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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Světelné křivky zákrytových dvojhvězd / The light curves of eclipsing binaries

Korda, David January 2016 (has links)
New CCD photometric observations of ten short-period LMB (Low Mass Binaries) were carried out. Data were obtained using 65 cm telescope in Ondřejov in the filters I, R and V from 2014 to 2016. Light curves were analysed using the program PHOEBE. The obtained masses and radii of the stars were compared with the theoretical mass-radii relation. There arises that the short-period binaries have the radii of about 4 % larger than the theoretical prediction from the stellar evolution models. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Enkel UV-absorptionsfotometer för absorbansmätning i medicinska prover / Simple UV-absorption photometer for absorbance measurement in medical samples

Edling, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Inom laboratoriemedicin finns utrustning som spektralfotometern som kan mäta absorption i en lösning för att bestämma koncentrationen av proteiner, aminosyror och liknande. Detta är en ofta en dyr och svårtillgänglig utrustning. Avdelningen Medicinsk Teknik - Forskning och Utveckling (MT-FoU) vid Norrlands Universitetssjukhus har fått förfrågan om att undersöka möjligheterna till att konstruera en enkel och billig UV-absorptionsfotometer. Målet var att ta fram en prototyp av en UV-absorptionsfotmoter för att kunna mäta koncentrationen av SAICA-r och S-Ado vilket förekommer i urinet vid sjukdomen Adenolosuccinat lyase deficiency. För detta examensarbete valdes Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) som mätsubstans, eftersom ATP är ett stabilt protein som är lösligt i vatten och som tål att frysa och tinas. ATP har dessutom ett absorbansspektra som ligger väldigt nära SAICA-r och S-Ado. En fungeradeprototyp av UV-absorptionsfotometern har tagits fram. Prototypen påvisar en god linjäritet (R2 = 0.9956) för koncentrationer mellan 0-50 mg/L samt en hög noggrannhet för absorbans σ=0.0006. Med dessa resultat bedöms prototyp vara kapabel till att mäta halten SAICAr och S-Ado. / In laboratory medicine there is equipment such as the spectralphotometer that can measure absorption in a solution to determine the concentration of proteins, amino acids and the like. This is an often expensive equipment and often not readily available. The Department of Biomedical Engineering - Research and Development (BE-RD) at University hospital of Umeå has been asked to investigate the possibilities of constructing a simple and cheap UV-absorption photometer. The aim of this study was to produce a functioning prototype of a UV-absorption photometer that would be able to measure the concentration of SAICA-r and S-Ado which occurs in the urine of the rare disease Adenolosuccinate lyase deficiency (ASL). For this bachelor thesis, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was chosen as measuring substance, since ATP is a stable protein which is soluble in water and which can be frozen and defrosted. It also has an absorbance spectra which is very close to SAICA-r and S-Ado. A functioning prototype of the UV-absorption photometer has been developed. The prototype demonstrates a good linearity(R2 = 0.9956) for concentrations between 0-50 mg/L and a high accuracy for absorbance σ=0.0006. With these results, the prototype is judged to be capable of measuring the content of SAICAr and S-Ado in a urine sample.

Estrelas Be: fotosferas, envelopes e evolução na sequência principal / Be Stars: Photospheres, Circumstellar Environments and Evolution in the Main Sequence

Levenhagen, Ronaldo Savarino 20 October 2004 (has links)
As estrelas Be compreendem uma grande faixa de massas e temperaturas. Por definição, são objetos de tipo B com classe de luminosidade entre V e III que apresentam, ou apresentaram alguma vez, linhas de Balmer em emissão (eventualmente metais uma vez ionizados) e/ou linhas com padrões de absorção shell, possivelmente formadas em um envelope circunstelar. Embora se saiba há muito tempo que esses objetos são rodadores rápidos e que giram pelo menos 1,5 a 2 vezes mais rápido do que as estrelas B normais, ainda é incerto se esses objetos são ou não em média rodadores crticos, não obstante as recentes observações interferométricas de HD 10144 (Achernar) (uma estrela Be tpica) indicarem se tratar de um rodador crtico. Devido às suas altas taxas de rotação, as quais originam distorções geométricas e distribuições não uniformes de temperatura dependentes da latitude estelar, os valores de velocidade de rotação derivados por métodos clássicos são sistematicamente subestimados. Além disso, os efeitos da rotação, aliados à presença do envelope circunstelar, mascaram as condições fsicas desses objetos, resultando em diferenças significativas em seus estágios evolutivos na seqüência principal. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do estudo espectroscópico de estrelas Be em duas vertentes. Na primeira tratamos o tema da formação e estrutura do envelope circunstelar de estrelas Be, através das análises de duas estrelas, HD 127972 ( Cen) e HD 10144 (Achernar). Nesse estudo identificamos e caracterizamos seus modos de pulsação, os quais se constituem em um possvel mecanismo de perda de massa e formação do envelope. Além disso, estudamos a estrutura de seus envelopes circunstelares através da modelagem de perfis de Balmer em emissão. Na segunda vertente quantificamos as condições fsicas de 141 estrelas de campo, onde 114 são de tipo Be e 27 estrelas são B normais. Nesse estudo, comparamos os estágios evolutivos desses objetos obtidos através de métodos clássicos com os estágios evolutivos corrigidos dos efeitos da rotação elevada. Concluimos que o \"fenômeno Be\" pode ocorrer em todas as fases da evolução estelar na seqüência principal. / Be stars encompass a large mass and temperature range. By definition, they are B-type objects with luminosity classes V to III that have, or have shown at least once, Balmer lines in emission (eventually single-ionized metals) and/or lines with shell absorption patterns possibly formed in a circumstellar envelope. Though it has long been known that these objects are fast rotators and that they rotate at least 1.5 to 2 times faster than normal B stars, it is still uncertain whether or not these objects are in average critical rotators, although recent interferometric observations on Achernar (a typical Be star) pointed it out to be a critical rotator. Due to their high rotation rates which originate geometrical distortions and non-uniform temperature distributions dependent on the stellar latitude, the rotation velocity values derived from classical methods are systematically underestimated. Moreover, the rotation effects allied to the continuum emission due to the presence of a circumstellar envelope disguise the physical conditions of these objects, resulting in significative differences of their main-sequence evolutionary stages. In this work we present the results of the spectroscopic study of Be stars in two approaches. In the first one we treat the subject of formation and structure of the circumstellar envelope of Be stars through the analyses of two stars, HD 127972 ( Cen) and HD 10144 (Achernar). In this study we identify and characterize their pulsation modes, which constitute in a possible mechanism of mass loss and envelope formation. Moreover we study the structure of their circumstellar envelopes through the modeling of Balmer profiles in emission. In the second approach we quantify the physical conditions of 141 field stars, where 114 are Be-type stars and 27 stars are normal B stars. In this study, we compared the evolutionary stages of these objects obtained through classical methods with evolutionary stages corrected for high rotation effects. We conclude that the \"Be phenomenon\" can occur at whatever stage of the stellar evolution on the main sequence.

"Espalhamento Compton e medida absoluta da energia de fótons marcados - Uma simulação Monte Carlo" / Compton scattering and absolute measurement of tagged photon energies.

Carvalho Junior, Washington Rodrigues de 08 March 2005 (has links)
Uma simulação baseada em métodos Monte Carlo foi criada com o intuito de avaliar a potencialidade da utilização do espalhamento Compton em altas energias para a obtenção de medidas absolutas e de alta precisão da energia de fótons marcados. Esse método se baseia em medidas angulares dos produtos desse espalhamento para reconstruir a energia dos fótons incidentes, utilizando a cinemática do espalhamento Compton em aproximação de impulso. A simulação inclui vários efeitos relevantes à medida, como espalhamento múltiplo de elétrons, momento interno dos elétrons nos átomos do alvo, resolução do detetor e vários parâmetros geométricos do arranjo experimental. Através da simulação de um experimento que utiliza esse método para a calibração em energia de um feixe de fótons marcados, foi possível identificar duas fontes de erros sistemáticos. Métodos de análise que minimiza um desse erros sistemáticos foram desenvolvidos, bem como métodos para a criação de correções para as medidas de energia. Verificou-se que, pelo menos no arranjo experimental estudado, é possível obter medidas da energia dos fótons incidentes com precisão da ordem de 0.07%. / A simulation based on Monte Carlo methods was created in order to evaluate the potentiality of using Compton scattering at high energies to obtain high precision absolute measurements of tagged photon energies. This method is based on angular measurements of the scattering products to reconstruct the incident photon energy using the kinematics of Compton scattering in impulse approximation. The simulation includes several effects that are relevant to the measurement, such as electron multiple scattering, internal momentum of the electrons in the atoms of the target, detector resolution and several geometrical parameters of the experimental setup. Through simulation of an experiment that uses this method for energy calibration of a tagged photon beam, it was possible to identify two sources of systematic errors. Analysis methods that minimize one of these systematic errors were developed, as well as methods for the creation of corrections to the energy measurements. Our results show that, at least in the studied experimental setup, it is possible to obtain energy measurements with a precision in the order of 0.07%.

Fotometria, decomposição e correlações para galáxias espirais próximas do projeto GHASP / Photometry, decomposition and correlations for nearby spiral galaxies from the GHASP survey

Barbosa, Carlos Eduardo 24 October 2011 (has links)
As galáxias espirais continuam desafiando as teorias que buscam explicar como o universo se tornou o que observamos hoje. Em especial, no contexto hierárquico de formação de estruturas, é difícil entender como as galáxias podem ser tão parecidas entre si, obedecendo a relações de escala tão estritas, apesar de suas diferentes histórias evolutivas. A fim de esclarecer algumas dessas perguntas, o projeto GHASP observou 203 galáxias na linha H-alfa, através de interferometria Fabry-Perot, construindo uma base de dados homogênea e de alta qualidade para estudos cinemáticos do universo local. Neste trabalho, buscamos complementar os resultados consolidados do GHASP, apresentando um estudo fotométrico para 173 destas galáxias na banda Rc. Os dados, provenientes de observações no telescópio de 1,2m do Observatório de Haute-Provence ou do projeto SDSS, foram cuidadosamente tratados com ferramentas de redução IRAF adaptados para a automação dos processos. Através do ajuste de elipses sobre as galáxias, foram obtidos perfis de brilho calibrados e magnitudes totais para as galáxias da amostra. A decomposição da luz destes perfis foi estudada através de um modelo exponencial para o disco e uma função de Sérsic para o bojo. Os resultados da decomposição bojo-disco foram utilizados para o estudo de relações de escala e correlações entre os diversos parâmetros medidos. Algumas das mais significativas correlações são detalhadas, como a relação entre os parâmetros de escala de bojo e disco, que reforçam o cenário de evolução secular das galáxias disco. Finalmente, com o auxílio dos resultados cinemáticos da literatura, apresentamos, pela primeira vez, a relação Tully-Fisher para a amostra do GHASP, na banda Rc. / The spiral galaxies still challenge the theories that try to explain how the universe has turned into what we see today. In particular, in the context of the hierarchical structure formation, it is difficult to understand how galaxies can be so similar, obeying such strict scaling relations, in spite of their distinct evolutionary histories. In order to clarify some of these questions, the GHASP project has observed 203 galaxies in the H-alpha line, through Fabry-Perot interferometry, and has built a homogeneous and high quality database for kinematical studies in the local universe. In the present work, we seek to supplement the GHASP project results, presenting a photometric study for 173 of those galaxies in the Rc band. The data, taken with the 1.2m telescope at Haute-Provence Observatory or extracted from the SDSS database, was carefully treated with customized IRAF routines for the automation of most of the jobs. By fitting ellipses over the galaxies, calibrated surface brightness profiles and total magnitudes were obtained for galaxies in the sample. Then, galaxy light decomposition techniques were employed using an exponential model for the disk and a Sérsic function for the bulge. The results of the bulge-disk decomposition were used for the study of scaling relations and correlations among the several measured parameters. A few of the most significant correlations were described, such as the relation between bulge and disc scale lengths, reinforcing the galaxy-disk secular evolutionary scenario. Finally, with the aid of kinematic results from the literature, we present, for the first time, the Tully-Fisher relation for the GHASP sample, in the Rc-band.

Brightness Contrast of Solar Magnetic Elements Observed by Sunrise

Kahil, Fatima 01 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"Espalhamento Compton e medida absoluta da energia de fótons marcados - Uma simulação Monte Carlo" / Compton scattering and absolute measurement of tagged photon energies.

Washington Rodrigues de Carvalho Junior 08 March 2005 (has links)
Uma simulação baseada em métodos Monte Carlo foi criada com o intuito de avaliar a potencialidade da utilização do espalhamento Compton em altas energias para a obtenção de medidas absolutas e de alta precisão da energia de fótons marcados. Esse método se baseia em medidas angulares dos produtos desse espalhamento para reconstruir a energia dos fótons incidentes, utilizando a cinemática do espalhamento Compton em aproximação de impulso. A simulação inclui vários efeitos relevantes à medida, como espalhamento múltiplo de elétrons, momento interno dos elétrons nos átomos do alvo, resolução do detetor e vários parâmetros geométricos do arranjo experimental. Através da simulação de um experimento que utiliza esse método para a calibração em energia de um feixe de fótons marcados, foi possível identificar duas fontes de erros sistemáticos. Métodos de análise que minimiza um desse erros sistemáticos foram desenvolvidos, bem como métodos para a criação de correções para as medidas de energia. Verificou-se que, pelo menos no arranjo experimental estudado, é possível obter medidas da energia dos fótons incidentes com precisão da ordem de 0.07%. / A simulation based on Monte Carlo methods was created in order to evaluate the potentiality of using Compton scattering at high energies to obtain high precision absolute measurements of tagged photon energies. This method is based on angular measurements of the scattering products to reconstruct the incident photon energy using the kinematics of Compton scattering in impulse approximation. The simulation includes several effects that are relevant to the measurement, such as electron multiple scattering, internal momentum of the electrons in the atoms of the target, detector resolution and several geometrical parameters of the experimental setup. Through simulation of an experiment that uses this method for energy calibration of a tagged photon beam, it was possible to identify two sources of systematic errors. Analysis methods that minimize one of these systematic errors were developed, as well as methods for the creation of corrections to the energy measurements. Our results show that, at least in the studied experimental setup, it is possible to obtain energy measurements with a precision in the order of 0.07%.

Low-mass stars with extreme mid-infrared excesses: potential signatures of planetary collisions

Theissen, Christopher 09 October 2018 (has links)
I investigate the occurrence of extreme mid-infrared (MIR) excesses, a tracer of large amounts of dust orbiting stars, in low-mass stellar systems. Extreme MIR excesses, defined as an excess IR luminosity greater than 1% of the stellar luminosity (L_IR/L∗ > 0.01), have previously only been observed around a small number of solar-mass (M⊙) stars. The origin of this excess has been hypothesized to be massive amounts of orbiting dust, created by collisions between terrestrial planets or large planetesimals. Until recently, there was a dearth of low-mass (M∗ < 0.6M⊙) stars exhibiting extreme MIR excesses, even though low-mass stars are ubiquitous (~70% of all stars), and known to host multiple terrestrial planets (~3 planets per star). I combine the spectroscopic sample of low-mass stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (70,841 stars) with MIR photometry from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), to locate stars exhibiting extreme MIR excesses. I find the occurrence frequency of low-mass field stars (stars with ages > 1 Gyr) exhibiting extreme MIR excesses is much larger than that for higher-mass field stars (0.41 ± 0.03% versus 0.00067 ± 0.00033%, respectively). In addition, I build a larger sample of low-mass stars based on stellar colors and proper motions using SDSS, WISE, and the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (8,735,004 stars). I also build a galactic model to simulate stellar counts and kinematics to estimate the number of stars missing from my sample. I perform a larger, more complete study of low-mass stars exhibiting extreme MIR excesses, and find a lower occurrence frequency (0.020 ± 0.001%) than found in the spectroscopic sample but that is still orders of magnitude larger than that for higher-mass stars. I find a slight trend for redder stars (lower-mass stars) to exhibit a higher occurrence frequency of extreme MIR excesses, as well as a lower frequency with increased stellar age. Lastly, I use white dwarf and low-mass star binary systems to investigate if the frequency of planetary collisions (traced through extreme MIR excesses) are increased in these environments. I find that these binary systems are more likely to host collisional debris, and therefore exhibit increased excess MIR flux, over single stars. These samples probe important questions into the habitability of worlds discovered around low-mass stars.

An interactive digital image processing system

Fawcett, George January 1975 (has links)
Thesis. 1975. B.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / Includes bibliographical references. / by George Fawcett, Jr. / B.S.

Determining shape and reflectance using multiple images

Silver, William M January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Bibliography: leaves 113-115. / by William Michael Silver. / M.S.

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