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Song dai li xue jia de li shi guan yi "Zi zhi tong jian gang mu" wei li /Zhang, Yuan. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Guo li Taiwan da xue, 1975. / Cover title. Reproduced from typescript ; on double leaves. Includes bibliographical references (p. 321-328).
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Song dai li xue jia de li shi guan yi "Zi zhi tong jian gang mu" wei li /Zhang, Yuan. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Guo li Taiwan da xue, 1975. / Cover title. Reproduced from typescript ; on double leaves. Bibliography: p.321-328.
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先秦四家對語言、知識問題之哲學考察 =: Four types of philosophical investigation of the problems of language and knowledge in th pre-Ch'in period. / Four types of philosophical investigation of the problems of language and knowledge in th pre-Ch‘in period / Xian Qin si jia dui yu yan, zhi shi wen ti zhi zhe xue kao cha =: Four types of philosophical investigation of the problems of language and knowledge in th pre-Ch'in period.January 1984 (has links)
馮耀明 = Fung Yiu-ming. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--香港中文大學硏究院中國文化硏究學部, 1984. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 575-578). / Feng Yaoming = Fung Yiu-ming. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan Zhongguo wen hua yan jiu xue bu, 1984. / 論文提要 --- p.(I) / Chapter 第一章 --- 《公孫龍》的名實觀與離藏論 --- p.1 / Chapter 1 --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 2 --- 《白馬論》的邏輯結構 --- p.4 / Chapter 3 --- 謂詞與個體名之區分 --- p.31 / Chapter 4 --- 唯名論還是實在論? --- p.40 / Chapter 5 --- 固定意指與偶然意指之區分 --- p.57 / Chapter 6 --- 指、物指與物 --- p.88 / Chapter 7 --- 《指物論》的存有論論旨 --- p.107 / Chapter 8 --- 離藏論與名實觀 --- p.133 / Chapter 第二章 --- 《墨辯》的知識論與名辯觀 --- p.149 / Chapter 1 --- 引言 --- p.149 / Chapter 2 --- 知之條件、方式、內容及對象 --- p.152 / Chapter 3 --- 言辯和真理的問題 --- p.172 / Chapter 4 --- 名實的問題 --- p.198 / Chapter 5 --- 辯¨®Ơ方式之限制 --- p.235 / Chapter 6 --- 加詞、變詞的問題 --- p.244 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《莊子》的不可¨®Ơ論與實踐哲學 --- p.289 / Chapter 1 --- 引言 --- p.289 / Chapter 2 --- 積極的懷疑論 --- p.293 / Chapter 3 --- 辯無勝與是非未可定的問題 --- p.302 / Chapter 4 --- 言與知之極限問題 --- p.319 / Chapter 5 --- 物與道之區分:可¨®Ơ與不可¨®Ơ --- p.333 / Chapter 6 --- 道真的不可言¨®Ơ嗎? --- p.345 / Chapter 7 --- 實踐的超越進路 --- p.376 / Chapter 第四章 --- 《荀子》的實踐之知與正名論 --- p.394 / Chapter 1 --- 引言 --- p.394 / Chapter 2 --- 學與知 --- p.398 / Chapter 3 --- 認知心與統類心 --- p.309 / Chapter 4 --- 以仁識心和以智識心 --- p.419 / Chapter 5 --- 心與道之関係 --- p.429 / Chapter 6 --- 正名與正言 --- p.458 / Chapter 7 --- 制名的原則與方法 --- p.474 / Chapter 8 --- 破三惑 --- p.496 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.508 / Chapter 1 --- 四家的思想進路與理論宗趣 --- p.508 / Chapter 2 --- 四家學¨®Ơ在哲學和哲學文上的意義 --- p.516 / Chapter 3 --- 方法學的問題 --- p.525 / 附註 --- p.537 / 參考書目 --- p.575
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In search of "National soul": the early cultural thinking of Qian Mu, 1895-1949.January 1999 (has links)
by Chan Wai-keung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [116-121]). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / CONTENTS / INTRODUCTION / Chapter CHAPTER 1. --- THE EARLY YEARS / Chapter CHAPTER 2. --- DISCURSION AND AMBIVALENCE: QIAN MU'S MIND ON CULTURE BEFORE1930 / Chapter CHAPTER 3. --- THE CULTURAL CONSERVATISM OF QIANMUFROM 1930 TO1949 / Chapter CHAPTER 4. --- THE CHOICE OF QIAN MU: AN INTERPRETATION / CONCLUSION / GLOSSARY / BIBLIOGRAPHY
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Commoner and sagehood: Wang Ken and the T'ai-chou School in late Ming society.Lee, Sheng-kuang. January 1990 (has links)
The intellectual world of the late Ming literati was without question one of great richness and complexity. The focus of the present study, however, is limited to an examination of Wang Ken, the man, his key philosophical beliefs, and his role in the founding of the T'ai-chou School of thought. In exploring the genesis of Wang Ken and his school of thought, certain aspects of the social milieu are examined in order to reach a better understanding of how the larger environment and this radical intellectual movement became intertwined. In other words, I have attempted to discern and define the interplay of the most important creative minds of the time, and particularly those of the elite class with this group. As a teacher and thinker Wang Ken exercised a considerable influence on his times, contributing in the process to the new permissiveness so characteristic of the latter half of the Ming dynasty. In this regard, the present study also represents an attempt to discover the basic patterns underlying Wang Ken's thought, as well as the T'ai-chou School's responsiveness to dramatic changes in society. In doing so, we perceive an implication of intellectual autonomy in the form of social and political protest against imperial autocracy. Also, the spread of his faith in an attainable and intelligible sagehood among the lower classes, gradually blurred the dividing line between elite and commoner. Finally, the assertions of Wang Ken and the T'ai-chou School indeed stimulated a new sense of self-awareness and self-worth. Nevertheless, it is because of its radical rejection of the established social, political, and intellectual order that the T'ai-chou School has been branded as heterodox. As a result, the frustration of its aspiration for a more genuine humanity was inevitable, as this intellectual movement fell victim to the forces of orthodoxy and conformity.
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成聖之道: 北宋二程子工夫論之硏究. / 北宋二程子工夫論之硏究 / Cheng sheng zhi dao: bei Song er Cheng zi gong fu lun zhi yan jiu. / Bei Song er Cheng zi gong fu lun zhi yan jiuJanuary 1990 (has links)
溫偉耀. / 稿本(電腦打印本) / Thesis (Ph. D.)--香港中文大學歷史學部, 1990. / Gao ben (dian nao da yin ben) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 233-246). / Wen Weiyao. / Thesis (Ph. D.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue li shi xue bu, 1990. / 凡例 / Chapter 第一章 --- 序論:關於二程子的硏究 --- p.1 / Chapter 一. --- 民國以來二程子思想硏究的發展 --- p.3 / Chapter (甲) --- 中日戰爭以前的二程硏究 --- p.4 / Chapter (乙) --- 由抗戰至六零年代的二程硏究 --- p.8 / Chapter (丙) --- 牟宗三的《心體與性體》及其影響 --- p.11 / Chapter (丁) --- 八零年代二程研究的發展 --- p.16 / Chapter 二. --- 綜論二程硏究的問題及本論文的寫作立場 --- p.22 / Chapter 第二章 --- 程明道即「一本」言工夫之義理格局 --- p.32 / Chapter ´ؤ. --- 引言:「一本」之境界 --- p.32 / Chapter 二. --- 「一本」境界之内涵與義理格局 --- p.39 / Chapter (甲) --- 「一本」論作為一種圓頓的觀照境界 --- p.40 / Chapter (1) --- 通過「本體」統攝「存在」從把持本源的統攝意向破分別相的境界 --- p.40 / Chapter (2) --- 即「存在」即「本體」---絶對圓融之觀照境界 --- p.50 / Chapter (乙) --- 「一本」論作為一種極度簡單化的生命情調 --- p.61 / Chapter 三. --- 達至「一本」境界之工夫 --- p.72 / Chapter (甲) --- 體悟-境界的提昇、意識的轉化 --- p.74 / Chapter (乙) --- 漸悟漸修-「誠、敬、憤獨」的把持工夫 --- p.84 / Chapter 第三章 --- 程伊川之致知與涵養工夫 --- p.92 / Chapter ´ؤ. --- 引言-伊川工夫論之一般性格 --- p.92 / Chapter 二. --- 伊川格物窮理致知工夫之疑難 --- p.95 / Chapter (甲) --- 「格物窮理致知」的道德實踐意義 --- p.95 / Chapter (乙) --- 疏解伊川「格物、致知」工夫的偏差 --- p.100 / Chapter (1) --- 將伊川「格物窮理」工夫類比於近代西方的科學歸納法 --- p.101 / Chapter (2) --- 將朱熹的「格物致知」論套入伊川的理解之中 --- p.105 / Chapter (3) --- 伊川「格物致知」工夫的不同層次 --- p.112 / Chapter 三. --- 伊川「格物、致知」之現象學與存有論的詮釋 --- p.117 / Chapter (甲) --- 通過讀聖賢典籍去提昇自己的道德生命 --- p.117 / Chapter (1) --- 讀書與道德生命的提昇 --- p.119 / Chapter (2) --- 對聖賢典籍的再體驗 --- p.125 / Chapter (乙) --- 體察歴史人物經歷以把握為聖之道 --- p.129 / Chapter (1) --- 讀史與道德生命的提昇 --- p.130 / Chapter (2) --- 對歷史的具體解悟 --- p.136 / Chapter (丙) --- 居敬集義-透過待人接物的生活去提昇自己的道德生命 --- p.141 / Chapter (1) --- 待人之道與道德生命的提昇 --- p.146 / Chapter (2) --- 接物之道與道德生命的提昇 --- p.154 / Chapter (3) --- 「敬」作為涵養的工夫 --- p.173 / Chapter (丁) --- 觀天地萬物氣象而感應德性生命之義理 --- p.181 / Chapter (1) --- 觀物察己的本體學根據 --- p.182 / Chapter (2) --- 觀物察己的工夫 --- p.195 / Chapter (3) --- 再論「聞見之知」與「德性之知」 --- p.204 / Chapter 第四章 --- 視域與觀照:二程子工夫論之會通 --- p.209 / Chapter 一. --- 對二程同異的不同立場 --- p.210 / Chapter 二. --- 二程所鋪陳的成聖之道 --- p.215 / Chapter (甲) --- 從二程生平經歴看二人之學術關係 --- p.215 / Chapter (乙) --- 程伊川的轉向 --- p.219 / Chapter (1) --- 伊川貫通「未發」與「已發」的工夫見解 --- p.219 / Chapter (2) --- 視域與觀照:伊川的「修」與「悟」 --- p.227 / Chapter (丙) --- 修-悟-把持 --- p.230 / 參考資料選輯 --- p.233 / Chapter ´ؤ. --- 二程生平著作古籍原典 --- p.233 / Chapter 二. --- 民國以來直接論二程的著作(按寫作先後排列) --- p.234 / Chapter 三. --- 中文、日文參考書目 --- p.238 / Chapter 四. --- 外文參考書目 --- p.241
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