Spelling suggestions: "subject:"match antenna"" "subject:"match ntenna""
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Dvoupásmová anténa pro Globální navigační satelitní systém / Dualband Antenna for Global Navigation Satellite SystemMikulášek, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This master’s thesis introduces to the reader with a modern antenna type the microstrip patch antennas. The most common types of microstrip antennas and their parameters and feeding methods are introduced in the theoretical section of this master’s thesis. This section deals with the circularly polarized microstrip antennas. Design of an active dual-band circularly polarized antenna for global navigation satellite application in the AWR Microwave Office is presented in the practical section. The proposed single-fed dual-band circularly polarized design is achieved using two stacked square microstrip patches. The antenna operates at the L1 + E1 and L5 + E5a frequency bands. Antenna preamplifier consists of a low-noise transistor and a dual-band band-pass filter. The thesis describes realization and measurement results of the dual-band antenna performance in the anechoic chamber. Measured results of the preamplifier performance are presented.
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Mikropáskové flíčkové antény napájené vlnovodem integrovaným do substrátu / Microstrip Patch Antennas Fed by Substrate Integrated WaveguideMikulášek, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Dizertační práce je zaměřena na výzkum mikropáskových flíčkových antén a anténních řad napájených vlnovodem integrovaným do substrátu (SIW). Využitím vlnovodu integrovaného do substrátu pro napájení mikropáskové flíčkové antény dochází ke kombinaci výhodných vlastností obou struktur. Výsledkem je kompaktní anténní struktura, jejíž napájecí vedení neprodukuje parazitní záření a neovlivňuje tak vyzařovací charakteristiku antény. Práci lze z věcného hlediska rozdělit do dvou částí. První část práce (kapitola 2) je zaměřena na návrh flíčkových antén a jejich navázání na vlnovod integrovaný do substrátu. První dvě navržené flíčkové antény využívají vlnovod integrovaný do substrátu a štěrbinu nebo koaxiální sondu pro buzení lineárně polarizované vlny. Napájení koaxiální sondou je dále použito pro buzení kruhově polarizované flíčkové antény. Za účelem získání širšího pásma osového poměru je navrženo napájení flíčkové antény ve dvou bodech. Funkčnost všech anténních struktur je popsána pomocí parametrických simulací a ověřena realizací a měřením vyrobených prototypů antén. Prezentované napájecí metody představují nový způsob napájení pro mikropáskové antény využívající technologii SIW. Ve druhé části práce (kapitola 3) je pojednáno o implementaci štěrbinou napájené mikropáskové anténní struktury do malých anténních polí o velikosti 2x2 a 1x4. V případě lineární řady je uvažováno amplitudové rozložení pro optimální potlačení postranních laloků. Obě navržené anténní řady jsou ověřeny měřením a v porovnání s podobnými anténními řadami dostupnými v literatuře dosahují širšího pracovního pásma kmitočtů a vyššího zisku.
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Kruhově polarizované anténní řady na bázi SIW / SIW-Based Circularly Polarized Antenna ArraysŠpůrek, Jan January 2022 (has links)
Tato disertační práce prezentuje nový koncept kruhově polarizovaných anténních řad na bázi vlnovodu integrovaného do substrátu. Hlavní devízou konceptu je modularita, kdy je základní stavební blok řady použitelný pro tvorbu komplexnějších řad a tento blok zároveň slouží jako šablona pro návrh komplexnější struktury. Anténní řada byla simulována a experimentálně ověřena pro frekvence 17 a 60 GHz. Na základě dosažených výsledků byla odvozena metodologie pro návrh a identifikovány klíčové oblasti návrhu. Následně práce představuje techniku zvýšení šířky pásma osového poměru kruhově polarizovaných anténních řad pomoci parazitních flíčků, které jsou umístěny nad zářiče v definované vzdálenosti. Anténní řada z první části práce byla použita v simulacích a experimentálním ověření pro frekvence 17 a 60 GHz, kdy byla tato řada rozšířena o parazitní strukturu, přidávajíc další vrstvu modularity do konceptu.
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Design and implementation of band rejected antennas using adaptive surface meshing and genetic algorithms methods. Simulation and measurement of microstrip antennas with the ability of harmonic rejection for wireless and mobile applications including the antenna design optimisation using genetic algorithms.Bin-Melha, Mohammed S. January 2013 (has links)
With the advances in wireless communication systems, antennas with different shapes and design have achieved great demand and are desirable for many uses such as personal communication systems, and other applications involving wireless communication. This has resulted in different shapes and types of antenna design in order to achieve different antenna characteristic. One attractive approach to the design of antennas is to suppress or attenuate harmonic contents due to the non-linear operation of the Radio Frequency (RF) front end.
The objectives of this work were to investigate, design and implement antennas for harmonic suppression with the aid of a genetic algorithm (GA). Several microstrip patch antennas were designed to operate at frequencies 1.0, 1.8 and 2.4 GHz respectively. The microstrip patch antenna with stub tuned microstrip lines was also employed at 1.0 and 1.8 GHz to meet the design objectives.
A new sensing patch technique is introduced and applied in order to find the accepted power at harmonic frequencies. The evaluation of the measured power accepted at the antenna feed port was done using an electromagnetic (EM) simulator, Ansoft Designer, in terms of current distribution. A two sensors method is presented on one antenna prototype to estimate the accepted power at three frequencies.
The computational method is based on an integral equation solver using adaptive surface meshing driven by a genetic algorithm. Several examples are demonstrated, including design of coaxially-fed, air-dielectric patch antennas implanted with shorting and folded walls. The characteristics of the antennas in terms of the impedance responses and far field radiation patterns are discussed. The results in terms of the radiation performance are addressed, and compared to measurements. The presented results of these antennas show a good impedance matching at the fundamental frequency with good suppression achieved at the second and third harmonic frequencies. / Home government
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Design, modelling and implementation of antennas using electromagnetic bandgap material and defected ground planesAbidin, Z.Z. January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to design, model and implement several antenna
geometries using electromagnetic band gap (EBG) material and a defected ground
plane. Several antenna applications are addressed with the aim of improving
performance, particularly the mutual coupling between the elements.
The EBG structures have the unique capability to prevent or assist the propagation of
electromagnetic waves in a specific band of frequencies, and have been incorporated
here in antenna structures to improve patterns and reduce mutual coupling in multielement
arrays. A neutralization technique and defected ground plane structures have
also been investigated as alternative approaches, and may be more practical in real
A new Uni-planar Compact EBG (UC-EBG) formed from a compact unit cell was
presented, giving a stop band in the 2.4 GHz WLAN range. Dual band forms of the
neutralization and defected ground plane techniques have also been developed and
measured. The recorded results for all antenna configurations show good improvement
in terms of the mutual coupling effect.
The MIMO antenna performance with EBG, neutralization and defected ground of
several wireless communication applications were analysed and evaluated. The
correlation coefficient, total active reflection coefficient (TARC), channel capacity and
capacity loss of the array antenna were computed and the results compared to
measurements with good agreement.
In addition, a computational method combining Genetic Algorithm (GA) with surface
meshing code for the analysis of a 2×2 antenna arrays on EBG was developed. Here the
impedance matrix resulting from the meshing analysis is manipulated by the GA
process in order to find the optimal antenna and EBG operated at 2.4 GHz with the goal
of targeting a specific fitness function. Furthermore, an investigation of GA on 2×2
printed slot on DGS was also done. / Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
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Electronically-Scanned Wideband Digital Aperture Antenna Arrays using Multi-Dimensional Space-Time Circuit-Network ResonancePulipati, Sravan Kumar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Single-Element GNSS Patch Antenna Pattern ControlSchopis, Joel L. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of lightweight and low-cost microwave components for remote-sensing applicationsDonado Morcillo, Carlos Alberto 11 January 2012 (has links)
The objective of the proposed research is to design, implement, and characterize low-cost, lightweight front-end components and subsystems in the microwave domain through innovative packaging architectures for remote sensing applications. Particular emphasis is placed on system-on-package (SoP) solutions implemented in organic substrates as a low-cost alternative to conventional, expensive, rigid, and fragile radio- frequency substrates. To this end, the dielectric properties of organic substrates RT/duroid 5880, 6002 and 6202 are presented from 30 GHz to 70 GHz, covering most of the Ka and V radar bands, giving also a thorough insight on the uncertainty of the microstrip ring resonator method by means of the Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis. Additionally, an ultra-thin, high-power antenna-array technology, with transmit/ receive (T/R) functionality is introduced for mobile applications in the X band. Two lightweight SoP T/R array panels are presented in this work using novel technologies such as Silicon Germanium integrated circuits and microelectromechanical system switches on a hybrid organic package of liquid crystal polymer and RT/duroid 5880LZ. A maximum power of 47 dBm is achieved in a package with a thickness of 1.8 mm without the need of bulky thermal management devices. Finally, to address the thermal limitations of thin-film substrates of interest (liquid crystal polymer, RT/duroid 6002, alumina and Aluminum Nitride), a thermal assessment of microstrip structures is presented in the X band, along with the thermal characterization of the dielectric properties of RT/duroid 6002 from 20 ºC to 200 ºC and from 30 GHz to 70 GHz. Additional high-power, X-band technologies presented in this work include: a novel and compact topology for evanescent mode filters, and low-profile Wilkinson power dividers implemented on Aluminum Nitride using Tantalum Nitride thin-film resistors.
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A Study of Microfluidic Reconfiguration Mechanisms Enabled by Functionalized Dispersions of Colloidal Material for Radio Frequency ApplicationsGoldberger, Sean A. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Communication and reconnaissance systems are requiring increasing flexibility concerning functionality and efficiency for multiband and broadband frequency applications. Circuit-based reconfiguration mechanisms continue to promote radio frequency (RF) application flexibility; however, increasing limitations have resulted in hindering performance. Therefore, the implementation of a "wireless" reconfiguration mechanism provides the required agility and amicability for microwave circuits and antennas without local overhead. The wireless reconfiguration mechanism in this thesis integrates dynamic, fluidic-based material systems to achieve electromagnetic agility and reduce the need for "wired" reconfiguration technologies. The dynamic material system component has become known as electromagnetically functionalized colloidal dispersions (EFCDs). In a microfluidic reconfiguration system, they provide electromagnetic agility by altering the colloidal volume fraction of EFCDs - their name highlights the special considerations we give to material systems in applied electromagnetics towards lowering loss and reducing system complexity. Utilizing EFCDs at the RF device-level produced the first circuit-type integration of this reconfiguration system; this is identified as the coaxial stub microfluidic impedance transformer (COSMIX). The COSMIX is a small hollowed segment of transmission line with results showing a full reactive loop (capacitive to inductive tuning) around the Smith chart over a 1.2 GHz bandwidth. A second microfluidic application demonstrates a novel antenna reconfiguration mechanism for a 3 GHz microstrip patch antenna. Results showed a 300 MHz downward frequency shift by dielectric colloidal dispersions. Magnetic material produced a 40 MHz frequency shift. The final application demonstrates the dynamically altering microfluidic system for a 3 GHz 1x2 array of linearly polarized microstrip patch antennas. The parallel microfluidic capillaries were imbedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Both E- and H-plane designs showed a 250 MHz frequency shift by dielectric colloidal dispersions. Results showed a strong correlation between decreasing electrical length of the elements and an increase of the volume fraction, causing frequency to decrease and mutual coupling to increase. Measured, modeled, and analytical results for impedance, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and radiation behavior (where applicable) are provided.
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A Study of Microfluidic Reconfiguration Mechanisms Enabled by Functionalized Dispersions of Colloidal Material for Radio Frequency ApplicationsGoldberger, Sean A. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Communication and reconnaissance systems are requiring increasing flexibility concerning functionality and efficiency for multiband and broadband frequency applications. Circuit-based reconfiguration mechanisms continue to promote radio frequency (RF) application flexibility; however, increasing limitations have resulted in hindering performance. Therefore, the implementation of a "wireless" reconfiguration mechanism provides the required agility and amicability for microwave circuits and antennas without local overhead. The wireless reconfiguration mechanism in this thesis integrates dynamic, fluidic-based material systems to achieve electromagnetic agility and reduce the need for "wired" reconfiguration technologies. The dynamic material system component has become known as electromagnetically functionalized colloidal dispersions (EFCDs). In a microfluidic reconfiguration system, they provide electromagnetic agility by altering the colloidal volume fraction of EFCDs - their name highlights the special considerations we give to material systems in applied electromagnetics towards lowering loss and reducing system complexity. Utilizing EFCDs at the RF device-level produced the first circuit-type integration of this reconfiguration system; this is identified as the coaxial stub microfluidic impedance transformer (COSMIX). The COSMIX is a small hollowed segment of transmission line with results showing a full reactive loop (capacitive to inductive tuning) around the Smith chart over a 1.2 GHz bandwidth. A second microfluidic application demonstrates a novel antenna reconfiguration mechanism for a 3 GHz microstrip patch antenna. Results showed a 300 MHz downward frequency shift by dielectric colloidal dispersions. Magnetic material produced a 40 MHz frequency shift. The final application demonstrates the dynamically altering microfluidic system for a 3 GHz 1x2 array of linearly polarized microstrip patch antennas. The parallel microfluidic capillaries were imbedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Both E- and H-plane designs showed a 250 MHz frequency shift by dielectric colloidal dispersions. Results showed a strong correlation between decreasing electrical length of the elements and an increase of the volume fraction, causing frequency to decrease and mutual coupling to increase. Measured, modeled, and analytical results for impedance, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and radiation behavior (where applicable) are provided.
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