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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förekomst, nöjdhet och trender av olika konservativa behandlingsmetoder för personer med idiopatisk skolios / Occurrence, satisfaction and trends of different conservative treatments for patients with idiopathic scoliosis

Andersson, Johan, Österberg, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Intro: Skolios definieras som en 3-dimensionell deviation av ryggraden, det krävs en Cobbvinkel på minst 10 grader för att diagnostiseras. Idiopatisk skolios är när orsaken är okänd. Korsett och PSSE (physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercise) har visat sig vara de konservativa behandlingsmetoder som visat sig vara mest effektiv. Andra konservativa behandlingsmetoder som används är styrketräning, yoga/ pilates, stretching, massage, akupunktur, EMS, Alexandertekniken samt mobilisering/manipulation. Syfte: Undersöka vilka konservativa behandlingsmetoder som är vanligt förekommande bland personer med idiopatisk skolios i Sverige, undersöka hur nöjda deltagarna är med respektive behandling samt undersöka om det finns samband mellan behandlingsmetod och kön, topografi samt magnitud av skolios. Trender som refereras till i titeln syftar på ovan nämnda eventuella samband. Metod: Enkätundersökning via Google formulär för personer som är medlem i Svenska Skoliosföreningens Facebook sida. Krav på deltagande var; diagnostiserade med idiopatisk skolios, >18 år, utförd konservativ behandling/ar för sin skolios. Analys av data gjord i Jamovi version 2.2.3. Resultat: Korsett var den vanligaste konservativa behandlingsmetoden, 35 av 46 hade använt det. Massage var deltagarna mest nöjda med, av 22 var 68,2% nöjda. Mest missnöjd med var deltagarna som använt korsett, av 35 var 42,9% missnöjda. En association sågs mellan korsett och magnitud på skoliosen (p=.002). Ingen analys kunde göras på sambandet mellan behandlingsmetod och kön då en överrepresentation av kvinnor fanns hos deltagarna. Slutsats: För att dra större slutsatser kring förekomst, nöjdhet samt trender för konservativa behandlingsmetoder för personer med idiopatisk skolios krävs en studie med ett större urval och jämnare fördelning av kön samt magnitud och topografi av skoliosen.

Modeling of Hybrid STATCOM in PSSE

Mikwar, Abulaziz January 2017 (has links)
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) have the ability of voltage supportand increase transmission capacity. In order to specify a FACTS devicethat is performing according to expectations in a network, a set of studiesand network analyses must be performed. Part of these studies are done usingpower system analysis programs such as PSS®E, which is a planning toolsimulating large power systems in phasor domain using RMS values. Theseplanning tools are used for evaluating stability and reinforcement needs ina power system. The results play a vital role in investment decisions inthe power system. FACTS devices are modeled in PSS®E using a programminglanguage called FORTRAN. It is important to model FACTS devicesaccurately to avoid misleading results. In this Master thesis, STATCOMand Hybrid-STATCOM models are proposed and programmed accordingto ABB’s control strategy. The models are tested in PSS®E and verifiedagainst detailed models in PSCAD. Also, the models are compared againstother industry wide spread generic models. / System inom produktgruppen FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems)har m¨ojligheten att st¨odja sp¨anning och h¨oja ¨overf¨oringskapacitet p°a existerandeledningar. F¨or att kunna specificera en FACTS-anl¨aggning sombeter sig som f¨orv¨antat i ett eln¨at beh¨ovs ett antal studier och n¨atanalyserutf¨oras. Delar av dessa studier ¨ar gjorda genom att anv¨anda verktyg f¨orkraftsystemanalys som t.ex. PSS®E, som ¨ar ett verktyg f¨or n¨atplaneringd¨ar fasvektorer och RMS-v¨arden anv¨ands i ber¨akningarna. Dessa verktyganv¨ands f¨or att evaluera stabilitet och utbyggnadsbehov i eln¨atet. Resultatenfr°an verktygen spelar en vital roll i investeringsbeslut i ett eln¨at.FACTS-system modelleras i PSS®E med hj¨alp av programmeringsspr°aketFORTRAN. Det ¨ar viktigt att anv¨anda korrekta modeller f¨or att undvikamissledande resultat. I denna Master-uppsats f¨oresl°as och utvecklasSTATCOM och Hybrid-STATCOM modeller i enlighet med ABBs kontrollstrategi.Modellerna testas i PSS®E och verifieras mot detaljerade modelleri PSCAD. Modellerna j¨amf¨ors ¨aven mot andra generiska modeller som ¨araccepterade och spridda ¨over branschen i stort.

On Large Sparse Linear Inequality And Equality Constrained Linear Least Squares Algorithms With Applications In Energy Control Centers

Pandian, A 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Development Of Algorithms For Bad Data Detection In Power System State Estimation

Musti, S S Phaniram 07 1900 (has links)
Power system state estimation (PSSE) is an energy management system function responsible for the computation of the most likely values of state variables viz., bus voltage magnitudes and angles. The state estimation is obtained within a network at a given instant by solving a system of mostly non-linear equations whose parameters are the redundant measurements, both static such as transformer/line parameters and dynamic such as, status of circuit breakers/isolators, transformer tap positions, active/reactive power flows, generator active/reactive power outputs etc. PSSE involves solving an over determined set of nonlinear equations by minimizing a weighted norm of the measurement residuals. Typically, the L1 and L2 norms are employed. The use of L2 norm leads to state estimation based on the weighted least squares (WLS) criterion. This method is known to exhibit efficient filtering capability when the errors are Gaussian but fails in the case of presence of bad data. The method of hypothesis testing identification can be incorporated into the WLS estimator to detect and identify bad data. Nevertheless, it is prone to failure when the measurement is a leverage point. On the other hand state estimation based on the weighted least absolute value (WLAV) criterion using L1 norm, has superior bad data suppression capability. But it also fails in rejecting bad data measurements associated with leverage points. Leverage points are highly influential measurements that attract the state estimator solution towards them. Consequently, much research effort has focused recently, on producing a LAV estimator that remains robust in the presence of bad leverage measurements. This problem has been addressed in the thesis work. Two methods, which aims development of robust estimator that are insensitive to bad leverage points, have been proposed viz., (i) The objective function used here is obtained by linearizing L2 norm of the error function. In addition to the constraints corresponding to measurement set, constraints corresponding to bounds of state variables are also involved. Linear programming (LP) optimization is carried out using upper bound optimization technique. (ii) A hybrid optimization algorithm which is combination of”upper bound optimization technique” and ”an improved algorithm for discrete l1 linear approximation”, to restrict the state variables not to leave the basis during optimization process. Linear programming optimization, with bounds of state variables as additional constraints is carried out using the proposed hybrid optimization algorithm. The proposed state estimator algorithms are tested on 24-bus EHV equivalent of southern power network, 36-bus EHV equivalent of western grid, 205-bus interconnected grid system of southern region and IEEE-39 bus New England system. Performances of the proposed two methods are compared with the WLAV estimator in the presence of bad data associated with leverage points. Also, the effect of bad leverage measurements on the interacting bad data, which are non-leverage, has been compared. Results show that proposed state estimator algorithms rejects bad data associated with leverage points efficiently.

Development Of Algorithms For Applications In Energy Control Centres

Nagaraja, R 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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