Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pericytes"" "subject:"péricytes""
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SEM of Capillary Pericytes Prepared by Ultrasonic Microdissection: Evidence for the Existence of a Pericapillary SyncytiumWagner, Roger C., Hossler, Fred E. 01 January 1992 (has links)
Retia mirabile of the eel swimbladder were exsanguinated, perfusion‐fixed and subjected to prolonged osmication. They were then microdissected by ultrasonication which delaminated the capillary bed along planes which revealed the surfaces of arterial and venous capillaries. This procedure resulted in cleaned capillary surfaces largely free of connective tissue elements and basement membrane material. The arterial capillary segments were heavily invested with pericytes characterized by plump cell bodies containing nuclei and an extensive system of processes encircling the capillary wall. These processes exhibited a hierarchical organization consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary elements arising roughly at right angles to each other. Primary and secondary processes exhibited frequent anastomoses and resulted in cytoplasmic continuity between adjacent cell bodies. Processes were also observed to form connections between pericytes on adjacent capillaries. These observations are evidence for the existence of a pericapillary syncytium in which cell bodies may be connected in series and in parallel throughout the arterial capillary bed. This syncytial organization would provide for a coordinated and global contractile response of pericytes to vasoactive hormones and other effectors. It may also provide for synchrony of nuclear division during developmental spread of pericytes along capillary surfaces.
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Imagerie et contrôle des fonctions de l’adénohypophyse chez la souris éveillée : application à l’étude de l’unité Gonadotrope-Vasculaire / Imaging and control of adenohypophysis functions in the awake mouse : application to the study of the Gonadotroph-Vascular UnitHoa, Ombeline 28 November 2017 (has links)
En dépit de l'abondance de données scientifiques, les mécanismes cellulaires régulant la sécrétion du pic pré-ovulatoire de LH lors du proestrus, restent encore mal compris.Afin de pouvoir étudier les mécanismes sous-jacents à cette sécrétion, j’ai tout d’abord adapté des techniques innovantes d’imagerie fonctionnelle en microscopie de fluorescence in vivo, d’injections de vecteurs viraux dans l’hypophyse, d’optogénétique sur animal éveillé et d’immunohistofluorescence sur organe entier.J’ai ensuite montré la plasticité structurelle des cellules gonadotropes et des péricytes (cellules « murales » péri-vasculaires) lors du proestrus sur des hypophyses transparisées. Ce remodelage a permis de proposer l’existence d’une unité Gonadotrope-Vasculaire (GVU) composée des cellules gonadotropes, des capillaires fenêtrés et des péricytes dans laquelle ces derniers moduleraient le pic pré-ovulatoire de LH.La contraction des péricytes via l’activation de la Channelrhodopsine-2 a permis de mettre en évidence leur rôle dans la potentialisation de la sécrétion de LH chez des animaux libres de leurs mouvements et implantés d’une fibre optique.Des expériences de microscopie à l’aide d’une lentille GRIN implantée au-dessus de l’hypophyse ont permis, chez l’animal éveillé en configuration « tête-fixée », d’étudier le flux sanguin et l’activité calcique de cellules de la GVU exprimant GCaMP6. Cette étude a également été menée sur la face ventrale de l’hypophyse sur souris anesthésiée. Les résultats montrent une activité calcique in vivo augmentée dans les cellules endocrines hypophysaires et diminuée dans les péricytes lors d’une sécrétion de la LH induite par la GnRH. / In spite of abundance of scientific data, cellular mechanisms regulating the secretion of the pre-ovulatory LH surge during proestrus are still poorly understood.In order to study the mechanisms underlying this secretion, I adapted innovative tech-niques for in vivo fluorescence functional imaging, injection of viral vectors in the pitui-tary gland, optogenetics in awake animals and immunohistofluorescence in the whole organ.I then showed structural plasticity of gonadotroph cells and pericytes (perivascular "mural" cells) during proestrus in cleared hypophyses. This suggested the existence of a Gonadotroph-Vascular Unit (GVU) composed of gonadotroph cells, fenestrated capil-laries and pericytes, in which the latter would modulate the pre-ovulatory LH surge.Pericytes contraction via Channelrhodopsine-2 activation permitted to demonstrate their role in the sensitization of LH secretion in freely moving animals implanted with an optical fiber.Finally, blood flow and calcium activity in GVU cells expressing GCaMP6 were performed in awake « head-fixed » animals in which visualization of the pituitary gland was achievable through an implanted GRIN lens. These experiments were also conduct-ed at the ventral side of the pituitary gland in anesthetized mice. Analysis showed that in vivo calcium activity increases in endocrine cells and decreases in pericytes during GnRH-induced LH secretion.
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Etude et inhibition de l'activation endothéliale au cours de l'angiogenèse / Study and inhibition of endothelial activation during angiogenesisCossutta, Mélissande 16 October 2017 (has links)
L’angiogenèse est le processus biologique par lequel de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins se forment à partir du réseau vasculaire pré-existant. Sa première étape, l’activation endothéliale, est caractérisée par la prolifération des cellules endothéliales, la sécrétion de facteurs pro-angiogéniques comme l’Angiopoïétine-2 (Ang-2) et la relocalisation de la nucléoline du noyau vers la surface cellulaire. Dans les vaisseaux matures, les cellules endothéliales sont quiescentes et l’endothélium est recouvert de péricytes. L’activation endothéliale induit un détachement des péricytes favorisant le remodelage du réseau vasculaire. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier les mécanismes de l’activation endothéliale au cours de l’angiogenèse physiologique et d’évaluer les effets de son inhibition dans un contexte d’angiogenèse tumorale. Des études in vivo dans la rétine de souris et in vitro sur des cellules endothéliales humaines ont montré que le VEGF régule l’exocytose des Corps de Weibel et Palade (WPBs), des compartiments cytoplasmiques spécifiques des cellules endothéliales pouvant contenir de l’Ang-2. Ce travail suggère que l’exocytose des WPBs induite par le VEGF régule la sécrétion de l’Ang-2 par les cellules endothéliales activées et que l’Ang-2 sécrétée régule à son tour le recrutement des péricytes sur les vaisseaux. Le ciblage de la nucléoline dans un modèle de cancer du pancréas a inhibé l’activation endothéliale et cette inhibition a diminué la croissance et l’angiogenèse tumorales tout en favorisant le recrutement des péricytes et la normalisation des vaisseaux tumoraux. La normalisation vasculaire induite par l’inhibition de l’activation endothéliale via le ciblage de la nucléoline représente une stratégie prometteuse pour le traitement de pathologies associées à une dérégulation de l’angiogenèse comme les cancers ou les rétinopathies. / Angiogenesis is the biological process of new blood vessel formation from the pre-existing vascular network. Its first step, endothelial activation, is characterized by endothelial cell proliferation, the secretion of pro-angiogenic factors such as Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) and the relocation of nucleolin from the nucleus to the cell surface. In the mature vessels, endothelial cells are quiescent and the endothelium is covered by pericytes. Endothelial activation induces pericyte detachment which promotes the remodeling of the vascular network. The aim of this thesis is to study the mechanisms of endothelial activation during physiological angiogenesis and to evaluate the effects of its inhibition in a context of tumor angiogenesis. In vivo studies in mouse retina and in vitro studies on human endothelial cells showed that VEGF regulates the exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies (WPB), cytoplasmic compartments specific for endothelial cells that may contain Ang-2. This work suggests that the exocytosis of WPBs induced by VEGF regulates the secretion of Ang-2 by activated endothelial cells and that secreted Ang-2 regulates the recruitment of pericytes on the vessels. Nucleolin targeting in a pancreatic cancer model inhibited endothelial activation and this inhibition decreased tumor growth and angiogenesis while promoting recruitment of pericytes and normalization of tumor vessels. Vascular normalization induced by the inhibition of endothelial activation via nucleolin targeting may be a promising strategy for the treatment of pathologies associated with dysregulation of angiogenesis, such as cancers or retinopathies.
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Elucidating the Roles of Stromal PDGF-receptors alpha and beta in Mammary Gland Development and CarcinogenesisHammer, Anisha Mathur 02 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of neuron navigator 1 in vascular developmentKunert, Stefan 30 June 2014 (has links)
Die Blutgefäßentwicklung ist ein mehrstufiger Prozess, der durch verschiedenste Signalwege und Zellmechanismen bestimmt wird. Murale Zellen sind mit dem Endothel assoziiert und wichtig für die Stabilisierung von Blutgefäßen. Ein essentieller Faktor für die Blutgefäßentwicklung ist die Bestimmung der Zellmigrationsrichtung durch verschiedene Faktoren. Einige dieser Faktoren wurden ursprünglich für die neurale Entwicklung beschrieben. Die Proteinfamilie der Neuron Navigators (NAV) sind neue Akteure, die die Migration von Zellen während des Neuronenwachstums beeinflussen. Ein möglicher Einfluss auf die Blutgefäßentwicklung ist bisher unbekannt. Wir nehmen an, dass das Protein NAV1 in Zellmigrationsprozessen während der Angiogenese eine Rolle spielt und verwendeten zur Aufklärung der Funktion von NAV1 Modelle in der Maus und im Zebrafisch. Das Blutgefäßnetzwerk in der Retina von neonatalen NAV1-/--Mäusen, als auch in einem aortic ring assay zeigte Defekte der Gefäßremodellierung durch eine verringerte Anzahl an Verzweigungspunkten der Blutgefäße auf. Es konnte erstmals eine Expression von NAV1 in muralen Zellen gezeigt werden. Die NAV1-defizienten Mäuse zeigten eine verringerte Anzahl von muralen Zellen auf Blutgefäßen auf. Dieser Defekt ging mit einer verstärkten Regression von Blutgefäßen einher, welche für die geringere Verzweigung dieser verantwortlich sein kann. In vitro Experimente mit primären muralen Zellen deuten auf einen zellautonomen Einfluss von NAV1 auf die Bewegung von Zellen in Abhängigkeit von Netrin-1 und der extrazelluären Matrixkomponente Kollagen I hin. Nav1-depletierte Zebrafische wiesen eine verringerte Komplexität von bestimmten zerebralen Blutgefäßen auf. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass der Einfluss von Nav1 auf die Blutgefäßausbildung konserviert ist. Wir konnten NAV1 als einen neuen zelleigenen Faktor der Motilität von muralen Zellen identifizieren, der in Folge als positiver Modulator zur Regulation der Gefäßstrukturierung beiträgt. / Vessel development is a multistep process orchestrated by different cellular and signaling mechanisms. Mural cells are associated with the endothelium and thought to be important for vessel stabilization. Cell guidance is an essential factor during vascular development, accomplished by different attractive and repulsive factors. Some of these were originally described in neural development. The Neuron Navigator (NAV) protein family is a novel player in regulating cell migration events during neuron growth, but their potential impact in vessel development is unknown. We hypothesized that the family member NAV1 plays a role in cell migration events during angiogenesis and examined the function of NAV1 in vascular development using loss-of-function models in mouse and zebrafish. Analysis of the vessel network phenotype in neonatal retina and an aortic ring assay of NAV1-/--mice revealed defective vessel remodeling in the absence of NAV1, indicated by reduced branch point numbers of vessels. Characterization of cellular expression domains point to a prominent, so far unknown, NAV1 expression in mural cells and NAV1-knockout mice exhibited reduced mural cell numbers on vessels. Decreased mural cell recruitment accompanies with increased vessel regression in the retina that may be attributable for the vascular phenotype. In vitro data of primary mural cells indicate a cell-autonomous influence of NAV1 on cell locomotion in response to Netrin-1 and/or the extracellular matrix component Collagen I. Analysis of Nav1 depleted zebrafish embryos revealed less complex vessel networks of specific cerebral vessels, the central arteries, suggesting that the impact of Nav1 on vessel development is conserved in vertebrates.
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Effects of Brain Injury on Primary Cilia of Glial Cells and PericytesCoronel, Marco V. 12 1900 (has links)
Glial cells maintain homeostasis that is essential to neuronal function. Injury to the nervous system leads to the activation and proliferation of glial cells and pericytes, which helps to wall off the damaged region and restore homeostatic conditions. Sonic hedgehog is a mitogen which is implicated in injury-induced proliferation of glial cells and pericytes. The mitogenic effects of sonic hedgehog require primary cilia, but the few reports on glial or pericyte primary cilia do not agree about their abundance and did not address effects of injury on these cilia. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that arise from the centrosome and are retracted before cells divide. Depending on cell type, proteins concentrated in cilia can transduce several mitotic, chemosensory, or mechanosensory stimuli. The present study investigated effects of stab wound injury on the incidence and length of glial and pericyte primary cilia in the area adjacent to the injury core.
Astrocytes, polydendrocytes and pericytes were classified by immunohistochemistry based on cell-type markers. In normal adult mice, Arl13b immunoreactive primary cilia were present in a majority of each cell type examined: astrocytes, 98±2%; polydendrocytes, 87±6%; and pericytes, 79±13% (mean ± SEM). Three days post-injury, cilium incidence decreased by 24% in astrocytes (p< 0.008) and 41% in polydendrocytes (p< 0.002), but there was no significant effect in pericytes. Polydendrocytes labeled with the cell cycle marker Ki67 were less likely to have cilia compared to resting, Ki67- polydendrocytes. Considering post-injury rates of proliferation for astrocytes and polydendrocytes, it appears that resorption of cilia due to cell cycle entry may account for much of the loss of cilia in polydendrocytes but was not sufficient to account for the loss of cilia in astrocytes. Under normal conditions, astrocytes rarely divide, and they maintain non-overlapping territories. However, three days after injury, there was a 7-fold increase in the number of paired mirror-image astrocytes (p< 0.018), which are most likely daughter cells from astrocytes that recently divided. Cilia incidence tended to decrease in these pairs compared to single astrocytes (p< 0.057) in injured mice. This is the first systematic investigation of cilia of astrocytes, polydendrocytes, and pericytes in the brain. Moreover, the examination of effects of brain injury on cilia adds to the understanding of injury-induced proliferation in these cells.
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Avaliação comparativa do potencial miogênico de células tronco mesenquimais adultas obtidas de diferentes fontes / Comparative analysis of the myogenic potencial of adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from different tissuesValadares, Marcos Costa 10 January 2014 (has links)
As Distrofias Musculares Progressivas (DMPs) constituem um grupo de doenças genéticas caracterizadas por uma degeneração progressiva e irreversível da musculatura esquelética. Dentre as diferentes abordagens terapêuticas propostas para esse grupo de doenças, a terapia celular com células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) tem sido um foco importante de pesquisas. Muitos tipos de CTMs já foram descritas com o intuito de reconhecer qual o tipo ideal a ser usado em uma possível terapia celular para DMPs. Neste trabalho comparamos o potencial terapêutico de células-tronco de diferentes fontes obtidas de um mesmo doador. Escolhemos as células de pericito (CP) como ferramenta de estudo, uma vez que elas estão presentes em todos os tecidos irrigados por vasculatura. Isolamos pericitos de 4 tecidos da mesma doadora (endométrio, trompa, tecido adiposo e músculo). Em seguida, injetamos 1 milhão dessas células intraperitonialmente em camundongos Utrntm1KedDmdmdx/J (duplo knockout para o gene da distrofina e utrofina) semanalmente, por 8 semanas, e avaliamos a clínica e a sobrevida desses animais. Observamos que nas condições experimentais desse estudo, o potencial miogênico dessas células é insuficiente para ser utilizado como terapia regenerativa. Entretanto, apesar dos testes padronizados não detectarem nenhuma melhora clínica aparente, os animais tratado com pericitos de gordura mostraram uma curva de sobrevivência significativamente maior do que os controles não tratados. Como não houve diferenciação miogênica, esses resultados sugerem que os efeitos benéficos ocorreram através de liberação de fatores tróficos e imunoreguladores (efeito parácrino). É digno de nota que apesar das células serem todas derivadas de pericito e de uma mesma doadora o aumento de sobrevida só foi observado com células do tecido adiposo. Esses resultados indicam que o potencial terapêutico de CP difere de acordo com sua origem e que essa diferença não depende do genoma do doador. Esses resultados constituem um passo inicial, porém, valioso na compreensão do potencial de utilização dessas células em terapias / Progressive Muscular Disorders (PMDs) are a group of heterogeneous genetic diseases characterized by an irreversible degeneration of the muscle tissue due to mutation or absence of a protein. Among the many different available therapeutic approaches to treat PMDs, cell therapy using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the most studied ones. There are many types of MCSs described to date and the need to identify the best one suited to treat PMDs has yet to be addressed. In this thesis, we compared the therapeutic potential of different types of stem cells derived from the same donor. First, we chose pericytes as a tool of comparison, as this cell is unequivocally present in all vascularized tissues. We isolated pericytes of 4 different tissues from the same donor (endometrium, fallopian tubes, adipose tissue and muscle). We injected 1 million of these cells intraperitonially in Utrntm1KedDmdmdx/J mice (knockout for the dystrophin and utrophin gene) weekly for 8 weeks evaluating the clinical features and survival curve of these mice. We observed that, in the experimental conditions of this study, the myogenic potential of these cells is insufficient to be harnessed as therapy for regenerative purposes. However, despite the fact that the standardized tests did not detect any apparent clinical improvement, mice treated with pericytes derived from adipose tissue had a survival curve greater than control treated mice. As we could not observe any myogenic differentiation or cell engraftment, this results suggests that the beneficial effect observed could be due to the releasing of trophic and immune modulator factors (paracrine effect). It is noteworthy that despite all cells being derived from the same donor, the increase in life expectancy was only observed in pericytes derived from the adipose tissue. These results indicate that the therapeutic potential of pericytes differs according to their tissue of origin and the difference is not due to genetic differences. This is still preliminary data but it is valuable in understanding the therapeutic potential of these cells
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Avaliação comparativa do potencial miogênico de células tronco mesenquimais adultas obtidas de diferentes fontes / Comparative analysis of the myogenic potencial of adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from different tissuesMarcos Costa Valadares 10 January 2014 (has links)
As Distrofias Musculares Progressivas (DMPs) constituem um grupo de doenças genéticas caracterizadas por uma degeneração progressiva e irreversível da musculatura esquelética. Dentre as diferentes abordagens terapêuticas propostas para esse grupo de doenças, a terapia celular com células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) tem sido um foco importante de pesquisas. Muitos tipos de CTMs já foram descritas com o intuito de reconhecer qual o tipo ideal a ser usado em uma possível terapia celular para DMPs. Neste trabalho comparamos o potencial terapêutico de células-tronco de diferentes fontes obtidas de um mesmo doador. Escolhemos as células de pericito (CP) como ferramenta de estudo, uma vez que elas estão presentes em todos os tecidos irrigados por vasculatura. Isolamos pericitos de 4 tecidos da mesma doadora (endométrio, trompa, tecido adiposo e músculo). Em seguida, injetamos 1 milhão dessas células intraperitonialmente em camundongos Utrntm1KedDmdmdx/J (duplo knockout para o gene da distrofina e utrofina) semanalmente, por 8 semanas, e avaliamos a clínica e a sobrevida desses animais. Observamos que nas condições experimentais desse estudo, o potencial miogênico dessas células é insuficiente para ser utilizado como terapia regenerativa. Entretanto, apesar dos testes padronizados não detectarem nenhuma melhora clínica aparente, os animais tratado com pericitos de gordura mostraram uma curva de sobrevivência significativamente maior do que os controles não tratados. Como não houve diferenciação miogênica, esses resultados sugerem que os efeitos benéficos ocorreram através de liberação de fatores tróficos e imunoreguladores (efeito parácrino). É digno de nota que apesar das células serem todas derivadas de pericito e de uma mesma doadora o aumento de sobrevida só foi observado com células do tecido adiposo. Esses resultados indicam que o potencial terapêutico de CP difere de acordo com sua origem e que essa diferença não depende do genoma do doador. Esses resultados constituem um passo inicial, porém, valioso na compreensão do potencial de utilização dessas células em terapias / Progressive Muscular Disorders (PMDs) are a group of heterogeneous genetic diseases characterized by an irreversible degeneration of the muscle tissue due to mutation or absence of a protein. Among the many different available therapeutic approaches to treat PMDs, cell therapy using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are one of the most studied ones. There are many types of MCSs described to date and the need to identify the best one suited to treat PMDs has yet to be addressed. In this thesis, we compared the therapeutic potential of different types of stem cells derived from the same donor. First, we chose pericytes as a tool of comparison, as this cell is unequivocally present in all vascularized tissues. We isolated pericytes of 4 different tissues from the same donor (endometrium, fallopian tubes, adipose tissue and muscle). We injected 1 million of these cells intraperitonially in Utrntm1KedDmdmdx/J mice (knockout for the dystrophin and utrophin gene) weekly for 8 weeks evaluating the clinical features and survival curve of these mice. We observed that, in the experimental conditions of this study, the myogenic potential of these cells is insufficient to be harnessed as therapy for regenerative purposes. However, despite the fact that the standardized tests did not detect any apparent clinical improvement, mice treated with pericytes derived from adipose tissue had a survival curve greater than control treated mice. As we could not observe any myogenic differentiation or cell engraftment, this results suggests that the beneficial effect observed could be due to the releasing of trophic and immune modulator factors (paracrine effect). It is noteworthy that despite all cells being derived from the same donor, the increase in life expectancy was only observed in pericytes derived from the adipose tissue. These results indicate that the therapeutic potential of pericytes differs according to their tissue of origin and the difference is not due to genetic differences. This is still preliminary data but it is valuable in understanding the therapeutic potential of these cells
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Microcirculation et croissance musculaire : rôle des péricytes dans la niche des cellules satellites musculaires. / Microcirculation and muscle growth : role of pericytes in the muscle satellite cells niche.Kostallari, Enis 22 September 2014 (has links)
Les microvaisseaux musculaires sont souvent considérés comme une source de nutriments et d'oxygène pour le muscle en croissance et ils semblent être conservés de façon stéréotypée. L'unité microvasculaire du muscle sain et adulte est composée de 6 à 8 capillaires. Dans Gitiaux, et al. (2013) nous montrons que l'organisation et la taille de l'unité microvasculaire sont strictement similaires chez l'homme et la souris. Dans le muscle squelettique adulte, la majorité des cellules satellites sont proches des péricytes et certaines d'entre elles semblent pouvoir établir des contacts directs temporaires avec les péricytes. In vitro, les cellules endothéliales induisent l'activation et la prolifération des cellules satellites en sécrétant de l'Angpt-2 et du PDGF-BB, alors que les péricytes induisent la quiescence et la différenciation des cellules satellites, par l'Angpt-1 et l'IGF-1 respectivement. Ces effets ont été confirmés in vivo, en utilisant les modèles murin Tg:NG2Cre/+::R26RiDTR, Tg:NG2Cre/+::IGF1del/+ et Tg:TNAPCreERT2/+::Angpt1del/+, dans lesquels il existe une hypotrophie musculaire et une activation des cellules satellites. Tous ces résultats soutiennent le dogme que « des cellules souches soutiennent d'autre cellules souches ». / Muscle microvasculature is often considered solely as a source of nutrients and oxygen for growing muscle cells and seems to be stereotypically conserved between human and mouse. The adult normal muscle microvascular unit is formed of 6–8 capillaries. In Gitiaux, et al. (2013) we show that microvascular unit organization and size are strikingly similar in human and small animals. In the adult skeletal muscle, the majority of satellite cells are close neighbors of pericytes and some of them are probably able to establish temporary direct contacts with pericytes. During post-natal development, in human and mice, pericytes and satellite cells become progressively closer. In vitro, endothelial cells induce satellite cell activation and proliferation through Angpt-2 and PDGF-BB, while pericytes induce quiescence through Angpt-1 and differentiation of satellite cells through IGF-1. These effects are confirmed by in vivo experiments using Tg:NG2Cre/+::R26RiDTR, Tg:NG2Cre/+::IGF1del/+ and Tg:TNAPCreERT2/+::Angpt1del/+ mice, which exhibit muscle hypotrophy and satellite cell activation. All these results support the emerging concept that “stem cells support other stem cells”.
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<p>Transforming growth factor β-activated kinase 1 (TAK1), a hub kinase at the convergence of multiple signaling pathways, is critical to the development of the central nervous system and has been found to play a role in cell death and apoptosis. TAK1 may have the potential to elucidate mechanisms of cell cycle and neurodegeneration. The Belecky-Adams laboratory has aimed to study TAK1 and its potential roles in cell cycle by studying its role in chick retinal development as well as its possible implication in the progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Chapter 3 includes studies that explore TAK1 in a study in chick retinal development and TAK1 in in vitro studies in retinal microglia. Using the embryonic chick, immunohistochemistry for the activated form of TAK1 (pTAK1) showed localization of pTAK1 in differentiated and progenitor cells of the retina. Using an inhibitor or TAK1 activite, (5Z)-7-Oxozeaenol, in chick eye development showed an increase in progenitor cells and a decrease in differentiated cells. This study in chick suggests TAK1 may be a critical player in the regulation of the cell cycle during retinal development. Results from experimentation in chick led to studying the potential role of TAK1 in inflammation and neurodegeneration. TAK1 has previously been implicated in cell death and apoptosis suggesting that TAK1 may be a critical player in inflammatory pathways. TAK1 has been implicated in the regulation of inflammatory factors in different parts of the CNS but has not yet been studied specifically in retina or in specific retinal cells [3, 4]. Chapter 2 includes studies from the Belecky-Adams laboratory of in vitro work with retinal microglia. Retinal microglia were treated with activators and the translocation to the nucleus of a downstream factor of TAK1 was determined: NF-kB. Treatment of retinal microglia in the presence of activators with TAKinib, an inhibitor of TAK1 activation, revealed that TAK1 inhibition reduces the activation of downstream NF-kB. Together this data suggests that TAK1 may be implicated in various systems of the body and further studies on its mechanisms may help elucidate potential therapeutic roles of the kinase.</p>
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