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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of PGR properties of TRIMAX in cotton

McGuire, Cy Christopher 01 November 2005 (has links)
Pesticides comprise a large portion of production inputs in cotton. Reducing or enhancing their efficacy presents an avenue to increase profit. Pesticides containing both insecticidal and growth enhancing properties may be a viable option to increased profitability. In cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), early season applications of some insecticides have shown effects similar to those of plant growth regulators (PGRs). TRIMAX?? (imidacloprid) is one of these purported PGR insecticides. TRIMAX?? and Centric?? 40WG (thiamethoxam), both nitroguanidine insecticides, have properties that may exhibit PGR activity. A two - year field study was conducted at the Texas A&M Agricultural Experiment Station in Burleson County, Texas to assess the physiological effects of Centric?? 40WG and TRIMAX?? on cotton. The statistical design consisted of a randomized complete block with four replications. Treatments consisted of each insecticide being applied one, two, and three times at the 5- leaf stage, 5- leaf stage plus 10 days after initial treatment (DAIT), and 5-leaf stage plus 10 DAIT plus 20 DAIT. Rates consisted of TRIMAX?? and Centric?? 40WG being applied at 0.020 and 0.017 L/ha, respectively. Data was collected for plant height, total number of nodes, biomass partitioning, photosynthetic rate, midseason plant mapping, end of season box- mapping, yield, and fiber quality analysis. No significant differences in lint yield were observed among any of the insecticide PGR treatments. There was a general trend for numeric decreases in lint yield with each additional insecticide application for both chemistries, with the exception of TRIMAX?? at three applications in 2004. No significant differences were detected in any of the growth parameters that were measured (height, total nodes, biomass partitioning, and leaf area). Numerical differences resulted in trends, but rate responses did not follow any logical pattern. Numerous trends and rate responses were also observed in the Absolute and Relative Growth Rates, and photosynthetic rates, but no significant differences were evident. In general, as more insecticide was applied, the photosynthetic rates decreased along with lint yield. Based on the parameters investigated during the course of this two-year study, there is no conclusive evidence that supports TRIMAX?? or Centric?? 40WG as being growth and or yield enhancers in cotton.

The mouse mammary tumour virus - like virus in hormonally influenced human tissues

Johal, Harpreet , Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
The identification of Mouse Mammary Tumour Virus (MMTV) as the causal factor for breast cancer in mice, initiated investigation into a viral cause for human breast cancer. MMTV-like virus has been detected in human breast cancers, lymphomas and primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), suggesting the virus is not restricted to human breast cancers. We hypothesized that the virus is detected in human tissues influenced by steroid hormones. We detected a region of the envelope (env) gene of MMTV-like virus in 53/210 (25%) of liver disease, 4/21 (19%) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 14/89 (16%) of ovarian cancer, 53/147 (36%) of prostate cancer, 5/50 (10%) of endometrial cancer and 13/141 (9%) of skin cancer samples but not in lung cancers (0/51). Viral env DNA was also detected in 4/81 (5%) of placentae and 5/90 (6%) of breast milk cells from healthy women whilst viral env RNA was detected in 2/90 (2%) of breast milk supernatants and (0/81) placentae. Immunohistochemistry staining for the presence of estrogen receptor alpha (ER-??) and progesterone receptor (PgR) demonstrated a significant association between ER-??/PgR and MMTV-like virus in human ovarian, prostate, endometrial and skin cancers though no significant association was observed between ER-??/PgR and the virus in liver tissues. We were also unable to demonstrate a significant association between accumulation of p53 tumour suppressor protein and MMTV-like virus in liver disease and HCC. Despite the demonstration of viral env integration in genomic DNA from human placentae using Southern Blots, other regions of the virus were not detected following PCR attempts with published primer sets. This study adds to the current knowledge of distribution of MMTV-like virus in humans. The detection of the virus in hormonally influenced human tissues (positive for ER-?? or PgR) indicates an association between MMTV-like virus and steroid hormones in some human tissues. The detection of the virus in placentae and breast milk also suggests potential routes of transmission of the virus in humans. Although the exact role of the virus in these tissues is not known, the presence of the virus together with other genetic alterations and/or the influence of steroid hormones could be involved in the transformation of various human tissues (i.e.pathogenesis).

Firespike (Odontonema Strictum) Response to Photoperiod and Plant Growth Retardants

Rezazadeh, Amir 11 December 2015 (has links)
Red firespike (Odontonema strictum) is an ornamental shrub with potential for use as a flowering potted plant due to its dark green foliage and attractive red flower spikes. Studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of photoperiod and plant growth retardants on firespike growth and flower initiation and development. Firespike is reported to be a short day plant. To determine the critical photoperiod requirements to initiate flowering, plants were placed in short days (SD) for 0, 8, 16, 24, or 32 days before being returned to long days (LD). Meristems were sampled 0 or 8 days after return to LD for histological examination. Plants receiving only 8 SD showed early floral initiation; however, plants receiving 16 or more SD reached anthesis earlier than plants grown under fewer SD. To evaluate the effects of light intensity and temperature on flowering and growth characteristics of firespike, two experiments were conducted. Plants were grown under LD or SD, 0%, 45% or 65% shade and temperatures of 15, 25 or 35°C. Plants grown under 45% shade and LD and 65% shade and SD had greatest and least height, respectively. The first open flower was observed after 92 days under no shade while 45% shade in both LD and SD resulted in more inflorescences. To evaluate effectiveness of various plant growth regulators on firespike height control, foliar and drench applications of uniconazole, flurprimidol, daminozide, and paclobutrazol were examined in two experiments. The results showed flurprimidol and paclobutrazol drenches at 0.24 and 0.35 mg a.i./pot could be used to control the growth of red firespike more effectively than other PGRs. However, growth index decreased up to 88% and 84% when paclobutrazol and flurprimidol were applied at 0.59 and 0.71 mg a.i./pot, respectively. The morphological and physiological characteristics of firespike treated with paclobutrazol and flurprimidol under drought stress were studied. Drought stress delayed days to flowering and number of replications flowering. Application of paclobutrazol and flurprimidol enhanced drought resistance of red firespike reducing adverse effects of water stress during the experiment.

Sergančiųjų išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas tikro laiko polimerazės grandininės reakcijos metodu / Commonly kras gene mutation testing in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer by real time polymerase chain reaction

Džervienė, Elena 27 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Darbo autorė: Elena Džervienė Darbo vadovas: prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius Vilnius, 2011 m. Pagrindinės sąvokos: KRAS geno mutacijos, TL-PGR. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti dažniausias KRAS geno mutacijas tikro laiko polimerazės grandininės reakcijos metodu pacientams, sergantiems išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų paplitimą ir įvairovę. 2. Įvertinti dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų ryšį su paciento lytimi ir amžiumi, klinikine diagnoze. 3. Įvertinti įdiegtų KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymo testų patikimumą. Tyrimo populiacija. Pacientai, sergantys išplitusiu storosios žarnos vėžiu visoje Lietuvoje. Tyrimo metodai. Dažniausių KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas TL-PGR metodu, KRAS geno mutacijų nustatymas PGR ir atvirkštinės hibridizacijos metodais. Statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant „Microsoft Office Excel 2003“ ir SPSS 13,0 for Windows versijos statistinę programą. Darbo rezultatai ir išvados. Ištyrus 24 pacientus, KRAS genas buvo mutavęs 9 (37,5 proc.) atvejais, nemutavęs - 15 (62,5 proc.) atvejų. Dažniau (po 3 kartus) pasikartojo dviejų tipų mutacijos: p.Gly12Asp ir p.Gly12Cys. P.Gly12Cys mutacija dažniau pasitaikė jaunesniojo (3 kartus), p.Gly12Asp - vyresniojo amžiaus pacientų grupėje (2 kartus). KRAS geno mutacija santykinai dažniau nustatyta moterims, nei vyrams. Mutacijų dažnis abiejose amžiaus grupėse buvo panašus (p<0,05). Pacientų, sergančių tiesiosios 13 (54 proc.) žarnos vėžiu, buvo šiek tiek daugiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY COMMONLY KRAS GENE MUTATION TESTING IN PATIENTS WITH METASTATIC COLORECTAL CANCER BY REAL TIME POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION Master‘s degree final scientific research work Author of the Master‘s degree scientific research work: Elena Džervienė Head of the Master‘s degree scientific research work: prof. dr. Arvydas Laurinavičius Vilnius, 2011 Keywords: KRAS gene mutation, RT-PCR. The aim of the research work was to evaluate the commonly KRAS gene mutations in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer by real time polymerase chain reaction. The main goals of the work: 1. To evaluate incidence and diversity of commonly KRAS gene mutations. 2. To evaluate links among commonly KRAS gene mutations, patients sex, age and clinical diagnosis. 3. To evaluate the raliability of KRAS gene mutations tests. Survey methods. Commonly KRAS gene mutation testing by RT-PCR and reverse hybridization methodes. Statistical analysis made using MS Office Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0 for Windows version statistical program. Results and conclusions. After survey, in 9 of 24 cases, KRAS gene were mutated, in 15 cases – wild type. Two types of mutation repeated more recently (3 times): p.Gly12Asp and p.Gly12Cys. More often (3 times) p.Gly12Cys mutation were found in younger patients group; p.Gly12Asp mutation (2 times) - in older ones. KRAS gene mutation relatively more often were set in womens, than in mens group. KRAS gene mutation rate were similar in both age groups (p<0,05). There were more... [to full text]

Lodging Control for Wheat and Barley in Arizona

Ottman, Michael 03 1900 (has links)
2 pp. / Plant growth regulators are commonly applied to wheat and barley grown under high-yielding conditions to reduce the risk of lodging. Plant growth regulators reduce lodging by reducing plant height and strengthening the stem.

Lietuvos pieninių galvijų pieno baltymų genetiniai tipai ir jų ryšys su produktyvumu / Genetic types of milk proteins prevalence and their relation with production traits in Lithuanian dairy cattle breeds

Peciulaitienė, Nijolė 23 September 2005 (has links)
First time was investigated distribution of genes coding for milk protein diversity in Lithuanian dairy cattle population and milk protein genes influencing milk yield and composition. According to research results, offer take into account to specific genes loci in cattle genome, influencing expression of desirable milk protein types. Select animals, owning Kapa-casein B and Beta-lactoglobulin B alleles and create specific cattle herds be able to produce qualitative milk suitable for curd and cheese industry. Obtained results could be maintained as official selection criterion, genetically improving milk renneting traits in Lithuanian dairy cattle population.

Factors Affecting Preharvest Fruit Drop of Apple

Ward, Daniel Lee 17 September 2004 (has links)
Apple preharvest fruit drop frequently results in severe economic losses. Cultural control of preharvest drop has relied upon plant growth regulators (PGRs), but the loss of daminozide (Alar) and 2,4,5-TP has severely limited the choices of effective stop-drop compounds. A more complete understanding of factors involved in preharvest drop is therefore imperative. Experiments were conducted to provide information about cellulase activity in the abscission zone, effects of applied auxin and ethylene biosynthesis inhibition on drop, changing sensitivity to abscission induction during the season, and relationships among seed number, fruit weight, and day of drop. Observational studies were used to study effects of fruit maturity, canopy positions, and morphology of stem attachment on time of fruit drop as well as characterizing the natural timing of late-season fruit drop. Increased activity of cellulase, but not polygalacturonase, in the abscission zone was detected within 4 days of cutting fruit to induce abscission. Both aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) applied 2 or 4 days after cutting delayed drop, but NAA delayed drop 1.6 days longer than did AVG. Fruit of "RedChief Delicious"(D) exhibited a significantly reduced sensitivity to abscission-inducing treatments from mid-June until early July compared to earlier orr later in the season. Application of plant growth regulators to cut fruit revealed a significant interaction of NAA treatment with AVG treatment such that NAA delayed drop when applied with AVG but not without AVG. Fallen fruit had lower starch and higher soluble solids than fruit on the tree on the day of collection. The highest fruit in the canopy fell an average of 4.4d earlier than the lowest fruit. Day of drop was not different for fruit from king blooms vs. side blooms within an inflorescence. There was a trend for fruit from first year wood to drop later than fruit from older wood on "Delicious", but not "Smoothee Golden Delicious" trees. There was no detectable effect of angle of orientation of the subtending spur on the limb, the pedicel:spur abscission zone, or fruit axis of symmetry on time of fruit drop. No difference was detected in time of fruit drop between East and West or North and South sides of the trees. No substantial variation in day of drop of individual fruit was explained by number of seed in the fruit. Daily drop was recorded for three cultivars ("RedChief Delicious", "Smoothee Golden Delicious", and "Commander York") for three years. Variance of average day of drop from year to year was 40.1, while variance among cultivars within a year was 51.8. Variance from tree to tree within each cultivar, within each year, was only 18.6. Multiple regression modeling to identify relationships between weather factors and daily fruit drop revealed that much of the variability in time of drop was due to factors other than the weather events modeled. The best regression models developed explained only 8% to 35% of the variability in time of drop. The most important weather factors were daily minimum temperatures and precipitation. Rain events of greater than 5.0 mm following a drier period appeared to cause increased drop of all three cultivars in one out of the three years investigated. / Ph. D.

Use of Plant Growth Regulators to Improve Branching of Herbaceous Perennial Liners

Grossman, Mara Celeste 05 June 2012 (has links)
The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of PGRs to improve branching during production of herbaceous perennial liners and finished plants. The effects of benzyladenine (BA) on the branching and root and shoot growth of Agastache Clayt. Ex Gronov. 'Purple Haze', Gaura lindheimeri Engelm. & A. Gray 'Siskiyou Pink', Lavandula × intermedia Emeric ex Loisel. 'Provence', Leucanthemum × superbum (Bergmans ex J.W. Ingram) Bergmans ex Kent. 'Snowcap', and Salvia × sylvestris L. (pro sp.) 'May Night' was tested. Root dry weight was found to be highly correlated to root volume and root surface area. In liners, all taxa except Salvia had increased branching while all except Gaura had reduced rooting. Increased branching was not evident in most taxa as finished plants. The effects of BA on Aster 'Professor Anton Kippenberg' (Symphyotrichum novi-belgii L.'Professor Anton Kippenburg'), Campanula punctata Lam. 'Cherry Bells,' Cosmos atrosanguineus (Hook) Voss., Verbena bonariensis L. 'Lollipop,' Rosmarinus officinalis L.'Hill Hardy' and Veronica spicata L. 'Goodness Grows.' was tested. BA increased branching of three taxa as liners while roots were not affected. The addition of IBA did not improve root growth in BA-treated plants. Dikegulac sodium and ethephon were evaluated as branching enhancers in the same six perennials. Dikegulac increased branching of all except Campanula while ethephon increased branching in Veronica and Verbena. The effects of application time of BA on the branching of Agastache Clayton ex Gronov. 'Tutti Frutti' and Verbena bonariensis 'Lollipop' was evaluated with application of BA at 0, 7, 14, 17, 20 and 21 days after sticking (DAS); however growth was reduced in plants treated before rooting had occurred. Agastache finished plants treated at 14 DAS had increased branching whereas branching was not affected in Verbena liners or finished plants. The effects of single or multiple applications of BA and dikegulac sodium on Sedum spectabile Boreau 'Autumn Joy,' Gaillardia aristata Pursh 'Gallo Red,' Phlox paniculata L. 'Bright Eyes,' Nepeta racemosa Lam. 'Walker's Low,' Delosperma NE Br. 'Table Mountain,' and Achillea L. 'Moonshine' were evaluated. Two applications of PGR was most effective at increasing branching in finished plants. High rates of dikegulac sodium reduced growth in most plants studied while BA increased branches without negatively affecting plant growth. / Master of Science

Regulation of Growth and Branching of Containerized Penstemon x mexicali Cultivars

Lyons, Erika Paige 05 June 2015 (has links)
The primary objectives of this research are to analyze the effects plant growth regulators and pinching practices have on the growth habit of Penstemon x mexicali Pikes Peak Purple and Red Rocks and to produce more marketable containerized Penstemon. A preliminary study analyzed the effects branching agent PGRs had on Pikes Peak Purple. We found that the PGRs benzyladenine and ethephon were successful at producing more branches than the untreated control when the plants were considered finished in the container. Another group of PGRs known as growth retardants were also evaluated on Pikes Peak Purple. Both high and low rates of foliar applications of paclobutrazol or uniconazole resulted in growth control of the crop. Liner drench or soak applications of paclobutrazol were the most effective at reducing growth but resulted in over-regulated and stunted plants. A separate study focused on the combination of branching agents and pinching practices on Pikes Peak Purple. Both pinching and the application of branching agents improved overall plant quality until the stage of flower initiation where further growth regulation was needed. Based on the results of the previous experiments, we conducted a study combining branching agents and growth retardants on Pikes Peak Purple and Red Rocks. We found that the most marketable Pikes Peak Purple plants were produced with one pinch during the liner stage, two applications of benzyladenine, and one drench application of paclobutrazol. The most marketable Red Rocks plants were produced with one pinch during the liner stage, and two applications of ethephon. / Master of Science

Padrão de metilação do receptor de progesterona (PGR) em endométrio eutópico de pacientes com infertilidade relacionada à endometriose durante a fase secretora / Methylation pattern of progesterone receptor (PGR) on eutopic endometrium of patients with infertility related to endometriosis during stage secretory

Rocha Júnior, Carlos Valério da 08 December 2015 (has links)
A endometriose é uma doença caracterizada pelo crescimento de tecido endometrial ectópico histologicamente similar ao do endométrio eutópico. Dentre sua sintomatologia, encontra-se relatos de infertilidade a qual está relacionada à diminuição da receptividade endometrial e a resistência à progesterona, importante hormônio envolvido no estabelecimento desse processo e na manutenção da gestação. A etiologia da endometriose não é bem conhecida, mas estudos sugerem que essa desordem possa estar ligada a mecanismos epigenéticos de regulação da expressão genica, tais como a metilação do DNA. A receptividade endometrial à progesterona é mediada por receptores (PR-A e PR-B) a qual parece estar suprimida nessas pacientes, possivelmente por diminuição ou inatividade destes receptores, o que poderia ser um mecanismo envolvido na infertilidade associada à endometriose. Estudos de metilação no gene codificante das isoformas A e B do receptor de progesterona (PGR) mostram que o exon 1 da isoforma PR-B encontra-se hipermetilado e tem sua expressão silenciada em pacientes portadoras da doença. Entretanto ainda não foi avaliado o perfil de metilação deste gene em mulheres inférteis com a doença, o que poderia estar envolvido na infertilidade apresentada por essas pacientes. O objetivo desde estudo foi avaliar o padrão de metilação do gene PGR em endométrio eutópico de mulheres com infertilidade relacionada à endometriose e controles inférteis, durante a fase secretora. 10 Foram realizadas biópsias endometriais de 23 pacientes, divididas em dois grupos: 12 mulheres inférteis sem endometriose (Controle infértil) e 11 mulheres inférteis com endometriose (Endometriose). Todos os endométrios coletados foram confirmados na fase secretora do ciclo através de análise histológica clássica segundo os critérios de Noyes. O DNA genômico foi extraído com o QIAamp DNA Mini Kit e modificado utilizando o EpiTec Bissulfite Kit. O padrão de metilação das isoformas PR-A e PR-B foi avaliado pela técnica HRM (High Resolution Melting) A análise de metilação da isoforma PR-A mostrou que a região analisada encontra-se hipometilada, em que a porcentagem de metilaçao encontrada foi 0% em ambos os grupos com e sem endometriose. No entanto, no grupo com endometriose, a isoforma PR-B mostrou-se parcialmente metilada na maioria das pacientes com porcentagem de metilaçao de 50% (n=8), somente uma paciente apresentou 80% de metilacão na isoforma B. Para o grupo sem endometriose a isoforma PR-B mostrou-se hipometilada (0%). A hipometilação da isoforma PR-A sugere que este gene encontrar-se na sua forma ativa, sem alterações em sua expressão. No entanto, a hipermetilação da isoforma PR-B nas mulheres com endometriose pode estar relacionada com o silenciamento gênico ou redução da sua expressão, sugerindo que a baixa resposta à progesterona nas mulheres com endometriose pode estar diretamente ligada à redução do número de seus receptores nessas pacientes / Endometriosis is a disease characterized by ectopic growth of endometrial tissue histologically similar to the eutopic endometrium. Among this symptoms, is infertility accounts which is related to decreased endometrial receptivity and resistance to progesterone, important hormone involved in the establishment of this process and the maintenance of pregnancy. The etiology of endometriosis is not well known, but studies suggest that this disorder can be linked to epigenetic mechanisms of regulation of gene expression such as DNA methylation. The endometrial responsiveness to progesterone is mediated by receptors (PR-A and PR-B) which seem to be suppressed in these patients, possibly reducing or inactivity of these receptors, which could be a mechanism involved in the infertility associated with endometriosis. Studies in methylation of the gene encoding the A and B isoforms of progesterone receptor (PGR) showed that exon 1 of the PR-B isoform is hypermethylated and silenced have its expression in patients with the disease. However it has not been rated the methylation profile of this gene in infertile women with the disease, which could be involved in the infertility presented by these patients. The goal from study was to evaluate the methylation pattern of the PGR gene in eutopic endometrium of women with infertility related to endometriosis and infertile controls during the secretory phase. Endometrial biopsies were performed on 12 23 patients, divided into two groups: 12 infertile women without endometriosis (infertile Control) and 11 infertile women with endometriosis (Endometriosis). All endometrium collected were confirmed in the secretory phase of the cycle by classical histological analysis according to the criteria of Noyes. Genomic DNA was extracted with the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit and using the modified EpiTec Bissulfite Kit. The methylation pattern of PR-A and PR-B isoforms was assessed by HRM technique (Melting High Resolution) Methylation analysis of PR isoform The analyzed showed that the region is hipometilada, wherein the percentage of methylation was found 0% in both the groups with and without endometriosis. However, in the group with endometriosis, the PR-B isoform showed partially methylated in most patients with methylation percentage of 50% (n = 8), only one patient showed methylation in 80% of isoform B. In the group without endometriosis the PR-B isoform was shown hipometilada (0%). The hypomethylation of PR-A isoform suggests that this gene be in its active form, without change in his expression. However, hypermethylation of the PR-B isoform in women with endometriosis may be associated with gene silencing or reducing the expression, suggesting that the low response to progesterone in women with endometriosis can be directly linked to the reduction of its receptors in these patients

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