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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pb isotope systematics in Cenozoic igenous rocks from the Rio Grande Rift region, USA

Heikoop, Cherylyn 01 1900 (has links)
<p> The Rio Grande Rift is a major tectonomagmatic feature of the North American craton. Physiographically, the present rift is recognized as a series of grabens and half-grabens which extend for over 1000 km from south-central Colorado into Chihuahua, Mexico. Rift structures, however, are recognized as far north as the Colorado-Wyoming border. Basaltic magmatism within the rift began by 30 Ma in southern New Mexico, and by 25 Ma in northern New Mexico and Colorado. Within-rift magmatism is low in volume in comparison to rift-related activity on the rift shoulders and flanks. </p> <p> Petrologic studies of Rio Grande Rift-related volcanics are numerous, yet focus primarily on suites erupted in north-central New Mexico and Colorado. However, recently published abstracts suggest areas of southern New Mexico are receiving much needed attention. Initial attempts at characterizing the petrologic diversity and mantle sources of rift-related volcanics have concentrated on major and trace element data, as well as the application of Sr and Nd isotopes. Only minor attention has been given to Pb isotope variations. </p> <p> This thesis contains the most recent compilation of Pb isotope data for volcanic rocks erupted within the Rio Grande Rift region. The oldest rocks included in this work are· monzonite stocks erupted c. 60 Ma within the Colorado Mineral Belt. Using Pb isotope data in combination with trace element variations and Sr-Nd isotopes, a model is developed which suggests the stocks were initially derived from mantle sources with geochemical properties similar to those which produced rift-related basaltic volcanics in northwest Colorado beginning at 25 Ma. </p> <p> Two chapters of the thesis are devoted to exploring the utility of Pb isotopes as tracers of crustal influence in continental basaltic volcanism. One deals specifically with documenting Pb isotope variations in the northwest Colorado region, whereas the second focuses on variations in the Espanola Basin of north-central New Mexico. Major results of the northwest Colorado study 1) suggest that the asthenosphere contributed to early rift (25 Ma volcanism), 2) better characterize the geochemical signature of lithospheric and asthenospheric sources during periods of active volcanism, and 3) confirm earlier suspicions regarding the effects of crustal contamination in several rock suites. Work on basaltic components of volcanism in the Espanola Basin indicate that crustal contamination was also an important process in producing the observed Pb and Sr isotopic variations in both early and later rift lavas. </p> <p> The remaining chapter of the thesis is a synthesis of all available rift data, from northern Colorado to southern New Mexico. An analysis of changes in the Pb isotopic corn position of the lithosphere with latitude is presented, as well as a cross-rift transect of the central rift region. Further, a model which combines previously published ideas on the tectonomagmatic development of the Rio Grande Rift and the Basin and Range province is proposed. The most important results of the combined model are the proposition that rifting began earlier than previously thought, and that the timing of extension and magmatism in the Rio Grande Rift is very similar to that of the Basin and Range province. Additional data from the rift, particularly the southern region, will help to confirm or deny this model. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Petrografia e características isotópicas de Pb da mineralização aurífera de Marmato, Colombia; implicações para identificação e caracterização de domínios transicionais entre sistemas epitermais e do tipo pórfiro / not available

Mello, Caio Ribeiro de 15 April 2015 (has links)
O Distrito Aurífero de Marmato é um distrito mineiro de grande dimensão localizado na borda da Cordilheira Ocidental dos Andes Colombianos. A geologia da região é balizada de acordo com o Sistema de Falhas Romeral, uma de escala regional que corta a Colômbia de norte a sul. Nesta localidade o embasamento é composto por xistos anfibolíticos, xistos quartzo sericíticos e anfibolitos pertencentes ao Complexo Arquia. A cobertura sedimentar é composta por arenitos, conglomerados e pelitos da Formação Amagá. Estas duas unidades são intrudidas por corpos vulcânicos a subvulcânicos da Formação Combia, constituída por depósitos piroclásticos e corpos intrusivos de composição dacítica a andesítica, dentre os quais o Stock de Marmato, um corpo subvulcânico gerado no Mioceno tardio. Este stock, de idade miocênica, é hospedeiro da maioria significativa da mineralização aurífera, que também ocorre subordinadamente nas rochas do Complexo Arquia. O sistema mineral é descrito como um depósito epitermal low sulfidation de Au e Ag. A mineralização ocorre associada a veios distensionais, zonas de stockworks e disseminada pela rocha hospedeira. O processo de mineralização possui idade de 5.6±0.6 Ma, obtida através da datação de plagioclásio sericitizado, idade que coincide com um episódio de reativação do Sistema de Falhas de Romeral (5.6±0.4 Ma).O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar o comportamento das razões isotópicas de Pb (\'ANTPOT. 206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT. 204 Pb\',\' ANTPOT. 207 Pb\'/\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb\' e \'ANTPOT. 208 Pb\'/\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb\') de acordo com a profundidade dos veios mineralizados e as alterações hidrotermais presentes nesta mineralização aurífera. Para tanto foram estudadas amostras de diferentes cotas colhidas tanto em galerias como em testemunhos de sondagem. Os resultados isotópicos obtidos mostram que os níveis superficial e intermediário apresentam razões isotópicas heterogêneas enquanto o nível mais profundo apresenta uma variação neste padrão, com razões isotópicas homogêneas. Este comportamento pode ser atribuído a maior quantidade de água meteórica na parte superior do sistema mineralizante em relação ao nível mais profundo, em que o fluido tem origem associada à intrusão. Estes dados mostram que o nível mais profundo da mineralização aurífera de Marmato apresenta assinatura isotópica característica de mineralizações pórfiras e os níveis mais superficiais apresentam assinatura epitermal. Três tipos de alterações hidrotermais foram descritas em Marmato, são elas: alteração propilítica, alteração sericítica e alteração argílica. A alteração propilitica é caracterizada por clorita + calcita + epidoto como mineralogia de alteração. Na alteração sericítica todos os minerais, a exceção do quartzo e a da apatita, são afetados e transformados em sericita, com clorita subordinada. Esta alteração ocorre geralmente em cotas mais profundas. A alteração argílica ocorre na porção superficial do depósito e é composta principalmente por argilominerais. O principal mineral de minério é a pirita, e a relação de Au:Ag nestes minerais varia entre 2:1 e 1:1. Também são observados minerais ricos em Te, Se e Bi. / The auriferous district of Marmato is a large-scale mining district located on the edge of the Western Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The geology of the region is marked out according to the Romeral Fault System, a regional scale suture that cuts Colombia from north to south. In this locality the basement consists of amphibolites schists, quartz schists and sericitic amphibolites belonging to Arquia Complex. The sedimentary cover is composed of sandstones, conglomerates and pelites representing the Amagá Formation. These two units are intruded by volcanic bodies to subvolcanic of Combia Formation, composed of pyroclastic deposits and intrusive bodies composition dacitic to andesitic, among which the Stock Marmato a subvolcanic body generated in the late Miocene. This stock host of the most significant gold mineralization, which also occurs in the subordinate Arquia Complex rocks. The mineral system is described as an Au and Ag low sulfidation epithermal deposit. Mineralization occurs associated with extensional zones, stockworks and disseminated by the host rock. The process of mineralization dates 5.6 ± 0.6 Ma, with age obtained by dating sericitizado plagioclase, age coinciding with an episode of reactivation of the Romeral Fault System (5.6 ± 0.4 Ma) .The present study aimed to characterize the behavior of the reasons isotopic Pb (\' ANTPOT. 206 Pb\' /\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb \', \'ANTPOT 207 Pb\' /\'ANTPOT 204 Pb\' and \'ANTPOT.208 Pb\' /\'ANTPOT. 204 Pb\') according to the depth of the mineralized veins and hydrothermal alterations present in this gold mineralization. Samples of different levels were studied both in galleries and in drill core. The isotopic results show that the surface and intermediate levels have heterogeneous isotope ratios while the deepest level has homogeneous isotopic ratios. This behavior can be attributed to the greater amount of meteoric water in the upper part of the mineralizing system relative to a deeper level, wherein the fluid source is associated with the intrusion. These data show that the deepest level of gold mineralization Marmato presents isotopic signature feature of porphyry mineralizations and the most superficial levels have epithermal signature. Three types of hydrothermal alterations have been described in Marmato, those alterations are: propylitic alteration, sericitic alteration and argillic alteration. The propylitic alteration is characterized by chlorite + epidote + calcite as alteration mineralogy. In the sericitic alteration all minerals, except quartz and apatite, are affected and transformed into sericite, with subordinate chlorite. This change usually occurs in deeper dimensions. Argillic alteration occurs in the superficial portion of the deposit and is mainly composed of clay minerals. The main mineral is a pyrite ore, and the Au ratio Ag these minerals varies between 2: 1 and 1: 1. There were also observed minerals rich in Te, Se and Bi.

Lead Isotope Geochemistry Of Pb-zn Deposits From Eastern Taurides, Turkey

Ceyhan, Nuri 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study is concerned with the Pb-isotope compositions of galena samples from Pb-Zn occurrences in southern Turkey. The purpose is to i) provide chronologic information for ore deposition, ii) investigate the likely source(s) of lead in ore deposits, and iii) examine the possible control of tectonic setting and crustal basement on Pb-isotope compositions. The data used in the study belongs to the deposits located in Taurides (Zamanti, KahramanmaraS, Malatya, Elazig, Bitlis), with additional data from Nigde Massif and Hakkari Area. The mineralizations are dominantly carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits formed as fracture and karst fillings and, in some places, parralel to bedding. Ore minerals are mainly Zn-oxides and minor Zn, Pb-sulphides. The Pb-isotope compositions, as evaluated in terms of their configuration with respect to reference crustal growth curves and reference isochrons on conventional Pb-isotope diagrams, point to U/Pb ratios greater than average crustal values (and close to the Western Mediterranean Crustal Growth Curve) for all the deposits, indicating upper crustal source for Pb. However, some of the deposits (AfSin-KahramanmaraS / Oreks, D&uuml / ndarli, AgcaSar and skarn type deposits to the south of &Ccedil / adirkaya in Zamanti (Kayseri-Adana) / Keban-Elazig) appear to have magmatic inputs in their genesis. Relatively old deposits are likely Paleozoic (Cafana-Malatya and T&uuml / rksevin-KahramanmaraS), Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic (Kalek&ouml / y-Zamanti) and Mesozoic (Hakkari) in age. The rest of the deposits (most of the occurrences in Zamanti, Nigde, KahramanmaraS, Elazig and Bitlis) are likely of Cenozoic age. The Pb-isotope compositions are, in general, similar to those from other occurrences in the Mediterranean Belt.

Petrografia e características isotópicas de Pb da mineralização aurífera de Marmato, Colombia; implicações para identificação e caracterização de domínios transicionais entre sistemas epitermais e do tipo pórfiro / not available

Caio Ribeiro de Mello 15 April 2015 (has links)
O Distrito Aurífero de Marmato é um distrito mineiro de grande dimensão localizado na borda da Cordilheira Ocidental dos Andes Colombianos. A geologia da região é balizada de acordo com o Sistema de Falhas Romeral, uma de escala regional que corta a Colômbia de norte a sul. Nesta localidade o embasamento é composto por xistos anfibolíticos, xistos quartzo sericíticos e anfibolitos pertencentes ao Complexo Arquia. A cobertura sedimentar é composta por arenitos, conglomerados e pelitos da Formação Amagá. Estas duas unidades são intrudidas por corpos vulcânicos a subvulcânicos da Formação Combia, constituída por depósitos piroclásticos e corpos intrusivos de composição dacítica a andesítica, dentre os quais o Stock de Marmato, um corpo subvulcânico gerado no Mioceno tardio. Este stock, de idade miocênica, é hospedeiro da maioria significativa da mineralização aurífera, que também ocorre subordinadamente nas rochas do Complexo Arquia. O sistema mineral é descrito como um depósito epitermal low sulfidation de Au e Ag. A mineralização ocorre associada a veios distensionais, zonas de stockworks e disseminada pela rocha hospedeira. O processo de mineralização possui idade de 5.6±0.6 Ma, obtida através da datação de plagioclásio sericitizado, idade que coincide com um episódio de reativação do Sistema de Falhas de Romeral (5.6±0.4 Ma).O presente trabalho buscou caracterizar o comportamento das razões isotópicas de Pb (\'ANTPOT. 206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT. 204 Pb\',\' ANTPOT. 207 Pb\'/\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb\' e \'ANTPOT. 208 Pb\'/\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb\') de acordo com a profundidade dos veios mineralizados e as alterações hidrotermais presentes nesta mineralização aurífera. Para tanto foram estudadas amostras de diferentes cotas colhidas tanto em galerias como em testemunhos de sondagem. Os resultados isotópicos obtidos mostram que os níveis superficial e intermediário apresentam razões isotópicas heterogêneas enquanto o nível mais profundo apresenta uma variação neste padrão, com razões isotópicas homogêneas. Este comportamento pode ser atribuído a maior quantidade de água meteórica na parte superior do sistema mineralizante em relação ao nível mais profundo, em que o fluido tem origem associada à intrusão. Estes dados mostram que o nível mais profundo da mineralização aurífera de Marmato apresenta assinatura isotópica característica de mineralizações pórfiras e os níveis mais superficiais apresentam assinatura epitermal. Três tipos de alterações hidrotermais foram descritas em Marmato, são elas: alteração propilítica, alteração sericítica e alteração argílica. A alteração propilitica é caracterizada por clorita + calcita + epidoto como mineralogia de alteração. Na alteração sericítica todos os minerais, a exceção do quartzo e a da apatita, são afetados e transformados em sericita, com clorita subordinada. Esta alteração ocorre geralmente em cotas mais profundas. A alteração argílica ocorre na porção superficial do depósito e é composta principalmente por argilominerais. O principal mineral de minério é a pirita, e a relação de Au:Ag nestes minerais varia entre 2:1 e 1:1. Também são observados minerais ricos em Te, Se e Bi. / The auriferous district of Marmato is a large-scale mining district located on the edge of the Western Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The geology of the region is marked out according to the Romeral Fault System, a regional scale suture that cuts Colombia from north to south. In this locality the basement consists of amphibolites schists, quartz schists and sericitic amphibolites belonging to Arquia Complex. The sedimentary cover is composed of sandstones, conglomerates and pelites representing the Amagá Formation. These two units are intruded by volcanic bodies to subvolcanic of Combia Formation, composed of pyroclastic deposits and intrusive bodies composition dacitic to andesitic, among which the Stock Marmato a subvolcanic body generated in the late Miocene. This stock host of the most significant gold mineralization, which also occurs in the subordinate Arquia Complex rocks. The mineral system is described as an Au and Ag low sulfidation epithermal deposit. Mineralization occurs associated with extensional zones, stockworks and disseminated by the host rock. The process of mineralization dates 5.6 ± 0.6 Ma, with age obtained by dating sericitizado plagioclase, age coinciding with an episode of reactivation of the Romeral Fault System (5.6 ± 0.4 Ma) .The present study aimed to characterize the behavior of the reasons isotopic Pb (\' ANTPOT. 206 Pb\' /\' ANTPOT. 204 Pb \', \'ANTPOT 207 Pb\' /\'ANTPOT 204 Pb\' and \'ANTPOT.208 Pb\' /\'ANTPOT. 204 Pb\') according to the depth of the mineralized veins and hydrothermal alterations present in this gold mineralization. Samples of different levels were studied both in galleries and in drill core. The isotopic results show that the surface and intermediate levels have heterogeneous isotope ratios while the deepest level has homogeneous isotopic ratios. This behavior can be attributed to the greater amount of meteoric water in the upper part of the mineralizing system relative to a deeper level, wherein the fluid source is associated with the intrusion. These data show that the deepest level of gold mineralization Marmato presents isotopic signature feature of porphyry mineralizations and the most superficial levels have epithermal signature. Three types of hydrothermal alterations have been described in Marmato, those alterations are: propylitic alteration, sericitic alteration and argillic alteration. The propylitic alteration is characterized by chlorite + epidote + calcite as alteration mineralogy. In the sericitic alteration all minerals, except quartz and apatite, are affected and transformed into sericite, with subordinate chlorite. This change usually occurs in deeper dimensions. Argillic alteration occurs in the superficial portion of the deposit and is mainly composed of clay minerals. The main mineral is a pyrite ore, and the Au ratio Ag these minerals varies between 2: 1 and 1: 1. There were also observed minerals rich in Te, Se and Bi.

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