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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of a performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality / Patrick Qena Radebe

Radebe, Patrick Qena January 2013 (has links)
Performance management is a process through which employees‟ performance is evaluated in order to reward such performance that meets the required standards, and to develop employees who fail to attain the required expectations. The overall organisational performance hinges on the effectiveness with which a performance management system is developed and implemented. The current study focuses on the extent to which performance management is effectively developed and implemented at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the correlation that this has with service delivery. To achieve this objective a number of research questions and objectives were posed and formulated in chapter one. The hypotheses for the study are: a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures can improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg; and a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures cannot improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg. In order to validate the hypotheses, the structured questionnaires on the performance management system and service delivery were compiled. A questionnaire for employees consisted of close-ended questionnaire statements and open-ended questions. Another questionnaire with only close-ended questionnaire statements was issued to residents to elicit responses on service delivery by the City of Johannesburg. Frequency analysis, which lends itself to correlation analysis, of employees‟ responses and residents‟ feedback was conducted. The correlation analysis between employees‟ responses to performance management system and residents‟ responses to service delivery was conducted using the Pearson Correlation. The findings of the study are: Growth and Development Strategy and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) are not adhered to in the daily operations in the municipality. Managers and subordinates set objectives jointly but are, however, not participants in the evaluation of the municipality’s performance. The employees of the municipality are aware of the existence of the performance management system but it is applied only to more senior officials. Employees and managers are not involved in the evaluation of the municipality‟s performance. Training does not capacitate employees to work effectively with the Balanced Scorecard. The information technology architecture is not supportive of the implementation of the performance management system. Key performance areas were found to lack uniformity in the municipality and therefore created „silos‟ in the municipality. The key performance indicators are developed without the involvement of the communities, including employees, especially at the lower level of management. The critical success factors are understood by employees and are linked to major tasks and job responsibilities. Tax and rates accounts are issued in time. Tax and rates accounts are inaccurate. The municipality does not maintain street lights regularly. The municipality does not maintain sewage systems regularly. There is no relationship between the performance management system and service delivery. The recommendations for improving the performance management system were made and the researcher developed an appropriate model of performance that is oriented to effective service delivery. / Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Governance))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

推動建構全面績效管理之關鍵成功因素 : 太陽能上市產業T公司為例 / Build the key successful elements of strategic performance management

舒翰鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
審視2016年台灣太陽能族群的半年報,發現各家廠商第二季獲利急速破底,在面對全球化市場及激烈的競爭,台灣產業面臨環境遭受的挑戰與日俱增,企業若是繼續維持傳統管理制度,將無法面臨競爭力衰退與獲利降低的窘境。因此企業必須在追求永續經營與創造股東價值的目標下,找出企業發展之方向,並隨時觀察全球產業競爭環境的變化,以便在經營與管理上調整更適合於新環境的策略,以維持競爭優勢與提升經營績效。 KPI(Key Performance Indicator)即關鍵績效指標,是通過對組織內部管理流程的關鍵參數進行設定、取樣、計算、分析,衡量流程績效的一種目標式量化管理指標,在過去的績效管理(performance management)相關研究當中,大多注重於績效指標(performance index)的設定方式與權重(weight)的設定等,並無全面性的思考組織各階層向下徹底落實,與協同單位的共同權責。本研究將探討績效管理制度發展沿革、使用工具設計與基本精神,並以台灣上市公司T公司為個案,深入介紹這家太陽能電池廠之績效管理制度,重新架構組織全面性的衡量標準,使員工個人及單位績效與企業發展目標相結合。 本研究的結果以下四項加以說明,整理如下: 一.企業績效管理落實進行: 企業審視次年度短期計畫、三年中期計畫及長期計畫之願景及策略,為達成策略目標的成功,應以關鍵績效指標(KPI)的績效評核制度,結合獎金制度作為激勵目的。 二.後續績效改善輔導追縱作業: 優質企業經營需要各種方法、制度,才能產生綜效,而這其中績效管理制度仍為其管理基礎,發現單位內工作表現不佳或績效進度嚴重落後之情形者,應該專案列管並統一擬定績效改善輔導名單。 三.考評者的教育訓練與內部稽核複核制度的建立: 績效管理制度的執行需能掌握其精神,並持續教育各階主管及精進工作方式,以奠定管理基礎,才能再日益精進及創新,使其成為企業新文化進而能應付外在環境變化並建立競爭力,擔任考核的主管在績效考核前應接受完整的訓練與輔導。 四.真實面對既有的管理盲點 績效管理模式只著重於消極被動的績效成果考核,而未作到主動引導員工,所以必須能主動創造工作績效的功能。再者常因部門展開之工作目標與企業整體目標間的關聯性不佳,以致達不到部門個人與企業營運績效相結合的期望。

Managing Performance Management and Development Systems (PMDS) in the Districts of the Gauteng Department of Education

Sefora, Justice Thabo 07 1900 (has links)
In 2003, Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) introduced policies on performance management in an endeavour to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. With these policies, schools are supposed to be constantly audited, monitored, and supported by district officials. Within district offices, there are unit supervisors who are responsible to manage PMDS to inculcate a performance culture. This performance culture is subsequently cascaded down to schools to yield quality matric results and yet this remains to be seen. Furthermore, the study aimed to explore the experiences and perceptions of supervisors and officials on the PMDS management within districts. With an interpretive paradigm, the researcher was able to analyse data from interviews and questionnaires. The study revealed that PMDS is generally acknowledged and positively perceived albeit with significant challenges to its implementation in the GDE districts. / Educational Leadership and Management / M.Ed. (Education Management )

Models of social enterprise? : microfinance organisations as promoters of decent work in Central Asia

Gravesteijn, Robin January 2014 (has links)
In simultaneously pursuing commercial and social goals, specialist microfinance organisations (MFOs) are leading examples of social enterprises working in development. Yet evidence of the feasibility of such ‘double bottom line’ management is limited. The thesis takes a comparative case study approach to investigating the dynamics of a social enterprise model of microfinance, with particular emphasis on its role in promoting employment related goals. Case study material consists primarily of the experience of two Central Asian MFOs that participated in an action research project ‘Microfinance for Decent Work’ implemented by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Data was obtained through participant observation, staff interviews, client level surveys, and it also includes reflective practice arising from my participation in the ILO project as a consultant to both MFOs between 2008 and 2012. The findings are mixed. One of the MFOs was more strongly internally motivated to achieve social goals, and was more successful in implementing social performance management initiatives. The other was motivated more by the goal to demonstrate social performance to external stakeholders, and was less responsive to the evidence generated. The thesis also illustrates both path dependence in the evolution of social performance management, and the limited capacity of external agencies such as the ILO to influence the institutionalisation of development management within MFOs.

Verwendung von Performance-Informationen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung : eine Untersuchung der Berliner Sozialhilfeverwaltung

Polzer, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
Die Arbeit zielt darauf ab, ein tieferes Verständnis darüber zu schaffen, wodurch die Verwendung von Performance-Informationen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung bestimmt wird. Ausgehend von einer Literaturrecherche zu den wichtigsten theoretischen Erklärungen für die Verwendung von Performance-Informationen wird ein Analyseraster entwickelt, anhand dessen der Grad der Informationsverwendung in der Verwaltung operationalisiert wird. Anschließend wird eine Fallstudie über die Berliner Sozialhilfeverwaltung durchgeführt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass verschiedene Verwaltungsakteure desselben Politikbereichs heterogene Präferenzen besitzen und sich folglich auch ihre Erwartungen an Performance-Informationen unterscheiden: Da beispielsweise die Sozialämter in den Berliner Bezirken hauptsächlich im „operativen Tagesgeschäft“ involviert sind, richtet sich ihr Hauptaugenmerk auf Kennzahlen, die diese Perspektive abdecken. Demgegenüber liegt etwa auf der Landesseite das Augenmerkt der Senatsverwaltung für Finanzen mehr auf den Kosteninformationen, da hier die Steuerung über die Globalsummenzuweisung an die Bezirke erfolgt. Es lassen sich verschiedene Indizien finden, um die Verwendung dieser Daten erklären zu können. Es wird festgestellt, dass der Schwerpunkt bislang eindimensional auf den Finanzdaten liegt. Die Verwendung lässt sich vor allem durch die subjektive politische Brisanz bestimmter Daten sowie durch die Einstellung der Führungskräfte gegenüber einer performance-basierten Steuerungsphilosophie erklären. / While there is a vast number of (often prescriptive) literature on the organization of performance management systems and the potential perils and pitfalls, little is known about how performance management is actually “lived” in the context of the German public administration. This contribution sheds light on the question how performance information is used in the social welfare administration of the German capital city of Berlin. After narrowing down the most important terms and concepts, a literature review on theoretical aspects on performance information use is carried out in order to develop an analytical framework. Afterwards, performance information use is illustrated with a case study whereby a triangulation of methods (analysis of official documents and expert interviews) is applied. The findings are that first and foremost financial information is used. It depends on the administrative level (central financial administration, central social administration and administration in the city districts) which kind of performance information actually is used most often. A further result is that the variance in the use of performance information can be explained best with the factor of available knowledge – both on professional and on technical side. Due to the severe financial situation Berlin is facing and because of an overrepresentation of cost accountants with a background in business studies, a chance for policy change is seen only to a very limited extent.

Der Einfluss von Verwaltungskultur auf die Verwendung von Performance-Daten : eine quantitative Untersuchung der deutschen kreisfreien Städte / The influence of administrative culture on the usage of performance data : a quantitative study of the German cities with county-status

Döring, Matthias January 2012 (has links)
In der aktuellen Performance-Management-Forschung wurden bereits eine Vielzahl von Einflussfaktoren untersucht, die eine zielgerichtete Verwendung von Kennzahlen beeinflussen. Verwaltungskultur spielte hierbei nur eine nachgeordnete Rolle. Die vorliegende Untersuchung verwendet die Daten einer Umfrage in allen kreisfreien Städten Deutschlands, um den Zusammenhang zwischen verschiedenen Kulturtypen und der Verwendung von Kennzahlen zu untersuchen. Als Analyseschema für Verwaltungskultur wird die Grid/Group-Analysis verwendet. Die Ergebnisse sind zum Teil überraschend. Individualistische Kulturen scheinen einen negativen, hierarchistische Kulturen einen positiven Einfluss zu haben. Dennoch wird das Fehlen eines geeigneten Operationalisierungsschemas bemängelt. / The current research on performance management considered several factors influencing the purposeful usage of performance data. Administrative culture is a rather neglected one. This work uses the data from a German-wide survey of all cities with county-status to show the relation between different groups of culture and the usage of performance data. Therefore, the Grid/Group-Analysis is used to categorize administrative culture. The results are partly surprising as individual culture is negatively and hierarchical culture is positively related to the dependent variable. Nevertheless, the missing of a useful operationalization scheme is criticized.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt / Business Performance Management from a quality perspective

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid. Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut. Det är därför av väsentlig betydelse att kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att undanröja risken att managers inte tar otillfredsställande beslut som sedan innebär onödiga kostnader för företaget. Dessutom möjliggör en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos informationen som beslutsunderlagen baseras på att företagets managers kan ta beslut som leder till att de kan agera mot förändringar som sker i den omgivande företagskontexten. Att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som ligger till grund för beslutsunderlagen behöver därmed vara något som företag prioriterar så att informationen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet. Kvalitetsledningsfilosofin total quality management (TQM) har i denna studie används för att ta reda på hur informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen som tas fram via business performance management kan förbättras. Total quality management tar ett verksamhetsövergripande grepp om hur kvaliteten kan förbättras inom företag. Företag prioriterar ofta inte att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som de har till sitt förfogande för att ta beslut utan utgår ofta från att informationen är korrekt och om den inte är det så har något fundamentalt fel inträffat. Det leder till att företag ofta i de projekt som de utför förbiser vilken kvalitet informationen har utan använder sina resurser till andra arbetsuppgifter. För att kunna förbättra informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen behöver kvalitetsförbättringar bli ett prioriterat område inom företag. Företag har större möjlighet att uppnå en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos beslutsunderlagen om företagsledningen tillsätter en kvalitetsansvarig. Den person som blir kvalitetsansvarig tar tag i de stridigheter som behövs för att få tillgång till de nödvändiga resurserna. Denna person stödjer även de projektgrupper som arbetar med att förbättra informationskvaliteten. Det förutsätter att den kvalitetsansvarige har mandat att ta de nödvändiga besluten för att kunna förbättra kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen. / During the century of 1990 come Kaplan and Norton with the balance scorecard philosophy. The purpose of this philosophy is to encourage managers to not only take consideration in financial measurements, but also to use both financial and non-financial measurement to manage companies. This concept with balanced scorecard have developed since it's beginning and in the beginning of the 21st century the third version of balanced scorecard developed with advanced technology which established the concept business performance management. This means that the information that the reports builds on have both financial and non-financial measurement which are collected from a central database in the company´s overall business performance management system. One reason to why business performance management ties balanced scorecard with advanced technology is to give managers possibilities to get a common version of reality, this means a common mental picture of how the company performs. Besides the advanced technology render possibilities that give managers, regardless if the decision has been taken at strategic, tactic or operative level, access to information that basic data for decision-making is based on in right time. The information that basic data for decision-making is based on must have a satisfied good quality to enable managers to take correct and optimal decision. It is therefore important that the quality of basic data for decision-making holds a satisfied good quality to remove the risk that managers is taking non-satisfactory decisions that means unnecessary costs for the company. Besides enable a satisfied good quality of the information, which basic data for decision-making is based on, so that managers at companies can take decision that leads them to take action against changes around the company's context. To improve the information quality that basic data for decision-making is based on should be something that companies prioritize so that information holds a satisfied good quality. The quality management philosophy total quality management (TQM) has in this study been used to investigate how information quality in basic data for decision-making can be improved. Total quality management gives a company an overall view of how the quality can be improved in the company. The companies not often prioritize improvement of the information quality that they have to their disposal for taking decision, instead they often assume that information is correct and if it is not there it has occurred a fundamental mistake. This leads to that the companies often in their projects overlook witch quality the information has and use their resources to others working tasks.  Too improve the information quality at basic data for decision-making needs quality improvement be a prioritized area within the companies. Companies have more possibilities to reach a satisfied good quality at the basic data for decision-making if the company management adds a person that is responsible for the quality. The person that will be responsible for the quality takes the necessary fights to get access to the necessary resources. This person even supports the project groups that work with improvement of information quality. To have responsibility for the quality this person has mandate to take the necessary decisions to improve the quality of the basic data for decision-making.

Business Performance Management utifrån ett kvalitetssynsätt / Business Performance Management from a quality perspective

Carlswärd, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Under 1990-talet kom Kaplan och Norton fram med styrningsfilosofin balanserat styrkort som innebär att managers uppmanas att inte enbart ta hänsyn till finansiella mått utan bör använda sig av både finansiella och icke-finansiella mått för att kunna styra företag. Det här konceptet med balanserat styrkort har sedan det togs fram utvecklas och i början av 2000-talet finns den tredje versionen av balanserat styrkort som tillsammans med avancerad teknologi bildar konceptet business performance management. Det innebär att den information som ligger till grund för de rapporter som består av finansiella och icke-finansiella mått hämtas från en central databas i det verksamhetsöverskridande business performance management systemet. En anledning till det är att business performance management knyter samman balanserat styrkort med avancerad teknologi som möjliggör att managers därmed har möjlighet att få tillgång till en gemensam version av verkligheten, det vill säga en gemensam mental bild hur företaget presterar. Dessutom möjliggör den avancerade teknologin att managers oavsett om beslut tas som är strategiska, taktiska eller operativa att de har tillgång till den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på i rätt tid.</p><p>Den information som beslutsunderlagen baseras på måste bestå av en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att möjliggöra att managers tar korrekta och optimala beslut. Det är därför av väsentlig betydelse att kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet för att undanröja risken att managers inte tar otillfredsställande beslut som sedan innebär onödiga kostnader för företaget. Dessutom möjliggör en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos informationen som beslutsunderlagen baseras på att företagets managers kan ta beslut som leder till att de kan agera mot förändringar som sker i den omgivande företagskontexten. Att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som ligger till grund för beslutsunderlagen behöver därmed vara något som företag prioriterar så att informationen håller en tillfredställande god kvalitet. Kvalitetsledningsfilosofin total quality management (TQM) har i denna studie används för att ta reda på hur informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen som tas fram via business performance management kan förbättras. Total quality management tar ett verksamhetsövergripande grepp om hur kvaliteten kan förbättras inom företag.</p><p>Företag prioriterar ofta inte att förbättra kvaliteten hos den information som de har till sitt förfogande för att ta beslut utan utgår ofta från att informationen är korrekt och om den inte är det så har något fundamentalt fel inträffat. Det leder till att företag ofta i de projekt som de utför förbiser vilken kvalitet informationen har utan använder sina resurser till andra arbetsuppgifter. För att kunna förbättra informationskvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen behöver kvalitetsförbättringar bli ett prioriterat område inom företag. Företag har större möjlighet att uppnå en tillfredställande god kvalitet hos beslutsunderlagen om företagsledningen tillsätter en kvalitetsansvarig. Den person som blir kvalitetsansvarig tar tag i de stridigheter som behövs för att få tillgång till de nödvändiga resurserna. Denna person stödjer även de projektgrupper som arbetar med att förbättra informationskvaliteten. Det förutsätter att den kvalitetsansvarige har mandat att ta de nödvändiga besluten för att kunna förbättra kvaliteten hos beslutsunderlagen.</p> / <p>During the century of 1990 come Kaplan and Norton with the balance scorecard philosophy. The purpose of this philosophy is to encourage managers to not only take consideration in financial measurements, but also to use both financial and non-financial measurement to manage companies. This concept with balanced scorecard have developed since it's beginning and in the beginning of the 21st century the third version of balanced scorecard developed with advanced technology which established the concept business performance management. This means that the information that the reports builds on have both financial and non-financial measurement which are collected from a central database in the company´s overall business performance management system. One reason to why business performance management ties balanced scorecard with advanced technology is to give managers possibilities to get a common version of reality, this means a common mental picture of how the company performs. Besides the advanced technology render possibilities that give managers, regardless if the decision has been taken at strategic, tactic or operative level, access to information that basic data for decision-making is based on in right time.</p><p>The information that basic data for decision-making is based on must have a satisfied good quality to enable managers to take correct and optimal decision. It is therefore important that the quality of basic data for decision-making holds a satisfied good quality to remove the risk that managers is taking non-satisfactory decisions that means unnecessary costs for the company. Besides enable a satisfied good quality of the information, which basic data for decision-making is based on, so that managers at companies can take decision that leads them to take action against changes around the company's context. To improve the information quality that basic data for decision-making is based on should be something that companies prioritize so that information holds a satisfied good quality. The quality management philosophy total quality management (TQM) has in this study been used to investigate how information quality in basic data for decision-making can be improved. Total quality management gives a company an overall view of how the quality can be improved in the company.</p><p>The companies not often prioritize improvement of the information quality that they have to their disposal for taking decision, instead they often assume that information is correct and if it is not there it has occurred a fundamental mistake. This leads to that the companies often in their projects overlook witch quality the information has and use their resources to others working tasks.  Too improve the information quality at basic data for decision-making needs quality improvement be a prioritized area within the companies. Companies have more possibilities to reach a satisfied good quality at the basic data for decision-making if the company management adds a person that is responsible for the quality. The person that will be responsible for the quality takes the necessary fights to get access to the necessary resources. This person even supports the project groups that work with improvement of information quality. To have responsibility for the quality this person has mandate to take the necessary decisions to improve the quality of the basic data for decision-making.</p>

Performance management systems implementation challenges in South African municipalities :|bthe case of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality / M.P. Tšeole.

Tšeole, Molise Paul January 2013 (has links)
In the accomplishment of good governance South African municipalities need to develop measurable objectives related to performance measures and targets that capture strategically important aspects of performance. This allows performance to be easily monitored and aligned with municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). Performance information should be used in conjunction with strategic planning, budgeting, policy analysis and evaluations, organisational reviews and performance appraisals for the managers. This is necessary in order to improve performance and for assuring the public that they are receiving value for money. A Performance Management System (PMS) is the principal management mechanism intended to determine outcomes and impact of municipal service delivery on the communities they are commissioned by legislation to service. The PMS measures should always be relevant, meaningful and informative to political and administrative decision-makers. The data gathered from the PMS should be presented in a balanced, comprehensive and credible manner. The aim of this study is to analyse the challenges that influence the implementation of the local government PMS in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. The analysis entails identifying the challenges, evaluating them and then suggesting possible solutions to the challenges. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The impact of a performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality / Patrick Qena Radebe

Radebe, Patrick Qena January 2013 (has links)
Performance management is a process through which employees‟ performance is evaluated in order to reward such performance that meets the required standards, and to develop employees who fail to attain the required expectations. The overall organisational performance hinges on the effectiveness with which a performance management system is developed and implemented. The current study focuses on the extent to which performance management is effectively developed and implemented at the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and the correlation that this has with service delivery. To achieve this objective a number of research questions and objectives were posed and formulated in chapter one. The hypotheses for the study are: a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures can improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg; and a well-designed performance management system with well thought out practices and procedures cannot improve the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg. In order to validate the hypotheses, the structured questionnaires on the performance management system and service delivery were compiled. A questionnaire for employees consisted of close-ended questionnaire statements and open-ended questions. Another questionnaire with only close-ended questionnaire statements was issued to residents to elicit responses on service delivery by the City of Johannesburg. Frequency analysis, which lends itself to correlation analysis, of employees‟ responses and residents‟ feedback was conducted. The correlation analysis between employees‟ responses to performance management system and residents‟ responses to service delivery was conducted using the Pearson Correlation. The findings of the study are: Growth and Development Strategy and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) are not adhered to in the daily operations in the municipality. Managers and subordinates set objectives jointly but are, however, not participants in the evaluation of the municipality’s performance. The employees of the municipality are aware of the existence of the performance management system but it is applied only to more senior officials. Employees and managers are not involved in the evaluation of the municipality‟s performance. Training does not capacitate employees to work effectively with the Balanced Scorecard. The information technology architecture is not supportive of the implementation of the performance management system. Key performance areas were found to lack uniformity in the municipality and therefore created „silos‟ in the municipality. The key performance indicators are developed without the involvement of the communities, including employees, especially at the lower level of management. The critical success factors are understood by employees and are linked to major tasks and job responsibilities. Tax and rates accounts are issued in time. Tax and rates accounts are inaccurate. The municipality does not maintain street lights regularly. The municipality does not maintain sewage systems regularly. There is no relationship between the performance management system and service delivery. The recommendations for improving the performance management system were made and the researcher developed an appropriate model of performance that is oriented to effective service delivery. / Thesis (PhD (Public Management and Governance))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

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