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Alternative management styles in PetroSAKearns, Julius Jerome 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Executives wanting to establish or manage an effective organisation need to
understand the dynamics of leadership. PetroSA can have all the advantages in the
world - advocate of the state, good relations with the state treasury, and Gas-To-
Liquid technology - but if leadership fails, all these advantages melt away and the
organisation, like a driverless car, will inexorably run downhill.
Nevertheless, if we are to understand leadership, we also have to go beyond the
directly obvious. We have to pay attention to the relevant internal and social
dynamics. It calls for an analysis of the intricate interaction between leaders and
followers, and the unconscious and invisible psychodynamic processes and
structures that influence the behaviour of individuals. The conscious grouping of pairs
of two or more employees that maintain a sociologically significant relationship
should also not be ignored. People who dismiss the complex clinical dimension in
organisational analysis cannot hope to move beyond an impoverished understanding
of what life in organisations is all about.
Toxic managers dot the landscape in most organisations making them seem, at
times, like war zones. These managers can complicate your work, drain your energy,
compromise your sanity and destroy your career. However, it is critical to recognise
that toxicity, or emotional pain, is a normal by-product of organisational life. However,
organisations that want to stay healthy need to learn to handle such toxicity
effectively - or prevent it in the first place. This survey clearly demonstrates that very
unhealthy management styles prevail in PetroSA. The overall results of the survey
show that managers identified nine behaviours or practices that are detrimental to the
. organisation's culture. These traits scored more than 2.8 on a five-point scale, where
a score of five is severe. This paper examines various ways of managing toxicity in
the workplace and offers ideas for leaders to help foster health and productivity. The
recommendations will include a major change management initiative, wellness
programme, mentoring and coaching intervention, leadership development sessions
(residential), communication strategy, interventions that address the dark side of
leadership, as well as Learning to Lead workshops.
Finally, effective organisational responses to emotional pain, once in the system, do
not stop with the urgent, immediate response to a painful traumatic experience such
as the merger process PetroSA underwent in 2002/2003. leaders in their
organisations should make use of preventative strategies such as appointing the right
candidates, developing leaders and creating the right culture that offers space for
healing and inspiration. leaders can play a key role in the recovery of those who
have been hurt, speeding up the wellbeing of those who have suffered and facilitating
a healthy workplace. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitvoerende bestuur wat effektiewe organisasies wil vorm en bestuur moet die
dinamika van leierskap goed verstaan. PetroSA kan baie faktore hê wat in sy guns tel
- soos om as die mondstuk van die staat te wees, goeie verhoudings met die
staatstesourier te hê, sowel as om oor Gas-tot-Vloeistof tegnologie te beskik -'-maar,
sou die kritiese eienskap van leierskap ontbreek, is al dié voordele tevergeefs en die
organisasie sal, soos 'n motor sonder bestuurder, onkeerbaar afdraand loop.
Om leierskap werklik te verstaan, is die voor-die-hand-liggende nie genoeg nie. Daar
moet ernstig aandag geskenk word aan die gepaardgaande interne en sosiale
dinamika. Dit vereis 'n analise van die ingewikkelde interaksie tussen leiers en
navolgers sowel as die onbewustelike en insigbare psigodinamiese prosesse en
strukture wat gedrag van individue beïnvloed. Die willekeurige groepering van twee
of meer werknemers wat sosiologiese belangrike verhoudings ontwikkel moet ook nie
geïgnoreer word nie. Persone wat dié ingewikkelde kliniese dimensies ignoreer
tydens organisatoriese analise, het geen hoop om uit te styg bo 'n swak begrip van
wat die lewe van binne 'n organisasie behels nie.
Toksiese bestuurders is volop in die meeste organisasies, wat dié maatskappye
soms soos 'n oorlogsveld laat voel. Sulke bestuurders maak die werksplek baie
gekompliseerd, dreineer jou energie, is senutergend en kan jou loopbaan
verongeluk. Hoe dit ook al sy, dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat toksiese of
emosionele pyn, 'n normale byproduk van die lewe binne 'n organisasie is.
Nieteenstaande hierdie feit, moet organisasies wat gesond wil bly, hierdie giftige
gewoontes doeltreffend bestuur - of nog beter - in die eerste plek heeltemal
verhoed. Hierdie tesis bewys onteenseglik dat hierdie ongesonde bestuurstyle binne
PetroSA heers. Die oorhoofse resultate van die opname toon dat bestuurders nege
bestuurstyle of gewoontes identifiseer wat die organisasie negatief beïnvloed. Hierdie
style behaal 'n gemiddelde van meer as 2.8 op die vyf-punt skaal, waar 5 uiters
waarneembaar is. Die tesis poog om teenmiddels te identifiseer wat hierdie giftige
style teenwerk of verhoed. Die tesis poog ook om idees aan huidige en toekomstige
leiers te bied om gesonde en produktiewe werksomgewings te skep. Die
aanbevelings sluit in 'n aansienlike bestuurde veranderingsinisiatief, personeel welstandsprogram, mentor- en leierskapsprogramme, kommunikasiestrategie, en
werkswinkels wat die donker kant van leierskap aanspreek sowel as die kuns om te
Effektiewe reaksie op emosionele pyn binne die organisasie, moet nie net op die
onmiddelike dringende aksies om pynlike traumatiese ondervindings soos die
PetroSA samesmelting van 2002/2003 gerig wees nie. Leiers moet ook gebruik maak
van strategieë wat voorkomend is van aard soos om die regte kandidate aan te stel,
leiers te ontwikkel en die regte kultuur te skep wat ruimte vir heling en inspirasie bied.
Leiers kan 'n sleutelrol speel in die heling van diegene wat seergekry het, deur hul
beterskap te versnel en 'n gesonde werkplek te fasiliteer.
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Evolution of the prevailing organisational culture at PetroSA and its implications to the sustainability of organisation's future : the beehive wayJwaai, Nomfusi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
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Investigation into the economic feasibility of the continued existence of the PetroSA Mossel Bay refineryMcGregor, James Royston 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa's main requirements for power are in the form of
electricity and liquid fuels The country's electricity is generated
mainly from coal while the liquid fuels requirement is mainly from
crude oil.
Both coal and crude oil use are coming under increasing pressure
locally because of pollution and accompanying environmental
awareness. Internationally both energy sources are also
increasingly being abandoned as preferred energy sources, in first
world countries, in favour of cleaner energy sources.ln view of
these developments in the macro environment South Africa's gas
to liquids refinery built in the early 1990's seems a well placed
past investment ahead of its time.
This study project looks at the economic feasibility of the
continued existence of the PetroSA gas to liquid plant in Mossel
Bay.The study looks at South Africa as well as Southern Africa's
energy resources , the effect of changing legislation on the future
use of energy resources and the economics of the Mossel Bay
The study finds that South Africa's abundance of coal reserves, its
lack of oil and gas reserves and the slow pace of environmental
legislation delivery means that gas is unlikely to become a major
source of energy in South Africa.The Mossel Bay gas to liquids
plant is profitable but its high fixed costs and certain growth of
this cost component means that the continued feasibility of
operations is dependant on favourable movements in the exchange
rate and oil price.
To answer the question about whether to continue operating or
close down the analysis found that although although early closure
would provide a return of more than 15 percent it would be even
more viable financially to make an investment for more gas and
continue operations.The main reason for the better than average
projected returns is the high oil price .The decision to close down
the Mossel Bay plant is not likely to be based on financial
considerations alone.
The recommendation is thus to continue operations untill 2016.The
investment required to secure more gas would , even in the worst
case scenario, provide a satisfactory return on investment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika se energie behoeftes is hoofsaaklik vir elektrisiteit en
brandstof. Die meerderheid van die land se elektristeit word deur
middel van steenkool opgewek terwyl ru-olie gebruik word om
brandstof te vervaardig.
Beide steenkool en ru-olie word al hoe meer onder druk geplaas
as gevolg van besoedeling en 'n meer omgewing bewuste
publiek. Op internasionale vlak , in eerste wereld lande word die
gebruik van steenkool en ru-olie al hoe meer afgeskaf ten gunsle
van skoner kragbronne.
In die lig van hierdie verwikkeling in die makro omgewing mag dit
op die oog af Iyk of PetroSA se gas na vloeistof aanleg in
Mosselbaai, wat reeds in die vroee 1990's gebou is, as 'n goeie
destydse strategiese belegging voorkom.
Hierdie studie projek ondersoek die ekonomiese
lewensvatbaarheid van die voorgesette bestaan van die PetroSA
se Mosselbaai gas na vloeislof aanleg. Die studie kyk na Suid-Afrika
sowel as die groter Suider Afrika se natuurlike
energiebronne, die invloed van verandering in wetgewing op die
toekomstige gebruik van energiebronne en die ekonomiese
kenmerke van die aanleg in Mosselbaai.
Die bevinding van die studie is dat Suid-Afrika se oorvloed van
steenkool, sy tekort aan natuurlike gas en die stadige pas
waarteen omgewings-wetgewing ontwikkel word, daartoe lei dat
gas nie 'n volmatige energiebron in Suid Afrika sal word nie. Die
aanleg in Mosselbaai is huidiglik winsgewind maar sy hoe
vastekoste en groei hiervan belemmer sy vooruitsigte vanuit 'n
finansiele oogpunt. Die winsgewindheid van die aanleg is afhanklik
van 'n verswakkende Suid Afrikaanse geldeenheid en verhogende
ru-olie pryse.
Die vraag onstaan dus of die aanleg moet toemaak en of produksie
moet voortgaan. Die ondersoek vind dat alhoewel die sluiting van
die aanleg 'n opbrengs van meer as 15 persent sal lewer dit selfs
meer finansieel aantreklik is on te belê in meer gas sodat
produksie kan voortgaan. Die hoofrede vir die bogemiddelde
opbrengs is die hoe oilieprys. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat die
oorweging om die Mosselbaaise aanleg sluit suiwer op
finansieele oorwegings sal rus.
Die aanbeveling is dus om voort te gaan met produksie tot
2016. Die belegging wat nodig is vir meer gas sal selfs onder die
mees pessimistiese omstandighede steeds 'n bevredigende
opbrengs lewer.
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The impact of the maintenance management system on production output and profitability at the Petroleum oil and gas corporation of South Africa (PETROSA) GTL RefineryMahlangu, Bafana Petrus 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the maintenance management system (MMS) on production output and profitability (PO&P) at the Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA) GTL Refinery as a source of competitive advantage. State-Owned Companies and, or more specifically the PetroSA GTL Refinery must maintain its strategic importance for government fuel security but, at the same time, it must compete against private refineries in terms of achieving high production volumes, maximising profitability and to maintain its stake of 6.5% of the available production capacity. The literature review for this study suggested that the maintenance management system (MMS) impacts positively on production output and profitability (PO&P). The MMS has a tremendous influence on PO&P at the PetroSA GTL Refinery. Using a quantitative research design, cross-sectional research survey and the Maintenance Scorecards (MS) assessment tool, this study was conducted on six areas of the PetroSA GTL Refinery. Two population groups, namely production and maintenance groups participated in the survey. Fifty-six respondents belonged to the maintenance group and thirty-eight respondents belonged to the Production Group. All the Maintenance and Production Group respondents completed the MS questions designed to fit the characteristics of these population groups. Correlation analysis in terms of the means, standard deviations, gap analysis, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) as well as the coefficient of determination (R²) was used to analyse the data. The findings of the study indicated a moderate positive linear correlation between the MMS and PO&P. Recommendations based on the findings were tabled in chapter 7 to improve and enhance production perspective (asset health gap), safety perspective (asset prioritisation gap) and the learning and growth perspective (skills and working condition gap). / Business Management / M. Com. ((Business Management)
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The impact of the maintenance management system on production output and profitability at the Petroleum oil and gas corporation of South Africa (PETROSA) GTL RefineryMahlangu, Bafana Petrus 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the maintenance management system (MMS) on production output and profitability (PO&P) at the Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA) GTL Refinery as a source of competitive advantage. State-Owned Companies and, or more specifically the PetroSA GTL Refinery must maintain its strategic importance for government fuel security but, at the same time, it must compete against private refineries in terms of achieving high production volumes, maximising profitability and to maintain its stake of 6.5% of the available production capacity. The literature review for this study suggested that the maintenance management system (MMS) impacts positively on production output and profitability (PO&P). The MMS has a tremendous influence on PO&P at the PetroSA GTL Refinery. Using a quantitative research design, cross-sectional research survey and the Maintenance Scorecards (MS) assessment tool, this study was conducted on six areas of the PetroSA GTL Refinery. Two population groups, namely production and maintenance groups participated in the survey. Fifty-six respondents belonged to the maintenance group and thirty-eight respondents belonged to the Production Group. All the Maintenance and Production Group respondents completed the MS questions designed to fit the characteristics of these population groups. Correlation analysis in terms of the means, standard deviations, gap analysis, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) as well as the coefficient of determination (R²) was used to analyse the data. The findings of the study indicated a moderate positive linear correlation between the MMS and PO&P. Recommendations based on the findings were tabled in chapter 7 to improve and enhance production perspective (asset health gap), safety perspective (asset prioritisation gap) and the learning and growth perspective (skills and working condition gap). / Business Management / M. Com. ((Business Management)
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