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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Large Eddy Simulations of Complex Flows in IC-Engine's Exhaust Manifold and Turbine

Fjällman, Johan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the flow in pipe bends and radial turbines geometries that are commonly found in an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). The development phase of internal combustion engines relies more and more on simulations as an important complement to experiments. This is partly because of the reduction in development cost and the shortening of the development time. This is one of the reasons for the need of more accurate and predictive simulations. By using more complex computational methods the accuracy and predictive capabilities are increased. The disadvantage of using more sophisticated tools is that the computational time is increasing, making such tools less attractive for standard design purposes. Hence, one of the goals of the work has been to contribute to assess and improve the predictive capability of the simpler methods used by the industry. By comparing results from experiments, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) computations, and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) the accuracy of the different computational methods can be established. The advantages of using LES over RANS for the flows under consideration stems from the unsteadiness of the flow in the engine manifold. When such unsteadiness overlaps the natural turbulence the model lacks a rational foundation. The thesis considers the effect of the cyclic flow on the chosen numerical models. The LES calculations have proven to be able to predict the mean field and the fluctuations very well when compared to the experimental data. Also the effects of pulsatile exhaust flow on the performance of the turbine of a turbocharging system is assessed. Both steady and pulsating inlet conditions are considered for the turbine case, where the latter is a more realistic representation of the real flow situation inside the exhaust manifold and turbine. The results have been analysed using different methods: single point Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), probe line means and statistics, area and volume based Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). / Denna avhandling behandlar flödet i rörkrökar och radiella turbiner som vanligtvis återfinns i en förbränningsmotor. Utvecklingsfasen av förbränningsmotorer bygger mer och mer på att simuleringar är ett viktigt komplement till experiment. Detta beror delvis på minskade utvecklingskostnader men även på kortare utevklningstider. Detta är en av anledningarna till att man behöver mer exakta och prediktiva simuleringsmetoder. Genom att använda mer komplexa beräkningsmetoder så kan både nogrannheten och prediktiviteten öka. Nackdelen med att använda mer sofistikerade metoder är att beräkningstiden ökar, vilket medför att sådana verktyg är mindre attraktiva för standardiserade design ändamål. Härav, ett av målen med projektet har varit att bidra med att bedöma och förbättra de enklare metodernas prediktionsförmåga som används utav industrin. Genom att jämföra resultat från experiment, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) och Large Eddy Simulations (LES) så kan nogrannheten hos de olika simuleringsmetoderna fastställas. Fördelarna med att använda LES istället för RANS när det gäller de undersökta flödena kommer ifrån det instationära flödet i grenröret. När denna instationäritet överlappar den naturligt förekommande turbulensen så saknar modellen en rationell grund. Denna avhandling behandlar effekten av de cykliska flöderna på de valda numeriska modellerna. LES beräkningarna har bevisats kunna förutsäga medelfältet och fluktuationerna väldigt väl när man jämför med experimentell data. Effekterna som den pulserande avgasströmning har på turboladdarens turbin prestanda har också kunnat fastställas. Både konstant och pulserande inlopps randvillkor har används för turbinfallet, där det senare är ett mer realistiskt representation av den riktiga strömningsbilden innuti avgasgrenröret och turbinen. Resultaten har analyserats på flera olika sätt: snabba Fourier transformer (FFT) i enskilda punkter, medelvärden och statistik på problinjer, area och volumsbaserade metoder så som Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) samt Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). / <p>QC 20140919</p>

The Oscillatory Shear Index: Quantifications for Valve Tissue Engineering and a Novel Interpretation for Calcification

Williams, Alex 29 June 2018 (has links)
Heart valve tissue engineering (HVTE) stands as a potential intervention that could reduce the prevalence of congenital heart valve disease in juvenile patients. Prior studies in our laboratory have utilized mechanobiological testing to quantify the forces involved in the development of heart valve tissue, utilizing a Flow-Stretch-Flexure (FSF) bioreactor to condition bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs)-derived valve tissue. Simulations have demonstrated that certain sets of flow conditions can introduce specific levels of oscillatory shear stress (OSS)-induced stimuli, augmenting the growth of engineered valves as well as influencing collagen formation, extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and gene expression. The computational findings discussed in this thesis outline the methods in which flow conditions, when physiologically relevant, induce specific oscillatory shear stresses which could not only lead to an optimized valve tissue phenotype (at 0.18≤ OSI≤ 0.23), but could identify native valve tissue remodeling indicative of aortic valve disease.

Μοντελοποίηση της ροής του αίματος σε στένωση προκαλούμενη από περίδεση της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας / Blood flow modeling in the stenosis induced by the pulmonary artery banding

Μπάκα, Πανωρέα 07 July 2010 (has links)
Οι καρδιαγγειακές παθήσεις αποτελούν την κύρια αιτία θανάτου στις αναπτυγμένες χώρες. Η στένωση σε μία αρτηρία, είτε αυτή προκαλείται από μία πάθηση όπως το ανεύρυσμα, είτε προκαλείται από μία περίδεση, όπως στις περιπτώσεις των συγγενών καρδιοπαθειών, μπορεί να μεταβάλλει σε σημαντικό βαθμό τα χαρακτηριστικά της ροής του αίματος. Η μελέτη της φυσιολογικής παλλόμενης ροής μέσα από στένωση είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική για τη διάγνωση και αντιμετώπιση των αγγειακών νόσων. Το ιατρικό πρόβλημα το οποίο εξετάζουμε στην παρούσα εργασία, είναι η στένωση της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας από περίδεση. Η περίδεση γίνεται προφανώς για να μειωθεί η υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση και τελικά η ροή του αίματος προς τους πνεύμονες. Πρόκειται για μία χειρουργική μέθοδο αντιμετώπισης συγγενών καρδιοπαθειών. Η περίδεση της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας (pulmonary artery banding - PAB) είτε με συμβατικό τρόπο, ή με την πλέον σύγχρονη μέθοδο μέσω της συσκευής FloWatchTM προκαλεί τη στένωσή της. Με τον συμβατικό τρόπο η στένωση μπορεί να θεωρηθεί αξονικά συμμετρική, ωστόσο με τη χρήση του FloWatchTM είναι μη αξονικά συμμετρική. Έχει αποδειχθεί ότι τόσο η αξονικά συμμετρική, όσο και η μη συμμετρική περίδεση δημιουργεί διαφόρου βαθμού ίνωση του τοιχώματος της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας. Η αναδόμηση της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας είναι πολύ ηπιότερη στην περίπτωση της περίδεσης με το FloWatchTM. Η διαφοροποίηση αυτή έγκειται κυρίως στο ότι η συμβατική περίδεση προκαλεί για συγκεκριμένη μείωση της διατομής ισχυρότερη μείωση της περιμέτρου της διατομής από εκείνης της περίδεσης με το FloWatchTM. Στην παρούσα εργασία γίνεται αναφορά και ανάλυση των διαφόρων περιπτώσεων ροής σε στενώσεις αρτηριών, των συγγενών καρδιοπαθειών και των τεχνικών περίδεσης της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας. Επιπρόσθετα, μελετήθηκαν και υπολογίστηκαν η μόνιμη και η παλλόμενη ροή σε αξονικά συμμετρική 25% στένωση προκαλούμενη από συμβατική περίδεση, καθώς και η μόνιμη και παλλόμενη ροή σε μη συμμετρική 25% στένωση της πνευμονικής αρτηρίας όπως προκαλείται από το FloWatchTM, μέσω των πακέτων Fluent και Gambit. Η υπολογιστική μελέτη του πεδίου ροής περιλαμβάνει την κατανομή ταχυτήτων, τον προσδιορισμό των περιοχών ανακυκλοφορίας, την κατανομή των πιέσεων και την σύγκριση των παραπάνω μεγεθών με τα αντίστοιχα αποτελέσματα της βιβλιογραφίας. Τέλος, με βάση τα αποτελέσματα γίνεται η σύγκριση των δύο μελετούμενων μεθόδων περίδεσης. Αριθμητικά ρεαλιστικά δεδομένα ελήφθησαν από την καρδιοχειρουργική κλινική του νοσοκομείου Παίδων «Αγία Σοφία». / Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in developed countries. A stenosis in an artery , caused either by a disease such as an aneurism or by a banding (such as in congenital diseases) can change the characteristics of the blood flow very seriously. The study of the physiological pulsatile flow through a stenosis is very important for the diagnosis and treatment of the arterial diseases. The medical problem which is examined in this study is pulmonary artery stenosis caused by a banding. The banding takes place to reduce the high arterial pressure and finally the blood flow from the heart to the lungs. It is a surgical method used for treatment of congenital heart diseases. The pulmonary artery banding either with the use of the conventional method or the most modern with the use of the FloWatchTM technology causes stenosis of the artery. With the conventional method, stenosis can be considered axially symmetrical while with the use of FloWatchTM it is asymmetrical. It has been proven that both the axially symmetrical and asymmetrical banding cause fibrosis of the pulmonary artery walls of different degrees. The reconstruction of the pulmonary artery is milder where there is banding with FloWatchTM. This differentiation is based mainly on the fact that the conventional banding causes, for a specific decrease of the cross-section, a decrease in the perimeter of the cross-section higher than that of banding with FloWatchTM. In this assignment there is a report of different cases of flow in arterial stenosis, in congenital heart diseases and pulmonary banding techniques. In addition what was studied and appreciated was the steady and pulsatile flow in axially symmetrical 25% stenosis caused by the conventional banding, as well as the steady and pulsatile flow in asymmetrical 25% stenosis of pulmonary artery caused by FloWatchTM with the use of Fluent and Gambit. The numerical study of flow distribution includes velocity distribution, designation of back flow area, distribution of pressure and comparison of these quantities with the results in bibliography. Finally, based on the results, there is a comparison of the two banding methods under study. The numerical realistic data were received from the cardio-surgical clinic of children’s hospital “Aghia Sophia”.

Image Segmentation, Parametric Study, and Supervised Surrogate Modeling of Image-based Computational Fluid Dynamics

Islam, Md Mahfuzul 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / With the recent advancement of computation and imaging technology, Image-based computational fluid dynamics (ICFD) has emerged as a great non-invasive capability to study biomedical flows. These modern technologies increase the potential of computation-aided diagnostics and therapeutics in a patient-specific environment. I studied three components of this image-based computational fluid dynamics process in this work. To ensure accurate medical assessment, realistic computational analysis is needed, for which patient-specific image segmentation of the diseased vessel is of paramount importance. In this work, image segmentation of several human arteries, veins, capillaries, and organs was conducted to use them for further hemodynamic simulations. To accomplish these, several open-source and commercial software packages were implemented. This study incorporates a new computational platform, called InVascular, to quantify the 4D velocity field in image-based pulsatile flows using the Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method (VLBM). We also conducted several parametric studies on an idealized case of a 3-D pipe with the dimensions of a human renal artery. We investigated the relationship between stenosis severity and Resistive index (RI). We also explored how pulsatile parameters like heart rate or pulsatile pressure gradient affect RI. As the process of ICFD analysis is based on imaging and other hemodynamic data, it is often time-consuming due to the extensive data processing time. For clinicians to make fast medical decisions regarding their patients, we need rapid and accurate ICFD results. To achieve that, we also developed surrogate models to show the potential of supervised machine learning methods in constructing efficient and precise surrogate models for Hagen-Poiseuille and Womersley flows.


MD MAHFUZUL ISLAM (12455868) 12 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>With the recent advancement of computation and imaging technology, Image-based computational fluid dynamics (ICFD) has emerged as a great non-invasive capability to study biomedical flows. These modern technologies increase the potential of computation-aided diagnostics and therapeutics in a patient-specific environment. I studied three components of this image-based computational fluid dynamics process in this work.</p> <p>To ensure accurate medical assessment, realistic computational analysis is needed, for which patient-specific image segmentation of the diseased vessel is of paramount importance. In this work, image segmentation of several human arteries, veins, capillaries, and organs was conducted to use them for further hemodynamic simulations. To accomplish these, several open-source and commercial software packages were implemented. </p> <p>This study incorporates a new computational platform, called <em>InVascular</em>, to quantify the 4D velocity field in image-based pulsatile flows using the Volumetric Lattice Boltzmann Method (VLBM). We also conducted several parametric studies on an idealized case of a 3-D pipe with the dimensions of a human renal artery. We investigated the relationship between stenosis severity and Resistive index (RI). We also explored how pulsatile parameters like heart rate or pulsatile pressure gradient affect RI.</p> <p>As the process of ICFD analysis is based on imaging and other hemodynamic data, it is often time-consuming due to the extensive data processing time. For clinicians to make fast medical decisions regarding their patients, we need rapid and accurate ICFD results. To achieve that, we also developed surrogate models to show the potential of supervised machine learning methods in constructing efficient and precise surrogate models for Hagen-Poiseuille and Womersley flows.</p>

Cerebral venous outflow resistance and interpretation of cervical plethysmography data with respect to the diagnosis of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency

Beggs, Clive B., Shepherd, Simon J., Zamboni, P. January 2014 (has links)
No / PURPOSE: To investigate cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics in the aqueduct of Sylvius (AoS) in chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI)-positive and -negative healthy individuals using cine phase contrast imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one healthy individuals (32 CCSVI-negative and 19 age-matched CCSVI-positive subjects) were examined using Doppler sonography (DS). Diagnosis of CCSVI was established if subjects fulfilled >/=2 venous hemodynamic criteria on DS. CSF flow and velocity measures were quantified using a semiautomated method and compared with clinical and routine 3T MRI outcomes. RESULTS: CCSVI was associated with increased CSF pulsatility in the AoS. Net positive CSF flow was 32% greater in the CCSVI-positive group compared with the CCSVI-negative group (P = 0.008). This was accompanied by a 28% increase in the mean aqueductal characteristic signal (ie, the AoS cross-sectional area over the cardiac cycle) in the CCSVI-positive group compared with the CCSVI-negative group (P = 0.021). CONCLUSION: CSF dynamics are altered in CCSVI-positive healthy individuals, as demonstrated by increased pulsatility. This is accompanied by enlargement of the AoS, suggesting that structural changes may be occurring in the brain parenchyma of CCSVI-positive healthy individuals.

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