Spelling suggestions: "subject:"counterbleeding anda needs"" "subject:"counterbleeding anda seeds""
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Natural development and dietary regulation of body and intestinal growth in broiler chickens / Paul Ade Iji.Iji, Paul Ade January 1998 (has links)
Corrigenda inserted behind title page. / Bibliography: leaves 275-306. / xxxv, 306 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / The pattern of body growth and intestinal development of an Australian strain of broiler chicken, the Steggles x Ross (F1) in response to different diets was studied. Five experiments were designed to examine the pattern of growth and mechanisms involved. In four other experiments, the mechanisms underlying the gross response of the broiler chicks to dietary ingredients, anti-nutritive factors and growth enhancers were examined. Results indicated that a rapid development of the small intestine preceded significant overall body growth. Body growth would, however, depend more on the various physiological events such as those related to mucosal growth and renewal, digestive enzyme function, and nutrient transport. Some of the differences observed in productivity of broiler chickens on different diets were traced to events at the intestinal level. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1999
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Effects of flaxseed processing on nutrient utilization, fatty acid deposition, performance response of broilers, and on flaxseed hydrogen cyanide contentShen, Yingran, 1964- January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of intermittent feeding programs and genetic line on adiposity in broiler chickens /Lefebvre, Francois L. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of protein and energy self-selection on the reproductive performance of turkey hensEmmerson, Derek Alan January 1988 (has links)
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of dietary self-selection of protein and energy on the reproductive performance of Large White turkey hens. The first study examined the effect of self-selection on reproductive performance during a production cycle that started in July and ended in December. Hens were maintained on one of two dietary regimes for a 20-week production cycle. Control birds were fed a conventional diet (18% crude protein, 2700 kcal/kg) which contained nutrients at levels recommended by the National Research Council (NRC, 1984). The remaining hens were allowed to select their diet from two feed sources: one relatively high in protein and low in energy (35% crude protein, 1850 kcal/kg) and the other relatively low in protein and high in energy (8% crude protein, 3220 kcal/kg). Hens fed the split diet produced an equal number of eggs as control hens but consumed significantly less feed (p≤.05). The diet that was selected contained approximately 40% less protein than the control diet (p≤.001) which resulted in significantly increased efficiency of protein utilization (eggs/kg protein) for hens fed the split-diet (p≤.001). In addition, the incidence of broodiness was significantly reduced in the split-diet treatment (p≤.10). Egg weight, fertility, hatchability and hatch of fertile eggs were not significantly effected by the dietary regimes. There was significantly greater body weight loss in hens fed the split-diet (p≤.05). Increasing trends in feed, energy, and protein consumptions were noted over the course of production. For this reason a second experiment was conducted to determine if these trends were the result of seasonal affects, due to changing ambient temperatures, or the result of changes in nutrient requirements of the turkey hen occurring with different stages of production.
The second experiment was similar to Experiment 1 except that the production period started in March and ended in July. As in the first experiment, egg production was equal for hens in the two treatment groups. Feed intake and energy intake were not significantly different for hens fed the split and complete diets. However, as in the previous experiment, protein intake was significantly reduced in the split-diet treatment (p≤.001). The incidence of broodiness was again attenuated among split-fed birds (p≤.10). Average daily feed and energy intake appeared to decrease over the course of production which was presumed to be related to increasing ambient temperatures. As in the previous experiment, protein intake increased over the course of production despite increasing environmental temperatures. Therefore, the increased protein selection noted in these two experiments does not seem to be related to hot weather and may indicate an increased protein requirement in the later stages of egg production.
Based on the finding that the incidence of broodiness was reduced among hens fed the split-diet, blood sera from hens in both experiments were analyzed for luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL). Although the incidence of broodiness was significantly reduced among birds fed the split-diet, there was no significant difference in serum LH and PRL concentrations. Therefore, the reduction in the incidence of broodiness that was noted in these experiments was not correlated with changes in the blood concentration of these hormones. / Master of Science
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Ingestive behavior of chicks during the first week posthatchingKnobloch, Jack William January 1969 (has links)
Master of Science
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Bioavailability of phosphorus from various sources for young turkeysPotchanakorn, Manop January 1988 (has links)
Three series of experiments were conducted to determine the relative bioavailability of various phosphate products with an emphasis on the defluorinated phosphates. In Series I, phosphorus in commercial mono/dicalcium phosphates, commercial dicalcium phosphates, commercial defluorinated phosphates, and experimental defluorinated phosphates were found to be 93, 81, 70, and 76% as available as that in dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, respectively, using 3-week bodyweight and toe ash in a nonlinear regression analysis.
In Series II, phosphorus in a commercial defluorinated phosphate was compared directly with that in a commercial dicalcium phosphate using poult from 1 to 4 weeks of age. No significant differences were found between the two products which may be attributed partly to the feeding of the starter diet during the pre-experimental period. The commercial defluorinated phosphate was numerically less available than the commercial dicalcium phosphate in all cases.
In Series III, phosphorus in various defluorinated phosphates was compared with that in a dicalcium phosphate dihydrate. Ash of dry unextracted tibia, ash of dry toe, and 0 to 3-week body weight gain as responses to added phosphorus followed a sigmoidal regression model while 0 to 2-week body weight gain followed an asymptotic model in Experiment 1. The defluorinated phosphate was found to be 53% as available as the standard.
In Experiment 2, an experimental defluorinated phosphate from Series I which was found to be 76% as available as the standard was found to be 62% as available as the standard used in Series III, indicating differences in bioavailability of the two standards. In Experiment 3, two commercial defluorinated phosphates were found to have equal relative biological values, 67.2 and 67.6% as compared with the standard using poults from 0 to 2 weeks of age, and three experimental defluorinated phosphates 51.7, 74.0, and 88.2% with the product with the fine particles having the highest relative biological value.
In cases where the sigmoidal regression gave a significantly better fit to the data than the asymptotic model, the relative biological values and the associated confidence limits from the asymptotic model were equal to those from the sigmoidal model. / Ph. D. / incomplete_metadata
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The influence of processing of soyabeans and sunflower seed on their energy and amino acid availability for poultryDe Beer, Marc 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. The effect of heat-treatment and dehulling of full-fat soya (Glycine
max) on AMEn' amino acid availability and broiler performance.
Heat treatment and dehulling of full-fat soya were evaluated in terms of their effect on
AMEn, apparent amino acid availability and broiler performance. Four products were
tested: raw whole soya (RWS), raw dehulled soya (RDS), extruded whole soya
(EWS) and extruded dehulled soya (EDS). Trials were conducted to determine AMEn
values and apparent amino acid availability of the products. A 42-day broiler trial was
conducted to measure the effect of extrusion and dehulling on broiler performance.
Test products were added to the diets at levels up to 263.2 g/kg in the starter diet and
260.0 g/kg in the finisher diet. Results indicated that extrusion cooking improved
AMEn and apparent amino acid availability. This was reflected in the improved
performance of broilers fed extruded soya as compared to raw soya. Increasing
amounts of RWS and RDS led to decreases in mass and intake and poor feed
conversion ratio (FeR) due to the presence of anti-nutritional factors. Broilers fed
EWS were heavier, consumed more feed and had better FeR than those fed RWS or
RDS. Dehulling improved AMEn (EWS: 13.75 MJ/kg vs EDS: 15.09 MJ/kg) and
rendered a product with slightly higher levels of total amino acids. Broiler
performance did not reflect this as there was no difference in mass, intake or FeR
between broilers fed increasing levels of EWS or EDS. Lysine and arginine were less
available in EDS than EWS indicating the possible over-cooking of EDS. Levels of
EWS and EDS of 263.2 g/kg in the starter and 260.0 g/kg in the finisher supported
maximum broiler performance.
2. The effect of heat-treatment and dehulling of full-fat sunflower
(Helianthus annuus) on AMEm amino acid availability and broiler
Heat treatment and dehulling of full-fat sunflower were evaluated in terms of their
effect on AMEn, apparent amino acid availability and broiler performance. Four
products were tested: raw whole sunflower (RWSF), raw dehulled sunflower (RDSF),
extruded whole sunflower (EWSF) and extruded dehulled sunflower (ED SF). Trials
were conducted to determine AMEn values and apparent amino acid availability of the
products. A 42-day broiler trial was conducted to measure the effect of expansion and
dehulling on broiler performance. Test products were added to the diets at levels up to
115.0 glkg in the starter diet and 181.5 glkg in the finisher diet. Dehulling rendered a
product with higher crude protein, ether extract, amino acid and AMEn values. AMEn
was only slightly improved by expansion. The AMEn values obtained were: RWSF:
16.03 MJ/kg, RDSF: 18.87 MJ/kg, EWSF: 16.22 MJ/kg, EDSF: 19.49 MJ/kg.
Dehulling had no effect on apparent amino acid availability. Expansion did not affect
apparent amino acid availability of dehulled full-fat sunflower but had a negative
influence on apparent amino acid availability of whole sunflower seeds. This
highlights the possible dangers of reduced protein quality as a result of overprocessing.
No differences were observed in terms of mass, intake and feed
conversion ratio of broilers fed any of the products during the 42-day broiler growth
trial. All products supported optimum broiler performance at levels up to 115.0 glkg
in the starter diet. For the finisher diets, optimum performance was maintained at
levels of 181.5 glkg, for RDSF and EDSF, while performance of broilers fed RWSF
and EWSF was optimal up to 145.2 glkg. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Die invloed van hitte-behandeling en ontdopping van
volvetsojabone (Glycine max) op SMEm skynbare aminosuur
beskikbaarheid en braaikuikenprestasie.
Hitte-behandeling en ontdopping van volvetsojabone is ge-evalueer in terme van hul
invloed op stikstof gekorrekteerde skynbare metaboliseerbare energie (SMEn)
waardes, skynbare aminosuur beskikbaarheid en braaikuikenprestasie. Vier produkte
is getoets: rou heel sojabone (RWS), rou ontdopte sojabone (RDS), geekstrueerde
heel sojabone (EWS) en geekstrueerde ontdopte sojabone (EDS). Proewe is uitgevoer
om die SMEn waardes en skynbare aminosuur beskikbaarheid van die vier produkte te
bepaal. Gedurende 'n braaikuikengroeitoets van 42 dae is die invloed van hittebehandeling
(ekstrusie) en ontdopping op braaikuikenprestasie gemeet. Die vier
toetsprodukte is ingesluit in die aanvangsdieet teen peile van tot 263.2 g/kg en teen
peile van tot 260.0 g/kg in die afrondingsdieet. Resultate het getoon dat ekstrusie die
SMEn waardes en skynbare aminosuur beskikbaarheid verbeter het. Braaikuikens wat
geekstrueerde soja ontvang het, het beter gepresteer as braaikuikens wat rou soja
ontvang het. Verhoogte insluitings van RWS en RDS het gelei tot verlagings in massa
toename en voerinname en swak voeromsetverhoudings (VOV), as gevolg van die
teenwoordigheid van anti-voedings faktore. Braaikuikens wat EWS ontvang het, was
swaarder, het meer ingeneem en het beter vav gehad as die wat RWS of RDS
ontvang het. Ontdopping het SMEn verhoog (EWS: 13.75 MJ/kg vs EDS: 15.09
MJ/kg) en ontdopte produkte het klein hoeveelhede meer aminosure bevat. Dit het
egter nie in braaikuikenprestasie gewys nie. Daar was geen verskille in massa,
voerinname en vav tussen braaikuikens wat EWS of EDS ontvang het. Lisien en
arginien was minder beskikbaar in EDS as EWS wat op die moontlike oorprosessering
van EDS dui. Vlakke van EWS en EDS van 263.2 g/kg in die
aanvangsdieet en 260.0 g/kg In die afrondingsdieet het maksimale
braaikuikenprestasie ondersteun. 2. Die invloed
van hitte-behandeling
(Helianthus annuus)
en ontdopping van
op SMEo, skynbare
aminosuur beskikbaarheid en braaikuikenprestasie.
Hitte-behandeling en ontdopping van volvetsonneblomsaad is geevalueer in terme van
hul invloed op stikstof gekorrekteerde skynbare metaboliseerbare energie (SMEn)
waardes, skynbare aminosuur beskikbaarheid en braaikuikenprestasie. Vier produkte
is getoets: rou heel sonneblomsaad (RWS), rou ontdopte sonneblomsaad (RDS),
geekspandeerde heel sonneblomsaad (EWS) en geekspandeerde ontdopte
sonneblomsaad (EDS). Proewe is uitgevoer om die SMEn waardes en skynbare
aminosuur beskikbaarheid van die vier produkte te bepaal. Gedurende 'n
braaikuikengroeitoets van 42 dae is die invloed van hitte-behandeling (ekspansie) en
ontdopping op braaikuikenprestasie gemeet. Die vier toetsprodukte is ingesluit in die
aanvangsdieet teen peile van tot 115.0 g/kg en teen peile van tot 181.5 g/kg in die
afrondingsdieet. Ontdopte sonneblomsaad het hoer peile van ruproteien, eter-ekstrak
en aminosure as heel sonneblomsaad. SMEn waardes is ook hoer vir ontdopte
sonneblomsaad. Hitte-behandeling het SMEn waardes effens verhoog. Die bepaalde
SMEn waardes is as volg: RWSF: 16.03 MJ/kg, RDSF: 18.87 MJ/kg, EWSF: 16.22
MJ/kg, EDSF: 19.49 MJ/kg. Ontdopping het geen invloed op skynbare aminosuur
bekikbaarheid gehad nie. Skynbare aminosuur beskikbaarheid van ontdopte
sonneblomsaad IS me deur hitte-behandeling beinvloed nie, terwyl die van heel
sonneblomsaad negatief beinvloed is. Dit beklemtoon die gevare van verswakte
proteien kwaliteit as gevolg van oor-prosessering. Geen verskille is opgemerk in
terme van massa, voerinname en voeromset verhouding (VOV) tussen die vier
produkte gedurende die braaikuikengroeitoets van 42 dae. Alle produkte het
maksimale braaikuiken prestasie ondersteun in die aanvangsdieet teen vlakke van
115.0 g/kg. In die afrondingsdieet het RDSF en EDSF optimale braaikuikenprestasie
onderhou teen vlakke van 181.5 g/kg, terwyl RWSF en EWSF net t
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Modelling broiler populations for purposes of optimisation.Berhe, Esayas Tesfasellassie. January 2008 (has links)
With the narrow margin of profit in the broiler enterprise, how can producers increase profit potential? It is not an easy task to answer this question since the net financial return depends on many factors; some are related to the animal, some to the feed, some to the environment and others are outside the production system, like availability and cost of labour and capital. Many researchers have attempted to improve the efficiency of the system using alternative management strategies and to develop a unified theory that could simultaneously evaluate all the relevant factors and the interactions between them. Simulation models are seen as the most promising means of moving this subject forward. Geneticists are continually improving the potential growth rate of broilers, yet there has been little change in feed specifications for these birds over the past few decades. Only recently has it been possible to make use of simulation models to optimise the feeds and feeding programs of modern broiler strains at a commercial level, but little testing of these programs has been carried out. What is needed is a thorough investigation of these models, which at present are based on an individual, as opposed to a population response. Modelling plays an increasingly important part in animal science and research as a way of organizing and evaluating the large body of existing knowledge. With the use of an accurate description of the potential growth rates of broiler genotypes, it is possible to make more efficient use of growth models which are becoming more abundant in the industry and which, in turn, enable the nutritionist or producer to predict the performance of animals when subjected to a given feed or feeding programme. The predictions made by most of the growth models now available are based on individual animals, and the results obtained may be inadequate in optimising the nutrient requirements of a broiler population because of the variation that exists in these populations. Variation in performance traits in broilers may be the result of variation in the genotype, in the environmental conditions within the house, and in the composition of the feed offered to the birds, and these sources of variation cannot all be accommodated in a model that simulates the food intake and growth of just one bird. But if variation is to be incorporated into growth models, it is necessary to ascertain the effects of variation in the various genetic parameters on the mean response of the population. A sensitivity analysis is useful in accomplishing this objective. Similarly, it is important to know what the optimum size of a simulated population should be, that takes account both of the accuracy of the simulation and the time taken to complete the exercise. This is especially important when optimisation routines are followed, as such calculations are time consuming. As a means of addressing these issues, simulation exercises were conducted using EFG Broiler Growth Model version 6 and EFG Broiler Optimiser Model version 1 (EFG Software, 2006) to determine: (a) whether it is worth generating a population when optimising feeds and feeding programs for broilers, rather than using the average individual, (b) the size of the population required to obtain an accurate estimate of the population response when optimising the feeding program for different objective functions, (c) the effect of changing the value of genetic parameters such as mature protein weight, rate of maturing, feathering rate and the maximum lipid:protein ratio in the gain on the optimum amino acid contents and nutrient densities of broiler feeds, and (d) the effect of variation in nutrient composition of different batches of feed, which have the same nutrient profile but different qualities of the main protein source, on broiler performance. A review of sources of variation in the nutrient content of poultry feed was conducted, and simulation exercises were carried out to determine to what extent broiler performance is affected by the segregation or breakage of pellets into small pieces at the time of delivery and along the feed conveyor within the broiler house, by the change in nutrient quality that might occur along the conveyor, and by the microclimates that develop in a longitudinally ventilated broiler house. The tendency in broiler marketing in most parts of the world is to sell broilers cut up, as portions or deboned after evisceration, rather than selling whole birds. Estimation of the growth rates of carcass parts is therefore of considerable importance if simulation models are to be useful in optimising the feeds and feeding programmes of broilers under different conditions. Allometric equations are used in the EFG broiler growth model to predict the weights of these carcass parts from the weight of body protein at the time. These equations are based on data collected many years ago, and it would be useful to determine whether they are still relevant in the face of announcements by the major broiler breeding companies that tremendous strides have been made in improving breast meat yield, for example, by judicious selection. For the purpose of this investigation it was important to determine to what extent the weights of the physical parts varied at the same body protein weight, thereby enabling a more accurate estimation of the variation that could be expected in these weights when developing a population response model. Towards this end, experiments were conducted to determine the effect of dietary protein content on the performance of Cobb and Ross broilers, including mortality and uniformity, and on the allometric relationships between the physical and chemical components of the body and body protein. The overall objective of these exercises was to address issues relating to the use of simulation models in predicting food intake and growth of broilers, in optimising the amino acid contents and nutrient densities of feeds for broilers, and in representing a population of broilers when the performance of only one bird is simulated at a time. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.
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Modelling nutrient responses and performance of broiler breeders after sexual maturity.Nonis, Magalie Kathy. January 2007 (has links)
With the worldwide increase in consumption of poultry meat in recent years, the production of hatchable eggs from broiler breeding stock has become a critically important component of the poultry industry. Surprisingly, a perusal of the literature pertaining to broiler breeder nutrition leads to the conclusion that research nutritionists have neglected these birds. It has been assumed in many cases that the research on laying hens is applicable to broiler breeders. However, fundamental differences are apparent between the two strains that should be investigated more comprehensively if the potential of broiler breeder hens is to be achieved. Commercial laying hens have been selected predominantly for increased egg production whereas broilers have been selected for early rapid growth rate. By selecting for improved growth rate, both food consumption and mature weight of these birds has increased (Reddy, 1996), but because of the negative genetic correlation between body weight and egg production (Robinson et al, 1993) reproductive performance has not been improved. Broiler breeder hens differ from commercial laying hens, by their non-normal frequency distribution of egg outputs, their considerable lipid reserves, and by the fact that many do not lay in closed cycle. The practice of restricting feed intake during both the rearing and laying periods has become a standard management procedure in commercial broiler breeder operations and this differs from the manner in which commercial hens are fed. This raises important issues regarding the requirements of these birds for energy, amino acids and other essential nutrients, as the birds do not have the opportunity of meeting their nutrient requirements by adjusting food intake upwards when one or more of these nutrients is deficient in the feed. It is the duty of the nutritionist to provide the correct daily allowance of each nutrient in order to achieve maximum egg output by the flock, but given the variation between hens within a flock, such decisions need to be made on both biological and economic grounds. Improved strains are continually being produced by breeder companies, which exhibit better growth, feed efficiency and productivity. The way in which broiler breeder hens were fed in the past might not be the most effective way to feed the latest strains. Getting the right amount of feed with the right nutrient levels at the right time is the most important part of feeding broiler breeders, and to succeed their daily nutrient requirements need to be known. Information concerning the nutritional requirements of broiler breeder hens is limited in comparison to other types of domesticated poultry. However, enough information is available concerning energy and amino acid nutrition of this type of poultry to enable one to develop models useful for constructing accurate feeding programmes. The most appropriate way of estimating the nutrient requirement of broiler breeder hens during the laying period, or of optimising a feeding strategy, is by the use of simulation models. Emmans and Fisher (1986) suggested that a better approach to the problem of describing requirements and of expressing them quantitatively can be achieved by considering: firstly, the bird’s characteristics, secondly by defining resource scales carefully and thirdly by considering the quantities of each resource needed per unit of function. This approach has a greater chance of success than attempting to measure requirements by direct experimentation. Energy and amino acids are required for growth of tissues, egg production, maintaining normal body temperature, vital life functions and activity. For development of feeding programmes, we are most concerned with the three primary components, maintenance, growth and egg output. There are a number of factors that impact on the total nutrient requirement of the breeder. The maintenance component is affected by body size, environmental temperature, level of activity (housed in floor pens vs. cages) and possibly breed. Regarding the growth component, in the case of broiler breeders during lay the composition of growth needs to be addressed: whether this is only lipid gain or also includes protein gain. Lastly, the egg component is influenced by egg mass and hen age. In order to calculate energy and amino acid requirements, one must have knowledge of the requirements per unit of body protein weight, growth rate and egg mass. By continually monitoring the environmental conditions in the broiler breeder house, as well as body weight, egg weight and egg number, it is possible to estimate the state of the hens at any time and hence the optimum nutrient concentrations that should be fed the next day of the laying period by using the Breeder Model presented in this thesis. Optimising the feeding of broiler breeders during the laying period is made difficult because of the many interacting factors influencing their performance All the hens are not the same, they are not housed in the same environments, and the costs of feeding and the revenue derived from the sale of the product differs from one locality to another. The solution to this problem lies in the use of simulation models to describe the causal relationship between inputs and the predicted responses. This thesis explored new concepts and components for a simulation model to predict the nutrient requirement and performance of broiler breeders after sexual maturity. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.
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The use of enzyme supplementation for wheat-barley diets in poultry as a means of improving productive performance.January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of an exogenous multi-blend enzyme ( -glucanase and xylanase) on the performance of the broiler chickens and laying hens fed diets based on wheat and barley. Experiments were conducted on a flock of broilers and two flocks of laying hens. In both cases feed and water were provided ad libitum. The enzyme effect of enzyme addition on the broiler performance involved 2080 day-old male and female chicks in 48 pens, allocated one of four dietary treatments (0, 50, 100 or 200g/ton enzyme supplementation), to 35 days of age. On day 35, ten birds from each treatment were sacrificed for the analysis of the digestive organs weight (gizzards and livers). The trial was divided into two phases: a starter (1 to 21 d) and grower (22 to 35 d). Feed consumption was measured weekly and birds were also weighed weekly. The investigation of enzyme effect in laying hen diets involved 896 birds for each specific period. Each replicate consisted of four cages (four birds per cage) with a common feeder; 16 hens/pen of 56 pens. Eggs were weighed three times a week, feed consumption weekly and birds every weeks. The addition of a multi-blend enzyme significantly improve body weight, body weight gain, food intake, and feed conversion ratio for both sexes (P<0.05) in broiler chickens. There was a significant improvement in egg production in laying hens (P<0.05). Egg weight and egg mass were not significantly improved. Wheat and barley have cell wall components (arabinoxylans and -glucans respectively) which have a negative effect on the nutritive value of these feeds and therefore performance in poultry fed diets based on these ingredients. Addition of an exogenous multi-blend enzyme( -glucanase and xylanase) could help reduce these effects and improve performance and digestibility values in poultry. The null hypothesis was there will be no difference between supplemented and un-supplemented diets based on wheat and barley in performance of poultry. The results of this study suggest that the inclusion of 50 g/ton enzyme helps improve poultry performance, especially in young birds. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.
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