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Contribution à l’exploration des propriétés dispersives et de polarisation de structures à cristaux photoniques graduels / Contribution to the exploration of dispersive and polarization properties of graded photonic crystal structuresDo, Khanh Van 24 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse apporte une contribution théorique et expérimentale à l'exploration des propriétés de dispersion et de polarisation de structures à cristaux photoniques à gradient (GPhCs). Nous explorons pour commencer la relation qui existe entre les déformations des surfaces équi-fréquences (EFS) de différents cristaux photoniques et les paramètres de maille des configurations envisagées. Compte tenu de la complexité des structures possibles obtenues à partir d'un chirp spatial bidimensionnel d'au moins un paramètre de maille, nous avons limité notre étude à un type particulier de structure basé sur un réseau carré de silicium sur isolant (SOI) planaire constitué de trous d'air de facteur de remplissage variable. Une expression analytique des EFS connexes en fonction du rayon des motifs a d’abord été extraite, et une structure GPhC de "référence" a ensuite été proposé pour l'exploration des propriétés de dispersion et de polarisation des GPhCs utilisant à la fois une approche consistant à propager un ou plusieurs rayons optiques dont les trajectoires sont données par les équations de l’optique Hamiltonienne et une approche tout numérique basée sur des simulations FDTD. Nous décrivons ensuite les processus de fabrication de salle blanche des structures à cristaux photoniques graduels, obtenues à partir de substrats semiconducteurs par lithographie par faisceau d'électrons et gravure ionique réactive. Les échantillons fabriqués sont étudiés expérimentalement par des techniques de mesure en champ lointain et en champ proche (SNOM) en s'appuyant sur une collaboration avec un autre groupe du CNRS. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent une relation dispersive quasi-linéaire de 0.25μm/nm dans la gamme de longueur d’onde allant de 1470nm à 1600nm. Les premiers dispositifs fabriqués présentent aussi la possibilité de séparer des couples de deux longueurs d'onde (démultiplexage) avec des pertes d'insertion faibles (inférieures à 2 dB) et un niveau de diaphonie faible (de l'ordre de -20 dB). Ils présentent également un effet très net de séparation des polarisations de la lumière avec une diaphonie inter-polarisations TE/TM de -27dB dans une bande spectrale de l’ordre de 70 nm. Au-delà de ces mesures optiques obtenus dans une configuration particulière de cristal photonique graduel, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont permis l'observation directe de la transition entre les régimes d’homogénéisation et de diffraction de propagation de la lumière dans un matériau optique artificiel tout diélectrique. Globalement, la méthodologie présentée et adoptée pour l'étude de la propagation de la lumière dans les structures étudiées a ouvert des perspectives pour la réalisation de fonctions optiques plus complexes. / This PhD thesis brings a theoretical and experimental contribution to the exploration of dispersive and polarization properties of graded photonic crystal (GPhC) structures. We first present a quantitative relationship between the deformations of the equi-frequency surfaces (EFSs) of different photonic crystals and the lattice parameters of the considered configurations. Considering the complexity of the possible GPhC structures made of a two-dimensional spatial chirp of at least one lattice parameter, we limit in this thesis our study to one particular type of GPhC structure based on a square lattice silicon on insulator (SOI) planar photonic crystal with a variable air hole filling factor profile. An analytical expression of the related EFSs as a function of the varied lattice parameter is extracted, and a GPhC “reference” structure is then proposed for the exploration of the dispersive and polarization properties of GPhCs using both Hamiltonian optic-assisted ray tracing as well as FDTD simulations. The clean room fabrication process of this GPhC structure family, which is based on electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching technologies, is reported. Fabricated samples are experimentally studied by far-field and near-field (SNOM) measurement techniques relying on a collaboration with a CNRS group of the Bourgogne university. Experimental results show an almost linear dispersive relationship of 0.25µm/nm in the 1470nm-1600nm spectral range. The fabricated samples also present the possibility for two-wavelength demultiplexing with low insertion loss (below 2dB) and low crosstalk level (around -20dB), and a polarization beam splitting effect with a crosstalk of -27dB in a 70nm bandwidth. Beyond these optical metrics obtained in one particular GPhC configuration, the works presented in this thesis have allowed the direct observation of the transition between the homogeneous and diffraction regimes of light propagation in an artificial optical all-dielectric material, and the presented and adopted methodology for the study of light propagation in GPhC structures has raised open perspectives for the realization of more complex optical functions in forthcoming works using low loss and flexible metamaterial-like photonic crystals.
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Study of Light-Matter Interaction at the Nanoscale with Quantum Dots in Photonic and Plasmonic MetamaterialsIndukuri, S R K Chaitanya January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Optical properties of nanoscopic materials have been intensively pursued over last couple of decades due to their tunable optical properties. Recent interests in this field have been mainly focused on the preparation of ordered arrays of nano materials and study of their optical properties. These interests have been motivated by the applications of such systems for nano photonic devices. Theoretical predictions from such systems reveal complex absorption and emission properties, different from individual ones mainly because of energy transfer between them. These properties can be controlled further by preparing hybrid arrays of nanostructures, including nano crystals of different types. Hybrid arrays with semiconductor quantum dots and metallic nanoparticles are an example of such system. Optical properties of such a system can be tuned by controlling the interaction between excitons and plasmons. This thesis presents the experimental studies on optical properties of polymer capped nanoparticles, quantum dot arrays and hybrid arrays with semi conducting quantum dot and metal nanoparticles. A brief summary of the experimental methods and results have been highlighted below.
In this thesis, we study the controlling decay dynamics of CdSe quantum dots by 2D photonic-plasmonic and metamaterial templates. In Chapter 1 we provide a detailed background on the theoretical methods of Light-Matter interaction at nano scale. We also have given the detailed information on both weak and strong coupling region in the light-matter interaction. This chapter includes the discussion controlling light-matter interaction with both photonic crystals and plasmonic materials with some appropriate examples from the literature. In this chapter we have also explained the relevance of our work in this area and organization of the chapters and there importance has given. In chapter 2 we provide details about various experimental methods used in this thesis. A brief introduction is given on the materials used, their synthesis and the preparation of different type of self assembled plasmonic-photonic templates. This chapter starts with an explanation of the materials used along with the justification; moves on to the preparation of different 2D wire metamaterial. The characterization techniques for these different types of templates like spectroscopic ellipsometer, atomic force spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy are discussed. We also discussed optical spectroscopic techniques like confocal optical microscopy and near field optical microscopy techniques. The first two chapters form the basis of all the experiments discussed in the forth coming chapters. In chapter 3 Finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations were performed on two different plasmonic sub wavelength photonic templates embedded with CdSe quantum dots. Tunable loading of these templates with plasmonic nano antenna allowed control of the emission from the embedded quantum dots. We discuss how large loading of nano antenna can effectively control the optical density of states for the quantum dots leading to enhancement of their radiative decay rates as observed in experiments. On the other hand, at low level of loading, while FDTD fails to capture the observed enhancement of decay rates in experiment, an alternative mechanism is suggested to exist in such cases. Thus, subtle interplay of multiple mechanisms engineered by appropriate placement and loading of plasmonic nano antenna in such templates is demonstrated as an effective method to control optical density of states and hence spontaneous emission of embedded quantum dots. In Chapter 4 we report results of controlled tuning of the local density of states (LDOS) in versatile, flexible and hierarchical self assembled plasmonic templates. Using 5 nm diameter gold (Au) spherical nano antenna within a polymer template randomly dispersed with quantum dots, we show how the photo-luminescence intensity and lifetime anisotropy of these dots can be significantly enhanced through LDOS tuning. Finite difference time domain simulations corroborate the experimental observations and extend the regime of enhancement to a wider range of geometric and spectral parameters bringing out the versatility of these functional plasmonic templates. It is also demonstrated how the templates act as plasmonic resonators for effectively engineer giant enhancement of the scattering efficiency of these nano antenna embedded in the templates. Our work provides an alternative method to achieve spontaneous emission intensity and anisotropy enhancement with true nanoscale plasmon resonators. In chapter 5 we reported enhancement optical properties of quantum dot monolayers on top of the functional, flexible and hierarchical self-assembled plasmonic template using extremely small gold (Au) nanoparticles of diameter 5 nm. We reported how the LODS changes with different polarizations for CdSe quantum dot present on top of the template. We observed the enhanced radiative LDOS from the nano antenna filled pores indicating plasmonic enhanced emission from these templates. The difference in spectral and spatial profile of LDOS and Pur-cells with polarization of quantum dot emission results in the anisotropic emission in these templates. In chapter 6 we reported the emergence of strong coupling between quantum emitters and 2D hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM). We studied both spectral dependence and effect of filling fraction of the HMM on strong interaction. We also show the controlling of the transition from weak coupling region to strong coupling region by changing the distance between QD monolayer and HMM. By using FDTD simulation we are able to calculate both spectral function S(!) and coupling efficiency. In chapter 7 as a conclusion we concluded the work done in this thesis. We also indicated the future directions in this field and possible application.
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