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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Evaluation of HawkLearn: A Next Generation Learning Management System

Round, Kimberlee L. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Cloud-based computing in higher education has the potential to impact institutions on a myriad of fronts, including technology governance, flexibility, financial, and intellectual property. As the demand for blended and online education increases, institutions are considering expedient approaches to implementing learning management systems (LMSs). Cloud-based e-learning models, such as personal learning environments and open learning networks, are reported to be among the next generation of LMSs. Saint Anselm College launched a cloud enhanced LMS, HawkLearn, to support several blended courses. HawkLearn was flexible, low-cost, low-maintenance, and targeted to digital natives, accustomed to using web 2.0 based tools and social media. Reporting utilized a case study approach, tracking HawkLearn's evolution from concept to reality. Results yielded data for higher education institutions, evaluating LMS strategies.

The impact of blended learning on female student-teachers in Kuwait

Ghaith, Omar January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to identify the effect of using the blended learning method on students' academic achievement and satisfaction level in a university course for female student teachers who follow the General Teaching Method Course (304) at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait. The content of the course (304) was based on the five stages of the ADDIE instructional design model, comprising five phases: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. The research questions of the study can be summarised in two main questions: 1. What is the effect of using the method of blended learning in the General Teaching Method Course (304) on students’ academic achievement, compared to using face–to–face approaches to learning alone? 2. What is the effect of using the method of blended learning in the General Teaching Method Course (304) on students’ satisfaction, compared to using face–to-face approaches to learning alone? The researcher answered these questions through a mixed method research approach using the Explanatory Sequential Design, in order to determine the nature and objectives of the study. In this, the researcher started with the collection and analysis of quantitative data (using a quasi-experimental approach), which has priority for addressing the two research questions, and then followed this with the collection and analysis of qualitative data (using group interviews) to help explain the quantitative results. The researcher identified the study sample as 96 female students’ teachers at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait. The sample consisted of a first experimental group (n= 39)who followed the General Teaching Method Course (304) by blended learning using virtual learning environment (VLE) of Blackboard, a second experimental group (n=31) who followed the course (304) by blended learning using personal learning environment (PLE) of Facebook, and the control group (n= 26) who followed the course (304) using face-to-face approaches to learning alone. The dependent variables were academic achievement (as assessed in the course’s midterm, final and practical exams) and students’ satisfaction (as assessed by the questionnaire, giving a total mark and 3 sub-marks in reference to the students’ satisfaction about the teaching method of the course, the content of the course, and the instructor's support during the course). When answering the first question of the research, the study found that there was a significant difference in both mid-term and final tests between the first experimental group (studying through the blended learning method using VLE of Blackboard) and the control group (studying through face-to-face learning alone). However, there was no significant difference in both mid-term and final tests between the second experimental group (studying through the blended learning method using PLE of Facebook) and the control group. And there was also no significant difference in the practical test between the two experimental groups (each separately) and the control group. When answering the second question of the research, the study found that there was a significant difference in the teaching method dimension of the satisfaction questionnaire between the two experimental groups (each separately) and the control group. And there was also a significant difference in the instructor’s support dimension of the satisfaction questionnaire between the first experimental group and the control group, but no significant difference was found between the second experimental group and the control group. There was also no significant difference in the course content dimension of the satisfaction questionnaire between the two experimental groups (each separately) and the control group.

Technology acceptance in blended learning: The case of Jönköping International Business School

Huang, Wei, Paraschiv, Elena, Thuy, Dung Do January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, in the new era of technology, everything needs to be updated, which represents a new challenge to education to adapt to the developments in technology. Moreover, due to the gap of theory separating practices in business schools, it is becoming obvious that the Universities can hardly help students to acquire experience. Due to this problem, business schools can limit the potential of students’ success. This study examines the efficiency of technology use in class as well as outside of the classroom. This was done by interviewing five teachers within different areas of teaching in Jönköping International Business School. The results show that there are many aspects that need to be considered such as policy, teacher development, the development of the virtual learning environment and other technological improvements, before applying technology in flipped classroom. / Den nya eran av teknik i dagens samhälle gör att allt måste uppdateras. Detta utgör en ny utmaning för utbildningen som bör anpassa sig till denna tekniska utveckling. Dessutom, som en följd av det teoretiska gapet som separeras från praxis i handelshögskolor är det tydligt att universiteten knappast kan hjälpa studenter att skaffa sig underförstådd kunskap. På grund av det här problemet kan handelshögskolor begränsa potentialen av studentens framgång. Däremot visar vår forskning att användningen av tekniken i det flippade klassrummet kan bidra till att förbättra situationen. Denna studie undersöker effektiviteten i teknikanvändning i klassrummet såväl som utanför klassrummet genom att intervjua fem lärare inom olika områden av undervisning på Jönköping Internationella Handels Högskola. Resultaten visar att det är många aspekter som bör beaktas, såsom policy, utvecklingsarbete av lärare, utveckling av VLE i tillägg till andra tekniska förbättringar, innan man applicerar tekniken i det flippade klassrummet.

Collaborative Development of a PLE for Language Learning

Renzel, D., Höbelt, C., Dahrendorf, D., Friedrich, M., Verbert, K., Mödritscher, Felix, Goevaerts, S., Palmer, M., Bogdanov, E. 17 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This paper provides a report on the experimental collaborative and distributed development of a prototypic Widget-based PLE. The development process is described and detailed taking into account the requirements of a language learning scenario. First results are presented, and developer experiences are discussed critically with a focus on the development process as well as problems with current Widget technologies and interoperability.

Sensibilisation à la protection de la vie privée dans un contexte d’utilisation de dispositifs portables intelligents

Fortin, Jean-François 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Quelles pensée critique et métalittératie des futur·es enseignant·es à l’heure des fausses nouvelles sur le Web social ? Une étude de cas collective en francophonie

Michelot, Florent 09 1900 (has links)
Thesis DOI : https://doi.org/10.31237/osf.io/3aufb / Cette étude de cas collective porte sur la pensée critique et les littératies (informationnelle, numérique, médiatique, etc.), appréhendées avec le concept de métalittératie, chez des étudiant·es qui débutent des études supérieures et se destinent à la profession d’enseignant·e au secondaire, en histoire. L’objectif est de brosser un portrait de la pensée critique et de la métalittératie de ces futur·es enseignant·es de la francophonie à l’heure du Web social. La recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte de multiplication des infox (fausses nouvelles ou fake news) et théories du complot aux impacts sociopolitiques et sanitaires avérés en contexte électoral ou de pandémie. Nous nous sommes intéressé aux étudiant·es de Wallonie (Belgique), de France et du Québec (Canada), particulièrement en raison de l’approche adoptée, dans chacune de ces nations, pour former les futur·es enseignant·es (formation professionnalisante vs formation disciplinaire). Pour mener à bien ce travail, plusieurs objectifs spécifiques ont été convoqués. Il s’agissait de : i) analyser la qualité métrique de versions francophones de tests de mesure de la pensée critique, sur le plan des habiletés et des dispositions, ainsi que de l’autoefficacité en métalittératie ; ii) décrire le score des enseignant·es en formation initiale en matière de pensée critique, notamment en regard de facteurs environnementaux (type de formation, pays d’études, emploi) et personnels (autoefficacité en pensée critique et en métalittératie, croyance en la probabilité de devenir enseignant·e) ; iii) discerner les stratégies en métalittératie et en pensée critique de futur·es enseignant·es en Wallonie en France et au Québec, lorsqu’ils évoluent sur un média social (ici, Facebook) utilisé en tant qu’environnement personnel d’apprentissage (EPA) numérique, en regard du type de formation et de certains facteurs environnementaux (perception de l’environnement scolaire et numérique) et personnels (autoefficacité). Un dernier objectif spécifique, transversal aux trois premiers, consistait à (iv) mettre en dialogue des facteurs socioculturels et prendre en considération le parcours scolaire dans les perceptions et pratiques reliées à la métalittératie et à la pensée critique à l’heure du Web social. La thèse suit une présentation par articles ; chacun est lié à l’un des trois premiers objectifs spécifiques, le quatrième étant donc abordé de façon transversale. Opérée dans cinq établissements (deux en Wallonie, un en France et deux au Québec), cette recherche se fonde sur une méthodologie de type mixte en deux phases. La phase quantitative a permis la passation de trois tests auprès de 245 futur·es enseignant·es (N = 245). Dans la seconde phase, de nature qualitative, 32 étudiant·es (n = 32, sélectionné·es parmi les 245 participant·es) ont participé à des entrevues, notamment pour décrire plus abondamment les stratégies connues pour évaluer de l’information. Nous avons aussi observé les pratiques et stratégies mobilisées par neuf d’entre eux·elles (n = 9) pour évaluer des documentaires et en discuter sur un média social. Le premier article illustre la complexité de mesurer la pensée critique, mais témoigne de la solidité psychométrique de la version francisée du Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment, un test permettant d’établir un score d’habiletés de pensée critique. Par ailleurs, nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’autoefficacité en pensée critique, prédicteur significatif des habiletés, devrait être considérée comme une disposition à la pensée critique. Nous avons aussi développé un instrument mesurant l’autoefficacité pour évaluer l’information selon le concept de métalittératie. Dans un deuxième article, nous avons tenté de définir les meilleurs prédicteurs au score d’habiletés en pensée critique. Un modèle linéaire (incluant pays d’étude, type de formation, emploi salarié, ainsi qu’autoefficacité en pensée critique et en métalittératie) est significatif, mais la capacité prédictive est limitée. Cependant, il apparaît du troisième article que les pratiques et stratégies observées en contexte réel ne permettent d’observer que des différences minimes : les étudiant·es en formation professionnalisante mobiliseraient davantage des stratégies métacognitives et autocritiques quand leurs homologues en formation disciplinaire mobiliseraient plutôt des stratégies critériées. La recherche fait ressortir le rôle potentiellement favorable du rapport à l’emploi actuel et futur d’enseignant·e dans la définition d’habiletés et de dispositions en pensée critique, associées à des stratégies particulières pour aborder l’information. Les résultats appuient le renforcement de l’intégration de la formation initiale des enseignant·es dans la pratique éducative et suggèrent de soutenir le projet de carrière pour développer des compétences de pensée critique. Les forces et limites de la recherche sont discutées et plusieurs recommandations sont émises à l’intention de la recherche et du système éducatif, au niveau des politiques éducatives et pratiques scolaires. / This collective case study focuses on critical thinking and literacies (informational, digital, media, etc.), understood with the concept of metaliteracy, for students beginning higher education and destined to be secondary school history teachers. The objective is to present a portrait of critical thinking and metaliteracy among these preservice teachers from the French-speaking world, in an era of social networks. The background of the research includes an increasing number of fake- news and conspiracy theories with proven socio-political and health impacts in election or pandemic contexts. We studied students from Wallonia (Belgium), France and Québec (Canada), especially because of these nation’s approach to train preservice teachers (vocational training vs disciplinary training). To conduct this project, several specific objectives were formulated. These were: i) to analyse the metric quality of French-version tests quantifying critical thinking skills and dispositions as well as metaliteracy self-efficacy; ii) to describe preservice teacher scores in critical thinking, particularly in respect with environmental (type of training, country of study, employment) and personal (self-efficacy in critical thinking and metaliteracy, belief in the likelihood of becoming teacher) factors; iii) to discriminate between critical thinking and metaliteracy strategies used by preservice teacher in Wallonia, France and Quebec when navigating in a social media (here Facebook) used as digital personal learning environment (PLE) with respect to the type of training and some environmental (perception of the educational and digital environment) and personal (self-efficacy) factors. A last specific objective, transversal to the first three, consisted in iv) engaging socio-cultural factors and taking into account the educational path, in perceptions and practices related to metaliteracy and critical thinking, in the social web era. This thesis follows a presentation by article; each one of them is related to one of the first three objectives, the fourth objective is thus discussed in a transversal way. Carried on five establishments (two in Wallonia, one in France and two in Quebec), this research is based on a two-phase mixed methodology. The quantitative phase involved three tests conducted on 245 preservice teachers (N = 245). During the second phase, the qualitative one, 32 students (n = 32, selected among the 245 participants) were interviewed, particularly to describe known strategies to evaluate information. In addition, we observed practices and strategies mobilized by nine of them (n = 9) to evaluate information from documentaries and discuss it on a social media. The first article illustrates the complexity of critical thinking measurements but demonstrates the psychometric robustness of the French version of the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment test, a test for scoring critical thinking skills. Furthermore, we postulate that critical thinking self- efficacy, significant predictor of skills, should be considered as a disposition to critical thinking. We have also developed an indicator measuring self-efficacy in terms of metaliteracy. In a second article, we tried to define the best predictors of critical thinking skills scores. A linear model (including country of study, type of training, employment as well as self-efficacy in critical thinking and metaliteracy) is statistically significant although with limited predictive capability. However, strategies and practices described in the third article and observed in real-life context show only minimal differences between used strategies: it seems that students following a vocational training would more likely mobilize metacognitive and self-critical strategies when their counterparts in disciplinary training use more criterion-referenced strategies. The research highlights the positive role of relationship to current and prospective employment of preservice teachers in defining critical thinking skills and dispositions, combined with specific strategies for dealing with information. The results support the increase of preservice teacher training integration into educational practice and suggests the support of career planning to develop critical thinking skills. Strength and limitations of the research are discussed and several recommendations are offered for research project and educational system, in terms of educational policy and school practices.

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