Spelling suggestions: "subject:"match clamp"" "subject:"match klamp""
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Influencia de campos electromagnéticos en las propiedades cinéticas de canales iónicos activados por neurotransmisoresTolosa, María Fernanda 19 March 2013 (has links)
En la comunicación neuronal, las transmisiones sinápticas son mediadas por canales iónicos activados por ligandos (LGIC), receptores que intervienen en procesos fisiológicos claves en el sistema nervioso central. La función esencial de estos receptores es acoplar la unión del neurotransmisor a la apertura del canal. Dado su papel esencial en la transmisión sináptica, los LGICs son blancos de agentes farmacológicos y numerosas patologías se asocian a su mal funcionamiento de estos receptores. Dentro de esta superfamilia de LGIC se encuentra la llamada familia de receptores Cys-loop que incluye a los receptores excitatorios nicotínico (AChR), de serotonina 5-HT3 y receptores inhibitorios GABAA y de glicina.
Desde hace un tiempo, se ha discutido la posibilidad de que los campos magnéticos estáticos (CME) o electromagnéticos (CEM) resulten dañinos para la salud. Debido a los rápidos avances en las tecnologías de comunicación, la población está cada vez más expuesta a campos magnéticos. Esto aumenta la preocupación sobre los potenciales efectos para la salud derivados de la exposición a los mismos. A nivel celular, se ha propuesto que los campos probablemente inician sus efectos a través de los canales iónicos.
En el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral hemos estudiado la influencia de campos magnéticos estáticos (CME) y campos electromagnéticos (CEM) sobre dos miembros de la familia de receptores Cys-loop, el receptor de acetilcolina muscular adulto (AChR) y el receptor de serotonina homopentamérico tipo 3A (5-HT3AR). El AChR es considerado el receptor modelo, tanto estructural como funcional, para todos los miembros de esta familia.
En primer lugar, estudiamos los efectos de CME sobre el AChR. Encontramos que un CME de intensidad entre 80-180 mT, a temperatura ambiente, no induce cambios sobre las constantes macroscópicas, así como tampoco en las propiedades cinéticas a nivel de canal único. Dado que las propiedades diamagnéticas de la membrana celular se modifican por encima de una temperatura crítica, se realizaron estudios electrofisiológicos en un rango de temperatura de 5 °C a 50 °C, donde encontramos nuevamente que los LGIC no son sensibles a CME a otras temperaturas.
En segundo lugar, caracterizamos la influencia del CEM sobre los AChR y 5-HT3AR. Los ensayos electrofisiológicos de corrientes macroscópicas mostraron que la amplitud de corriente disminuye en función de la frecuencia del CEM aplicado. La constante de decaimiento temporal no resulta modificada, mientras que el tiempo de activación aumenta significativamente. A nivel de canal único, encontramos que la exposición a los CEM no afecta la amplitud ni las constantes cinéticas de apertura y cierre. Sin embargo la frecuencia de episodios de activación (clusters), disminuye en función de la frecuencia. Es decir, que la presencia del CEM induce un nuevo estado no conductor, resultando en la disminución del pico de corriente y de la frecuencia de eventos de activación de clusters.
Si bien los cambios cualitativos del CEM fueron equivalentes para AChR y 5-HT3AR, el receptor 5-HT3A mostró mayor sensibilidad a los efectos del campo.
El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis revela que los CEM pueden modificar la actividad de LGIC y abre puerta para entender los mecanismos moleculares y bases estructurales por los cuales los CEM modifican éstos receptores. / In neuronal communication, synaptic transmission is mediated by Ligand-Gated Ion Channels (LGICs), which are involved in fundamental physiological processes in the central nervous system. The essential function of these receptors is to couple neurotransmitter binding to channel opening. Given its essential role in synaptic transmission, the LGICs are targets of pharmacological agents and many diseases are associated with their incorrect function. The Cys-loop receptor family belongs to the LGIC superfamily and it includes the excitatory receptors, nicotinic and serotonin 5-HT3, and inhibitory receptors, GABAA and glycine receptors.
For a while, it has been discussed the possibility that static magnetic fields (SMF) or electromagnetic (EMF) result harmful to health. Due to the rapid advances in communication technologies, the public is increasingly exposed to magnetic fields. This has raised concern about potential health effects resulting from exposure to them. At the cellular level, it is has been proposed that magnetic fields probably initiate their effects through ion channels.
In the present thesis we studied the influence of static magnetic fields (SMF) and electromagnetic fields (EMF) on two members of the Cys-loop family receptors, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) and the homopentameric serotonin type 3A receptor (5-HT3AR). The AChR has been the structural and functional model for all members of this family.
First, we studied the effects of SMF on the AChR. We found that a strong SMF of 80-180 mT, at room temperature, does not induce any changes on macroscopic currents response to the agonist or in the kinetic properties at the single channel level. Since diamagnetic properties of the cellular membrane are modified above a critical temperature, electrophysiological studies were carried out at a temperature range of 5°C to 50 °C. Again, we found that the LGIC receptor is not sensitive to SMF at a range of temperatures.
Secondly, we characterized the influence of EMF on the AChR and 5-HT3AR. The electrophysiological recordings of macroscopic currents showed that the amplitude of the current decreases as a function of the EMF frequency applied. The temporal decay constant is not modified, whereas the rise time increases significantly. At the single channel level, we found that the exposure to EMF does not affect the amplitude or channel kinetics. However, the frequency of activation episodes elicited by agonist (cluster) is reduced significantly. Thus, the reduction of the peak current together with the frequency of channel suggests that EMF induces and stabilizes a new closed, non conductive state. Receptors not affected, or leaving this state, do not show changes in activation kinetics.
The EMF affects the functionality of both AChR and 5-HT3AR being this influence on the 5-HT3AR is steeper that on the AChR.
The work in this thesis contributes to understand how the EMF can modify the activity of LGIC and obtain the molecular mechanisms by which EMFs alter the kinetics of these receptors.
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Assembly of molecular nanomagnets into nanogap electrodes by dielectrophoresis. Realization of bioelectronic devices for electrical measurement of ionic current through membrane protein channels / Assemblage de nano-aimants moléculaires entre électrodes séparées d’un nanogap. Réalisation de dispositifs bioélectroniques pour la mesure électrique du courant ionique à travers les canaux de protéines membranairesVaheb, Yaser 13 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de deux parties qui peuvent être considérées comme deux aspects différents de l'électronique moléculaire avec pour point commun les moyens de nanofabrication mis en jeu pour réaliser des dispositifs de mesures électriques à bas courant. La première partie de la thèse concerne l'assemblage de nano-aimants entre électrodes à nanogap. Le besoin croissant de processeurs toujours plus performants et celui d’une densité de stockage toujours plus grande ont poussé la technologie CMOS couramment utilisée dans l'industrie à ses limites physiques vis-à-vis de sa miniaturisation. L'électronique moléculaire et la spintronique moléculaire se révèlent être des alternatives prometteuses à cette technologie pour les futurs dispositifs nanoélectroniques. Mes principaux travaux dans ce domaine ont porté sur l'assemblage entre des électrodes à nanogap, de nano-aimants moléculaires à base de bleu de Prusse ou de son analogue Cs–Co–Cr. Le but était ainsi de faire les premiers pas vers la construction de dispositifs en spintronique moléculaire. Des nanogaps de ~ 7 à 50 nm ont été fabriqués en palladium ou en or sur un substrat Si/SiO₂ par lithographie électronique et lift-off. Les nano-aimants ont été placés dans le gap par diélectrophorèse à courant alternatif (AC DEP). À température ambiante, un courant négligeable a été mesuré sur les jonctions utilisant des nanoparticules de Cs–Co–Cr alors qu’un courant de ~ 30 pA a été mesuré sur celles avec les nanoparticules en bleu de Prusse pour une tension de ~ 1 V. J’ai montré qu‘en fait, l’eau piégée dans les nanogaps altérait sérieusement les mesures de courants et nécessitait un recuit préalable. Pour optimiser la localisation des nanoparticules entre les électrodes, j’ai proposé un programme de simulation de la DEP ne tenant pas compte du mouvement brownien et de la dynamique des fluides. La deuxième partie de la thèse concerne la fabrication de dispositifs de type nanopatch-clamp planaire pour l'enregistrement de courants ioniques à travers les canaux ioniques des protéines membranaires. Les canaux de ces protéines incorporées dans les membranes cellulaires sont des composantes essentielles de toutes les cellules vivantes et sont à la base de divers processus physiologiques tels que ceux dans la communication nerveuse, la contraction musculaire, la sensation tactile, etc. Les mesures de transport d'ions sont maintenant utilisées dans diverses applications telles que le criblage de médicaments dans l'industrie pharmaceutique et les biocapteurs médicaux. La méthode classique pour effectuer des mesures de transport d'ions consiste à utiliser un système patch-clamp. Cependant, cette méthode nécessite d’importantes compétences, des équipements lourds et coûteux et présente une faible efficacité de mesure. Pour pallier ces inconvénients, une solution est de développer des patch-clamps planaires, qui sont modulables, automatisés et faciles d’utilisation. La fabrication du dispositif a consisté en la réalisation d’une piste conductrice constituée d’un empilement de couches Au/Ag sur un substrat de silicium oxydé. Cette piste a été passivée et isolée électriquement par une couche de Si₃N₄/SiO₂ dans laquelle j’ai gravé des micro-trous et j’ai ensuite converti la couche d’Ag en AgCl pour les mesures électriques. Afin de valider le fonctionnement du dispositif sans la membrane, j’ai procédé à des mesures de courant en fonction du temps pour diverses tensions, ce qui m’a ensuite permis de proposer un schéma équivalent électrique. / This thesis consists of two parts. The two parts correspond to two different subjects but with a common feature which is the fabrication of nanometer scale devices for low current measurements. The first part investigated the assembly of Prussian blue and Cs–Co–Cr Prussian blue analogue molecular nanomagnets into nano-patterned electrodes. The ever growing need for higher performance processors and higher storage densities has pushed the CMOS technology commonly used in industry to its physical limitations toward its miniaturization. Molecular electronics and molecular spintronics prove to be promising alternatives for the CMOS in future nanoelectronic devices. Pd or Au gaps with ~ 7–50 nm width were fabricated on a Si/SiO₂ substrate using standard electron beam lithography, metal deposition and lift-off. Nanomagnets were positioned between the gaps via AC dielectrophoresis (DEP). At room temperature, the Cs–Co–Cr Prussian blue analogue nanoparticles exhibited negligible current whereas junction with Prussian blue nanoparticles exhibited ~ 30 pA at ~ 1 V. Water trapped in nanogaps was found to seriously alter current measurements. This problem was solved by heating samples prior to measurements. A simplified DEP simulation program using Delphi was developed, which neglected Brownian motion and fluid dynamics but allowed us to better understand the DEP process. The second part of the thesis investigated the fabrication of devices for measuring electrical currents through membrane protein channels. Membrane-embedded protein channels are the basis of various physiological processes like nervous communication, muscular contraction, tactile sensation, and so on. Electrical measurements are used in different applications such as drug screening in pharmaceutical industry and biosensors. The standard method to perform such measurements is the use of patch-clamp. However, this method requires intense skill and heavy equipment while it exhibits low measurement efficiency. A solution to these drawbacks is the development of planar patch clamps, which are scalable, automated and easier to use. The first device fabrication step was the patterning of Au/Ag electrodes on thermally oxidized Si substrate by optical lithography, metallization and lift-off. Secondly, a passivation layer of Si₃N₄/SiO₂ was deposited on top of electrodes by PECVD. Then micro-holes were formed inside the Si₃N₄/SiO₂ passivation layer stack using Raith-150 e-beam lithography and reactive ion etching. Finally, Ag layer was converted to AgCl using bleach. The test of electrical current was done using Axopatch patch-clamp amplifier. Current versus time measurements for different voltages were recorded without membrane covering the holes, and an electrical model has been developed for the fabricated devices.
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Controle neuroendócrino da reprodução: fatores que modulam a atividade de neurônios GNRH e kisspetina. / Neural control of reproduction: neuromodulators of GnRH and kisspeptin neurons activity.Silveira, Marina Augusto 30 May 2017 (has links)
Neurônios GnRH e kisspeptina representam as populações neuronais de maior importância no controle da reprodução. Estradiol liga-se ao seu receptor expresso pelos neurônios kisspeptina para regular a libertação de GnRH. No modelo animal OVX+E a atividade do neurônio GnRH e pico de LH é depende do estradiol e hora do dia. Nesse estudo, embora a taxa de disparo dos neurônios GnRH seja similar entre os grupos, o padrão dos potenciais revelou uma mudança para maior duração do estouro em camundongos no proestrous, além do fato de uma maior resposta da hipófise. A prolactina tem grande impacto na modulação do eixo HPG e kisspeptina são mediadores dos efeitos da prolactina sobre a reprodução. Uma pequena porcentagem de neurônios de kisspeptina do AVPV foi indiretamente despolarizada pela prolactina. Este efeito requeria a via de sinalização PI3K. Camundongos portadores de inativação de Stat5a/b em células kisspeptina exibiram um início precoce de ciclicidade estro, indicando que os fatores de transcrição STAT5 exercem um efeito inibitório sobre o momento da puberdade. / GnRH and kisspeptina neurons represent the most important neuronal populations in the control of reproduction. Estradiol binds to its receptor expressed by the kisspeptina neurons to regulate the release of GnRH. In the animal model OVX+E the activity of the GnRH neuron and LH surge is dependent of estradiol and time of day. In this study, although the firing rate of GnRH neurons was similar between groups, the pattern of potentials revealed a change to longer burst duration in mice in proestrous, and the pituitary response was greater in this group. Prolactin has impact on HPG axis modulation and kisspeptin is a mediator of the effects of prolactin on reproduction. A small percentage of AVPV kisspeptin neurons were indirectly depolarized by prolactin. This effect required the PI3K signaling pathway. Mice bearing Stat5a/b inactivation on kisspeptin cells exhibited an early onset of estrus cyclicity, indicating that STAT5 transcription factors exert an inhibitory effect on the time of puberty.
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Estudo da atividade bloqueadora de N-Alquilbenzenossulfonamidas em canais iônicos, com enfase em canais para potássio / Study of blocker activity of N-alkylbenzenesulfonamides in ion channels, with emphasis on potassium channelsBassetto Júnior, Carlos Alberto Zanutto 23 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Carlos Alberto Zanutto Bassetto Júnior null (cbjunior@fc.unesp.br) on 2016-06-30T16:14:01Z
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DocNãoPublicação_carlosbassettojr.pdf: 427722 bytes, checksum: fe38077e0c0376645f906842534a3f88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-05T16:31:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
bassettojunior_caz_dr_bauru.pdf: 201721 bytes, checksum: afaa803c4d84d32fc5d6b4fc9fe23555 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-05T16:31:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta tese teve como objetivo estudar as moléculas orgânicas (N-alquilbenzenossulfonamidas) como inibidoras de canais para potássio do tipo KV3.1, heterologamente expressos em células L-929. Com o presente estudo constatou-se que as moléculas, N-alquilbenzenossulfonamidas, produzem efeitos inibitórios sobre KV3.1. Através da técnica de whole cell patch clamp, observou-se que os valores de IC50 para as moléculas que bloquearam o canal foram 13,5 μM, 16,9 μM, 25,9 μM, 34,2 μM, 34,9 μM e 60 μM, respectivamente, para 4-cloro-3-nitro-N-butilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD2), 4-cloro-3-nitro-N-furfutilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD3), 4-[N-(3’aminopropil)-2-pirrolidona]-3-nitro-N-butilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD2_APP), 4-[N-(3’aminopropil)-2-pirrolidona]-3-nitro-N-furfurilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD3_APP), 4-cloro-N-butilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD2_SN) e 4-cloro-N-furfurilbenzenossulfonamida (SMD3_SN). O efeito de todas as moléculas mostrou-se reversível quanto à ligação com o canal e todas atuaram como bloqueadores de canal aberto. Em SMD2, molécula que mostrou o menor valor de IC50, observou-se um deslocamento de -8 mV em relação ao controle, nas curvas de condutância versus voltagem, nas cinéticas de ativação e na recuperação a partir da inativação em relação à voltagem. O SMD2 não alterou as constantes de tempo de desativação, embora tenha mudado as constantes de ativação e inativação, além de ter induzido o fenômeno de tail crossover. Observou-se que para potenciais mais despolarizados, ocorreu o alívio do bloqueio (Block Relief). Não foi observado o efeito da dependência do pH para o bloqueio e SMD2 não mudou a seletividade do canal. Constatou-se que pulsos despolarizantes de curta duração induzem efeitos menos intensos, ao passo que pulsos despolarizantes mais longos, produzem efeitos mais intensos de SMD2 sobre o canal. Além disso, foi observado que, quanto mais o canal é usado, ou seja, aberto, mais ele é bloqueado por SMD2. Todos esses dados sugerem que SMD2 não interage com o estado fechado e nem com o estado inativado do canal, mas sim com seu estado aberto, apresentando também um efeito dependente de uso. De um ponto de vista farmacológico, isso indica que SMD2 pode ser uma molécula importante na modulação da atividade dos canais KV3.1, presentes em células com altas frequências de disparos de potencial de ação, podendo constituir uma nova classe de moduladores farmacológicos desses canais. / This thesis had the aim of studying the organic molecules (N-alkylbenzenesulfonamides) that block KV3.1 potassium channel heterologously expressed in L-929 cells. It was found that N-alkylbenzenesulfonamides have restrained effects on KV3.1. Through the whole cell patch clamp technique, it was observed that the values of IC50, for molecules that block the channel, were 13,5 μM, 16,9 μM, 25,9 μM, 34,2 μM, 34,9 μM and 60 μM, respectively 4-Chloro-3-nitro-N-butylbenzenesulfonamide (SMD2), 4-Chloro-3-nitro-N-furfurylbenzene-sulfonamide (SMD3), 4-[N-(3′-Aminopropyl)-2-pyrrolidone]-3-nitro-N-butylbenzenesulfona-mide (SMD2_APP), 4-[N-(3′-Aminopropyl)-2-pyrrolidone]-3-nitro-N-furfurylbenzene-sulfonamide (SMD3_APP), 4-Chloro-N-butyllbenzenesulfonamide (SMD2_SN) e 4-Chloro-N-furfurylbenzenesulfonamide(SMD3_SN). The effect of all molecules was reversible regards to the linking with the channel and all act as open channel blocker. In SMD2, molecule which showed the smallest value of IC50, it was observed a displacement of -8 mV compared to control, for conductance curves versus voltage, for the kinetics of activation and for the recovery from inactivation in relation to voltage. SMD2 did not change the deactivation of time constants, although it changed the activation and inactivation constants, and more, SMD2 have induced tail crossover phenomenon. It was observed that, for more depolarized potentials, there was a block relief. It was not observed the effect of pH dependence for the block and SMD2 did not change the channel selectivity. It was observed that, short duration depolarizing pulses prompt less intense effects, whereas long duration depolarizing pulses prompt more intense effects of SMD2 on the channels. Furthermore, it was observed that the more the channel is used, in an open state, the more it is blocked by SMD2. All of these data suggest that SMD2 does not interact neither with the closed state nor the inactivated state of channel, but with its open state presenting an use-dependent manner, also showing a use-dependent effect. In a pharmacological point of view, this indicates that SMD2 may be an important molecule in the modulation of the activity in the KV3.1 channels, presents in cells with high frequency of firing of action potential and may constitute a new class of pharmacological modulators.
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Controle neuroendócrino da reprodução: fatores que modulam a atividade de neurônios GNRH e kisspetina. / Neural control of reproduction: neuromodulators of GnRH and kisspeptin neurons activity.Marina Augusto Silveira 30 May 2017 (has links)
Neurônios GnRH e kisspeptina representam as populações neuronais de maior importância no controle da reprodução. Estradiol liga-se ao seu receptor expresso pelos neurônios kisspeptina para regular a libertação de GnRH. No modelo animal OVX+E a atividade do neurônio GnRH e pico de LH é depende do estradiol e hora do dia. Nesse estudo, embora a taxa de disparo dos neurônios GnRH seja similar entre os grupos, o padrão dos potenciais revelou uma mudança para maior duração do estouro em camundongos no proestrous, além do fato de uma maior resposta da hipófise. A prolactina tem grande impacto na modulação do eixo HPG e kisspeptina são mediadores dos efeitos da prolactina sobre a reprodução. Uma pequena porcentagem de neurônios de kisspeptina do AVPV foi indiretamente despolarizada pela prolactina. Este efeito requeria a via de sinalização PI3K. Camundongos portadores de inativação de Stat5a/b em células kisspeptina exibiram um início precoce de ciclicidade estro, indicando que os fatores de transcrição STAT5 exercem um efeito inibitório sobre o momento da puberdade. / GnRH and kisspeptina neurons represent the most important neuronal populations in the control of reproduction. Estradiol binds to its receptor expressed by the kisspeptina neurons to regulate the release of GnRH. In the animal model OVX+E the activity of the GnRH neuron and LH surge is dependent of estradiol and time of day. In this study, although the firing rate of GnRH neurons was similar between groups, the pattern of potentials revealed a change to longer burst duration in mice in proestrous, and the pituitary response was greater in this group. Prolactin has impact on HPG axis modulation and kisspeptin is a mediator of the effects of prolactin on reproduction. A small percentage of AVPV kisspeptin neurons were indirectly depolarized by prolactin. This effect required the PI3K signaling pathway. Mice bearing Stat5a/b inactivation on kisspeptin cells exhibited an early onset of estrus cyclicity, indicating that STAT5 transcription factors exert an inhibitory effect on the time of puberty.
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Conception et application de nouveaux outils photochimiques pour l’étude des récepteurs canaux P2X / Conception and application of new photochemical tools to study P2X receptorsPeverini, Laurie 02 November 2017 (has links)
Les récepteurs P2X (P2XR), activés par l’ATP, sont impliqués dans des rôles physiopathologiques. Leur fonctionnement est associé à différents états conformationnels. Le projet de thèse a mené à associer la synthèse organique et l’application de molécules photo-activables avec des techniques d’électrophysiologie patch-clamp, pour décortiquer les mouvements moléculaires de ces récepteurs et effectuer des relations structure-fonction, via trois stratégies : - La synthèse et application d’agrafes photo-isomérisables qui permet le photo-contrôle des P2XR et l’étude de mouvements - La synthèse et caractérisation d’un acide aminé (aa) photo-clivable pour étudier les implications de zones sur la fonction des P2XR via une photolyse - L’incorporation d’un aa non naturel dans les P2XR pour étudier des interactions et mouvements via un « photo-pontage ». Nous avons élucidé les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la perméabilité des P2XR, récusé l’existence de l'état dilaté et identifié un cation organique physiologique pouvant les traverser. Nous avons aussi conçu un acide aminé photo-clivable pouvant mener à des études structure-fonction des P2XR. / P2X receptors are cationic ligand-gated ion channels, activated by extracellular ATP, involved in many physio-pathological roles. Their function is associated with different allosteric states. During this PhD, we have designed three new strategies, spanning photochemical organic synthesis and patch-clamp electrophysiology to elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved in these conformational states and to collect data in order to study structure-function relationships. - Synthesis and application of molecular tweezers, which allows the photo-control of P2X Rand the study of molecular motions - Synthesis and characterization of a photo-cleavable amino acid with the aim of incorporating it into P2XR and doing structure-function relationships - Incorporation of an unnatural amino acid for photo-crosslinking studies. We have been able to probe the molecular mechanism involved in large organic cations permeation of P2XR, to bring into question the dilated state and to identify a physiological cation that can flow through P2XR. We have also designed a photo-cleavable amino acid which could serve in the study of structure-function relationships.
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Výpočet frekvenčně-admitančních charakteristik z naměřených patchclampových dat / Evalution of Frequency-Admittance Characteristics from Meausured Patch Clamp DataPodhorský, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The goal of diploma these is ‘Calculation of frequency-admittance characteristics from measured patchlamps dates’. Calculation is made on the basis of study of mentioned problematic measure ion current cell membrane by patch-clamp method and its using for measure frequency-admittance characteristics. After it selected method of calculation was realized in software calculator Matlab.
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Dynamique intracellulaire des cellules pyramidales de CA3 dans l'hippocampe pendant les états de veille / Intracellular dynamic of CA3 pyramidal cells of the hippocampus during awake statesMalezieux, Meryl 07 December 2018 (has links)
Les états de veille sont composés d’états cérébraux distincts, corrélés avec différents comportements et caractérisés par des oscillations spécifiques observables dans le potentiel de champ local (Local Field Potential, LFP). Bien que les différents états cérébraux et leur signature dans le LFP aient été caractérisés, les mécanismes cellulaires sous-jacents restent à ce jour peu connus. Des changements des propriétés de neurones uniques seraient corrélés avec, et pourraient participer à la génération de ces changements d’états cérébraux. L’activité coordonnée et synchronisée de neurones facilite certains processus cognitifs tels que la mémoire. L’hippocampe joue un rôle essentiel dans les mémoires spatiale et épisodique, et dans l’hippocampe, CA3 est important pour la formation d’associations facilitant l’encodage rapide de la mémoire. De plus, les informations provenant du cortex entorhinal, du gyrus denté, et de CA3 même sont comparées et intégrées dans CA3 avant d’être transmises à CA1. Lors de périodes de repos, le LFP hippocampique présente une activité large et irrégulière (Large Irregular Activity, LIA), ponctuée par des oscillations plus rapides, les sharp-wave ripples, jouant un rôle dans la consolidation de la mémoire. Lors de périodes exploratoires, le LFP hippocampique oscille aux fréquences theta (6-12 Hz) et gamma (30-100 Hz). Les cellules pyramidales (CP) de CA3 jouent un rôle important dans chacun de ces états ; elles sont nécessaires pour les sharp wave lors de périodes de repos, et les oscillations gamma lors de comportements exploratoires. Dans le but d’étudier les modulations intracellulaires des CP de CA3, nous avons réalisé des enregistrements de patch-clamp en configuration cellule entière chez l’animal éveillé. Nous avons associé ces enregistrements avec des mesures du diamètre pupillaire et de la vitesse de locomotion de l’animal, ainsi qu’avec l’enregistrement de l’activité oscillatoire du LFP dans l’hippocampe. Nos résultats montrent que certaines CP de CA3 sont sensibles à la modulation intracellulaire lors de différents rythmes hippocampiques, et ont tendance à diminuer leur potentiel de membrane moyen, leur excitabilité, leur variance et leur décharge de potentiel d’action lors des oscillations theta par rapport aux périodes de LIA. De futures études permettront de déterminer si ces changements sont dus à des changements d’entrées synaptiques et/ou de neuromodulateurs. Ces modulations pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’émergence des rythmes oscillatoires du LFP, et permettre à CA3 de réaliser différentes fonctions mnésiques à différents moments. / Wakefulness is comprised of distinct brain states, correlated with different behaviors and characterized by specific oscillatory patterns in the local field potential (LFP). While much work has characterized different brain states and their LFP signatures, the underlying cellular mechanisms are less known. Changes in single cell properties are thought to correlate with and possibly result in these changes in brain state. Synchronized and coordinated activity among distributed neurons supports cognitive processes such as memory. The hippocampus is essential for spatial and episodic memory, and within the hippocampus, area CA3 is important for rapid encoding of one-trial memory. Additionally, CA3 is the site where information from the entorhinal cortex, dentate gyrus, and CA3 itself is compared and integrated before output to CA1. During quiet wakefulness, the hippocampal LFP displays large irregular activity (LIA) punctuated by sharp-wave ripples, which play a role in memory consolidation. During exploratory behaviors, hippocampal LFP oscillates at both theta and gamma frequencies. CA3 pyramidal cells (PCs) play an important role in each of these brain states; they are necessary for both sharp waves during quiet wakefulness and for gamma oscillations during exploratory behavior. We explored the changes that occur in the intracellular dynamics of CA3 PCs during changes in brain state, by using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from CA3 PCs in awake head-fixed mice. We combined those recordings with measurements of pupil diameter, treadmill running speed and LFP recordings of oscillatory activity. Our findings show that some CA3 PCs are prone to intracellular modulation during brain rhythms, and tend to decrease their average membrane potential, excitability, variance and output firing during theta as compared to LIA. Future studies will demonstrate whether these effects are due to changes in synaptic and/or neuromodulatory inputs. This modulation at the single-cell level in CA3 could play a role in the emergence of oscillations, and underlie the ability of CA3 to perform different memory functions during different brain states.
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Engineering of Light-Gated Artificial Ion ChannelsSteller, Laura Florentina 26 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this project is the development of artificial ion channels that can be actuated by light and thus controlled efficiently. Our artificial system is composed of two regions: the gate and the body part. The gate part is based on light-responsive azo groups while the body part is formed by calix[4]resorcinarene. Key of controlling mechanism is the conformational change between cis and trans isomers, which is translated into movement of the gate. Light-gated artificial ion channels are aimed at eliminating of the stochastic mechanism of artificial ion channels. Such a reversible photocontrol should be a powerful tool for using artificial ion channels as the basis for the development of new pharmaceuticals and drug delivery systems, as photoswitches, and in the field of microfluidics.
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