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Analýza důchodového zabezpečování / Analysis of Old-ahe pension schemesVeverková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Master Thesis Analysis of Old-age Pension Schemes provides comparison of pay-as-you-go system and funding pensions from the theoretical point of view. Comparison is made assuming constant population and population under demographic crisis as well. Next issue is a demographic development of the Czech republic. The thesis answers the question whether demographic crisis in the Czech republic occurs. The last part of the thesis analyses the current pension system of the Czech republic assuming analysed development of population growth.
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La réforme des retraites en France entre répartition et capitalisation : analyse économique de deux dilemnes / The pension reform in France from pay-as-you-go to funded system : economic analysis of two dilemnasGbenyo, Kodzo-Kuma 05 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse cherche à travers des critères économiques, sociaux et financiers à définir pour laFrance un système de retraite optimal. Elle procède à l’analyse critique de l’ensemble desréformes entreprises depuis la parution du Livre Blanc sur les retraites (1991), et engage despistes de mesures complémentaires pour les améliorer. Elle s’articule autour de deux idéesprincipales : d’une part, les principales réformes (Balladur, 1993 et Fillon, 2003) sont d’ordreparamétrique et entendent préserver la logique de solidarité intergénérationnelle ; d’autre part,sous certaines conditions, elles peuvent être améliorées par l’adjonction de mesuresstructurelles sous forme d’introduction d’une dose de capitalisation obligatoire.L’argumentation s’appuie à la fois sur une réflexion théorique, fondée notamment sur lesmodèles à générations imbriquées, la notion de taxe sur la poursuite d’activité aux âgesavancés, et sur une étude empirique internationale mesurant l’impact d’une capitalisationsupplémentaire sur l’épargne nationale. Globalement, l’objectif de la thèse est de montrerl’existence de deux dilemmes auxquels font face les pouvoirs publics dans la recherche desolutions à la crise des retraites: (1) garder le système de retraite actuel qui offre peud’incitations à la poursuite de toute activité professionnelle aux âges avancés ou aller versplus d’individualisation des droits au risque de sacrifier la solidarité intergénérationnelle ; (2)quelle dose, quelle(s) forme(s) et quelle réglementation de la capitalisation qui permettentd’augmenter l’épargne nationale au lieu de la réduire ? / This dissertation tries to define an optimal retirement system for France based on economic,social and financial criteria. It reviews the reforms that have been undertaken since thepublication of the Livre Blanc sur les retraites in 1991, and highlights additional measuresthat could be implemented to enhance these reforms. The dissertation is structured around twomain ideas: on the one hand, the main reforms (Balladur, 1993 and Fillon, 2003) are ofparametric nature and intend to preserve intergenerational solidarity; on the other hand, undercertain conditions, they can be improved by incorporating a funded system. The analysis relyon both a theoretical framework, notably overlapping generations models, and anempirical approach to assess the impact of additional capitalization on national saving.Overall, the dissertation aims to show that the authorities face two main dilemma whendealing with the retirement crisis: (1) keep the current retirement system, which does notencourage the elderly to remain in the workforce, or move toward a funded system at the riskof giving up intergenerational solidarity; (2) what dose, forms and regulations of fundingcould stimulate national savings?
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Aplikovatelnost chilské penzijní reformy na český důchodový systém / The applicability of the Chilean pension system in the Czech RepublicBrabec, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The Chilean pension reform has been an experiment of great success. Futhermore, thanks to it the current pensions are much higher than they would have been under the old Pay-As-You-Go system. Considering this, I decided to analyze the possible applicability of the Chilean pension system in the Czech environment. In the present diploma thesis I do analyze the potential results (replacement ratio) of the introduction of a fully funded system in the Czech Republic, in comperison with the replacement ratio of the current Czech PAYG system and the modificated Czech PAYG system that would not genarate deficits (through the reduction of pensions) and keep the retirement age same for all variants for the reason of objective comparison. Later, I do analyze the impact to the state budget of the transition to a fully funded system and discuss the advantages of a such transition. The main conclusion of this diploma thesis justifies that the transition to a fully funded system in the Czech Republic is not recommendatory, due to the fact that it requires high state budget funding and there is a great unlikelihood of benefits for all income groups in general.
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