Spelling suggestions: "subject:"penalty reduction"" "subject:"apenalty reduction""
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DEN SOM ÄR VUXEN OCH BEGÅR ETT BROTT SKA OCKSÅ BEHANDLAS SOM VUXEN AV RÄTTSVÄSENDET- ELLER? : En argumentationsanalys av Moderaternas motion att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdareAndersson, Emma, Eishow, Violina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att analysera Moderaternas argument till att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdare. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod och använde en argumentationsanalys för att besvara syftet. Moderaternas motion är en offentlig handling och användes som urval. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien var Garlands teori “acting out”. Teorin problematiserar olika politiska strategier. För att undersöka argumenten i motionen applicerades pro et contra-metoden. En teoretisk modell användes vid sammanvägning av argumentens beviskraft. Resultatet i studien visade att argumenten i Moderaternas motion innehöll moraliska värderingar snarare än faktabaserad information. Resultatet visade även att motionen innehöll otydliga motiveringar till att slopa straffrabatt för unga lagöverträdare. Tesen som framförts i motionen var enligt resultatet inte styrkt av de argument som tagits fram. Argumenten lyfte inte fram någon lösning på den problematik som framförts, utan var enbart något som Moderaterna själva ansåg vara mer rättvist. Vidare tolkades det som att Moderaterna argumenterar på ett sätt som ökar medborgarnas förtroende genom att använda känslostyrda formuleringar. För framtida studier rekommenderas det att analysera argument skrivna av andra politiska partier, som diskuterar straffrättsliga åtgärder för unga lagöverträdare. Det kan bidra till bredare perspektiv och förståelse. / The aim of this study was to analyse the Moderate party´s arguments to remove penalty reduction for young offenders. The study was based on a qualitative method and used an argumentation analysis to answer the purpose of this study. The Moderate party´s proposal is a public document and was used as a sample. The theoretical framework in this study was Garlands theory “acting out”. Acting out problematizes different political strategies. To be able to examine the arguments in the proposal we used the pro et contra-method. A theoretical model was used to put together the arguments probative value. The results in the study showed that the arguments in the proposal contained morale values rather than information based on facts. The results also showed that the proposal contained unclear motivations for removing penalty reduction for young offenders. The thesis in the proposal was according to the results not confirmed by the arguments that were brought up. The arguments did not conclude any solutions on the problem that the proposal mentioned. The arguments were solely built on something that the moderate party considered as fair. Moreover, it was interpreted that the Moderate party uses arguments in ways that increases the citizens trust by using sentences based on emotions. For future studies it is recommended to also do analyse arguments on other political parties that discusses criminal proceedings for young offenders. It can contribute to a broader perspective and understanding.
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[pt] Esta tese de doutorado busca analisar e refletir sobre o papel da leitura literária
em um projeto de remição de pena pela leitura em duas unidades prisionais do
estado do Rio de Janeiro. Seu principal objetivo é entender de que modo as práticas
de leitura literária alcançam sentido estético, para além do sentido administrativo,
que determina a redução de quatro dias da pena a ser cumprida pelo sujeito apenado,
com base na resolução 722 de 2018 da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária
do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Para isso, consideramos as noções de necessidade da
arte, de Fischer e de literatura como direito incompressível, em diálogo com
Candido e o potencial literário para promover partilha da estesia. A pesquisa se
propõe a ser uma participação observante, de base etnográfica, dada a imersão da
pesquisadora, também coordenadora de atividades da remição de pena pela leitura
e ativista do campo dos direitos das pessoas encarceradas. Foi utilizado diário de
campo para registro das atividades, além da revisão de literatura e da discussão
acerca da legislação vigente no tema. Também são considerados conteúdos dos
debates públicos sobre o tema e discussões internas da comissão de remição de pena
pela leitura, formada por professores das universidades públicas federais envolvidas
no projeto e servidores da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária. A natureza da
reflexão da tese é interdisciplinar, imbricando educação, filosofia, direito, literatura
e antropologia. Devido ao aspecto subjetivo da experiência com leitura literária,
lançamos mão do saber indiciário de Carlo Ginzburg, para trazer à tona elementos
menos vistosos, indícios da experiência estética. Foram analisados textos
produzidos para remição de pena, registro de oficinas em diário de campo e outros
textos produzidos nas oficinas. A análise permitiu perceber o predomínio da
experiência estética sobre a simples empresa administrativa e instrumental da
leitura. Mostrou ainda que a regularidade das atividades e a criação de uma rotina
claramente estabelecida e inserida sistematicamente no cotidiano da unidade
prisional colabora significativamente para tal resultado e confere prestígio político
ao projeto. / [en] This doctoral thesis seeks to analyze and reflect on the role of literary reading in a penalty redemption project through reading in two prison units in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Its main objective is to understand how literary reading practices achieve aesthetic meaning, in addition to the administrative meaning, which determines the reduction of four days in the penalty served by the convicted subject, based on Resolution 722 of 2018 of the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat of the State of Rio de Janeiro. To this aim, we consider Fischer s notions of the need for art and literature as an incompressible right, in dialogue with Candido and the literary potential to promote sharing of aesthesia. The research is proposed as an observant participation, with an ethnographic basis, given the immersion of the researcher, who is also a coordinator of penalty redemption activities through reading and an activist in the field of incarcerated people s rights. A field diary was used to record the activities, in addition to the literature review and discussion about current legislation on the topic. Contents of public debates on the topic and internal discussions of the sentence remission commission for reading, formed by professors from federal public universities involved in the project and employees of the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat, are also considered. The thesis reflection is interdisciplinary, connecting Education, Philosophy, Law, Literature, and Anthropology. Due to the subjective aspect of the experience with literary reading, we made use of Carlo Ginzburg s evidentiary knowledge in order to bring to light less flashy elements, signs of the aesthetic experience. Among the texts analyzed were texts produced for penalty redemption, workshop records in field diaries and other texts written at the workshops. The analysis allowed us to perceive the predominance of the aesthetic experience over the simple administrative and instrumental activity of reading. It also showed that the regularity of activities and the creation of a clearly established routine and systematically inserted into the daily life of the prison unit significantly contributes to this result and gives political prestige to the project.
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