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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quaternary Arctic foraminiferal isotopes: species reliability and palaeoceanographic application

Varhelyi, Aron January 2018 (has links)
To investigate whether foraminiferal stable isotope (δ18O/δ13C) variations have potential as a chronostratigraphic tool in the Arctic Ocean, this thesis presents new δ18O/δ13C data from five marine sediment cores. Three of those are downcore analyses (PS92/54-1; TC/PC-03; PC-07) and the remaining two are core top analyses (PC-04; PC-08). Seven species of benthic foraminifera (Cassidulina neoteretis, Cibicides lobatulus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Oridorsalis tener, Quinqueloculina arctica, Stainforthia concava and Triloculina sp.) and one planktic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral) were compared against physical properties data, foraminifera counts and existing age models. The stable isotopic data reveal species-specific niches, resulting from vital effects and habitat preferences. As changes in δ13C mainly are related to palaeoproductivity and ocean/atmosphere gas exchange, and has limited use as a dating tool, the focus has been to create high-resolution downcore δ18O records that can be compared to a global benthic stack. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi is found to be the most common benthic foraminiferal species in the central Lomonosov Ridge cores (TC/PC-03 and PC-07) whereas C. neoteretis and N. pachyderma are most common at the Yermak Plateau (PS92/54-1). Usefulness of C. wuellerstorfi in the central Lomonosov Ridge cores is limited due to low amplitude changes in δ18O over periods interpreted to cover several Marine Isotope Stages. A similar issue was observed in C. neoteretis δ18O on the Yermak Plateau (PS92/54-1). There, C. neoteretis abundances were low during interglacials. Instead, planktic N. pachyderma δ18O at the Yermak Plateau site (PS92/54-1), more closely than any analysed benthic species, resembled the global benthic δ18O stack. This implies potential of N. pachyderma δ18O as a chronostratigraphic tool in this region of the Arctic. Using N. pachyderma δ18O to correlate distal cores in the Arctic Ocean would demand addressing the issues of regional differences in pelagic δ18O, varying calcification depths and poor preservation. Addressing why the range of variability differs between sites in the same MISs is crucial, before attempting to stack downcore δ18O from the relatively abundant Arctic benthic species C. neoteretis. / Med siktet på att undersöka huruvida variationer i stabila isotopvärden (δ18O/δ13C) hos foraminiferer har potential som dateringsredskap i Arktiska Oceanen, presenteras härmed ny δ18O/δ13C data från fem marina sedimentkärnor. Tre kärnor analyseras på längden (PS92/54-1; LOMROG III TC/PC-03 och PC-07) medan två analyser begränsas till kärnornas toppskikt (LOMROG I PC-04 och PC-08). Resultat från sju olika arter av bentoniska foraminiferer (Cassidulina neoteretis, Cibicides lobatulus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Oridorsalis tener, Quinqueloculina arctica, Stainforthia concava and Triloculina sp.) och en planktonisk (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral) har jämförts mot data som baserats på kärnornas fysiska egenskaper, mängden foraminiferer och befintliga åldersberäkningar. De nya isotopresultaten avslöjar nischer som är specifika för varje art och som, förutom isotopvärdena i det omkringliggande havsvattnet, är beroende av varierande fraktioneringseffekter samt habitatpreferenser. Förändringar i δ13C är mestadels avhängigt paleoproduktivitet och gasutbyte mellan atmosfär och hav. Det har därför begränsad användning som dateringsredskap. Fokus har istället legat på att skapa högupplöst δ18O data som kan jämföras med en global δ18O ’stack’. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi är den vanligast förekommande arten i TC/PC-03 och PC-07 medan C. neoteretis och N. pachyderma har flest förekomster i PS92/54-1. I den senare kärnan saknas C. neoteretis under perioder där förändringar i δ18O antas vara stora (interglacialer). Istället är det δ18O hos planktoniska N. pachyderma som i högst grad efterliknar en global bentonisk ’stack’. Dessa resultat antyder att N. pachyderma potentiellt kan användas som lokalt dateringsverktyg. För att kunna korrelera mot mer avlägsna sedimentkärnor i Arktiska Oceanen med hjälp av δ18O från N. pachyderma, så behöver hänsyn tas till regionala skillnader i pelagial δ18O, varierande kalcifieringsdjup och dålig bevaring av foraminifererna. Det är viktigt att adressera varför det finns en amplitudskillnad mellan olika sedimentkärnor för samma tidsperioder, innan försök görs att sammanfoga δ18O resultat från den vanligt förekommande Arktiska bentoniska arten C. neoteretis.

Changements climatiques et océanographiques au cours du Campanien – approche couplée minéralogie et géochimie / Palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic changes during the Campanian - mineralogical and geochemical approach

Chenot, Elise 28 May 2018 (has links)
Les causes du refroidissement climatique global qui caractérisent le Crétacé supérieur (~100 – 65 Ma) ne sont pas encore bien établies. L’évolution de la courbe des températures des eaux de fond et de surface des océans montre une accélération de ce refroidissement au cours du Campanien (~84 Ma), aussi l’objectif de ce travail était-il d’explorer les causes possibles de ce refroidissement en se focalisant sur l’étude des sédiments d’âge Campanien de divers bassins sédimentaires téthysiens, boréaux et atlantiques.Le premier objectif fut de déterminer l’extension spatiale des changements de cortèges argileux dans la Téthys et le domaine boréal. La minéralogie des argiles de plusieurs sites (hémi)pélagiques, sélectionnés selon un transect N-S de 5 à 45° N, a révélé une intensification de l’altération continentale au Campanien, marquée notamment par des apports accrus de kaolinite. Au cours du temps, ces apports liés au soulèvement de nouveaux domaines continentaux semblent se propager du Sud au Nord. Cette propagation est très certainement gouvernée par le mouvement antihoraire de la plaque africaine et de son rapprochement progressif de la plaque européenne. L’intensification de l’altération continentale semble aussi s’accompagner de la mise en place d’une ceinture climatique plus humide à l’origine du développement des bauxites.Le Campanien est également marqué par d’importantes modifications paléogéographiques, telles que l’élargissement de l’Atlantique Sud et Nord ainsi que la restriction du domaine téthysien. Le déplacement des masses continentales est probablement à l’origine d’une réorganisation majeure des courants océaniques. Dans le domaine téthysien, au Crétacé supérieur la courantologie est dominée par le « Tethyan Circumglobal Current » (TCC), courant latitudinal traversant l’océan téthysien et le passage des Caraïbes, d’est en ouest, qui semblerait s’intensifier au Campanien. Nous avons donc tenté de reconstituer l’évolution de la circulation profonde du TCC au cours du Crétacé supérieur, grâce une approche fondée sur les isotopes du néodyme (Nd). L’évolution de l’ɛNd des eaux de fond locales de trois sites (hémi)pélagiques situés sur le trajet potentiel de ce courant a été analysé à partir de la fraction carbonatée des sédiments : la coupe de Shahneshin à l’entrée du corridor téthysien (bassin du Zagros, Iran), la coupe de Gubbio – la Bottaccione dans la Téthys centrale (bassin des Marches – Ombrie, Italie) et le forage DSDP Site 146 dans le passage des Caraïbes (bassin du Venezuela, mer des Caraïbes). L’ɛNd de la fraction résiduelle des sédiments a également été déterminée, afin de discuter l’impact potentiel des échanges locaux eau-sédiments. L’évolution de l’ɛNd des eaux de fond locales, couplée à la minéralogie des argiles et à celle de l’ɛNd des résidus a révélé que les signatures minéralogiques et géochimiques des sites de Shahneshin et 146 semblent être affectées de façon significative par des processus locaux (tectonique, volcanisme). Une augmentation de l’écart entre l’ɛNd de l’eau de fond locale et des résidus est cependant compatible avec des apports accrus d’eaux du Pacifique dans l’est de la Téthys au cours du Campanien. Le site de Gubbio semble quant à lui recevoir des apports d’eaux atlantiques en profondeur, suggérant que si le TCC est présent dans cette région, il n’atteint pas la base de la colonne d’eau au niveau de ce site. / The origin of the Late Cretaceous (~100 – 65 Ma) global cooling is not yet well understood. The evolution of sea surface and bottom temperatures shows an acceleration of the cooling during the Campanian stage (~84 Ma). The main goal of this study was to explore the processes driving this cooling, focusing on Campanian sediments from the Tethyan, Boreal and Atlantic realms.The clay mineralogical assemblages of several (hemi)pelagic sites, selected along a S-N transect, from 5° to 45°N, reveal an increase in continental weathering during the Campanian, expressed by enhanced kaolinite inputs. The detrital input related to the uplift of new continental areas seems to evolve from south to north. This propagation is likely linked to the anticlockwise rotation of the African plate and the progressive closure to the Tethys Ocean. Enhanced continental weathering seems also linked to more hydrolysing conditions in the studied regions, resulting in bauxite development.The Campanian stage was characterised by major palaeogeographic changes, such as the widening of south and north Atlantic oceans and the closure of the Tethyan realm. The motion of continental plates is likely responsible for a major reorganization of the oceanic currents. During the Late Cretaceous, the so called “Tethyan Circumglobal Current” (TCC) current flows latitudinally through the Tethyan Ocean to the Caribbean gateway, from east to west, and seems to intensify during the Campanian stage. Thus, we tried to reconstruct the evolution of the deep oceanic circulation within the TCC pathway during the Late Cretaceous, based on a geochemical approach using the neodymium (Nd) isotopes. The evolution of ɛNd of local bottom water of three (hemi)pelagic sites located on the possible pathway of this current has been analysed on the carbonate fraction of the sediments : the Shahneshin section located at the main entrance of the Tethyan passage (Zagros basin, Iran), the Gubbio – la Bottaccione section located at the centre of the Tethys (Umbria – Marche basin, Italy) ocean and the DSDP site 146 located in the Caribbean gateway (Venezuela basin, Caribbean sea). The ɛNd of the insoluble fraction of the sediments was analysed, in order to discuss of the role of local exchanges between water and sediments. The evolution of the deep water ɛNd along with that of residue ɛNd and clay mineralogical assemblages shows that geochemical and mineralogical signatures of Shahneshin and 146 sites are largely controlled by local processes (tectonic and volcanism), although an increased input of radiogenic Pacific waters may be detected at Shahneshin during the Campanian. The Gubbio site seems to be influenced by atlantic waters entering western Tethys, suggesting that the TCC did not reach the base of the water column at this site.

Geochemically tracing the intermediate and surface waters in the Tasman Sea, southwest Pacific

Bostock, Helen C., Helen.Bostock@anu.edu.au January 2005 (has links)
The relatively understudied intermediate waters of the world have been implicated as an important part of the global ocean circulation. This thesis discusses the intermediate waters of the Pacific over space and time. Initially, by using geochemical tracers to look at the present distribution, sources and mixing of the water masses. Secondly, by using oxygen and carbon isotopes from sediment cores to study changes in Antarctic Intermediate Waters (AAIW) over the late Quaternary in the north Tasman Sea. The sediment cores also provide sedimentological data on the hemipelagic sedimentation in the Capricorn Channel in the southern Great Barrier Reef as well information on changes in the East Australian surface current (EAC) over the last glacial-interglacial transition. [A more extended Abstract can be found in the files]

Investigating climate change and carbon cycling during the Latest Cretaceous to Paleogene (~67-52 million years ago) : new geochemical records from the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Barnet, J. January 2018 (has links)
The Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene is the most recent period of Earth history with a dynamic carbon cycle that experienced sustained global greenhouse warmth and can offer a valuable insight into our anthropogenically-warmer future world. Yet, knowledge of ambient climate conditions and evolution of the carbon cycle at this time, along with their relation to forcing mechanisms, are still poorly constrained. In this thesis, I examine marine sediments recovered from the South Atlantic Walvis Ridge (ODP Site 1262) and Indian Ocean Ninetyeast Ridge (IODP Site U1443 and ODP Site 758), to shed new light on the evolution of the climate and carbon cycle from the Late Maastrichtian through to the Early Eocene (~67.10–52.35 Ma). The overarching aims of this thesis are: 1) to identify the long-term trends and principle forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time period, through construction of 14.75 million-year-long, orbital-resolution (~1.5–4 kyr), stratigraphically complete, benthic stable carbon (δ13Cbenthic) and oxygen (δ18Obenthic) isotope records; 2) to investigate in more detail the climatic and carbon-cycle perturbations of the Early–Middle Paleocene (e.g., the Dan-C2 event, Latest Danian Event and the Danian/Selandian Transition Event) and place these in their proper (orbital) temporal context; 3) to investigate the Late Maastrichtian warming event and its relationship to the eruption of the Deccan Traps Large Igneous Province, as well as its role (if any) in the subsequent Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) mass extinction; 4) to provide the first orbital-resolution estimates of temperature and carbonate chemistry variability from the low latitude Indian Ocean spanning the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, through analysis of trace element and stable isotope data from multiple foraminiferal species. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis provide a critical new insight into the dynamic evolution of the climate and carbon cycle during the greenhouse world of the early Paleogene, and shed light on the potential forcing mechanisms driving the climate and carbon cycle during this time.

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