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Transformation Of Public Space: The Case Of Migros Akkopru Shopping CenterTunc, Gulcin 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Today, it is observed that shopping centers that are increasingly growing in number, especially in metropolitan cities, are used as public spaces by many urban inhabitants. Shopping centers have become places where social life is experienced and leisure time is spent through a wide range of activities offered besides shopping. On the other side, city centers that can be regarded as the most essential public spaces of urban areas are in a process of deterioration both in terms of physical quality and functional features.
These two developments are essential indicators of a change and transformation concerning the public space&rsquo / s role and its features like openness to everyone&rsquo / s use, high accessibility and social integration. Within this context, in this study, finding the direction of this transformation and the extent that shopping centers possess the characteristics of public space are aimed.
In this respect, after a literature review about public space, city center and shopping center within the context of the aim, the development of city centers and public spaces of Ankara is examined. After the development of shopping centers that flourished within the last ten-fifteen years in Ankara and their socio-spatial effects upon the city are discussed, hypothesis is tested through the findings of the questionnaire survey made in Migros Akkö / prü / Shopping Center.
Lastly, findings and conclusions are summarized and interpretations for future and policy proposals are made concerning the changing functions and uses of public spaces and shopping centers.
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ZBROJOVKA BRNO / ZBROJOVKA FACTORY BRNOKraut, Jan January 2014 (has links)
ZBROJOVKA BRNO - Opportunity for the city Strategies for Zbrojovka Brno, the third largest brownfield in the city. Urban policy and the process of integration of the site into the city and connection with his organism. Creating a territorial strategy or tactical urbanism procedure that tries successive interventions re- incorporate this into the organism of the city , in a way that fully reflect the needs , possibilities and polarity in the territory. It is essential that the established process allowed for long-term gradual regeneration, which can be interrupted by economic pressure, and in its every moment of creating a working environment that sudden interruption of restorative work in their stride. The entire process of restoring the site is divided into several phases , but at each flexibly connected and can run such a large area partially independently . Based on the current state of the complex, which is gradually opened , are removed objects that are in disrepair , and those that hinder the development of the area and its smooth functioning. Subsequently, traffic control , area connected to public transport. As a result, the situation will stabilize and rehabilitate the total area of the factory and its surroundings. All through individual interventions in its structure and public space. The whole process is documented on the basic objectives and approaches of the phases that are subsequently documented reference interventions and achievements typical of the condition of the site. All complemented by an analysis of the phenomenon of the basic tasks of rehabilitation of the site.
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Increasing Walkability Capacity Of Historic City Centers: The Case Of MersinBelge, Zuleyha Sara 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Sustainability, livability and quality of life have become widely and in-depth discussed issues in the literature of urban zlanning and design. This study primarily aims to
investigate the concept of walkability as a part of the literature on livability. To draw a wider theoretical framework for this study, it first seeks to answer the questions of what
the terms of &lsquo / livability&rsquo / and &lsquo / quality of life&rsquo / mean, and what components they constitute. Then, it focuses on the concept of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / as one of the major components of these
terms and as a measurable notion in urban design. Thus, this research seeks to define the notion of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / and to identify a set of measures of walkability in public
spaces to be used for the assessment of the &lsquo / walkability capacity&rsquo / of urban space. It should be noted that this research particularly tries to use the indicators of walkability
which can directly impact on the design quality of urban space. Third, this research focuses on Mersin historic city center which has been in the process of deterioration for
a while due to various current urban policies and strategies. As the case studies, it examines Uray and Atatü / rk Streets which constitute the major thoroughfares of the historic city center by using the set of walkability measures. It investigates the
walkability quality of four different character zones of Uray and Atatü / rk Streets, and identifies their walkability capacities, problems and potentials. Finally, it suggests the policy and practical solutions on the design of these public spaces that will not only improve the walkability capacity of these streets, but also be helpful for the revitalization of the historic city center.
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Принципы доступной среды и универсального дизайна в формировании общественных пространств города (на примере Екатеринбурга) / The principles of an accessible environment and universal design in the formation of public spaces in the city (on the example of Yekaterinburg)Помелов, В. И., Pomelov, V. I. January 2022 (has links)
Доступная среда для инвалидов как социальный аспект является одним из требований для проектирования зданий по критериям устойчивого развития, что напрямую влияет как на развитие архитектурного облика объектов социальной инфраструктуры, так и на развитие нашего общества в общечеловеческом понимании в целом. Диссертационное исследование посвящено существующим проблемам обеспечения беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов и иных маломобильных групп населения (МГН) к объектам социальной инфраструктуры. Проанализированы нормативные правовые акты. Разъясняются понятия: «Доступная среда», «Универсальный дизайн», «Разумное приспособление». Определены основные принципы подходов при создании беспрепятственного доступа. Изучен опыт существующих решений беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов к объектам социальной инфраструктуры в Берлине и в г. Екатеринбурге. Выявлены проблемы развития беспрепятственного доступа. В исследовании проведен социологический опрос целевой аудитории, что помогло выявить наиболее проблемную зону «Вход(ы) в здание». В социологическом опросе также получились очень интересными другие выводы, полностью меняющие концепцию подхода к созданию безбарьерной среды жизнедеятельности, т. к. подавляющее большинство респондентов определяют создание безбарьерной среды необходимым для всех граждан, а не только для инвалидов и иных МГН, «инвалида нет – есть человек». Определены критерии безбарьерной среды, обобщены параметры требований для структурно-функциональной зоны «Вход(ы) в здание», представлены графические материалы решения беспрепятственного доступа. / An accessible environment for the disabled as a social aspect is one of the requirements for designing buildings according to sustainable development criteria, which directly affects the development of the architectural appearance of social infrastructure facilities and the development of our society in the human sense as a whole. The dissertation research is devoted to the existing problems of ensuring unhindered access for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (MSG) to social infrastructure facilities. The normative legal acts are analyzed. Concepts are explained: Accessible environment/Universal design/Reasonable accommodation. The basic principles of approaches to creating unhindered access are determined. The experience of existing solutions for unhindered access of disabled people to social infrastructure facilities in Berlin and Yekaterinburg was studied. Problems of development of unimpeded access are revealed. The study conducted a sociological survey of the target audience, which helped to identify the most problematic area «Entrance(s) to the building». The sociological survey also yielded very interesting and other conclusions that completely change the concept of the approach to creating a barrier-free living environment, the vast majority of respondents define the creation of a barrier-free environment as for all citizens, and not just for the disabled and other MGNs, «there is no disabled person is a person». The criteria for a barrier-free environment are defined, the parameters of the requirements for the structural-functional zone "Entrance (s) to the building" are summarized, and graphic materials for the solution of unhindered access are presented.
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