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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo das estratégias operatórias desenvolvidas pelos agentes de fiscalização da Zona Azul na relação com os usuários do serviço-subsídios para o aprimoramento de um cotidiano de trabalho / Study of the operational strategies of inspectors of paid public parking spaces, locally called Blue Zone, in their relationship with users subsidies to improve daily life at work

Rita Maria de Abreu Gonçalves 03 September 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Esta dissertação objetivou estudar o trabalho dos agentes de fiscalização do estacionamento rotativo da Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego da cidade de São Paulo, conhecido como Zona Azul; investigar a relação entre os agentes, os usuários e a população; e identificar e analisar as estratégias operatórias utilizadas pelos trabalhadores para lidar com as adversidades, constrangimentos, conflitos e agressões advindas dessa relação. Métodos: O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso. A pesquisa é do tipo empírica e qualitativa. Foram realizadas dez entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas com agentes de regiões da Zona Azul, com características diferentes, uma comercial e outra mista. A técnica de análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para analisar as entrevistas, elencar as categorias e subcategorias de análise e arrolar as estratégias operatórias utilizadas pelos agentes em cada uma delas. Resultados: Os agentes utilizam, diária e cotidianamente, uma diversidade de estratégias operatórias na relação com usuários e população, primeiramente, para fazer o trabalho acontecer e, posteriormente, para que as regras da Zona Azul sejam cumpridas, seja para autuar, para evitar conflitos e/ou para se protegerem em situações de agressões. Conflitos e agressões entre agentes e usuários são freqüentes; e a principal causa, destes, é a resistência em pagar pelo uso do estacionamento, e a de agressão, é a emissão da autuação, o que obriga os agentes a desenvolverem estratégias, cuja finalidade é a execução do trabalho; se autoprotegerem dos conflitos e das agressões; e o enriquecimento e reconhecimento do trabalho. Conclusão: A fiscalização e regulação do estacionamento público; a emissão de autuações, ante a resistência em se pagar pelo uso do espaço urbano; a restrição ao uso do espaço público; ser anteparo entre a instituição que representam e os usuários tornam o trabalho dos agentes conflituoso, e os agentes têm de utilizar estratégias para lidar com tais adversidades. As estratégias não são compartilhadas entre os agentes, já que a empresa não reconhece a importância da relação entre agentes, usuários e a população, como parte do trabalho da Zona Azul. Não há investimento da Companhia em favorecer espaços de troca, promover reciclagens e treinamentos para esse fim. Os conflitos entre agentes e usuários se potencializam pelo fato de os agentes trabalharem na rua, sozinhos, longe da matriz, sem segurança e suporte desta, e representarem uma empresa com características de instituição pública os leva a não serem reconhecidos nem respeitados como autoridades de trânsito. À empresa caberia repensar as questões relacionadas à organização do trabalho da Zona Azul, especificamente, o aspecto relacional inerente à atuação destes trabalhadores; ao Estado e à sociedade civil, elaborar e implementar políticas públicas específicas para o setor, visando à melhoria das condições de trabalho e à diminuição da violência contra trabalhadores que têm a rua como seu ambiente de trabalho. / Introduction: The objective of this dissertation is to study the work of inspectors of the rotating parking spaces of the Company of Traffic Engineering of the city of São Paulo, known as Blue Zone; to investigate the operations of the workers to handle difficult situations, embarrassments, conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults resulting from this relationship. Methods: The method used was case study. The research is of the empiric and qualitative type. Ten semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with agents of the Blue Zone regions with different characteristics, one commercial and the other, mixed. Content analysis technique was used to analyze the interviews, to list the categories and subcategories of the analysis and to list the operational strategies used by the agents in each one of them. Results: The agents daily and usually use various operational strategies in their relationship with users and the population. Firstly, to do their work and, secondly, to have the Blue Zone rules met by issuing a traffic ticket, and to avoid conflicts and/or to protect themselves in situations of verbal abuse and assault. Conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults between agents and users are frequent. The main cause of conflicts is users resistance to pay for using parking spaces, and of verbal abuse and assaults is the issuance of a parking ticket, which leads agents to develop strategies whose objectives are to do their work, to protect themselves from conflicts, verbal abuse and assaults, to improve their work and to have it acknowledged. Conclusion: Inspecting and regulating public parking spaces; issuing parking tickets facing users resistance to pay for using urban spaces; restrictions to the use of public space and being a shield between the institution they represent and users make agents work full of conflicts and they have to use strategies to handle those situations. Strategies are not shared among agents once the company does not acknowledge the importance of the relationship among agents, users and the population as part of the work at the Blue Zone. The company does not make any investments to favor exchange spaces, to promote recycling and training for this purpose. Conflicts between agents and users can be potentially violent because agents work on the streets, alone, far from the parent company and from its safety and without its support, and because they represent a company with characteristics of a public institution, which entails the fact that they are not acknowledged or respected as traffic authority. The company should rethink the matters related to the organization of the work at the Blue Zone, specifically the relational respect inherent to the performance of those workers; the Government and the civil society should prepare and implement area-specific public policies targeting on improving working conditions and reducing violence against workers who have the streets as their working environment.

Hållbara ytbeläggningar i parkeringshus : En undersökning av olika beläggningssystem efter 5 till 10 års drift / Sustainable Coatings in Parking Garages : A Survey of Different Coating Systems After 5 to 10 Years of Operation

Jin, Jacky, Matskin, Artur January 2019 (has links)
Parkeringsanläggningar utsätts ständigt av belastningar från körande fordon och kloridangrepp under vinterperioden. Påföljden av det blir kostsamma skador på betongkonstruktionen, främst vid uppkomna sprickor. Kloridinträngning medför att armeringsjärnen korroderar och försvagar underliggande betongkonstruktionen. Ersättning av de korroderade armeringsjärnen samt betonglagningar är kostsamt för Stockholm Parkering. Lösningen är att förbehandla den oskyddade betongen och applicera en ytbeläggning ovanför. De vanligaste som finns i Sverige är cementbaserade, bitumenbaserade och härdplastbaserade ytbeläggningar. Det finns inga direktiv för val när det gäller ytbeläggningar. Eftersom alla ytbeläggningar har olika egenskaper är det för- och nackdelar som beställaren ska värdera beroende på parkeringshusets förutsättningar som utformningen, trafikbelastningen och om det är grundplattan eller mellanbjälklaget som ytbeläggningen appliceras på. Förutom materialet är utförandet också viktigt. En väl utförd förbehandling av betongunderlaget och noggrann utläggning av ytbeläggningen minskar risken för uppkomst av skador i framtiden och därmed reparationskostnaderna. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka olika ytbeläggningar som har varit i drift 5 till 10 år för att sedan identifiera och kartlägga skador som har uppkommit på dem. I denna rapport har fem parkeringsanläggningar valts ut som fallstudier för att undersöka de vanligaste ytbeläggningarna som används idag i Stockholm Parkerings parkeringsanläggningar. Utifrån litteraturstudier, intervjuer med olika parter i respektive projekt, observationer som utfördes under studiebesöken och jämförelse mellan fallstudier dras slutsatser för att hitta den hållbaraste ytbeläggningen. Slutligen skapas en lathund för att förenkla valet av ytbeläggningar för parkeringsanläggningar med olika förutsättningar. / Parking facilities are constantly exposed to traffic loads from driving vehicles and chloride attacks during the winter period. The consequence of this is costly damage to the concrete structure, especially in the event of cracks. Chloride penetration causes the reinforcement bars to corrode and weaken the underlying concrete structure. Replacement of the corroded reinforcement bars and concrete repairs are costly for Stockholm Parking. The solution is to pretreat the unprotected concrete and apply a coating above it. The most common coatings found in Sweden are cement-based, bitumen-based and thermoset-based coatings. There is no clear choice when it comes to coatings since they all have different properties. The advantages and disadvantages of different coatings that the customer must value depend on such conditions of the parking garage as the shaping, the traffic load and whether it is the base plate or the intermediate floor. Besides the material, the execution is also important. A well done pretreatment of the concrete substrate and meticulous laying of the coating reduces the possibility of the occurrence of damage in the future and thereby the repair costs. The purpose of the thesis project was investigation of various coatings systems that have been in operation for 5 to 10 years and identification and mapping damages that occur to them. In this report, five parking facilities have been selected as case studies to investigate the most common coatings used today in Stockholm Parkering parking facilities. Based on literature studies, interviews with various parties in each project, observations made on study visits and comparison between case studies conclusions were drawn about the most sustainable surface coating systems. Finally, a guidance is created to simplify the choice of coating systems for parking facilities with different conditions.

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