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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Oscillating Flat Plate to Maneuvering Bat Flight – Role of Kinematics, Aerodynamics, and Inertia

Rahman, Aevelina 01 February 2022 (has links)
With the aim to understand the synergistic roles played by kinematics, aerodynamics, and inertia in flapping wing maneuvers, this thesis first investigates the plunging motion of a simple flat plate as it is a fundamental motion in the kinematics of many flying animals. A wide range of frequency (k) and amplitude (h) is investigated to account for a robust kinematic characterization in the form of plunge velocity (kh). Leading Edge Vortices (LEVs) are found to be responsible for producing thrust while Trailing Edge Vortices (TEVs) produce drag. The vortex dynamics becomes nonlinear for higher kh and three main vortex-vortex interactions (VVI) are identified in the flow-field. To estimate the sole effect of LEVs on thrust coefficient, TEVs are eliminated by introducing a splitter plate. This resulted in reduced non-linearity in VVI and facilitated a parametrization of aerodynamic thrust coefficient with key kinematic features, frequency (k) and amplitude (h) [C_T= A.k^1.4 h-B where A and B are constants]. This is followed by investigating the more direct problem of bio-inspired MAV research – the interplay of kinematics, aerodynamics, and inertia on maneuvering bat flights. At first, an ascending right turn of a H. pratti bat is investigated to elucidate on the kinematic features and aerodynamic mechanisms used to effectuate the maneuver. Deceleration in flight speed, an increase in flapping frequency, shortening of the upstroke, and thrust generation at the end of the upstroke is observed during this maneuver. The turn is initiated by the synergisytic implementation of roll and yaw rotation where the turning moments are generated by drawing the inside wing closer to the body, by introducing phase lags in force generation between the two wings and by redirecting force production to the outer part of the wing outside of the turn. Upon comparison with a similar maneuver by a H. armiger bat, some commonalities as well as differences were observed. This analysis was followed by a comparative study among different maneuvering flights (a straight flight, two ascending right turns, and a U-turn) in order to establish the complete motion dynamics of a maneuver in action. The individual effects of aerodynamics and wing inertia for maneuvering flights of a H. armiger and H. pratti are investigated. It is found that for both, translation and rotation the overall trajectory trend is mostly driven by the aerodynamic forces and moments, whereas inertial effects drive the intricate intra-cycle fluctuations as well as the vertical velocity and altitude gain during ascent. Additionally, inertial moments play a dominant role for effecting yaw rotations where the importance of the Coriolis and centrifugal moments increase with increasing acuteness of the maneuver, with the largest effect of centrifugal moments being evidenced in the U-turn. / Doctor of Philosophy / The study of flapping wing is of paramount interest in the field of small aerial and aquatic vehicle propulsion. The intricate mechanisms acting behind a flapping wing maneuver can be explained by the synergistic roles played by 3 main components; details of the wing motion or the kinematics, how the air reacts to the wing motion or the aerodynamics, and the effort or force required to move the wings or wing inertia. This dissertation systematically reports the contribution of these components to a flapping flight maneuver. At first, the plunging motion of a simple flat plate is investigated as it is a fundamental motion in the flapping flight of many flying animals. A wide range of frequency and amplitude is investigated and their effect is characterized by a single parameter called "plunge velocity". It is found that, the resultant flow field becomes disorderly for higher plunge velocities which can be characterized by three different types of vortex interactions. The observed results facilitated a robust parametrization of aerodynamic thrust production with key kinematic features, frequency and amplitude. After this, the dissertation focuses on the bio-inspiration aspect of flapping flight by investigating the interplay of kinematics, aerodynamics, and inertia of maneuvering bat flights. At first, an ascending right turn of one species (H. pratti) is investigated to elucidate on the kinematic features and aerodynamic mechanisms used to effectuate the maneuver. Some characteristic features observed are – lowering of flight speed, increase in flapping rate, shortening of upstrokes, and generation of a forward force at the end of the upstroke. It is observed, that the bat turns by using synergistic body rotations in multiple directions which are effected by various techniques such as - drawing the wing inside the turn closer to the body, and changing the timing and location of the forces produced between the two wings. Upon comparison with a similar maneuver by a H. armiger bat, some commonalities as well as differences were observed in the maneuver mechanisms. This analysis was followed by a comparative study among different maneuvering flights (a straight flight, two ascending right turns, and a U-turn) to establish the complete motion dynamics of a maneuver. The individual contributions of aerodynamics and wing inertia for maneuvering flights of a H. armiger and H. pratti are investigated. It is found that for both, translation and rotation the overall trajectory is mostly influenced by the aerodynamic forces and moments, whereas inertial effects are responsible for trajectory fluctuations during a flapping cycle as well contributing to altitude gain during ascent for the H. armiger bat.


Yee, Tien Mun 01 January 2009 (has links)
The advance in computational fluid dynamics in recent years has provided the opportunity for many fluid dynamic problems to be analyzed numerically. One such problem concerns the modeling of plunging water into a still water body, often encountered in pump stations. Air bubbles introduced into the system by the plunging jet can be a significant problem, especially when consumed into operating pumps. The classical approach to investigate the hydrodynamics of plunging jet in pump stations is by physical model studies. This approach is time consuming, tedious and costly. The availability of computational power today, along with appropriate numerical techniques, allows such phenomenon to be studied in a greater level of detail and more cost efficient. Despite the advantages of numerical studies, little attention has been devoted to solve the plunging jet and air transport problem numerically. In this current work, a 3-dimensional finite volume, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) code is developed to simulate these flow conditions. For turbulent flow, the large scale quantities were numerically resolved while the dynamic sub-grid scale model is used to model the small scale energy dissipations. The code also has the capability to handle free surface deformation, an important aspect in simulating the impact section of an impinging jet. Modeling of the air entrainment is performed numerically utilizing the information obtained from the hydrodynamics. Migration of air bubbles is modeled using the scalar transport equation, modified to account for the buoyancy of the bubbles. Instead of the typical Lagrangian schemes, which track individual air bubbles, air bubble dynamics are modeled in the form of concentrations. Modeling air bubbles in this manner is computational efficient and simpler to implement. For the air entrainment simulations, standard numerical boundaries conditions and empirical entrainment equations are used to provide the necessary boundary conditions. The developed model is compared with the literature, producing satisfactory results, suggesting that the code has an excellent potential of extending its application to practical industry practices.

Motion Optimistion Of Plunging Airfoil Using Swarm Algorithm

Arjun, B S 09 1900 (has links)
Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) are battery operated, remote controlled miniature flying vehicles. MAVs are required in military missions, traffic management, hostage situation surveillance, sensing, spying, scientific, rescue, police and mapping applications. The essential characteristics required for MAVs are: light weight, maneuverability, ease of launch in variety of conditions, ability to operate in very hostile environments, stealth capabilities and small size. There are three main classes of MAVs : fixed, rotary and flapping wing MAV’s. There are some MAVs which are combinations of these main classes. Each class has its own advantage and disadvantage. Different scenarios may call for different types of MAV. Amongst the various classes, flapping wing class of MAVs offer the required potential for miniaturisation and maneuverability, necessitating the need to understand flapping wing flight. In the case of flapping winged flight, the thrust required for the vehicle flight is obtained due to the flapping of the wing. Hence for efficient flapping flight, optimising the flap motion is necessary. In this thesis work, an algorithm for motion optimisation of plunging airfoils is developed in a parallel framework. An evolutionary optimisation algorithm, PSO (Particle Swarm Optimisation), is coupled with an unsteady flow solver to develop a generic motion optimisation tool for plunging airfoils. All the unsteady flow computations in this work are done with the HIFUN1 code, developed in–house in the Computational Aerodynamics Laboratory, IISc. This code is a cell centered finite volume compressible flow solver. The motion optimisation algorithm involves starting with a population of motion curves from which an optimal curve is evolved. Parametric representation of curves using NURBS is used for efficient handling of the motion paths. In the present case, the motion paths of a plunging NACA 0012 airfoil is optimised to give maximum flight efficiency for both inviscid and laminar cases. Also, the present analysis considers all practically achievable plunge paths, si- nusoidal and non–sinusoidal, with varying plunge amplitudes and slopes. The results show promise, and indicate that the algorithm can be extended to more realistic three dimension motion optimisation studies.

Numerical modelling of turbulence and sediment concentrations under breaking waves using OpenFOAM®

Brown, Scott Andrew January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a novel numerical model capable of evaluating suspended sediment dynamics under breaking waves, and is based in the open source Computational Fluid Dynamics software, OpenFOAM®. The hydrodynamics were determined by solving the incompressible, Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations for a two-phase fluid using the Finite Volume method, along with a Volume of Fluid scheme that modelled the interface between the air and water phases. A new library of five turbulence models was developed to include weakly compressible effects through the introduction of density variations in the conservation equations. This library was thoroughly evaluated against existing physical data for surf zone dynamics. A skill score was applied, based on the MSE, to rank the models, with the nonlinear k−ε performing best overall, and the k−ω predicting turbulent kinetic energy most accurately. Furthermore, the numerical model was shown to predict the near-bed hydrodynamics well, through comparison with new in-house physical data obtained in the COAST laboratory. Suspended sediment concentrations were determined using an advection-diffusion methodology, with near-bed processes modelled using a flux based approach that balances entrainment and deposition. The model was validated against existing experimental data for steady state flow conditions, as well as for regular and breaking waves. The agreement was generally good, with the results indicating that the model is capable of capturing complicated processes such as sediment plumes under plunging breakers. The validated model was applied to investigate the properties of the sediment diffusivity, which is a vital parameter in suspended sediment dynamics. In physical experiments, sediment diffusivity is commonly estimated implicitly, based on the vertical concentration profile. In this work, this approach was applied to the numerical concentration predictions, and compared with the value directly determined within the model. The estimated value was generally acceptable providing that large horizontal concentration gradients were not present, and diffusion dominated flow advection. However, near the breaking point of waves, large errors were observed at mid-depth of the water column, which strongly correlates with a region of large flow advection relative to diffusion. Therefore, when using this estimation, caution is recommended since this approach can potentially lead to substantial discrepancies.

Experimentelle Untersuchung der Thermofluiddynamik bei der Kontaktkondensation von Dampf an unterkühlter Flüssigkeit in einem weiten Druckbereich

Seidel, Tobias 20 February 2020 (has links)
Verlässliche Vorhersagen zum Verlauf von Störfallszenarien in Reaktorsystemen sind mit CFD-Modellen möglich, wenn diese anhand von Experimenten entwickelt und validiert sind. Motiviert durch die Vorgänge, die bei einem Thermoshock-Szenario unter Druck im Primärkreis eines Druckwasserreaktors entstehen, wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Experimente zur Direktkontaktkondensation von Dampf an unterkühltem Wasser bei hohen Drücken untersucht. Der beschriebene Versuchsaufbau erlaubt es, in einer Anlage, die drei Phänomene geschichtete Strömung, Strahl und Blasenmitriss zu untersuchen. Eine umfassende Instrumentierung ermöglichte es, besonders viele Informationen aus den Experimenten zu erfassen. Verschiedene bildgebende Messverfahren erlauben einen besonderen Einblick in die Strömung ohne Rückkopplung ins Fluid zu haben. Einzelne Mess- und Auswertemethoden wurden extra für die Untersuchung entwickelt und beschrieben. Vor Allem die Messergebnisse der Strahlexperimente mit Kondensation sind umfangreich und neuartig. Die starke Turbulenz im Inneren der untersuchten Strahlen führen zu den höchsten Kondensationsraten in den vorliegenden Experimenten. Hier wurden die Strahldurchmesser-Verläufe für verschiedene Randbedingungen verglichen, um zu zeigen, wie stark die Kondensation an Strahlen vom Umgebungsdruck abhängt. Die Gas-Mitriss-Experimente sind die ersten dokumentierten Versuche dieser Art. Sie zeigen, dass das mitgerissene Gas bei Eintrittsunterkühlungen oberhalb von 10 K sofort an der Eintrittsstelle kondensiert. Es kommt nicht zur Bildung von Blasen oder zum Mitriss nach unten. Vielmehr ist ausschließlich ein negativer Meniskus zu erkennen, der eine von den Randbedingungen abhängige Geometrie hat. Je geringer die Eintritts-Unterkühlung und je höher die Strahlgeschwindigkeit ist, desto tiefer dringt der Gas-Meniskus in die Wasservorlage ein. Die Menge an mitgerissenem Gas ist auch bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten klein gegenüber der Kondensationsmenge am Strahl. Die Experimente wurden im Wesentlichen darauf ausgelegt, Daten für den Vergleich mit CFD-Simulationen zu liefern. Vor allem der Einfluss des Umgebungsdruckes auf die Strahlgeometrie und die Kondensationsrate sollte weiter untersucht und in Simulationen abgebildet werden.:1. Motivation 2. Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik 2.1. Kondensation in geschichteter Strömung 2.2. Geometrie von Freistrahlen 2.3. Kondensation am Freistrahl 2.4. Blasenmitriss 2.5. Blasenmitriss bei gleichzeitiger Kondensation 2.6. Modellierung 2.7. Anwendung der Erkenntnisse auf den Hypothetischen Störfall 3. Versuchsanlage 3.1. Messtechnik 3.1.1. Schnelle Temperaturmesstechnik 3.1.2. Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera 3.1.3. Infrarotkamera 3.1.4. Temperatur- und Druckmesslanzen 3.2. Abgeleitete Größen 3.3. Messung der Kondensationsrate 3.4. Geschwindigkeits- und Turbulenzmessung 4. Experimente und Ergebnisse 4.1. Geschichtete Strömung 4.2. Freistrahl 4.3. Gasmitriss 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / Reliable predictions on the behaviour of accident scenarios in reactor systems are possible with CFD models if they have been developed and validated on the basis of experiments. Motivated by the processes that occur in a Pressurized Thermal Shock scenario in the primary circuit of a Pressurized Water Reactor, experiments on the Direct Contact Condensation of steam on subcooled water were investigated at high pressures. The described experimental setup allows to study all three phenomena: stratified flow, jet and bubble entrainment. Comprehensive instrumentation made it possible to gather a considerable amount of information from the experiments. Various imaging techniques allow a particular insight in the flow without feedback into the fluid. Some of the measurement and evaluation methods were specifically developed for the investigation and have been described. Especially the measurement results of the jet experiments with condensation are comprehensive and unique. The strong turbulence inside the examined jets results in the highest condensation rates in these experiments. Here, the jet diameter profiles were compared for different boundary conditions in order to show that condensation in jets is strongly influenced by ambient pressure. The gas entrainment experiments are the first documented experiments of their kind. They show that the entrained gas condenses immediately at the point of entrainment with inlet subcooling above 10 K. There is no formation of bubbles or entrainment downwards. Only a negative meniscus is visible, which has a geometry dependent on the boundary conditions. The lower the inlet subcooling and the higher the jet velocity, the deeper the gas meniscus penetrates into the water layer. The amount of entrained gas is small in comparison to the amount of condensation at the jet even at high velocities. The experiments were essentially designed to provide data for comparison with CFD simulations. In particular, the influence of the ambient pressure on the beam geometry and the condensation rate should be further investigated and reproduced in simulations.:1. Motivation 2. Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik 2.1. Kondensation in geschichteter Strömung 2.2. Geometrie von Freistrahlen 2.3. Kondensation am Freistrahl 2.4. Blasenmitriss 2.5. Blasenmitriss bei gleichzeitiger Kondensation 2.6. Modellierung 2.7. Anwendung der Erkenntnisse auf den Hypothetischen Störfall 3. Versuchsanlage 3.1. Messtechnik 3.1.1. Schnelle Temperaturmesstechnik 3.1.2. Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera 3.1.3. Infrarotkamera 3.1.4. Temperatur- und Druckmesslanzen 3.2. Abgeleitete Größen 3.3. Messung der Kondensationsrate 3.4. Geschwindigkeits- und Turbulenzmessung 4. Experimente und Ergebnisse 4.1. Geschichtete Strömung 4.2. Freistrahl 4.3. Gasmitriss 5. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Characteristics of Submerged Horizontal Gas Jets and Vertical Plunging Water Jets in Water Ambient

Harby Mohamed Abd Alaal, Khaled 07 December 2012 (has links)
En este estudio se han construido dos diferentes instalaciones para investigar primero los chorros de gas horizontales y en segundo lugar los chorros verticales de agua que impactan sobre superficies libres de fluido, también se ha desarrollado un modelo numérico integral para predecir las trayectorias de estos jets y sus parámetros más importantes, validándose con los resultados experimentales obtenidos. En la primera parte de este trabajo, se han realizado experimentos para investigar el comportamiento de chorros de gas horizontales penetrando en agua. Los resultados experimentales indicaron que la longitud de penetración de los chorros de gas está fuertemente influenciada por el diámetro de la boquilla y el número de Froude, así como con el flujo de masa de de entrada y su momento. Aumentar el número de Froude y el diámetro del inyector lleva a aumentar la inestabilidad de jet. Además, la máxima ubicación antes de jet pinch-off se muestra que mantiene una relación logarítmica con el número de Froude para todos los diámetros de jet. Se han desarrollado correlaciones empíricas para predecir estos parámetros. Se ha desarrollado un modelo basado en la integración de las ecuaciones de conservación para que resulte útil en el diseño de aplicaciones en las que participen chorros horizontales así como para asistir a la investigación experimental. Las predicciones del modelo integral se comparan con los datos de los datos experimentales obtenidos con muy buenos resultados. En la segunda parte de este trabajo, se realizaron una serie de experimentos con de chorros de agua, inyectados verticalmente hacia abajo, a través de toberas circulares que impactan sobre una superficie de agua. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la profundidad de penetración de la burbuja disminuye con la longitud del chorro, pero que después de ciertas condiciones se mantiene casi constante. Además ésta aumenta con los diámetros de la boquilla y la velocidad del chorro. La velocidad de arrastre / Harby Mohamed Abd Alaal, K. (2012). Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Characteristics of Submerged Horizontal Gas Jets and Vertical Plunging Water Jets in Water Ambient [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18065

Numerical simulation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping airfoils

Young, John, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
There is currently a great deal of interest within the aviation community in the design of small, slow-flying but manoeuvrable uninhabited vehicles for reconnaissance, surveillance, and search and rescue operations in urban environments. Inspired by observation of birds, insects, fish and cetaceans, flapping wings are being actively studied in the hope that they may provide greater propulsive efficiencies than propellers and rotors at low Reynolds numbers for such Micro-Air Vehicles (MAVs). Researchers have posited the Strouhal number (combining flapping frequency, amplitude and forward speed) as the parameter controlling flapping wing aerodynamics in cruising flight, although there is conflicting evidence. This thesis explores the effect of flapping frequency and amplitude on forces and wake structures, as well as physical mechanisms leading to optimum propulsive efficiency. Two-dimensional rigid airfoils are considered at Reynolds number 2,000 ??? 40,000. A compressible Navier-Stokes simulation is combined with numerical and analytical potential flow techniques to isolate and evaluate the effect of viscosity, leading and trailing edge vortex separation, and wake vortex dynamics. The wake structures of a plunging airfoil are shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of the Strouhal number. For a given frequency, the wake of the airfoil exhibits ???vortex lock-in??? as the amplitude of motion is increased, in a manner analogous to an oscillating circular cylinder. This is caused by interaction between the flapping frequency and the ???bluff-body??? vortex shedding frequency apparent even for streamlined airfoils at low Reynolds number. The thrust and propulsive efficiency of a plunging airfoil are also shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of Strouhal number. This dependence is the result of vortex shedding from the leading edge, and an interaction between the flapping frequency and the time for vortex formation, separation and convection over the airfoil surface. The observed propulsive efficiency peak for a pitching and plunging airfoil is shown to be the result of leading edge vortex shedding at low flapping frequencies (low Strouhal numbers), and high power requirements at large flapping amplitudes (high Strouhal numbers). The efficiency peak is governed by flapping frequency and amplitude separately, rather than the Strouhal number directly.

Numerical simulation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping airfoils

Young, John, Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
There is currently a great deal of interest within the aviation community in the design of small, slow-flying but manoeuvrable uninhabited vehicles for reconnaissance, surveillance, and search and rescue operations in urban environments. Inspired by observation of birds, insects, fish and cetaceans, flapping wings are being actively studied in the hope that they may provide greater propulsive efficiencies than propellers and rotors at low Reynolds numbers for such Micro-Air Vehicles (MAVs). Researchers have posited the Strouhal number (combining flapping frequency, amplitude and forward speed) as the parameter controlling flapping wing aerodynamics in cruising flight, although there is conflicting evidence. This thesis explores the effect of flapping frequency and amplitude on forces and wake structures, as well as physical mechanisms leading to optimum propulsive efficiency. Two-dimensional rigid airfoils are considered at Reynolds number 2,000 ??? 40,000. A compressible Navier-Stokes simulation is combined with numerical and analytical potential flow techniques to isolate and evaluate the effect of viscosity, leading and trailing edge vortex separation, and wake vortex dynamics. The wake structures of a plunging airfoil are shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of the Strouhal number. For a given frequency, the wake of the airfoil exhibits ???vortex lock-in??? as the amplitude of motion is increased, in a manner analogous to an oscillating circular cylinder. This is caused by interaction between the flapping frequency and the ???bluff-body??? vortex shedding frequency apparent even for streamlined airfoils at low Reynolds number. The thrust and propulsive efficiency of a plunging airfoil are also shown to be sensitive to the flapping frequency independent of Strouhal number. This dependence is the result of vortex shedding from the leading edge, and an interaction between the flapping frequency and the time for vortex formation, separation and convection over the airfoil surface. The observed propulsive efficiency peak for a pitching and plunging airfoil is shown to be the result of leading edge vortex shedding at low flapping frequencies (low Strouhal numbers), and high power requirements at large flapping amplitudes (high Strouhal numbers). The efficiency peak is governed by flapping frequency and amplitude separately, rather than the Strouhal number directly.

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

Considerações sobre dissipação de energia a jusante de vertedouros salto esqui / Aspects to consider about energy dissipation downstream of a ski-jump spillyay

Borja, João Gerdau de January 2012 (has links)
Em aproveitamentos hídricos, onde podem estar envolvidas elevadas alturas de água armazenada, o vertedouro é a estrutura hidráulica responsável por conduzir com segurança o escoamento que excede a capacidade de armazenamento do reservatório. Neste aspecto, é necessário considerar o processo de dissipação de energia a fim de proteger o pé da barragem e a própria estrutura do vertedouro contra a ação erosiva da água. Este fluxo que é descarregado é usualmente amortecido por um colchão d’água, o qual é delimitado em uma bacia de dissipação projetada com intuito de resistir aos esforços impostos pelo escoamento. Em grandes barramentos, a utilização de um vertedouro tipo salto esqui, que é caracterizado por um defletor de fluxo no final de sua calha, possibilita que não haja necessidade de revestir o leito próximo do pé da barragem, pois a incidência do jato lançado ocorre distante deste local. Desta maneira, a dissipação da energia é efetuada sobre o próprio leito do rio, sendo formada uma fossa de erosão, contudo, dependendo da resistência do leito e de suas características anisotrópicas, os padrões de recirculação do fluxo podem fazer a fossa evoluir para uma situação nociva. Por isso, desde a fase de projeto desse tipo de vertedouro, monitoramento e previsões da progressão da fossa são essenciais. Então, conforme proposta deste trabalho, abordou-se cada fenômeno que influencia no potencial erosivo do jato, como a turbulência em sua emissão e o grau de difusão do mesmo no colchão d’água. Assim, com ensaios sobre modelo físico, foi possível desenvolver duas metodologias, aplicáveis tanto para a verificação da erosão de material granular na superfície de leitos, quanto para o interior de leitos rochosos fissurados, cujas forças atuantes em um bloco de rocha isolado, podem vencer seu peso submerso e o destacar da matriz. / In hydroelectric plants, which may be involved elevated heights of stored water, the dam spillway is responsible for safely flow the water that exceeds the storage capacity of the reservoir. In this respect, it is necessary to consider the process of energy dissipation in order to protect the base of the dam and the spillway structure itself against the erosive action of the water. This stream discharged is usually cushioned by a waterbed, which is bounded into a stilling basin designed with the purpose of resist the efforts imposed by the flow. In large dams, the use of a ski jump spillway type, which is characterized by a flow deflector at the end of its chute, allows no need lining the bed near the foot of the dam, since the impact of the jet is launched away this location. Thus, the energy dissipation is performed on the riverbed itself, generating a scour hole, however, depending on the resistance of the bed and its anisotropic features, patterns of flow recirculation can evolve the pit into a harmful state. For this reason, since the design phase of this type of spillway, monitoring and predicting the progression of the pit are essential. Then, according to the proposal of this work, it was dealt with each phenomenon that influences the erosive potential of the jet, as the turbulence at its issue on the air, and the level of its diffusion of on waterbed. Based on physical model tests, it was possible to develop two methodologies, applicable both for verifying erosion of granular material from the surface of the bottom, as for analyze the interior of a fissured bedrock, which the forces acting on an isolated block of rock can overcome its submerged weight and uplift it off the matrix.

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