Spelling suggestions: "subject:"permeation"" "subject:"permeations""
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Simulation study of carbon dioxide and methane permeation in hybrid inorganic-organic membraneWang, Zhenxing 02 October 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the gas permeation process within four hybrid inorganic-organic membranes is modeled at the micro level using molecular dynamics (MD) and at the meso scale level using a diffusion mechanism. The predicted permeances and relative selectivity of CO₂ and CH₄ are compared with the experimental results.
In the MD simulation a single-pore silica crystal framework model with and without inserted phenyl groups are used to define two membrane structures. We designate the two cases as PSPM and SPM respectively. To mimic the diffusion of gas across the membrane, a three-region system with a repulsive wall potential on the edge is employed. Results from the SPM model indicate that the pore size affects the permeance but not the selectivity. In the PSPM model the permeance decreases significantly when the pore size is below a critical value. The extent of decrease varies with the type of gas and this is reflected in the large selectivity in the PSPM model. When the initial diameter is 0.4 nm the model shows a selectivity of 17.3, which is very close to experimental results. At this selectivity the CO₂ permeance is
2.87 Ã 10<sup>-4</sup> mol m⁻²s⁻¹Pa⁻¹ and the CH₄ permeance is 1.66 Ã 10⁻⁵ mol m⁻²s⁻¹Pa⁻¹.
For different gases we also studied the motions of the phenyl groups in the pore during the permeation process. The results show that in CO₂ diffusion the phenyl groups moves in a larger range than in CH₄ diffusion. The density profile of gas molecules that the phenyl groups see is analyzed using double layer phenyl groups . The results show that the number of phenyl groups cannot affect the permeation.
In the meso scale study a mixed mechanism model with a grid framework is developed to model the permeation process. In the model the membrane is assumed to consist of various grids which follow three major diffusion mechanisms. Models with different grid sizes are employed for the four membranes. Parameters in each model are estimated from the permeance results of the two gases. By comparing the estimated parameters in the surface diffusion mechanism with the reported values, the acceptable grid models are determined and the models with the minimum number of grids are studied. The diffusion is dominated by the activated Knudsen diffusion mechanism at lower temperatures and follows the surface diffusion mechanism when the temperature is above a critical value. In the diffusion of both gases within the four membranes the surface diffusion portion is very close but the activated Knudsen diffusion portion is not. This explains why the permeation with high selectivity occurs at lower temperatures.
By comparing the results it shows the two studies can validate each other. On the other hand the two methods can be complementary as the diffusion model is able to predict the permeance within the right range and the MD model is able to predict the selectivity more accurately. / Ph. D.
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Hydrogen Embrittlement of Ferrous MaterialsStroe, Mioara Elvira M E 31 March 2006 (has links)
This work deals with the damage due to the simultaneous presence of hydrogen in atomic form and stress – straining.
The aim of this work is twofold: to better understand the hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms and to translate the acquired knowledge into a more appropriate qualification test.
The phenomena of hydrogen entry and transport inside the metals, together with the different types of damages due to the presence of hydrogen, are presented.
The analysis of the most important models proposed up to now for hydrogen embrittlement (HE) indicated that the slow dynamic plastic straining is a key factor for the embritteling process. There is a synergistic effect of hydrogen – dislocations interactions: on one hand hydrogen facilitates the dislocations movement (according to the HELP mechanism) and on the other hand dislocations transport hydrogen during their movement when their velocity is lower than a critical value.
This work is focused on supermartensitic stainless steels, base and welded materials. The interest on these materials is due to their broad use in offshore oil production.
First, the material’s characterisation with regards to hydrogen content and localisation was performed. This was conducted in charging conditions that are representative of industrial applications.
Because of previous industrial experience it was necessary to find a more appropriate qualification test method to asses the risk of HE.
In this work we proposed the stepwise repeated slow strain rate test (SW R – SSRT) as a qualification test method for supermartensitic stainless steels.
This test method combines hydrogen charging, test duration, plastic, dynamic and slow strains. Thus, this test method is coherent with both the model HELP proposed for hydrogen embrittlement and the observations of industrial failures.
The stepwise repeated slow strain rate test (SW RSSRT) is interesting not only as a qualification test of martensitic stainless steels, but also as a qualification test of conditions for using these materials (type of straining, range of strain and stress, strain rate, hydrogen charging conditions, etc.).
Ce travail se rapporte à l’endommagement provoqué par la présence simultanée de l’hydrogène sous forme atomique et une contrainte (appliquée où résiduelle).
Ce travail a comme but une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme de la fragilisation par l’hydrogène (FPH) et la recherche d’un essai de qualification qui soit cohérent avec ce mécanisme.
Les phénomènes liés à l’entrée et au transport de l’hydrogène au sein des métaux, ensemble avec les différents types d’endommagements dus à la présence de l’hydrogène, sont présentés.
L’analyse des modèles proposés jusqu’au présent pour la fragilisation par l’hydrogène (FPH) suggère que la déformation lente plastique dynamique est le facteur clé pour le processus de la fragilisation. Il y a un effet synergétique des interactions entre l’hydrogène et les dislocations: d’un coté l’hydrogène facilite le mouvement des dislocations (d’après le modèle HELP) et d’un autre coté les dislocations transportent l’hydrogène pendant leur mouvement, pourvu que leur vitesse soit en dessous d’une valeur critique.
Le travail a été conduit sur des aciers supermartensitiques, matériau de base et soudé. L’intérêt pour ces matériaux réside de leur large utilisation dans la production du pétrole en offshore.
D’abord, le matériau a été caractérisé du point de vu de la teneur et de la localisation de l’hydrogène. Les essais ont été conduits dans des conditions représentatives pour les cas industriels.
L’expérience industrielle d’auparavant indique qu’il est nécessaire de trouver un test de qualification plus approprié pour estimer la susceptibilité à la fragilisation par l’hydrogène.
Dans ce travail on propose un essai de traction lente incrémentée (SW R – SSRT) comme méthode de qualification pour les aciers supermartensitiques.
L’essai combine le chargement en hydrogène, la durée d’essai, la déformation lente, plastique et dynamique. Donc, cette méthode d’essai est cohérente avec le modèle HELP proposé pour FPH et les observations des accidents industriels.
Cet essai est intéressant pas seulement comme essai de qualification pour les aciers supermartensitiques, mais aussi comme essai de qualification pour les conditions d’utilisation des ces matériaux (type de déformation, niveau de déformation et contrainte, vitesse de déformation, conditions de chargement en hydrogène, etc.).
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Charakterisierung hydrophiler Permeationswege in der pflanzlichen Kutikula anhand der Permeationseigenschaften ionischer Aminosäuren / Characterisation of the hydrophilic pathway in plant cuticles by means of permeation properties of hydrophilic, ionic amino acids.Arand, Katja January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Um sich vor dem Austrocknen zu schützen, haben Pflanzen eine Transpirationsbarriere entwickelt, die als Membran alle primären, oberirdischen Pflanzenteile überzieht. Diese so genannte Kutikula besteht hauptsächlich aus den lipophilen Komponenten Kutin und Wachs und reduziert so effektiv den Verlust von Wasser und wasserlöslichen Nährstoffen aus dem Blattinneren. Trotzdem ist sie nicht vollständig undurchlässig, und so können Wasser und gelöste Substanzen wie organische und anorganische Nährstoffe, Pestizide oder Umweltchemikalien die Kutikula in beiden Richtungen permeieren. Dabei ist offensichtlich, dass die zu Grunde liegenden Transportmechanismen den Ernährungszustand der Pflanzen, die Effizienz von Pestiziden und die Wirkung von Umweltchemikalien beeinflussen. Ein genaues Verständnis der Transportprozesse auf denen die kutikuläre Permeation basiert, kann helfen die Wirkweise von blattapplizierten Dünge- und Pflanzenschutzmitteln zu optimieren, indem gezielt Wirk- oder Zusatzstoffe modelliert werden können, welche die Aufnahme steigern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte deshalb der Einfluss physiko-chemischer Eigenschaften von hydrophilen Verbindungen auf die kutikuläre Permeation untersucht werden. Nicht zuletzt wegen ihrer strukturellen Ähnlichkeit mit den blattapplizierten Herbiziden Glufosinat und Glyphosat wurden Aminosäuren als Modellsubstenzen ausgewählt. Die verwendeten Aminosäuren sind gut wasserlöslich, wobei alle Oktanol/Wasser Verteilungskoeffizienten kleiner als 1 sind. Zusätzlich liegen alle Aminosäuren in gelöster Form als Ionen vor, was zu einer Hydratisierung der Moleküle führt. Es wird spekuliert, dass hydratisierte Moleküle keinen Zugang zur lipophilen Phase der Kutikula haben. Welche Rolle die Hydrathülle bei der Permeation tatsächlich spielt, ist allerdings noch unklar. Viele Aktivwirkstoffe liegen nur unter ganz bestimmten Bedingungen in geladener Form vor, während die Richtung der kontinuierlichen Nettoladung der Aminosäuren durch den pH Wert modifiziert wird. Damit kann der Einfluss verschiedener Ladungszustände auf die kutikuläre Permeation unter Verwendung eines einheitlichen Sets von Modellsubstanzen untersucht werden. Unter natürlichen Bedingungen sind Aminosäuren unter anderem auf Blattoberflächen zu finden, wo sie blattassoziierten Mikroorganismen eine profitable Nahrungsquelle bieten. Ob äußere Faktoren für die Deposition dieser Recourcen verantwortlich sind, oder ob der Ursprung innerhalb des Blattgewebes liegt, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Die Sorption von Aminosäuren in isolierte Kutikularmembranen ist sehr gering, und korreliert - anders als bei lipophilen Substanzen - nicht mit dem Oktanol/Wasser Verteilungskoeffizienten. Das zeigt, dass der Verteilung von lipophilen und hydrophilen Substanzen innerhalb der Kutikula verschiedene Mechanismen zu Grunde liegen. Unter einer gegebenen Bedingung werden die kutikulären Leitwerte der Aminosäuren negativ vom Molvolumen beeinflusst. Zudem übersteigt die Länge des Permeationswegs die eigentliche Dicke der Membran um ein Vielfaches. Diese Zusammenhänge kennzeichnen eine gehinderte Diffusion innerhalb einer engporigen und weit verzweigten Umgebung. Eine Änderung des pH Wertes wirkt sich in unterschiedlicher Form auf die Leitwerte von Wasser und Aminosäuren aus. Mit steigendem pH Wert erhöht sich die Wasserpermeabilität isolierter Kutikularmembranen, was durch eine zunehmende, messbare Wassersorption in die Kutikula erklärt werden kann. Eine pH abhängige Dissoziation funktioneller Gruppen bewirkt eine Schwellung des polaren Weges, weshalb auch für die anionischen Aminosäuren bei pH 11 die höchsten Leitwerte gemessen wurden. Die zwitterionischen Aminosäuren bei pH 6 wiesen hingegen die geringsten Leitwerte auf, was im Widerspruch zu der Beobachtung steht, dass bei pH 1 die geringste Wassersorption in die Kutikula stattfindet. Eine Erklärung hierfür liefern die Hydrathüllen, die bei den zwitterionischen Aminosäuren am stärksten und bei den anionischen Species am geringsten ausgeprägt sind. Eine negative Korrelation aller gemessenen Aminosäureleitwerte mit den entsprechenden hydratisierten Molvolumen zeigt eindeutig, dass die Hydrathülle eine wichtige Größe für die Permeation durch die Kutikula darstellt. Dabei nimmt der Leitwert einer hydrophilen Substanz mit definiertem Molvolumen mit kleiner werdender Hydrathülle zu. Intakte Blätter wurden in flüssiges Wasser als Rezeptorlösung getaucht, um steady-state Bedingungen aufrecht zu erhalten. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Permeabilitäten von intakten Kutikularmembranen, die anhand der natürlichen Aminosäurekonzentration innerhalb der Blätter bestimmt wurden, in derselben Größenordnung liegen, wie die für isolierte Membranen gemessenen. Außerdem konnte ein Vergleich der Flussraten auf der Ober- und Unterseite der Blätter zeigen, dass die stomatären Poren nicht direkt in den Leachingprozess involviert sind. / In order to overcome the risk of withering, all primary, aerial plant parts are bordered against the atmosphere with a transpiration barrier membrane, the so called cuticle. It is mainly composed of the lipophilic compounds cutin and waxes and therefore ensure an essentially reduction of uncontrolled loss of water and water soluble metabolites from plant tissues. Nevertheless, the cuticle is partially permeable for water and solutes like organic and inorganic nutrients, pesticides or environmental chemicals, and the flow can occur in both directions. It is obvious, that the basic transport processes are important for the survival of plants, agricultural success or environmental pollution. Therefore, the knowledge of the meachanisms, underlying cuticular permeation, can improve the effectiveness of foliar applied nutrients and pesticides, in the way of modelling ideal active ingredients or additives to enhance cuticular uptake. In the present study aminio acids were used as model compounds to understand the influence of the physico-chemical properties of hydrophilic solutes on cuticular permeability. This is not only because of their structural similarity to foliar applied herbicides like glyphosate and glufosinate. Amino acids are water soluble with octanol/water partition coefficients always smaller than 1 and they carry charges. The resulting hydration of the molecules renders them insoluble in the waxy layer of the cuticle and therefore the actual role of the associated hydration shell for cuticular permeation is still questionable. In contrast to many active ingredients, which are ionised only under certain conditions, the continuous net charge of amino acids is modified by pH. This provides an insight into the effect of anionic, zwitterionic and cationic properties on cuticular permeability by using the same set of solutes. Furthermore, amino acids are frequently found on leaf surfaces where leaf associated microorganisms benefit from their nutritional significance. It is still controversial, if amino acids originate from airborne particles or from the underlying leaf tissue. The sorption of amino acids into isolated cuticular membranes was very low and cuticle/water partition coefficients were not correlated to octanol/water partition coefficients, as is true for lipophilic solutes. This proves the existence of two different mechanisms for cuticular penetration of lipophilic and hydrophilic solutes. Under a given condition, permeances were determined by the molar volume of the amino acids and the pathway was much longer than the membrane thickness, which indicates a hindered diffusion in a porous and tortuous environment. Permeances for water and amino acids were affected by pH but in different ways. The water permeance increased with increasing pH which can be explained by a higher water sorption caused by dissociation of weak acidic groups within the cuticle above pH 6. Due to the maximum swelling of the pathway at pH 11 amino acid permeances were highest for the anionic form. Surprisingly, permeances were lowest for the zwitterionic species at intermediate pH and not for the cationic amino acids at pH 1 where the least water sorption occurs. The reason becomes obvious, when - next to the molar volume of the amino acids - the hydration shell is taken into account. Since the zwitterionic species at pH 6 possess the biggest and the anionic amino acids the smallest hydration shells, overall permeances are well correlated with the hydrated molar volume. Thus, it was shown that the hydration shell plays an important role in cuticular permeability in the way that smaller hydration shells favour an increase in permeances, given that the molar volume of the “naked” molecule remain constant. One exception was found for the amino acid permeability of isolated rose cuticles at pH 1. The fact, that under this condition, permeances are partially controlled by octanol/water partition coefficient shows clearly, that the lipophilic and the hydrophilic pathway are not strictly separated from each other. Amino acids with large lipophilic side chains can also benefit from partitioning within the lipophilic phase of the cuticle. It is still a matter of debate, if permeation experiments with isolated cuticular membranes reflect the real situation in intact plants, because isolation processes could alter cuticular properties. To proof the authority of this set up, additional leaching experiments were performed with intact leafs. It was shown that permeances of intact cuticles, which were driven by the natural amino acid content in the leaf tissue, are in deed in the same order of magnitude as for isolated cuticular membranes, when liquid water was used as receiver. Furthermore, a comparison between fluxes from the upper and the lower leaf side showed that stomatal pores are not directly involved into the leaching process.
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Herstellung von monodispersen Polydimethylsiloxan-Netzwerken und Charakterisierung der Mikrostruktur und der Permeationseigenschaften / Synthesis of monodisperse polydimethylsiloxane-networks and characterization of their microstructures and permeabilitiesPop, Claudius January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Entsprechend der Theorie des freien Volumens hinsichtlich der Diffusion in Kautschuken wird der Diffusionskoeffizient einer permeierenden Substanz im hohen Maße von der Mikrostruktur eines Kautschuks bestimmt. Daher war es Ziel dieser Arbeit Polydimethylsiloxannetzwerke mit definierten Mikrostrukturen zu entwickeln. Die Abhängigkeit der Permeationsprozesse von der Mikrostruktur der Netzwerke, sowie die Abhängigkeit dieser Prozesse von den physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften permeierender Substanzen wurde untersucht. Ein besseres Verständnis dieser Zusammenhänge kann zu Fortschritten in der Entwicklung von nichtporösen homogenen Membranen führen. Derartige Membranen werden unter anderem als Kontrollelement in therapeutischen Systemen oder in der Separationstechnik eingesetzt. / According to the free-volume theory of diffusion in rubbers, the diffusion coefficient of a permeating substance is strongly determined by the microstructure of the rubber. Therefore, it was the aim of this study to develop polydimethylsiloxane networks with regular, well-defined microstructures. The dependence of the permeation processes on the microstructure of the polymer networks and on the physico-chemical properties of the permeating substances has been investigated. A better understanding of these interrelations can lead to improvements in the development of nonporous homogeneous membranes. Among other applications, such membranes are used in therapeutic systems and in separation technology.
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Microkinetics of Hydrogen Permeation through Dense Solid and Liquid Metal MembranesDeveau, Nicholas D 21 January 2017 (has links)
Hydrogen separation membranes could be an enabling technology in a hydrogen economy. A comprehensive microkinetic model for hydrogen permeation was developed to expand the ability to predict hydrogen flux through various potential dense metal (solid and liquid) membrane candidates over a wide range of operating conditions. The molecular steps in the assumed mechanism, i.e., surface adsorption, dissociation, infiltration, and bulk diffusion, are adopted from the literature. The limiting assumptions made normally in the literature models, however, were avoided to develop a more comprehensive and rigorous model while still being computationally accessible. The use of an electric circuit analogy to model the molecular permeation step network allowed individual steps to be analyzed insightfully and in identifying which are rate-limiting steps under various conditions and which may be considered to be at quasi-equilibrium. The model was validated using experimental flux data available in the literature, and involving kinetic and thermodynamic parameters derived from theoretical and experimental sources, for the conventional solid palladium and palladium- silver membranes.
In order to extend the model to evaluate the efficacy of a sandwiched liquid metal membrane (SLiMM), a novel membrane under development in this laboratory, the molecular step kinetic and thermodynamic parameters must first be determined. Experimental as well as theoretical work was thus performed to determine these parameters for liquid gallium (Ga) and liquid indium (In), two potential SLiMM candidates. A semi-theoretical approach termed the Pauling Bond Valence-Modified Morse Potential (PBV-MMP) method was used to determine activation energies as well as pre-exponential factors for the steps involved in hydrogen permeation in a liquid metal. Experimentally, absorption isotherms as well as adsorption and diffusion kinetics were measured using a Sieverts apparatus that operates by measuring the pressure difference when a valve is opened between an evacuated sample chamber of known volume and another chamber charged to an initial pressure of hydrogen gas. Based on the hence theoretically and experimentally determined parameters, the microkinetic model was extended to SLiMM and conditions identified when different steps are rate-limiting or at quasi-equilibrium. The model was compared to experimental data for permeation of hydrogen in liquid Ga and liquid In membranes, giving a reasonable first prediction of the hydrogen flux through each metal membrane, and confirming their potential as hydrogen membranes.
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Band spreading in gel permeation chromatographyPovey, Neale Page 01 January 1969 (has links)
No description available.
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Oxygen scavenging styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer films for barrier applicationsTung, Kevin 11 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation discusses the oxidation behavior of reactive membranes that were produced by solution casting and by melt extrusion. These films, containing styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymer that undergoes catalytic oxidation, are of potential use as an oxygen scavenging polymer (OSP) for barrier applications. A thin film kinetic model was developed to ascertain reaction parameters that were used to describe thick film oxidation behavior. Ultimately complex structures containing these scavengers need to be produced via melt-extrusion. Therefore, processing conditions were established to ensure that melt-processed films have the same oxidation kinetics and capacity as those prepared by solution casting. Blends containing a non-reactive styrene phase and an oxygen-scavenging SBS phase were extruded and, by uptake and permeation experiments, their oxidation behaviors were monitored. The flux behavior and time lag extension as a function of oxygen pressure, film thickness, SBS scavenger and photoinitator contents were measured and compared to the theoretical model. The permeation behavior of the reactive blend films containing SBS showed that time lags can be extended via an oxidative mechanism and barrier properties be improved compared to traditional packaging membrane of native polystyrene. / text
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Application of pore fluid engineering for improving the hydraulic performance of granular soilsYoon, Jisuk 30 January 2012 (has links)
Over the past years, levee failures during floods have caused significant losses of lives and properties in the nation. Majority of these failures were induced by seepage through granular foundation soils underneath the top soil on which the levees were built. One of methods to mitigate this phenomenon includes the treatment of the granular soil deposits with an engineered fluid delivered by permeation (permeation grouting), resulting in a less pervious deposit. Since the conventional cement-based suspensions and chemical solutions may cause groundwater contamination due to long term reaction with groundwater, clay suspension such as bentonite suspension can be an alternative in terms of environmental friendliness and long-term safety. Moreover, the suspensions, after being permeated, are expected to be stable in the pore space due to the thixotropic nature of bentonite. The main challenge in this approach is being able to permeate a concentrated suspension through the pores of a granular material. To achieve a significant reduction in the hydraulic conductivity, concentrated bentonite suspensions should be used; however, concentrated suspensions can have low mobility, resulting in a low penetration depth and little practical application.
The main objective of this study is to investigate the permeation of concentrated bentonite suspensions by controlling their rheological properties. The first portion of this research focuses on measuring the rheological properties of the various engineered bentonite suspensions over time. The second point of focus of this research is the parameters affecting the flow of the bentonite suspensions through granular soils, and the final focal area is determining the hydraulic performance of the grouted granular soils.
In order to achieve these objectives, an experimental program was developed in this research. First, rheological tests were performed with the bentonite suspensions with and without various concentrations of sodium pyrophosphate (SPP); SPP is an ionic additive that is used to reduce the initial yield stress and viscosity of bentonite suspensions. A stress controlled test with the vane geometry produced rheological parameters with a minimal disturbance. Suspensions were stored in sealed cups and tested at various times to measure the long term thixotropic changes in yield stress and viscosity. Second, the various concentrations of the bentonite suspensions were injected at a constant pressure through clean sands which were prepared at various conditions (relative density, fine contents, and grain size) in order to investigate soil and suspension parameters affecting the flow of the bentonite suspensions. The results from these experimental tests were utilized to develop a groutability criterion of bentonite suspensions for practical purposes. Finally, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the treated soils was measured using falling and rising head method. The traditional concept of “clay void ratio” was re-examined. The results from this study showed that the modified bentonite suspensions could be used as an alternative grout in permeation grouting to improve hydraulic performance of the permeable granular soils. / text
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Skin delivery of selected hydrophilic drugs used in the treatment of skin diseases associated with HIV/AIDS by using elastic liposomes / Kevin Bassey ItaIta, Kevin Bassey January 2003 (has links)
Due to the immuncompromised status of AIDS patients, secondary infections and
malignancies are common. Conditions secondary to AIDS for which patients require
treatment include Karposi's sarcoma (treated with methotrexate), varicella-zoster (treated
with antivirals such as acyclovir) and herpes simplex (also treated with antivirals like
acyclovir or idoxuridme). However the clinical efficacy of these drugs is limited by poor
skin permeability.
Few reports, however, have dealt with the delivery of low molecular weight hydrophilic
drugs from these vesicles (El Maghraby et al, 2000). The aim of our study was to
investigate in vitro permeation of methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridine across human
epidermal membrane from elastic liposomes. The intent was to establish whether
formulation of these hydrophilic drugs into elastic liposomes would enhance their skin
permeation parameters.
We developed and validated high-performance liquid chromatographic techniques for
quantitative analysis of methotrexate, idoxuridine and acyclovir. Elastic liposomes were
prepared from various phospholipids- phosphatidylcholine 78.6%; phosphatidylcholine
50%; hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine 90%; phosphatidylcholine 95% and surfactants -
sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, Span 20, 40, 60, 80. These vesicles were
characterised by transmission electron microscopy. The solubilities of methotrexate,
acyclovir and idoxuridine were determined. Phospholipon G (95% phosphatidylcholine)
was chosen for the preparation of the liposomes with different surfactants. Permeation of
methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridme from these vesicles across human epidermal
membrane was investigated.
Flux values for methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridine values (J) obtained by curve-fitting
of data using Easyplot were compared to those obtained by linear regression. We
used Student's t-test to determine statistically significant differences in the flux values of
the formulations. A computer program http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/stats/ttest-
bulk-form.html was used for this purpose. Our results indicate that there are no
statistically significant differences between flux values from elastic liposomes and
saturated aqueous solutions. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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Skin delivery of selected hydrophilic drugs used in the treatment of skin diseases associated with HIV/AIDS by using elastic liposomes / Kevin Bassey ItaIta, Kevin Bassey January 2003 (has links)
Due to the immuncompromised status of AIDS patients, secondary infections and
malignancies are common. Conditions secondary to AIDS for which patients require
treatment include Karposi's sarcoma (treated with methotrexate), varicella-zoster (treated
with antivirals such as acyclovir) and herpes simplex (also treated with antivirals like
acyclovir or idoxuridme). However the clinical efficacy of these drugs is limited by poor
skin permeability.
Few reports, however, have dealt with the delivery of low molecular weight hydrophilic
drugs from these vesicles (El Maghraby et al, 2000). The aim of our study was to
investigate in vitro permeation of methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridine across human
epidermal membrane from elastic liposomes. The intent was to establish whether
formulation of these hydrophilic drugs into elastic liposomes would enhance their skin
permeation parameters.
We developed and validated high-performance liquid chromatographic techniques for
quantitative analysis of methotrexate, idoxuridine and acyclovir. Elastic liposomes were
prepared from various phospholipids- phosphatidylcholine 78.6%; phosphatidylcholine
50%; hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine 90%; phosphatidylcholine 95% and surfactants -
sodium cholate, sodium deoxycholate, Span 20, 40, 60, 80. These vesicles were
characterised by transmission electron microscopy. The solubilities of methotrexate,
acyclovir and idoxuridine were determined. Phospholipon G (95% phosphatidylcholine)
was chosen for the preparation of the liposomes with different surfactants. Permeation of
methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridme from these vesicles across human epidermal
membrane was investigated.
Flux values for methotrexate, acyclovir and idoxuridine values (J) obtained by curve-fitting
of data using Easyplot were compared to those obtained by linear regression. We
used Student's t-test to determine statistically significant differences in the flux values of
the formulations. A computer program http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/stats/ttest-
bulk-form.html was used for this purpose. Our results indicate that there are no
statistically significant differences between flux values from elastic liposomes and
saturated aqueous solutions. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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