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Optimální parametry bezbariérovosti krytých plaveckých bazénů se zaměřením na potřeby osob s omezenými možnostmi pohybu a orientace / Optimal Parameters for Barrier-free Indoor Swimming Pools /Focusing on the Needs of Pepople with Limited Motion and Orientation Abilities.Hajdů, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
Subject: Optimal Parameters for Barrier-free Indoor Swimming Pools Focusing on the Needs of People with Limited Motion and Orientation Abilities. Objectives of the thesis: The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the optimal parameters of barier - free indoor swimming pools taking into account the requirements of persons with reduced mobility and orientation; based on the needs of these persons and the current legal standards to list the parameters for the construction and evaluation of swimming facilities in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, to find out views on this topic in the students of the faculties of building. Methods: A questionnaire survey of selected population will be carried out. Furthermore, the methods of a semistandardized interview will be used and a field research in the monitored objects will be implemented. Results: The results will confirm or disprove the predetermined hypotheses and will contribute to understanding the issues. A basis for creating an optimal barrier-free project will be made. Keywords: barrier-free environment, swimming pool, visual impairment, physical handicap 3
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Принципы доступной среды и универсального дизайна в формировании общественных пространств города (на примере Екатеринбурга) / The principles of an accessible environment and universal design in the formation of public spaces in the city (on the example of Yekaterinburg)Помелов, В. И., Pomelov, V. I. January 2022 (has links)
Доступная среда для инвалидов как социальный аспект является одним из требований для проектирования зданий по критериям устойчивого развития, что напрямую влияет как на развитие архитектурного облика объектов социальной инфраструктуры, так и на развитие нашего общества в общечеловеческом понимании в целом. Диссертационное исследование посвящено существующим проблемам обеспечения беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов и иных маломобильных групп населения (МГН) к объектам социальной инфраструктуры. Проанализированы нормативные правовые акты. Разъясняются понятия: «Доступная среда», «Универсальный дизайн», «Разумное приспособление». Определены основные принципы подходов при создании беспрепятственного доступа. Изучен опыт существующих решений беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов к объектам социальной инфраструктуры в Берлине и в г. Екатеринбурге. Выявлены проблемы развития беспрепятственного доступа. В исследовании проведен социологический опрос целевой аудитории, что помогло выявить наиболее проблемную зону «Вход(ы) в здание». В социологическом опросе также получились очень интересными другие выводы, полностью меняющие концепцию подхода к созданию безбарьерной среды жизнедеятельности, т. к. подавляющее большинство респондентов определяют создание безбарьерной среды необходимым для всех граждан, а не только для инвалидов и иных МГН, «инвалида нет – есть человек». Определены критерии безбарьерной среды, обобщены параметры требований для структурно-функциональной зоны «Вход(ы) в здание», представлены графические материалы решения беспрепятственного доступа. / An accessible environment for the disabled as a social aspect is one of the requirements for designing buildings according to sustainable development criteria, which directly affects the development of the architectural appearance of social infrastructure facilities and the development of our society in the human sense as a whole. The dissertation research is devoted to the existing problems of ensuring unhindered access for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (MSG) to social infrastructure facilities. The normative legal acts are analyzed. Concepts are explained: Accessible environment/Universal design/Reasonable accommodation. The basic principles of approaches to creating unhindered access are determined. The experience of existing solutions for unhindered access of disabled people to social infrastructure facilities in Berlin and Yekaterinburg was studied. Problems of development of unimpeded access are revealed. The study conducted a sociological survey of the target audience, which helped to identify the most problematic area «Entrance(s) to the building». The sociological survey also yielded very interesting and other conclusions that completely change the concept of the approach to creating a barrier-free living environment, the vast majority of respondents define the creation of a barrier-free environment as for all citizens, and not just for the disabled and other MGNs, «there is no disabled person is a person». The criteria for a barrier-free environment are defined, the parameters of the requirements for the structural-functional zone "Entrance (s) to the building" are summarized, and graphic materials for the solution of unhindered access are presented.
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永續無障礙交通人行環境營造之研究 / The Research on Establishing A Sustainable and Accessible Pedestrian Environment林珊汝, Shan-Ju Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本文之研究範圍界定為交通人行環境中之人行道部分,但完整之無障礙環境範圍含括生活輔具、建築設備、建築物、交通運具、大眾運輸設施等,所以除了本研究範圍外,其他相關範疇仍需後續研究之努力,使完整的無障礙環境均能具備永續發展的精神。 / Though the implementation of barrier-free environment on Taiwan has been up to and assured by Constitution, the concept of sustainable development still seldom showed in the construction of barrier-free environment for the pedestrians. Moreover, in all domestic and foreign literatures conducted and analyzed in the study, it does not discuss whether the construction is consonant with the concept of sustainable development solely through the viewpoint of pedestrians’ barrier-free transit environment.
Therefore, the study adopted the nine principles put forward by the NRTEE concern to explore whether the promotions of a barrier-free environment for the pedestrians by the U.S., U.K., and Japan are consistent with their sustainable development policies. Subsequently, the study tried to give suggestions on pedestrians’ barrier-free environment related laws, regulations, policies, and programs through examining the experience of previous 3 countries as well as the principles of OECD. The study hoped to realize the constructing concept of a barrier-free environment for pedestrians through an innovative link and to make pedestrian transport sustainable. Hopefully the study could lead researchers a new way of thinking.
The research scope of the study is limited only in the sidewalks in pedestrian transport. The whole barrier-free environment, however, involves assistance facilities, buildings, construction facilities, vehicles, and public transport. Therefore, more endeavors on in-depth studies in previous related fields should be done to create an integral barrier-free environment with sustainable development spirit.
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