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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Job satisfaction and morale within the South African Police Service Public Order Policing Unit in the Tshwane Metropolitan Area.

Ledwaba, Nneke Jim. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Policing / One of the greatest challenges facing the South African Police Service (SAPS) as well as other law enforcement agencies elsewhere is how to maintain the enthusiasm officers shared before graduating from the academy whilst on the job. Critical areas of police service policy and procedure is not only affecting officer's morale, but also having a severely detrimental effect on the public's confidence in the police as a whole. Officers within the SAPS Public Order Policing Unit in Tshwane Metropolitan area exhibit low morale, a loss of interest in their work, and are not fully engaged in the workplace or their duties. The general appearance of members and job dissatisfaction are also common signs in a workplace where members have low morale. Employees assigned or deployed within the Unit often fail to participate or pull their weight in the spirit of collaboration with their colleagues. Discipline issues, such as insubordination and poor attendance, are also signs of low morale. The fundamental purpose of this study is to determine the main causes of low morale within the SAPS Public Order Policing Unit in Tshwane Metropolitan area.

Employment relationship satisfaction of constables in South African Police Services in Tshwane region.

Theledi, Nkosinathi Louis. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech.Labour Relations / The South African Police Service (SAPS) will not be able to function if Constables fail to perform their duties efficiently and effectively. Constables are the face and hands of the SAPS at societal level, but face severe challenges and obstacles in their jobs. It is therefore critically important that they are satisfied in their employment relationships with their immediate supervisors. The researcher believes that many forms of undesirable organisational behaviour among Constables in the SAPS could be related to low levels of satisfaction in their employment relationships with their immediate supervisors. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the employment relationship satisfaction of a group of Constables in the SAPS: Tshwane region. The investigation will focus on levels of employment relationship satisfaction and the significance of differences in employment relationship satisfaction levels of constables with different biographical characteristics (e.g. race, age, gender, language, marital status, length of service, qualifications)

Conscientiousness as a moderator of the relationship between work family conflict and stress amongst South African Police Service (SAPS) members in Alice Police Station Eastern Cape, South Africa

Bazana, Sandiso William January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between WFC and stress with Conscientiousness which is part of the Big Five personality Traits Model in moderation. The study was undertaken in the South African Police Service members in Alice town in the Eastern Cape. The study was based on a sample size of eighty four (n=84) out of 134 (N=134) police officers. A simple convenient random sample was used to sample participants. With the use of descriptive, correlation and inferential statistics the finding revealed instead that Conscientiousness has no significant relationship with WFC at (r= 0.02792, p= 0.8022) also Conscientiousness had no significant relationship with stress at (r= -0.04465, p= 0.6885). Overall, after separating the group according to those that scored low and those that scored high on conscientiousness scale, the study found the group low in conscientiousness not significantly correlated with WFC and stress (r= -0.02263, p= 0.9414). and the group with a high conscientiousness the study revealed a high significant relationship for police officers that scored high on Conscientiousness at (r= 0.40119, p< 0.00). The group low in conscientiousness has no correlation between WFC and stress thus different values of conscientiousness cause a change in the relationship between WFC and stress. Thus those who are low in conscientiousness do not have a relationship between WFC and stress. A call is made to the SAPS as an institution to consider prioritizing personality trait particularly applicants that score low on conscientiousness personality test during recruitment and selection of new police officers to avoid the outcomes associated with the nature of police work.

Development and validation of the career plateauing experiences scale in relation to job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement in the South African Police Service

Ramgoolam, Shailyn 07 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / The focus of this research is employees’ career development in the South African Police Services (SAPS). The general aim of the research is to develop a valid and reliable measure of career plateauing and to determine whether individuals’ experiences of career plateauing (as antecedent) positively or negatively predict their job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement (as consequences). The research further aims to investigate whether individuals’ biographical variables (gender, age, race, marital status, rank, and tenure) significantly influence their subjective work experiences (career plateauing, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement). A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on a nonprobability purposive sample of employees (N = 410) from different biographical groups at the SAPS. Descriptive, correlational, and inferential statistics were performed. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence of the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the newly developed career plateauing experiences scale (CPES). Structural equation modelling confirmed the predictive validity of the CPES and showed that job content plateau and hierarchical/structural plateau predicted lower levels of job satisfaction. The psychological plateau predicted lower work engagement levels. Maintenance plateau predicted higher job satisfaction and engagement levels. Tests for significant mean differences indicated that individuals from the various biographical groups differed significantly regarding their career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement. The research extended career development theory by demonstrating the relevance of the new construct of psychological plateau in relation to traditional forms of career plateauing and work engagement in flat organisational structural contexts. Although still in need of further refinement, the newly developed CPES shows empirically promise to provide useful information for measuring and alleviating negative experiences of career plateauing in the SAPS. The findings further provide valuable insights into the unique career plateauing experiences, job satisfaction, motivation, and work engagement of employees of different age, gender, race, marital status, rank, and tenure groups. The study makes an original contribution to career development theory and research and adds value to career development practice in the contemporary organisational setting. / Hierdie studie handel oor die loopbaanontwikkeling van werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD). Die doel van die navorsing is om ʼn geldige en betroubare aanduiding dat ʼn loopbaanplato bereik is, te ontwikkel, en om vas te stel of individue se belewing dat hulle loopbaan ʼn plato bereik het (as die antesedent), hulle werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid (as die gevolge) positief of negatief voorspel. Afgesien hiervan word ondersoek of werknemers se biografiese veranderlikes (geslag, ouderdom, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd) ʼn beduidende uitwerking op hulle subjektiewe werksbelewing (loopbaanplato, werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid) het. ʼn Kwantitatiewe dwarssnitopname van ʼn doelgerigte onwaarskynlikheidsteekproef onder werknemers (N=410) uit verskillende biografiese groepe in die SAPD is gedoen. Deskriptiewe, korrelatiewe en inferensiële statistiek is uitgevoer. ʼn Verkennende en bevestigende faktoranalise het bewys dat die nuut ontwikkelde loopbaanplatobelewingskaal (LPBS) as konstruk geldig, intern konsekwent en betroubaar is. Strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het die voorspellingsgeldigheid van die LPBS bevestig en getoon dat die posinhoud- en hiërargiese/strukturele plato laer vlakke van werksbevrediging voorspel. Die sielkundige plato het laer vlakke van werksbetrokkenheid voorspel, terwyl die handhawingsplato groter werksbevredigings- en -betrokkenheidsvlakke voorspel het. Toetse vir beduidende gemiddeldeverskille het aangedui dat werknemers uit verskillende biografiese groepe beduidende verskille getoon het met betrekking tot hul loopbaanplatobelewing, werksbevrediging, motivering en werksbetrokkenheid. Die navorsing het die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie verryk deur die relevansie van die nuwe konstruk van ʼn sielkundige plato vir die tradisionele vorme van loopbaanplato’s en werksbetrokkenheid in plat maatskappystrukture te demonstreer. Ofskoon die nuwe LPBS verfyn moet word, beloof dit veel wat betref inligting waarmee die negatiewe belewing van loopbaanplato’s in die SAPD gemeet en verander kan word. Voorts bied die bevindings waardevolle insigte in die unieke loopbaanplatobelewings, werksbevrediging, -motivering en -betrokkenheid van werknemers ongeag hul ouderdomsgroep, geslag, ras, huwelikstatus, rang en dienstyd. Hierdie studie lewer ʼn bydrae tot die loopbaanontwikkelingsteorie en -navorsing, en voeg waarde toe tot die loopbaanontwikkelingspraktyk in eietydse organisasies. / Lolu cwaningo lugxile ekuthuthukiseni ubizo lomsebenzi wabasebenzi boPhiko lwezaMaphoyisa eNingizimu Afrika (SAPS). Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo wukuthuthukisa uhlelo lokulinganisa uhlelo olufanele noluthembekayo lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe isimo somuntu ahlangabezana naso, isimo sesiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi (as antecedent), njengesilinganiso esikwazi ukubikezela kahle noma kabi izinga lokwaneliswa umsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza isisebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi emsebenzini. (njengomphumela). Ngaphezu kwalokho ucwaningo luhlose ukuphenya ukuthi ngabe izimpawu zempilo yomuntu (ubulili, iminyaka yomuntu, inhlobo yohlanga lomuntu, isimo somshado, isikhundla kanye nelungelo lobunikazi) zithinta kakhulu izimpilo zabo zomsebenzi (isiqongolo sobizo lomsebenzi, izinga lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, okukhuthaza isisebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka kwesisebenzi emsebenzini. Uhlelo locwaningo lwezigaba olugxile kumanani lwenziwa kusampuli yabasebenzi ngohlelo olungenamathuba okwenzeka olungenanhloso (N = 410), ucwaningo olwenziwe kumaqembu ahlukene ngezimpilo zabasebenzi abasophikweni lwesiphoyisa (SAPS). Kuye kwenziwa uhlelo lwamanani ngendlela yokuchaza, yokuqhathanisa okufanayo kanye nokufunisela. Uhlelo lohlaziyo oluphenyayo kanye nohlelo lohlaziyo oluqinisekisayo lunikeze ubufakazi obuthembekayo bangaphakathi obungaguquki kanti bakha isiqinisekiso z sesilinganiso esisanda kwakhiwa, phecelezi i-Career Experiences Plateauing Scale (CEPS). Imodeli ebizwa phecelezi Structural equation modelling iye yaqinisekisa uhlelo olufanele olubikezelayo lwe-CPES futhi iye yakhombisa ukuthi isigaba sokugcina solwazi lobizo lomsebenzi kanye nohlaka/nesakhiwo sesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi lubikezele amazing aphansi okwaneliseka ngomsebenzi. Isiqongo sezomqondo siye sabikezela izinga eliphansi lokuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo, kanti isiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi siye sabikezela izinga eliphezulu lokwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye nangamazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Izinhlelo zokuhlola eziqonde ukuveza umehluko phakathi, phecelezi kwe-mean zibikezele ukuthi abantu abavela kumaqembu ahlukene empilo akhombise ukwehluka mayelana nemisebenzi yesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi, ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi Kanye namazinga okubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo. Ucwaningo luye lwanweba ithiyori yezokuthuthukiswa kobizo lomsebenzi ngokukhombisa izimpawu ezifanayo zesakhiwo esisha zesigaba esiyisiqongo somqondo mayelana nezindlela ezejwayelekile zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini wabo kwizizinda ezingaguquki zesakhiwo senhlangano. Yize zisadinga ukuhluzwa kabanzi, izinhlelo ezithuthukiswe kabusha ze-CPES zikhombisa isithembiso esiphathekayo sokunikeza ulwazi olusebenzayo lokulinga Kanye nokunciphisa/nokugwema izenzo ezibi zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi ophikweni lwe-SAPS. Ulwazi olutholakele luqhubeka nokuveza umnyombo mezenzo zesiqongo sobizo lomsebenzi, ukwaneliseka ngokomsebenzi, izinto ezikhuthaza abasebenzi Kanye nokubandakanyeka kwabasebenzi emsebenzini, okungabasebenzi beminyaka eyehlukene, bobulili, bobuhlanga, besimo somshado, besikhundla kanye namaqembu anobunikazi bempahla eyigugu. Ucwaningo lwenza igalelo langempela kwithiyori ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi Kanye nocwaningo futhi lwengeza ubugugu kwingqubo ethuthukisa ubizo lomsebenzi kwisizinda samanje senhlangano. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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