Spelling suggestions: "subject:"macht"" "subject:"yacht""
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Josef Macek a první československá pozemková reforma / Josef Macek and the First Czechoslovakian Land ReformŠtěrba, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis Josef Macek and the First Czechoslovakian Land Reform is focused on the theoretical work and political engagement of a prominent Czech economist and social democratic politician Josef Mack (1887 - 1972) in relation to the first Czechoslovak land reform with an accent on the first half of the 1920s in Czechoslovakia. The theoretical level is confronted with political practice in the bodies of (Revoluční) Národní shromáždění.
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Essays on land lease markets, productivity, biodiversity, and environmental variability /Bezabih, Mintewab. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Göteborg, 2007. / Enth. 4 Beitr.
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Das deutsche Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht und die Europäische Union : Auswirkungen des Urteils des Europäischen Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache Stauffer auf das deutsche Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht /Oettler, Frank. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.
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Essays in law and economics /Volokh, Alexander. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Mass., Harvard Univ., Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Diss.--Cambridge, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.
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Obchodování se zemědělskými pozemky / Trading in Agricultural LandMachů, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis looks into farm lands and their trade. The purpose of this thesis is to access the conditions in which the business with estates is happening in our country and make schemes for different types of trades. For each type of the trade in the thesis are added comments and documents which are necessary to make a successful deal.
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Postup vydávání církevního majetku v rámci církevních restitucí / The procedure for issuing of church property within the church restitutionJandásková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
In the introduction, this thesis describes the way property is transferred from the obligated persons – the state, to the entitled persons - churches and religious communities. Consequently, it discusses the Roman Catholic Church’s management of the newly acquired real estates, specifically of the arable land.
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Právo stavby a jiné možnosti postavit dům na cizím pozemku / Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of anotherBuchar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another The purpose of this thesis is to analyse comprehensively the institute of usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another. Other legal institutes that can be used to set up home on a foreign land are easements, lease, usufructuary lease, precarious loan and loan for use. The Civil Code, after more than sixty years, is returning to the superficial principle, with which is the usufructuary right of building inherently connected and which represents an exception from that principle. Thesis is divided into four parts. The largest is the first part, which deals with the usufructuary right of building. The second part is devoted to other institutes, which enable the establishment of a house on a foreign land. The third part is the comparison of the usufructuary right of building with other institutes. The fourth part focuses on the usufructuary right of building legislation abroad. The focus of this thesis is in the first part, which consists of nine chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts and institutes related to the usufructuary right of building. The second chapter describes the history of the usufructuary right of building. The third to the seventh chapter...
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Právo stavby a jiné možnosti realizace stavby na cizím pozemku / Superficiary right of building and other possibilities of building on land of anotherLupač, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the superficiary right of building (and other possibilities of building on the land belonging to a third party, though the focus is primarily on the institution of the superficiary right of building). The principle "superficies solo cedit" was reintroduced in Czech legislation when the new Civil Code (Act No. 89/2012, Coll.) came into force. Along with this principle, the institution known as superficiary right of building has also returned to Czech law after a hiatus of more than 50 years. This thesis seeks to provide a comprehensive interpretation of the superficiary right of building, to explain the individual rights and obligations arising from the superficiary right of building, and to compare the institution of superficiary right of building to other possibilities of erecting a building on land which belongs to someone else. The first chapter defines some of the basic concepts which facilitate the explanation of individual issues and the understanding of certain connections in the following chapters. The second chapter describes the history of the superficiary right of building, which has its roots in the times of ancient Rome. This chapter also undertakes a characterization of legal regimes which were previously in force on the territory of todayʼs Czech Republic. Over the...
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Podnik, jeho prodej a nájem / Business, its sale and rentVečeř, Igor January 2012 (has links)
The recent nature of the topic "Business, its sale and rent" clearly shows the social need that character of the enterprise as an object of business relationships and contracts for the sale of the business and the lease of the business is actively used. The company represents an important element which belongs to the business environment, and with the company as an object of legal relations may the businessman dispose - for example, a company can sell or hire. For the existence of the company and contract types associated with the enterprise is critical for a legal anchoring of these institutes. Enactment of these institutes is now primarily based on the Commercial Code, but in the ongoing recodification process of civil and commercial law will be the primary legislation under the New Civil Code, although it will modify the present time and the absolute business obligations. The law of contracts, which include a contract for sale of the business and the contract for the lease of the business will be "moved" by the rules of the New Civil Code. Company at a stage where is not a subject of the influence of contracts for the sale of the business, or the lease of the business, can be analyzed in terms of its "static" phase. The main subject of research in this phase of the business as such, is business...
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