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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La presse française et l'espace marocain 1822-1912 / French Press and Moroccan Space 1822-1912

Bensalem, Boutaïna 10 October 2017 (has links)
Au début du XIXe siècle, la presse française connaissait peu le Maroc, certes ce dernier avait un traité de paix avec la France et un mouvement commercial existait entre les deux pays, mais ce n’est qu’à partir de la conquête d’Alger en 1830, que les quotidiens de Paris vont s’intéresser particulièrement à cet espace avec lequel désormais la France partageait des frontières. Ces dernières ouvertes et mouvantes seront la source de beaucoup de froissements entres les deux pays. La donne sécuritaire influencera ainsi le regard des journaux sur l’espace marocain. Ce dernier de plus en plus présent dans les éditions des grandes feuilles françaises intéressait les journalistes, académiciens et hommes politiques français de l’époque. Inconstant et turbulent, il dérangeait et fascinait à la fois. Observant l’espace marocain à travers la presse française, cette thèse nous éclaire sur l’évolution des relations franco-marocaines à partir du XIXe siècle jusqu’à la signature du protectorat en 1912. Elle explore la place qu’occupait le Maroc dans les relations internationales de l’époque. Les tensions entre Paris et le makhzen se répercutaient sur leurs relations avec les autres puissances d’Europe influent ainsi la dynamique qui liait les Etats dans leur environnement méditerranéen et surtout continental. / In early 19th Century, the French press was not particularly familiar with the Moroccan empire, despite old economic and diplomatic relations between France and Morocco. It is only after the colonization of Algeria that the French newspapers became interested in the old empire. France newly shared borders with Morocco created many tensions and speculations. The press started then to report concerns about the impact Morocco might have on the security of the new French colony. Journalists, men state and scholars turned their eyes toward this new turbulent neighbour. The old empire fascinated as much as it troubled and concerned them. The object of this thesis is to give us an insight into the Moroccan and French relations during the 19th century until 1912 through the particular perspective of the French press. It focuses on tensions and dynamics between the two countries and how they shaped the current international relations at both the Mediterranean and European levels.


PINCHETTI, ANNA LISA 01 April 2015 (has links)
La tesi intende analizzare l’idea coloniale in Francia durante la Terza Repubblica, le modalità attraverso cui essa veniva veicolata e gli argomenti con cui l’espansione veniva giustificata. Dopo un’introduzione storica, la ricerca si concentra sulle diverse “voci” che concorsero alla promozione e propaganda coloniale. Vengono analizzati il contributo dei diversi attori – primo fra tutti il “parti colonial” - che parteciparono a sostenere le motivazioni dell’espansione, oltre alle modalità e ai canali utilizzati, in un contesto in cui l’opinione pubblica era restia ad affezionarsi e a comprendere la necessità di un impero. La parte successiva si concentra sui contenuti del discorso di giustificazione e motivazione dell’imperialismo francese, tramite il richiamo di alcuni teorici e politici del periodo e dei principali temi -economici, politici e umanitari (la cd. “mission civilisatrice”) - evocati in tale contesto. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato in modo particolare alla diffusione della cosiddette “scienze coloniali” e alla creazione, influenzata dall’esigenza di formare i futuri amministratori coloniali, di cattedre o sezioni coloniali negli istituti di studi superiori. E’ possibile in tal modo individuare un collegamento tra diversi gruppi ed entità operanti nel campo politico, economico e scientifico e, attraverso l’analisi degli appunti dei corsi, esaminare in che modo l’idea coloniale fosse trasmessa in tale ambito. / The research aims at analyzing the colonial idea in France during the Third Republic, the different ways it was conveyed and the main themes adopted to justify the colonial expansion. After a first historical overview, the second chapter focuses on the different actors that contributed in promoting the colonies and the colonial propaganda (above all the “parti colonial”), in a context in which the majority of the French citizens seemed not really interested in supporting the colonial empire nor in understanding its needs and methods. Subsequently, the research analyzes the different themes the supporters of the French colonial movement adopted to justify the need of a colonial empire at the economic, political and “humanitarian” levels. The last chapter is focused on the diffusion of the “colonial sciences” and the creation of ad hoc colonial sections or schools aimed at training the future colonial administrators. The analysis highlights the links between the different actors of the political, economic and scientific circles. Also, thanks to the exam of the student’s notes it is possible to see how the colonial idea was conveyed in this field.

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