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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociokulturni aspekti amaterske pornografije na internetu / Socio-Cultural Aspects of Amateur Pornography on the Internet

Filipović Branislav 06 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Savremeni diskurs amaterske pornografije na internetu izmiče tradicionalnim interpretativnim shemama koje i &ldquo;kućne&rdquo; seks snimke povezuju sa delovanjem seks-industrije.<br />Predmet istraživanja su internet stranice na kojima su dostupni pornografski sadržaji amaterske produkcije. U centru naučne pažnje rada nalaze se pornografski materijali i prakse &ldquo;običnih ljudi&rdquo; u virtuelnom domenu kiberprostora.<br />Istraživanje polazi od stanovi&scaron;ta da je amaterska pornografija specifičan seksualni diskurs. Pornografija predstavlja gotovo dominantni način zapadnog govora o seksu koji ga u isto vreme i inauguri&scaron;e, a specifična istraživačka pažnja pridaje se amaterskoj reartikulaciji pornografskog režima pri čemu se amaterizam određuje kao dru&scaron;tveni registar svakodnevnih praksi baziranih na delovanju &ldquo;iz ljubavi&rdquo;.<br />Internet predstavlja najpoznatiji kompjuterski mrežni sistem, to jest medijsku tehnologiju mrežne, decentralizovane, dehijerarhizovane i relativno slobodne komunikacije na globalnom nivou. U pitanju je tehnosocijalna platforma &ldquo;kreativne aproprijacije&rdquo; pornografskog diskursa od strane &ldquo;običnih ljudi&rdquo;, te transfera amaterske pornografije u dru&scaron;tvenu pojavu globalnih razmera. Dru&scaron;tvena upotreba Web 2.0 predstavlja sredi&scaron;nji uslov mogućnosti, proliferacije i globalizacije amaterskog porno-diskursa.<br />Centralna hipoteza rada glasi da amaterska pornografija na internetu predstavlja relativno novi način govora o seksu i seksualnosti. Istraživanje je okrenuto dokazivanju kako pornografske prakse &ldquo;običnih ljudi&rdquo; nisu finansijske, nego seksualne prirode, i u tom se smislu problemsko klupko istraživanja ogleda u specifikaciji amaterske pornografije kao diskurzivnog diskontinuiteta, to jest dru&scaron;tvene činjenice da se u okviru postmoderne kulture za relativno kratko vreme prestalo o pornografiji razmi&scaron;ljati isključivo na prethodne načine.<br />Istraživanje ukazuje na socijalni značaj koji aktuelno preoblikovanje reprezentacione politike seksa povlači po pitanju seksualnih interakcija i seksualnih identiteta njenih praktikanata i/li protagonista, i u tom smislu polazi i potvrđuje osnovnu teorijsku pretpostavku o dru&scaron;tvenoj prirodi seksualnosti, sociokulturnom ustrojstvu sveta &ldquo;prirode&rdquo;. Jedan od centralnih istraživačkih problema mogao bi se formulisati pitanjem da li amaterski produktivizam uživanja fabrikuje seksualne subjekte poput seks industrije ili alternativni modus diskurzivnih postupaka imenovanja &ldquo;realnog&rdquo; seksa legitimi&scaron;e i nove procedure identitetskog samoblikovanja, te neposrednog delovanja ispovednih &ldquo;tehnologija sopstva&rdquo;.<br />Ispitivanje sociokulturnih aspekata amaterske pornografije na internetu strukturisano je na nekoliko interpretativnih nivoa i vr&scaron;i se kroz analitiku konteksta pojave, materijalno-afektivne ravni praktikanata i korisnika, pornografskih reprezentacija, potro&scaron;ačkog ustrojstva kiberprostora, rodne simetrije u okviru reprezentacija i korisničkih grupa, virtuelnog komunitarizma pornografskih praktikanata i identitetske politike seksualne ispovesti.<br />7<br />Analitičko de&scaron;ifrovanje složenih veza između pornografskih praksi &ldquo;običnih ljudi&rdquo; i složene strukture &ldquo;umreženog dru&scaron;tva&rdquo; polazi od epistemičkog polja sociokonstrukcionistički orijentisane sociologije seksualnosti, dok se na užem metodolo&scaron;kom planu predmetnog specifikuma istraživanja izdvaja upotreba kritičke diskurzivne analize.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Contemporary discourse of amateur pornography on the Internet eludes traditional interpretative schemes that associate &quot;home&quot; sex videos with the sex industry business. This research is based on web sites with available amateur pornographic production. In the heart of the scientific interest of the work are pornographic materials and practices of &ldquo;ordinary people&rdquo; in the virtual domain of cyberspace.<br />The research is based upon the premise that the amateur pornography is specific sexual discourse. Pornography is seen as almost predominant mode of western inaugurating narrative on sex. At the same time specific research attention is given to amateur rearticulating of pornographic regime, whereby amateurism is defined as a social register of daily practices based on the act &quot;of love&quot;.<br />Internet is the best-known computer network system, decentralized and relatively free media technology network of communication, without hierarchy on a global level. It is a techno-social platform of &quot;creative appropriation&quot; of pornographic discourse by &quot;ordinary people&quot;, as well as transfer of amateur pornography into the social phenomenon of global proportions. Social use of Web 2.0 is the core condition of possibility of amateur porn discourse proliferation and globalization.<br />The central hypothesis of this work is that amateur pornography on the Internet is a relatively new type of narrative on sex and sexuality. The research points out that &ldquo;ordinary people&rdquo; pornographic practice is not of financial but rather of a sexual nature. Following this sense problem of the research is reflected in the specification of amateur pornography as a discursive discontinuity, a social fact that within the framework of postmodern culture in a relatively short time, pornography has not being considered exclusively in prior way.<br />The research points to the social importance that current remodeling of representational politics of sex entails in terms of sexual interactions and sexual identity of its practitioners and / or protagonists and in this sense starts with the main theoretical assumption on the social nature of sexuality, socio-cultural conformation of the world of &quot;nature&quot;. One of the central research problems could be formulated as a dilemma whether amateur productivism of enjoyment fabricate sexual entities, such as sex industry, or the alternative mode of discursive designation procedures of &quot;real&quot; sex also legitimize new procedures of identity self-formation and direct action of confessional &quot;technologies of the self&quot;.<br />Examination of amateur pornography socio-cultural aspects on the Internet is structured on several interpretative levels and is done through analytics of phenomena context, materially-affective level of practitioners and users, pornographic representations, consumer conformation of cyberspace, gender symmetry within the framework of representations and user groups, virtual communitarianism among pornographic practitioners and identity policy of sexual confession.</p>

Nelegalaus ir neleistino interneto turinio reglamentavimas / The Regulation of Illegal and Unwarrantable Internet Content

Augustinaitytė, Milda 18 May 2005 (has links)
The more Internet is used for lawful economical and social communication, the more space appears for possible illegal activities. The freedom of speech in the Internet is a very important condition to maintain the democracy. Despite this, freedom of speech can be limited in behalf of the other essential human rights. One of the most important reasons to control the freedom of speech in the Internet - is to protect children and minorities from the illegal and harmful content. It is essential to stop child pornography , to prevent the society from xenophobic and racist hatreds spreading on the Internet. The illegal spreading of spam, which contain illegal commercial information about drugs, alcohol and tobacco is also the target of regulation and control. While researching the giving topics, we came to the conclusion that legal regulation of Internet content has features of globalism and unification. This tendency comes out of the specific architecture of the Internet, that allows the users of the Internet ignore the borders of the national states. We raised a question: do national states have to comply to the global nature of the Internet and to regulate Internet using international legal standards and sacrify their own national tendencies of regulation? We noticed that it is impossible to expect the legal regulation of the Internet will become united because of the cultural, economical, political and social divergences among the national countries. As we admitted... [to full text] / The more Internet is used for lawful economical and social communication, the more space appears for possible illegal activities. The freedom of speech in the Internet is a very important condition to maintain the democracy. Despite this, freedom of speech can be limited in behalf of the other essential human rights. One of the most important reasons to control the freedom of speech in the Internet - is to protect children and minorities from the illegal and harmful content. It is essential to stop child pornography , to prevent the society from xenophobic and racist hatreds spreading on the Internet.

Pornografijos žiūrėtojų Aš-reprezentacijų ypatumai / Aspects of self-representations of pornography viewers

Voropaj, Ksenija 23 June 2014 (has links)
Pornografijos įtaka asmenybei – tai vienas iš prieštaringiausių klausimų, atkreipusių mokslininkų dėmesį per pastaruosius dešimtmečius. Didžioji dalis tyrimų, nagrinėjančių pornografijos poveikį žmogui, tyrinėja seksualiai atviros medžiagos ryšį su elgesiu. Tačiau ne mažiau svarbu suprasti, ar pornografijos žiūrėjimas įtakoja žmogaus seksualinę Aš-koncepciją ir Aš-reprezentacijas, kadangi šios struktūros veikia ne tik žmogaus elgesį, bet ir kitus bei intrapersonalinius bei tarpasmeninius žmogaus procesus. Atliktame tyrime siekėme išsiaiškinti kaip pornografijos žiūrėjimas įtakoja seksualinės Aš koncepcijos aspektus ir žmogaus dabartinio, idealaus ir privalomojo seksualinio Aš reprezentacijas (iš savo ir reikšmingojo kito pozicijos). Tyrimo metu buvo įvertinti 70 tiriamųjų (36 vyrai ir 34 moterys), kurie turi seksualinius partnerius ir žiūri pornografinę medžiagą internete. Įvertinimui naudoti šie metodai: „Rizikingo pornografijos žiūrėjimo anketa“, „Multidimencinis Aš-koncepcijos klausimynas“ ir struktūruotas interviu. Nustatyta, kad vyrai daugiau laiko skiria pornografijos žiūrėjimui, negu moterys, nors patiriamų rizikingo pornografijos žiūrėjimo požymių stiprumas tarp abiejų lyčių nesiskiria. Nustatytas ryšys tarp rizikingo pornografijos žiūrėjimo požymių stiprumo ir šių seksualinės Aš-koncepcijos ypatumų: susirūpinimo seksu, troškimo įsitraukti į lytinius santykius, polinkio rūpintis savo seksualiniu įvaizdžiu ir galvojimo apie savo seksualinį gyvenimą, įsitikinimų, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The impact of pornography on human personality is one of the most controversial questions, attracted most scientists’ attention over past decades. Vast majority of research, exploring pornography influence on personality, investigate relation of sexually explicit material and behavior. However, it is worth pointing out, how pornography influences sexual Self-concept and Self-representations. This research investigates the relation between consuming of sexually explicit material and sexual Self-concept. What is more, we tried to identify the impact of pornography viewing on Real, Ideal and Ought Self-representations (from self and significant other perspectives). Sample consisted of 70 subjects (34 women, 36 men), who announced to watch pornography on Internet and used to have an intimate partner. Three methods where used to evaluate the aspects of Self-concept and Self-representations in relation to pornography use: “Problematic pornography watching scale”, “Multidimensional sexual Self-concept Questionnaire” and structured interview, evaluating Real, Ideal and Ought Self-representations. It was found significant difference comparing male and female time spent on watching sexually explicit material, although no significant difference was found between gender and problematic pornography watching symptoms. It was found, that subjects, scored high on Problematic pornography watching scale tend to be preoccupied with sex and constantly think about aspects of their sexual life... [to full text]

Pornografinio turinio produkcijos gaminimas, platinimas ir viešas demonstravimas. Atsakomybė už tai LR BK ir kitų valstybių įstatymuose / Possesion, public demonstration and promotion of pornographic material. Criminal liability in the Penal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and criminal laws abroad

Supranavičiūtė, Joana 05 July 2011 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Baudžiamojo kodekso 309 straipsnis “Disponavimas pornografinio turinio dalykais“ nustato baudžiamąją atsakomybę už pornografijos gaminimą, platinimą, reklamavimą ir viešą demonstravimą. Straipsnis skiria pornografiją į pilnamečių asmenų ir vaikų pornografiją. Nors ši veika yra kriminalizuota, praktikoje LR BK 309 straipsnis taikomas retai dėl keblumų, kylančių internetinėje erdvėje – fiziniai ir juridiniai asmenys gali lengvai išvengti baudžiamosios atsakomybės. Atsižvelgiant į tai, jog beveik pusė interneto vartotojų ieško pornografinio turinio dalykų bei tai, kad juos gauti galima ir lietuviškose interneto svetainėse, kyla klausimas ar yra būtinumas drausti suaugusių asmenų pornografiją, juolab, kad LR BK disponavimą pornografinio turinio dalykais priskiria prie nusikaltimų dorovei, o šios samprata keičiasi kartu su visuomene skirtingais jos gyvavimo tarpsniais. Taip pat JAV pornografiją priskiria žodžio laisvei ir numato, kad ją gina Pirmoji Konstitucijos pataisa. Analogiškai tokią laisvę numato ir LR Konsitucija, todėl pilnamečių asmenų pornografijos draudimas riboja ir varžo visai ne pornografiją, o piliečių moralinės nepriklausomybės laisvę. Be abejo, kartu su pornografijos legalizavimu atsiranda pareiga užtikrinti tinkamą nepilnamečių asmenų apsaugą nuo neigiamos informacijos. Lietuvos įstatymai tinkamai neapibrėžia vaikų pornografijos sąvokos – Visuomenės informavimo įstatyme įtvirtintame pornografinio pobūdžio informacijos apibrėžime... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The 309 article of the Lithuanian Criminal code, “Possesion of pornographic content”, determines criminal liability for the possession, production, distribution, advertising and public exposure of pornographic material. Although this behavior is criminalized, the beforementioned article is rarely put into practice because of problems with the online space - natural and legal persons can easily avoid criminal liability. Given the fact, that nearly half of Internet users are looking for pornographic material and that this content can be found on Lithuanian websites, a question arises whether there is a need to prohibit aldult pornography, especially that the Lithuanian Criminal code classifies possesion of pornographic content as crimes agains morality but the concept of morality is understood depending on the society and the way it changes in different periods of time. The United States attribute pornography to the freedom of expression and it is protected by the First Amendment. The same way Lithuanian Constitution describes a feedom of expression, so the prohibition of adult pornography does not actually prohibit pornography - it prohibits moral independency and freedom of speech. Of course, along with the legalization of pornography, there is an obligation to ensure adequate protection of minors from harmful information. Lihuanian law does not have a proper definition of child pornography. The definition of pornographic information established in the Public Information... [to full text]

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