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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of long-term no till and plow till on soil properties and soil nutrient cycling

Mestelan, Silvia A., January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 122-143).

Incorporação de resíduos em argamassas expansiva para lavra de rochas ornamentais.

LIMA, Wandenberg Bismarck Colaço. 01 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Kilvya Braga (kilvyabraga@hotmail.com) on 2017-12-01T15:29:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WANDENBERG BISMARK COLAÇO LIMA - TESE PPGCEMAT 2014.pdf: 5505255 bytes, checksum: a7cbe5978f9e1752dac3df3b7238fc4d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-01T15:29:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WANDENBERG BISMARK COLAÇO LIMA - TESE PPGCEMAT 2014.pdf: 5505255 bytes, checksum: a7cbe5978f9e1752dac3df3b7238fc4d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-30 / A indústria de lavra e beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais vem sendo citadas pelos ambientalistas como uma grande fonte de contaminação e poluição do meio ambiente, devido à enorme quantidade de resíduos gerados e que frequentemente são lançados diretamente nos ecossistemas. Por outro lado o emprego de argamassa expansiva para demolição e corte de rochas, vem sendo uma das mais procuradas tecnologias de corte utilizadas pelas indústrias extrativas, por suas inúmeras vantagens, ante outras tecnologias de corte utilizadas na lavra de rochas ornamentais. Assim o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a viabilidade da incorporação na argamassa expansiva de demolição de resíduos dos processos de lavra e beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais além do caulim e gesso. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização de duas argamassas expansivas comerciais dos resíduos gerados nos processos de lavra e beneficiamento do granito do caulim e do gesso, avaliando-se a influência do percentual de incorporação e da granulometria dos mesmos no desempenho da argamassa expansiva. Concluindo-se que é possível a incorporação do caulim, do gesso e dos resíduos do beneficiamento de granitos e do pó da perfuração do granito, como carga nas argamassas expansiva, sem perdas consideráveis da pressão de expansão, para utilização em corte de rochas na lavra de rochas ornamentais. / The mining industry and processing of ornamental rocks has been cited by environmentalists as a major source of contamination and pollution of the environment, due to the enormous amount of waste generated and which often are released directly in the ecosystems. On the other hand the use of expansive grout for demolition and cutting of rocks, has been one of the most sought after cutting technologies used by extractive industries, for its numerous advantages, compared to other cutting technologies used in the ornamental rock mining. So the aim of this work is to study the feasibility of incorporation into the expansive mortar demolition waste from mining processes and processing of ornamental rocks beyond the kaolin and gypsum. For both tests were carried out to characterize two expansive commercial mortars of waste generated in the processes of mining and processing kaolin and granite plaster, by evaluating the influence of percentage of incorporation and the granulometry of the same expansive mortar performance. In conclusion-if that is possible the incorporation of kaolin, gypsum and waste from processing of Granites and granite drilling dust, as cargo on the expansive mortar, without considerable losses of the expansion pressure for use in cutting of rocks in the ornamental rock mining.

Porovnání technologií zpracování půdy při pěstování plodin v podniku zemědělské prvovýroby / Comparison of tillage technology in growing crops in the business of agricultural production

KULÍK, Jan January 2015 (has links)
When soil tillage is possible to use several technologies . In business, ZD Trhový Stepanov a.s.. the use of technology plough (plow) and minimazation (deep loosening) . For each of these types was performed characteristics of individual elements lines and were also calculated their efficiency. In another part of both technologies have been economically evaluated and then compared the cultivation of winter rapeseed and winter wheat in 2013 and 2014.

Regulace plevelných rostlin při klasickém a minimalizačním způsobu zpracování půdy v porostech ozimých obilnin. / Control of weeds in a classical way and minimalized tillage winter cereals in stands.

PECHAR, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor´s work was to extend the findings from the classical aspect as well as the minimalizing method of soil tillage and suggest the possibilities of successful regulation of weeds on arable land for growing winter wheat. On the experimental field where the soil was processed by classical tillage appear less dangerous weeds, which were destroyed by application of herbicide and their number was minimal. There were mainly dangerous weeds on the experimental field cultivated by minimalizing, like Silky bent grass and Cleavers. Even if the herbicide applications significantly reduced them, there were a few individuals in the experimental plots. In the economic comparison was found that there is not big difference in cost in both variants of tillage, but the conventional method of processing in this case is cheaper. At the soil endangered by erosion would be better to choose the minimalizing method as an appropriate variant of tillage. But it is needed on all soils cultivated by this method choose different depth of tillage, including the use of deep processing undermining or classical plowing.

Využití hloubkového kypřiče při pěstování obilovin a řepky olejné

MICHEK, Aleš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of two technologies for soil cultivation in winter rape and winter wheat growing in 2017 and 2018. The first technology is a conventional technology, or classic using plowing and the second one is a minimization technology, where plowing is replaced by loosening. The work is focused on the comparison of fuel consumption, investment and operating costs, exploitative indicators and machine work quality. Furthermore, the thesis is focused on the description of particular machines and the company of primary agricultural production, where the machine is used.

Profitability and social acceptability of tractor and animal draught enterprises operating on selected smallholder canal schemes in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Maake, Matome Simeon. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Agriculture / Shortly after World War two (WWII), the South African government responded to the mounting food production crisis in the homelands by introducing public tractor services. Establishment of irrigation schemes and provision of public tractor services for use by smallholders were two important government-initiated modernisation projects in the homelands. It was in line with the idea of modernisation that smallholder irrigation schemes were the prime target for public tractor services, and this lead to the rapid abandonment of the use of animal draught for cultivation on these schemes. By the time public tractor services were completely dismantled, cultivation on smallholder irrigation schemes had become almost entirely dependent on tractor draught. Thereafter, hiring the services of privately owned tractor enterprises became the principal way in which farmers on smallholder irrigation schemes in Limpopo Province cultivated their plots. The rising cost of hiring private tractors placed financial stress on the cropping enterprises of smallholder irrigators, generating interest in alternatives that were more affordable. Animal draught represents an attractive alternative to tractor draught. Whereas prevailing economic circumstances on smallholder irrigation schemes favour the adoption of cultivation systems that are cheaper than those offered by private tractor enterprises, it is not known whether animal draught land preparation enterprises are an appropriate alternative to the existing tractor enterprises from an economic and social perspective. In order to resolve this knowledge problem, the current study was done with the following two main objectives: to determine the profitability of the different types of land preparation enterprises operating on smallholder canal irrigation schemes in Vhembe District Municipality; and to determine the social acceptability of these different types of land preparation enterprises by measuring the perceptions of the quality of the cultivation services provided by these enterprises among plot holders on these schemes.

Využití moderních podmítacích strojů při minimálním zpracování půdy / The use of modern stubble plough with minimum tillage

BARTUŠEK, Marek January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to broaden knowledge about the possibilities of using modern stubble plough with minimum tillage in agricultural production. In order to evaluate the work of selected indicators stubble machines was based small ? plot experiments at selected station. The experiment was evaluated lumps, depth of tillage and crop residue incorporation of selected machines. Further economic evaluaiton was carried out operating costs of used machines. The use of machines were evaluated according to the results obtained reccomended in agricultural practice.

Hur påverkar en övergång från konventionell plöjning till reducerad jordbearbetning avrinning från åkermark / How does a transition from conventional plowing to reduced tillage affect runoff from arable soil

Nilsson, Johan January 2018 (has links)
Jordbruk syftar till användandet av mark för produktion av livsmedel, foder och råvaror. Reducerad jordbearbetning uppstod ursprungligen under 1900-talet för att öka lönsamheten till följd av stigande priser på drivmedel. För att sänka förbrukningen av drivmedel började bönder att bearbeta åkermarken i grundare skikt. Inom det moderna jordbruket finns det en pågående trend där en övergång från den konventionella plöjningen till reducerade bearbetningsmetoder blir allt vanligare. Idag pågår det kontinuerlig forskning som försöker tydliggöra hur olika bearbetningsmetoder påverkar jordbruksmarkens struktur. Det finns även teorier som pekar på att en övergång från konventionell plöjning till reducerad jordbearbetning kan minska mängden avrinning från åkermark, men trots det är området fortfarande relativt outforskat. Skador till följd av avrinning från kraftiga nederbördstillfällen har under modern tid ökat. I framtida prognoser förutspås det en fortsatt ökning och mer omfattande skador. Med anledning av detta kommer en bättre klimatanpassning att krävas för att minska skador som uppstår till följd av avrinning. Ett exempel på den växande problematiken inträffade 2015 i Hallsberg. Den femte september anlände ett lågtryck som förde med sig över 100 mm nederbörd. Till följd av den extrema mängden nederbörd uppstod det omfattande översvämningar i Hallsberg och på närliggande åkermarker. Från händelsen växte frågan hur en övergång från plöjning till reducerat jordbruk påverkar avrinning fram som studien syftar till att undersöka. Strategin som användes för att nå målet med studien bestod dels av en litteraturstudie samt hydrologiska modelleringar för olika jordbearbetnings metoder i programmet HEC-HMS. I litteraturstudien sammanställdes vetenskapliga studier som jämfört den fysikaliska inverkan som jordbruksmetoder har på åkermark. De hydrologiska modelleringarna baserades på information från Lantmäteriet, mätningar från tidigare undersökningar och SCS runoff curve number method (kurvnummer). Resultatet från litteraturstudien och de hydrologiska modelleringarna sammanvägdes i slutet av studien och från resultatet kunde ingen slutsats dras om hur en övergång från konventionell till reducerad jordbearbetning påverkar avrinning. För att kunna dra en slutsats behövde ett bredare vetenskapligt underlag samt en mer utvecklad modell. / Farming aims towards the utilization of soil for production of food, animal fodder and commodities. In today’s agriculture, we begin to see a gradual transition from the conventional plowing methods to reduced tillage methods. The concept of the reduced tillage originally arose to increase the profitability in agriculture as a response to the rising fuel price. To reduce the fuel consumption farmers began to cultivate the arable soil in more shallow layers. Today researchers are also trying to map how different tillage methods are affecting the soil structure in the arable soil. There are also some scientific theories which point out that a transition from conventional plowing to reduced tillage can reduce runoff from arable land, but despite the interest, the area is still relatively unexplored. Runoff due to heavy rainfall has in modern time increased. In future climate forecasts, the rainfall is predicted to increase even more. As a response to the increased rainfall, the amount of runoff will be higher and with that more extensive damages will occur. In response to these developments, the requirements for climate adjustment will increase in order to minimize the potential damage caused by runoff and flooding events. An example of this growing problem occurred in 2015 in Hallsberg. Between 5 and 6 September, a low-pressure weather system brought down about 100 mm of precipitation. Due to the extreme amount of the rainfall, large floods occurred all over Hallsberg as well as in the nearby arable land. From this event, the question of how a transition from conventional plowing methods to reduced tillage affects the runoff from rainfall emerged. The strategy used for the study consisted of a literature review and hydrological modeling for various soil tillage methods in the program HEC-HMS. In the literature review, scientific studies that compared the physical soil impact from different farming method were compiled. The basis for the hydrological model was created on collected information from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, the literature study and SCS runoff curve method. No clear conclusion could be drawn from the study. To be able to draw a conclusion from the compiled literature and the hydrological model a broader basis of scientific literature and a more developed model was needed.

Vliv silových účinků horního táhla tříbodového závěsu na vybrané parametry traktorových souprav / The influence of three point hitch force effects on selected parameters of tractor sets

Roleček, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis describes the methodology of laboratory and field measurements of tractors and tractor kits. It also contains graphical and tabular processing of measurement data and subsequent evaluation of the results obtained. It deals with the influence of power in the upper rod of three point hinge on wheel slip, work efficiency and fuel consumption.

Utveckling av plogklaff till Ålös snöröjningsredskap / Development of add-on plow for Ålös snow clearing implement

Sellgren, Marc January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har utförts åt Ålö, som är en tillverkare av frontlastare och redskap till dessa. Ett av deras redskap, vars syfte är snöröjning, är utrustat med hydrauliskt justerbara sidoklaffar som kan fällas bakåt och nyttjas som plogblad. De fyller dock inte denna uppgift tillfredsställande då snö tenderar falla tillbaka bakom dem. Det bildas även en triangulär spalt mellan klaffarna och underlaget vid plogning, detta lämnar kvar en sträng av snö, utöver det som faller ner bakom klaffarna. Målet i detta projekt var att utveckla en plogklaff som löser tidigare nämnda problem genom att ersätta den högra sidoklaffen till skopan. Utvecklingen har initierats med en studie av rapporter, existerande plogar, kontakt med brukare och fastställande av de begränsningar som råder. Detta har sedan utgjort grunden för en rad koncept, av vilka de mest lovande sammanfogades till en prototyp. Kraftberäkningar utifrån det lastfall som uppstår vid plogning har sedan använts för att bl.a. dimensionera skruvförband och skapa randvillkoren för en finita element-analys. Finita element-analysen har sedan nyttjats för att göra en uppskattning av antalet cykler med momentan maximal belastning plogklaffen klarar innan utmattningsbrott sker. Kraftberäkningarna visade att hydraulcylinderns tryckbegränsare öppnar redan innan maximal belastning uppnås. Finita element-analys och kraftberäkningar till skruvförband förutsätter likväl att maximal belastning kan erhållas momentant i syfte att ge konservativa resultat. Under denna förutsättning skiljer belastningen i skruvförbanden endast ca 7-10 % mellan finita element-analys och handberäkningar. Samtliga beräkningar är inom spannen för skruvförbandens hållfasthet. Utmattningsberäkningarna visade att antalet cykler plogklaffen klarar vid maximal belastning uppgår till ca 346 000. Detta avser områden av intresse och inkluderar således ej delar vilka redan utvärderats i originalklaffen. Svetsförband, som i regel är dimensionerande i situationer som dessa, har ej sett någon utmattningsmässig utvärdering utan kommer istället behandlas vid tester av prototypen. Prototypen uppfyller de utsatta målen och tillverkningsunderlag i form av 3D-CAD modeller och 2D-ritningar (inklusive svetsritningar) har levererats. En fysisk prototyp är även beställd och kommer tillverkas av Vännäs Verkstads AB, planerat leveransdatum är 2017-06-08. Den kommer utvärderas under vintern 2017/2018. / This thesis work has been carried out for Ålö, a manufacturer of front loaders and implements for these. One of their implements, whose purpose is snow clearing, is equipped with hydraulically adjustable flaps that can be folded backwards and used as plows. However, they do not fill this task satisfactorily as snow tends to fall down behind them. A triangular gap between the flaps and the ground is also formed during plowing. This leaves a string of snow behind, aside from the snowmass already falling down behind the flaps. The goal for this project was to develop a plow that solves the aforementioned problems by replacing the right side flap on the bucket. The development was initiated with a study of reports, existing plows, contact with users and determining existing constraints. This has since provided the basis for a series of concepts, of which the most promising ones were joined to a prototype. Force calculations based on the load scenario that occurs during plowing have been used to find appropriate fasteners and create boundary conditions for a finite element analysis. The finite element analysis has then been used to estimate the number of cycles with maximum load the plow can be subjected to before it succumbs to fatigue failure. Force calculations showed that the pressure limiter for the hydraulic cylinder opens even before maximum load is reached. Despite this, finite element analysis and force calculations for fasteners were still based on the condition that maximum load is achieved momentarily to produce convervative results. Under this condition, the load on fasteners differs only ca 7-10 % between finite element analysis and calculations made by hand. All calculations are within the span for the fasteners proof strength. Fatigue calculations showed that the number of cycles the plow can handle with maximum load amounts to approximately 346 000. This refers to areas of interest and thus does not include parts already evaluated in the original flap. Welds, which usually dictate minimum strength in situations like these, have not seen any fatigue evaluations, but will instead be addressed while testing the prototype. The prototype meets the set goals and production documentation in the form of 3D-CAD models and 2D drawings (including weldment drawings) have been delivered. A physical prototype is also ordered and will be manufactured by Vännäs Verkstads AB, scheduled delivery date is 2017-06-08. It will be evaluated during the winter of 2017/2018.

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