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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změny ve vegetaci přechodových rašelinišť v rybničních epilitorálech / Vegetation changes in transition bogs at fishpond epilitorals

Spilka, Josef January 2010 (has links)
This study concerns in a three peatland sites: the epilitorals of Pilská reservoir and Hořejší Padrťský fishpond in Příbram region and Kamenný fishpond in Pilsen. These peat-bobg were affected by negative conseqences of human activities. The aim of this study is to find out what kind these changes was and what extent they were. The changes in vegetation were observed from two points of view. The GIS analyses of aerial photographs represent the macroscale view. Repeating of old phytosociological relevées was the microscale view. To understand the cause of vegetation changes, the species-environment analyses were used. Four transects were made for this purpose and a water table level, pH and conductivity were mesured monthly along these transects. One-shot measurements of N and P water concentration and a peat depth were also carried out. Measured data from transects were uses in multivariate vegetation analyses and also in one- way analysis, aimed to an expansion plant species. All three sites of concern came through strong changes in past. In all of them the area of biotops of great conservation importance decreased and some endangered plant species have been lost there. The changes in Pilská reservoir epilitoral were mostly anthropogenic, whereas the mires of Hořejší Padrťský fishpond and Kamenný...

Utilization of electrocoagulation for water and wastewater treatment and nutrient recovery:techno-economic studies

Kuokkanen, V. (Ville) 16 February 2016 (has links)
Abstract Electrocoagulation (EC) is an emerging technology that combines the functions and advantages of conventional coagulation, flotation, and electrochemistry in water and wastewater treatment. The aims of this work included doing an updated literary review of recent feasible applications of EC, which were found to be plentiful. Since the economic and practical operational key figures related to EC haven’t been extensively mapped out before, this was a prime objective of this part of the work. The aim of the next part of this work was to find new feasible applications for EC in the treatment of water and wastewater. The studied wastewaters included bio- and synthetic oil-in-water emulsions, various industrial nutrient-containing wastewaters, and peat bog drainage water containing humic substances (an interesting and topical problem, especially in Finland). These studies proved the feasibility of EC. In addition, larger-scale experiments were also conducted successfully, thus proving the scalability of the EC process. Extensive economic analyses of the studied EC applications were also done. The operational costs and energy consumption of EC were found to be very low—typically about 0.1–1.0 €/m3 and 0.4–4.0 kWh/m3. It has been forecasted that in the future there will be a shortage of virgin phosphorus. Therefore, another essential purpose of this work was to conduct a preliminary study on the feasibility of using EC for nutrient (especially phosphorus, but also nitrogen) removal and recovery from different types of real wastewater. Specifically, it may be possible to use EC sludges containing notable amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen as additives in granulated bio ash-based fertilizer products for various applications. This is a novel idea and a “hot topic” in the waste utilization sector and in circular and bioeconomy. / Tiivistelmä Elektrokoagulaatio (electrocoagulation, EC) on nosteessa oleva teknologia, joka yhdistää perinteisen koagulaation, flotaation ja sähkökemian hyödyt ja mahdollisuudet vesien ja jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tämän työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli laatia kirjallisuuskatsaus EC:n viimeaikaisista käyttökelpoisista sovelluksista, joita löytyi runsaasti. Koska EC:n toiminnallisia ja taloudellisia avainlukuja ei ole kartoitettu kattavasti aiemmin, tämän tekeminen oli tämän osion tärkein tavoite. Väitöstyön seuraavana tavoitteena oli löytää uusia sovellutuksia EC:lle vesien ja jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tutkittuja vesiä olivat bio- ja synteettisistä öljyistä valmistetut öljy-vesiemulsiot, erilaiset teolliset ravinnepitoiset jätevedet ja humusainepitoiset turvesoiden valumavedet (kiinnostava ja ajankohtainen ongelma, erityisesti Suomessa). EC todettiin käyttökelpoiseksi teknologiaksi näissä kokeissa. Suuremman skaalan kokeilla todistettiin lisäksi EC-prosessin skaalautuvuus. Lisäksi, em. EC-sovellutuksista suoritettiin kattavat taloudelliset analyysit. EC:n käyttökustannukset ja energiankulutus todettiin erittäin pieniksi, tyypillisesti ne olivat välillä 0.1–1.0 €/m3 ja 0.4–4.0 kWh/m3. On ennustettu, että tulevaisuudessa on pulaa neitseellisestä fosforista. Tästä johtuen eräs tämän työn keskeisistä tarkoituksista oli suorittaa alustavia kokeita liittyen EC:n käyttökelpoisuuteen ravinteiden (erityisesti fosfori, mutta myös typpi) poistossa ja talteenotossa aidoista jätevesistä. Erityisesti jatkossa voisi olla järkevää hyödyntää runsaasti fosforia ja typpeä sisältäviä EC-sakkoja lisäaineina rakeistetuissa biotuhkapohjaisissa lannoitteissa eri sovellutuksissa. Tämä idea on uusi ja on jo herättänyt suurta kiinnostusta mm. kierto- ja biotaloussektoreilla.

Hydrologická funkce horských vrchovišť a vlastnosti rašelinných vod v pramenné oblasti Vydry / Hydrological function of peat bogs and peat water properties of the Vydra River headwaters

Doležal, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The retention potential of landscapes, along with the water regime of spring areas, are important hydrological topics of research, particularly in the current context of increasing extreme drought frequencies. The present work is focused on monitoring the mountain peat bogs, which, due to their overall frequency of occurrence in the spring area of the Vydra river, represent a significant constituent of the rainfall-runoff process of the area of interest. The specific hydropedological features of the organogenous soils (Histosol type soil) provide the high retention potential of the area, however, the influence of these soils on the runoff process is determined by complex physicogeographical factors. The general opinion on the hydrological function of the peat bogs has changed in recent years and the most important factor in the runoff formation in the mountain area of the Šumava Mts. is now thought to be the actual saturation of the headwater, which is predominantly composed of hydromorphic and organogenous soils. The organogenous soils are significant water reservoirs and have an important impact on the landscape. However, they may also intensify the extreme values of the watercourses during extreme precipitation events. The fundamental part of this work focuses on detailed observations of the...

Změny koncentrací organického uhlíku v povrchových vodách v pramenných oblastech / Changes of organic carbon in surface waters in headwater areas

Špringerová, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on changes of organic carbon (OC) in surface waters in headwater areas. Thesis is in its theoretical part focused on the literature study of currently published research results of the issue. The important part is finding the possible causes of OC variability, especially landcover and soil environment. The practical part is devoted to research in experimental basins of KFGG, namely in the upper Vydra, Blanice and Rolava. The aim of this work is to clarify the relationships between organic matter concentrations and discharge rates regarding to hydrological extremes. Furthermore, the influence of river basin size and various landcover and variability of concentrations and relationship with other indicators of biogeochemism is studied. The relationship between OC and discharge rate is positive and in most river basins strong or very strong. The weakest relationship was monitored on the profiles with the highest proportion of peatlands in the river basin. In these catchments, the highest average concentrations of OC were determined in autumn, in catchments with the lower proportion of peatlands it is in summer. Analysis of rainfall-runoff events confirmed the positive relationship of OC and discharge. The lag time of the maximum OC concentration beyond the maximum discharge...

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