicoletti’s supervision. The remaining part, though, had been conducted at the Psychological Sciences Department of Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA), where I collaborated for one year as a visiting student with Prof. Proctor and his team. Third, my experimental pool was entirely composed by healthy and young students, since the cognitive functioning of elderly people was not the target of my research.

'Defending the rights'. An integrated model of collective action for "public water" in Italy

Mazzoni, Davide 09 March 2012 (has links)
In many communities, supplying water for the people is a huge task and the fact that this essential service can be carried out by the private sector respecting the right to water, is a debated issue. This dissertation investigates the mechanisms through which a 'perceived rights violation' - which represents a specific form of perceived injustice which derives from the violation of absolute moral principles – can promote collective action. Indeed, literature on morality and collective action suggests that even if many people apparently sustain high moral principles (like human rights), only a minority decides to act in order to defend them. Taking advantage of the political situation in Italy, and the recent mobilization for "public water" we hypothesized that, because of its "sacred value", the perceived violation of the right to water facilitates identification with the social movement and activism. Through five studies adopting qualitative and quantitative methods, we confirmed our hypotheses demonstrating that the perceived violation of the right to water can sustain activism and it can influence vote intentions at the referendum for 'public water'. This path to collective action coexists with other 'classical' predictors of collective action, like instrumental factors (personal advantages, efficacy beliefs) and anger. The perceived rights violation can derive both from personal values (i.e. universalism) and external factors (i.e. a mobilization campaign). Furthermore, we demonstrated that it is possible to enhance the perceived violation of the right to water and anger through a specifically designed communication campaign. The final chapter summarizes the main findings and discusses the results, suggesting some innovative line of research for collective action literature.

The Role of Multiple Social Categorisation in Promoting the Inclusion in the Human Group of Outgroup Members

Prati, Francesca <1982> 09 March 2012 (has links)
This dissertation examines social cognitive processes that promote perceived inclusion of outgroup members in the human group. We first review the literature on social categorization, highlighting the role of multiple and complex categorisations, as social cognitive processes reducing intergroup prejudice. Then, we review research on dehumanisation, addressing antecedents and consequences of this tendency to exclude the “others” from the human group, assessing that research is needed to address the construens role of categorisation in including outgroups in the human group. The first line of research pursued in this contribution investigates the effectiveness of multiple categorisation as a human-enhancing mechanism towards outgroups at stake. Study 1 shows that perceiving members of a rival University along multiple categorical dimensions enhances the tendency to attribute them human traits. Study 2, involving a highly threatening outgroup, that is, immigrants, goes further beyond previous findings showing that multiple categorisation increases not only attribution of human traits to the target, but also supports for policies in defense of outgroup members’ health. Furthermore, de-categorisation as well as perceived threat from immigrants explains the relationship between categorisation and their inclusion in the human group. The second line of research extends the issue of social inclusion of outgroups, through attribution of humanness, by investigating counter-stereotypical (vs. stereotypical) expectations of others. Across three studies we provide evidence that counter-stereotypical vs. stereotypical category combinations elicits more positive and less stereotypical judgments towards different outgroups and more interestingly, the attribution of higher humanness to unrelated outgroups. Furthermore, the extension of humanising outcomes to different discriminated outgroups is explained by an increase of cognitive flexibility, such as the inhibition of reliance on heuristic thoughts. In the general discussion, we highlight the relevance of our findings in the contexts of impression formation, groups perception and intergroup relationships.

Poverty and Mental Health. Tangible and Intangible Aspects of Microcredit

Bonaga, Giorgia <1979> 16 April 2012 (has links)
Microcredit, a small lending system, invests on an individual's creativity by stimulating the development of their own potential. This process leads to the attainment of various objectives which in turn allow individuals to develop their skill awareness. Consequently, this process also increases an individual’s self-esteem and self-confidence. These factors play an important role in the aetiology of a number of mental disorders. Namely, those characterized by a series of psychological conditions which impede the full development of a person’s personal, relational and social sphere. Furthermore, since Microcredit is thought to produce tangible goods, such as income, and intangible goods, such as self-esteem and mutual trust, it could also represent an innovative socio-economic tool. We therefore also hypothesize that, Microcredit would be valuable in maximizing abilities/skills in those subjects who are financially excluded and rarely perceived as a ‘resource’ for the Community The longitudinal study set the impact of the Grameen Bank microcredit program on new borrowers women from Noakhali District at the south Bangladesh. The impact evaluation assessment has been structured to detect individual, family and social changes. Manova Analysis allowed distinguishing from women with positive or negative outcomes related to the loan performance. Data revealed consistent differences in terms of economical outcomes and psychological well being amongst the groups of subject analyzed. The data gathered in relation to the changes arisen in the individuals should be looked into through future, continuous and systematic, monitoring.

The Efficiency of Microcredit Applied to Social Exclusion.

Rahman, MD Shamimur <1976> 16 April 2012 (has links)
Microcredit has been a tool to alleviate poverty since long. This research is aimed to observe the efficiency of microcredit in the field of social exclusion. The development of questionnaires and use of existing tools was used to observe the tangible and intangible intertwining of microcredit and by doing so the effort was concentrated to observe whether microcredit has a direct effect on social exclusion or not. Bangladesh was chosen for the field study and 85 samples were taken for the analysis. It is a time period research and one year time was set to receive the sample and working on the statistical analysis. The tangible aspect was based on a World Bank questionnaire and the social capital questionnaire was developed through different well observed tools. The borrowers of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, is the research sample whish shows a strong correlation between their tangible activity and social life. There are significant changes in tangible aspect and social participation observed from the research. Strong correlation between the two aspects was also found taking into account that the borrowers themselves have a vibrant social life in the village.

Stili cognitivi e sofisticazione politica, un approccio sperimentale allo studio del comportamento di voto dei giovani elettori Italiani e Bielorussi / Cognitive styles and political sophistication, an experimental approach to the study of voting behaviour of Italian and Belarusian young voters

Sivertsava, Iryna <1979> 27 June 2012 (has links)
L’oggetto della nostra ricerca è l’opinione pubblica e il comportamento dell’elettore in una prospettiva comparata. L’obiettivo della ricerca è stato analizzare la relevanza degli approcci psicologici per una migliore comprensiore della partecipazione politica, delle opinioni e delle scelte elettorali degli studenti Italiani e Bielorussi. Nella parte teorica, noi discutiamo i modelli dell'approccio cognitivo al comportamento di voto. Discutiamo inoltre il concetto dello stile cognitivo e le sue cinque categorie: stile sintetico, idealistico, pragmatico, analitico o realistico, come descritti da A.Harrison and R.M. Branson e adattati da A. Alexeev and L. Gromova. Nonostante il fatto che la ricerca tratta il caso degli studenti, noi crediamo che i risultati siano pertinenti per un’ulteriore ricerca dell’auditorio più vasto e variegato. / The object of our research is public opinion and voting behaviour, which we analyze in the comparative prospective. The aim of the research is to consider the relevance of psycho-political approach for a better understanding of political participation, public opinion and electoral choices of Italian and Belarusian students. In the theoreticasl part of this work, we deal with the main models of the cognitive approachto the study of political behavior. We also discuss the concept of cognitive styles, and their measurement by the questionnaire of A. Harrison and R. Branson, as modified by A. Alexeev and L. Gromova. Despite the fact that the research has dealt with the student audience only, we believe that its findings are extandable to larger audiences.

L'esplorazione dell'empowerment di un'istuzione di salute mentale / An exploration of empowerment of a forensic mental health service

Dervishi, Eglantina <1980> 15 April 2013 (has links)
Il ruolo dell’Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziaro è un problema crescente in entrambi i paesi sviluppati e in via di sviluppo. Gli esperti della psichiatria di comunità e dei gruppi di auto aiuto vedono l'empowerment come un fattore chiave per il successo di queste istituzioni. Uno studio quantitativo esplorativo è stato condotto in un ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario a Tirana. Questo studio ha misurato l'empowerment del paziente e il personale con l'obiettivo di comprendere la situazione attuale presso l'O. P. G. di Tirana. Questo consentirà alle parti interessate di effettuare un intervento di successo per servire al meglio le esigenze di tutte le parti. Empowerment in psichiatria può essere definito come un progetto attentamente progettata che contribuirà a consentire al personale di aiutare al meglio a soddisfare le esigenze dei pazienti e dei operatori. Pertanto, l’empowerment scale e altri questionari sono stati utilizzati sia per il paziente e gli operatori del personale dell'O. P. G. di Tirana. I risultati mostrano una differenza significativa tra il personale e i pazienti in materia di empowerment. Correlazioni interessanti sono state trovate tra l’empowerment e dati demografici dei pazienti e il personale dell'Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Tirana. Una correlazione positiva tra empowerment e alcuni elementi della qualità di vita dei pazienti. Si è anche trovato che l’empowerment dipendeva dalla gravità dei sintomi. E' molto importante avere un intervento concreto che prevede di aumentare il livello dell’empowerment nel personale e nei pazienti presso l'Ospedale Psichiatrico Giudiziario di Tirana. / The role of Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals is a growing issue in both developed and developing countries. Experts in the psychiatric community and self-help groups see empowerment as a key factor to the success of these institutions. A quantitative exploratory study was conducted in a Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Tirana. This study measured the empowerment of the patient and the staff with the aim of understanding the current issues in these two groups. By measuring and understanding the current situation at the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Tirana this will allow relevant parties to conduct a successful intervention to better serve the needs of all parties. Empowerment in psychiatry can be defined as a carefully designed project that will help allow the staff to best help meet the patients needs and requirements. Therefore, an empowerment scale and other questionnaires were used at both the patient and the staff levels of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Tirana. In order to assure the highest level of accuracy the empowerment scale was first validated. The results show a significant difference between the staff and the patients with regard to empowerment. Interesting correlations were found between empowerment and the demographic of the patients and the staff of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Tirana. There was a positive correlation between empowerment and some elements of the quality of life of the patients. It was also found that the empowerment was dependent on the gravity of the symptoms. It is very important to have some concrete intervention plans to help the empowerment of the staff and the patients at the Judicial Psychiatric Hospital in Tirana

Simulatore d’alba come possibile contromisura al social jetlag in adolescenza / Dawn simulator as a possible countermeasure for social jetlag in adolescence

Tonetti, Lorenzo <1980> 15 April 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo del presente progetto di ricerca era determinare se l’utilizzo non clinico del simulatore d’alba (un dispositivo che emette luce in graduale aumento prima del risveglio), basato su specifiche conoscenze cronobiologiche, potesse ridurre alcune delle conseguenze del social jetlag, in studenti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado. A tal fine, sono stati valutati gli effetti del simulatore d’alba su tono dell’umore (valutato soggettivamente tramite la Global and Vigor Affect Scale-GVA), livelli di attivazione (valutati soggettivamente tramite la GVA), qualità/quantità di sonno (valutate oggettivamente e soggettivamente tramite attigrafia e Mini Sleep Questionnaire-MSQ), architettura del sonno (valutata oggettivamente tramite Zeo®) ed efficienza dei tre network attentivi (alerting, orienting ed executive), valutata oggettivamente tramite l’Attention Network Test (ANT). In totale, hanno preso parte alla ricerca 56 adolescenti (24 femmine e 32 maschi), frequentanti due istituti di scuola secondaria di secondo grado nella città di Cesena, la cui età media era di 17.68 anni (range d’età 15-20 anni). Ad ogni studente è stata richiesta una partecipazione di 5 settimane consecutive ed il disegno di ricerca prevedeva 3 condizioni sperimentali: baseline, simulatore d’alba e controllo. All’MSQ, in seguito all’utilizzo del simulatore d’alba, sono state osservate una minore percezione di sonnolenza diurna, una frequenza inferiore di risvegli notturni ed una riduzione del numero di partecipanti che presentavano una cattiva qualità della veglia. All’ANT, è stato documentato un significativo miglioramento dell’efficienza del network attentivo dell’alerting, successivo all’impiego del simulatore d’alba, dovuto ad una maggiore reattività dei partecipanti in seguito alla comparsa del double cue, che anticipava la presentazione del target (freccia centrale di cui i partecipanti dovevano giudicare la direzione). Tali risultati convergono nell’evidenziare la capacità del simulatore d’alba di esercitare un effetto attivante/stimolante, mostrando dunque come esso possa essere considerato uno strumento potenzialmente utilizzabile quale contromisura al social jetlag in adolescenza. / The main goal of the present research project was to verify if the non-clinical use of the dawn simulator (i.e., a lamp that emits light that gradually increases before the morning awakening), based on a specific chronobiological knowledge, could reduce some of the social jetlag’s consequences in high school students. To this end, the effects of dawn simulator have been assessed on the following features: mood and activation (assessed subjectively through the Global Vigor and Affect Scale-GVA), quality and quantity of sleep (assessed both objectively and subjectively through actigraphy and Mini Sleep Questionnaire-MSQ, respectively), sleep architecture (assessed objectively through Zeo®), and efficiency of the three attentional networks (alerting, orienting and executive) assessed through the Attention Network Test (ANT). On the whole, 56 adolescents (24 females and 32 males) took part to the study and their mean age was 17.68 years (age ranging between 15 and 20 years); they were attending two high schools in the city of Cesena (Emilia-Romagna, Italy). Each adolescent was requested to participate for five consecutive weeks and the research design included the following three experimental conditions: baseline, dawn simulator and control. As regards the MSQ, after the use of dawn simulator, it was observed a lower perception of diurnal sleepiness, less nighttime awakenings and a lower number of participants with a bad wake quality. At the ANT, the efficiency of the alerting network improved subsequent to the use of dawn simulator, because participants were more alerted after the appearance of the double cue, that preceded the target (i.e., a centrally presented arrow of which participants had to identify the direction). Overall the present results show that the dawn simulator is able to determine an activating/alerting effect and thus it may be considered like a tool potentially usable as a countermeasure for social jetlag in adolescence.

Cáncer y tratamiento oncológico: Representaciones sociales de la población general, el paciente oncológico y miembros del equipo de salud / Cancer and cancer treatment: Social representations of the general population, cancer patients and health professionals

González, María Isabel <1955> 16 April 2013 (has links)
Se realizaron tres estudios cualitativos que tuvieron como propósito conocer las representaciones que ha construido la población general, los pacientes oncológicos y los profesionales de la salud, sobre el cáncer, la quimioterapia y el trasplante de médula ósea y realizar un análisis sobre las semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos. Se realizó en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia) con 55 personas: 20 pacientes con cáncer en proceso de trasplante de médula ósea, 20 personas no diagnosticadas con cáncer y 15 personas que trabajan en la atención de pacientes con cáncer. Se realizó una entrevista en profundidad con todos los participantes y asociaciones libres, clásicas y por sustitución sobre las palabras “cáncer”, “quimioterapia” y “trasplante de médula”. Los datos conseguidos se analizaron a la luz de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales (TRS). El análisis de la información siguió la técnica de análisis cualitativo de contenido para encontrar significados simbólicos y construir, denominar y definir categorías. Para los tres grupos el cáncer es una enfermedad terrible, que puede llevar a la muerte. El personal de salud y la población general creen que la enfermedad genera terror, angustia y miedo. Los pacientes tienen conciencia de la gravedad y del temor consecuente por una enfermedad que lo cambia todo, produce sufrimiento, dolor, obliga a depender de alguien y puede conducir a la muerte. El personal de salud considera que los pacientes lo pueden vivir como un castigo y la población general que puede ser la consecuencia de estilos de vida poco saludables. Para todos, la quimioterapia es un tratamiento para la enfermedad, que por un lado presenta efectos colaterales difíciles y visibles y que producen sentimientos negativos de temor y de angustia y al mismo tiempo constituye una opción y posibilidad de curación. El Trasplante de Médula Ósea representa para todos una oportunidad. / The present study consists of three qualitative studies whose purpose was to know the representations constructed by the general population, by oncological patients and health professionals, regarding cancer, chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. This study also carried out an analysis of similarities and differences between them. It was done in Bogotá (Colombia) with 55 people: 20 patients with cancer in process for bone marrow transplant, 20 people without cancer diagnosis and 15 people who work with patients with cancer. An in-depth interview was performed with each of the participants, as well as free, classical and by substitution associations of the words “cancer”, “chemotherapy” and “bone marrow transplant”. The data obtained was analyzed in light of the Theory of Social Representations (TSR). The analysis of the information followed the research technique of qualitative analysis of content in order to find symbolic significances and to construct, to denominate and to define categories. For the three groups, cancer is a terrible disease that could lead to death. Health personnel and the general population believe that the disease creates terror, anxiety and fear. Patients are aware of the seriousness and the consequent fear triggered by a disease that changes everything, produces suffering, pain, obliges them to depend of someone else and that could lead to death. Health professionals consider that patients can live cancer as a punishment and the general population believes that it can be the consequence of unhealthy life habits. For all, chemotherapy is a treatment for the disease that, one the one hand, produces difficult and visible collateral effects and creates negative feelings of fear and anxiety and, on the other hand, constitutes an option and a possibility for healing. The bone marrow transplant represents, for all of them, an opportunity to live.

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