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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing in the Workplace: Professional Writers‘ Self-Reports

Payne, Cynthia Ann 16 August 2011 (has links)
A conflict exists between student desire for a pragmatic education leading to gainful employment and our desire to teach them to think critically about the world. This study argues the necessity of both and concludes—through the voices of three workplace writers—that students must become avid life-long learners and researchers in order to keep pace in an age of exponential information growth. This study presents three workplace writers‘ self-reports in the post process era. Arguing the validity of writers‘ self-reports, this study moves research of workplace writers beyond process, which is typically considered invention, drafting, revising, and editing, by expanding the lens through which we consider workplace writers. Specifically, this study examines their history as writers, the preparation they received, their motivation to write on the job, their acquisition of job specific literacy, how they manage multiple audiences, the corporate identities and voices they must assume, the process they employ to accomplish their writing, their revision strategies, how they manage writer‘s block, and, finally, the survival skills they utilize in order to become proficient workplace writers. The addition of these facets to the standard process model seeks to push research beyond post process. Bartholomae suggests students will ―invent the university‖ in their writing. This study suggests that they will one day invent the workplace in much the same way. The three writers studied here describe steep learning curves before they felt adept at writing in their workplaces, highlighting the importance that students identify as life-long learners and researchers. They privilege grammar and mechanics, yet they acknowledge the importance of collaboration, solid research skills, and audience. They offer survival strategies for getting their writing done amidst the chaos of workplace demands and occasional writer‘s block. Finally, this study suggests a pedagogy that seeks more intentionality in teaching students about writing while teaching them to write in order to provide them with a meta-awareness of the act of writing that will carry them successfully into the workplace. / Dr. Patrick Bizzaro Dr. Resa Crane Bizzaro Dr. Jeannine Fontaine

Flou de mouvement réaliste en temps réel

Guertin-Renaud, Jean-Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
Le flou de mouvement de haute qualité est un effet de plus en plus important en rendu interactif. Avec l'augmentation constante en qualité des ressources et en fidélité des scènes vient un désir semblable pour des effets lenticulaires plus détaillés et réalistes. Cependant, même dans le contexte du rendu hors-ligne, le flou de mouvement est souvent approximé à l'aide d'un post-traitement. Les algorithmes de post-traitement pour le flou de mouvement ont fait des pas de géant au niveau de la qualité visuelle, générant des résultats plausibles tout en conservant un niveau de performance interactif. Néanmoins, des artefacts persistent en présence, par exemple, de mouvements superposés ou de motifs de mouvement à très large ou très fine échelle, ainsi qu'en présence de mouvement à la fois linéaire et rotationnel. De plus, des mouvements d'amplitude importante ont tendance à causer des artefacts évidents aux bordures d'objets ou d'image. Ce mémoire présente une technique qui résout ces artefacts avec un échantillonnage plus robuste et un système de filtrage qui échantillonne selon deux directions qui sont dynamiquement et automatiquement sélectionnées pour donner l'image la plus précise possible. Ces modifications entraînent un coût en performance somme toute mineur comparativement aux implantations existantes: nous pouvons générer un flou de mouvement plausible et temporellement cohérent pour plusieurs séquences d'animation complexes, le tout en moins de 2ms à une résolution de 1280 x 720. De plus, notre filtre est conçu pour s'intégrer facilement avec des filtres post-traitement d'anticrénelage. / High-quality motion blur is an increasingly important effect in interactive graphics. With the continuous increase in asset quality and scene fidelity comes a similar desire for more detailed and realistic lenticular effects. However, even in the context of offline rendering, motion blur is often approximated as a post process. Recent motion blur post-processes have made great leaps in visual quality, generating plausible results with interactive performance. Still, distracting artifacts remain in the presence of, for instance, overlapping motion or large- and fine-scale motion features, as well as in the presence of both linear and rotational motion. Furthermore, large scale motion often tends to cause obvious artifacts at boundary points. This thesis addresses these artifacts with a more robust sampling and filtering scheme that samples across two directions which are dynamically and automatically selected to provide the most accurate image possible. These modifications come at a very slight penalty compared to previous motion blur implementations: we render plausible, temporally-coherent motion blur on several complex animation sequences, all in under 2ms at a resolution of 1280 x 720. Moreover, our filter is designed to integrate seamlessly with post-process anti-aliasing.

Análisis y mejora del comportamiento dimensional de termoplásticos impresos en 3D mediante modelado por deposición fundida sometidos a un proceso de tratamiento térmico

Lluch Cerezo, Joaquín 03 July 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En la actualidad, el modelado por deposición fundida (FDM) es el tipo de tecnología de fabricación aditiva más difundida y estudiada dada su facilidad de uso y economía de proceso. No obstante, debido a las anisotropías generadas durante el proceso aditivo, las piezas fabricadas mediante FDM presentan limitaciones en su uso funcional. Estas anisotropías dependen de los parámetros del proceso y pueden provocar variaciones dimensionales y cambios en las propiedades mecánicas de las piezas. Para mejorar dichas características, se puede recurrir a diversos post-procesos como el tratamiento térmico. Sin embargo, durante su aplicación se pueden producir variaciones dimensionales en las piezas tratadas que reduzcan o anulen su aplicabilidad industrial. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha abordado el estudio del comportamiento dimensional de piezas fabricadas mediante FDM sometidas a tratamiento térmico. Se ha evaluado una propuesta de mejora en el post-proceso consistente en el uso de un molde de polvo cerámico compactado alrededor de las piezas a fin de minimizar la aparición de deformaciones durante el tratamiento térmico. El estudio de las deformaciones durante el post-procesado térmico se ha focalizado en los dos materiales termoplásticos más empleados en FDM, el ácido poliláctico (PLA) y el acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno (ABS), de naturaleza semicristalina y amorfa respectivamente. Se han analizado las variaciones dimensionales sufridas por las piezas durante el tratamiento térmico, considerando la influencia de la orientación de las líneas depositadas, la temperatura del tratamiento y el uso del molde de polvo cerámico. Para evaluar la mejora aplicada en el post-procesado térmico, se ha definido y analizado la eficacia del molde con las mismas variables del estudio dimensional. A fin de poder predecir las deformaciones sufridas por las piezas tratadas y la eficacia del molde en un amplio rango de temperaturas, se ha realizado una aproximación polinómica con los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente. / [CA] Actualment, el modelatge per deposició fosa (FDM) és el tipus de tecnologia de fabricació additiva més difosa i estudiada atesa la facilitat d'ús i economia de procés. Això no obstant, a causa de les anisotropies generades durant el procés additiu, les peces fabricades mitjançant FDM presenten limitacions en el seu ús funcional. Aquestes anisotropies depenen dels paràmetres del procés i poden provocar variacions dimensionals i canvis a les propietats mecàniques de les peces. Per millorar aquestes característiques, es pot recórrer a diversos postprocessos com el tractament tèrmic. No obstant això, durant la seva aplicació es poden produir variacions dimensionals a les peces tractades que redueixin o anul·lin la seva aplicabilitat industrial. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral s'ha abordat l'estudi del comportament dimensional de peces fabricades mitjançant FDM sotmeses a tractament tèrmic. S'ha avaluat una proposta de millora en el post-procés consistent en l'ús d'un motlle de pols ceràmic compactat al voltant de les peces per tal de minimitzar l'aparició de deformacions durant el tractament tèrmic. L'estudi de les deformacions durant el post-processat tèrmic s'ha focalitzat en els dos materials termoplásticos més empleats en FDM, l'àcid poliláctico (PLA) i l'acrilonitrilo butadien estireno (ABS), de naturalesa semicristalina i amorfa respectivament. S'han analitzat les variacions dimensionals sofrides per les peces durant el tractament tèrmic, tenint en compte la influència de l'orientació de les línies dipositades, la temperatura del tractament i l'ús del motlle de pols ceràmic. Per avaluar la millora aplicada en el post-processat tèrmic, s'ha definit i analitzat l'eficàcia del motlle amb les mateixes variables de l'estudi dimensional. Per tal de poder predir les deformacions patides per les peces tractades i l'eficàcia del motlle en un ampli rang de temperatures, s'ha fet una aproximació polinòmica amb els resultats obtinguts experimentalment. / [EN] Nowadays, fused deposition modeling (FDM) is the most widespread and studied additive manufacturing technology due to its ease of use and process economics. However, due to the anisotropies generated during the additive process, FDM fabricated parts have limitations in their functional use. These anisotropies depend on the process parameters and can lead to dimensional variations and changes in the mechanical properties of the parts. Various post-processes, such as heat treatment, can be used to improve these characteristics. However, during its application, dimensional variations can occur in the treated parts that reduce or make their industrial applicability impossible. In this Thesis, the dimensional behavior of FDM parts subjected to heat treatment has been studied. A post-processing improvement proposal consisting of using a compacted ceramic powder mould around the parts to minimize deformations during the heat treatment has been evaluated. The study of deformations during thermal post-processing has focused on the two most widely used thermoplastic materials in FDM, polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), with semi-crystalline and amorphous nature respectively. For this purpose, standard specimens coded according to different internal geometries were manufactured. The dimensional variations suffered by the parts during the heat treatment have been analyzed considering the influence of the orientation of the deposited lines, the material used, the treatment temperature and the use of the ceramic powder mould. To evaluate the thermal post-processing improvement, the effectiveness of mould has been defined and analyzed with the same variables of the dimensional study. To predict the deformations suffered by the treated parts and the efficacy of the mould in a wide range of temperatures, a polynomial approximation has been fitted to the results obtained experimentally. / Lluch Cerezo, J. (2023). Análisis y mejora del comportamiento dimensional de termoplásticos impresos en 3D mediante modelado por deposición fundida sometidos a un proceso de tratamiento térmico [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194607 / Compendio

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