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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le stress prénatal maternel et les problèmes comportementaux chez les enfants : effet modérateur de la consistance de la discipline

Daniel, Benjhyna 03 1900 (has links)
Le stress prénatal maternel (SPM) est un concept largement étudié et ce, autant par de méthodes objectives que subjectives. Certains chercheurs évaluent les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression des femmes au cours de leur grossesse alors que d’autres préfèrent mesurer les niveaux de cortisol des femmes enceintes. Pour cette thèse, le SPM a été mesuré par deux méthodes différentes, soit l’exposition des femmes enceintes à une catastrophe naturelle et l’exposition des mêmes femmes enceintes à des événements de vie stressants plus courants. Puisqu’il est bien établi que ce type de stress engendre des répercussions négatives sur la femme enceinte ainsi que sur le développement de l’enfant, il est désormais d’intérêt d’accentuer les recherches sur les moyens qui permettent d’atténuer les conséquences d’un tel stress. Dans les études auprès des animaux, nous savons que les conditions de maternage ainsi que l'enrichissement environnemental semblent renverser les effets du SPM, mais nous ne savons pas si, chez les humains, un bon encadrement parental, c’est-à-dire un cadre structuré avec des règles prévisibles et consistantes, peut protéger les enfants des effets du SPM. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’augmenter notre compréhension sur l’effet protecteur de l’encadrement parental dans le développement d’enfants qui ont été exposés à différents types de SPM. Cet objectif pourra être atteint grâce à une collaboration internationale initiée par la Dre Suzanne King suite aux inondations qui se sont produites en 2008 dans l'état d'Iowa. Suite à la catastrophe, la Dre King est entrée en contact avec le Dr O’Hara afin d'évaluer la sévérité du stress dû aux inondations chez les femmes enceintes et pour déterminer les effets de ce stress sur leur enfant. Trois types de stress ont été évalués: le degré objectif de difficulté (p. ex., pertes financières), l'évaluation cognitive de la catastrophe en tant qu'expérience négative, neutre ou positive, et la détresse subjective causée par l'inondation (p. ex., symptômes de TSPT). Suite au recrutement des mères, les enfants de l'échantillon ont été évalués à l’âge de 2, 4, 5 et 7 ans. La présente thèse est composée de trois études. La première étude porte sur l’effet modérateur de l’encadrement parental sur les associations entre le SPM causé par les inondations d’Iowa et les problèmes comportementaux chez les enfants âgés de sept ans. Les résultats indiquent qu’un encadrement parental où la discipline est consistante protège les garçons qui ont été exposés au SPM objectif contre différents symptômes de problèmes internalisés et externalisés. La deuxième étude se penche également sur la question de l’effet protecteur de l’encadrement parental sur les associations entre le SPM et les problèmes comportementaux chez les enfants âgés de sept ans. Toutefois, cette étude s’est plutôt penchée sur l’influence du SPM lorsque celui-ci est causé par des événements de vie qui sont plus communs qu’un désastre naturel. De nouveau, les résultats de cette étude nous révèlent qu’un encadrement parental consistant joue le rôle de facteur de protection, chez les garçons qui ont été exposés au SPM causé par des événements de vie stressants, mais seulement en ce qui concerne les problèmes de comportement externalisés. La troisième étude vient reconsidérer l’effet protecteur de l’encadrement parental sur les liens entre le SPM et les problèmes comportementaux des enfants qui ont été exposés à un désastre naturel. Cependant, pour cette étude, les comportements des enfants n’ont pas été évalués par un questionnaire, mais plutôt par une méthode observationnelle (tâche de frustration). Toutefois, dans cette étude, il n’est ressorti aucun effet significatif de l’encadrement parental comme variable modératrice. En somme, nos résultats rapportent que l’implantation d’un cadre structuré et consistant peut venir pallier et même renverser les conséquences du SPM sur le comportement des garçons. / Prenatal maternal stress (PNMS) is a widely studied concept, both by objective and subjective methods. Some researchers assess women's symptoms of anxiety and depression during pregnancy, while others prefer to measure cortisol levels in pregnant women. For this thesis, PNMS was measured by two different methods: either exposure of pregnant women to a natural disaster, or exposure of these same pregnant women to more common stressful life events. Since it is well established that this type of stress has a negative impact on the pregnant woman as well as on the development of the unborn child, it is now of interest to increase research on ways to mitigate the consequences of such stress. In animal studies, we know that rearing conditions and environmental enrichment seem to reverse the effects of PNMS, but we do not know whether, in humans, good parental structure, that is, a structured framework with predictable and consistent rules, can protect children from the effects of PNMS. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to increase understanding of the protective effect of parental structure in the development of children who have been exposed to different types of PNMS. This goal can be achieved through an international collaboration initiated by Dr. Suzanne King following the 2008 floods in the state of Iowa. Following the disaster, Dr. King contacted Dr. O'Hara to assess the severity of flood stress in pregnant women and to determine the effects of this stress on their children. Following the recruitment of mothers, the children in the sample were assessed at the ages of 2, 4, 5 and 7 years. This thesis consists of three studies. The first study examines the moderating effect of parental structure on the associations between PNMS caused by a natural disaster and behavioural problems in the Iowa Flood Study children at age 7 years as reported by their mothers. The results indicate that consistent parenting protects boys who have been exposed to PNMS from various symptoms of internalizing and externalizing problems. The second study also examines the issue of the protective effect of parental structure on associations between PNMS and behavioural problems, as reported by their mothers, in the Iowa Flood Study seven-year-olds. However, this study looked at the influence of PNMS when it is caused by life events that are more common than a natural disaster while controlling for the severity of their flood exposure. Again, the results of this study reveal that consistent parenting plays the role of a protective factor in boys who have been exposed to PNMS caused by stressful life events, but only with regard to externalizing behaviour. The third study reconsiders the protective effect of parental structure on the links between PNMS and behavioral problems of children who have been exposed to a natural disaster. However, for this study, children's behaviors were not assessed by a questionnaire, but rather by an observational method (task of frustration). However, the limitations of this study did not allow us to observe the effects of parental structure. In summary, our results show that the implementation of a structured and consistent framework can overcome, and even reverse, the consequences of PNMS on boys' behaviour.
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Assessing and Responding to Maternal Stress (ARMS) : antenatal psychosocial assessment in research and practice

Darwin, Zoe January 2013 (has links)
Background: Antenatal Psychosocial Assessment (APA) has recently been introduced into routine antenatal care, but the ways in which maternity service providers assess and respond to maternal stress are subject of debate. There is a lack of consensus on the instrument(s) of choice and lack of evidence regarding appropriate interventions. Further, national guidelines have not kept apace with the conceptual shift from ‘postnatal depression’ to ‘perinatal anxiety and depression’. Adopting the Medical Research Council Complex Interventions Framework, the ARMS research aimed to inform the development of interventions that support women who are experiencing, or at risk of, mild-moderate mental health disorder in pregnancy. Methods: A mixed methods approach was adopted. In the quantitative element (Study Part 1) participants (n=191) completed a questionnaire when attending for their first formal antenatal appointment, using a procedure and materials that had been previously tested in a pilot study. Details including mental health assessment and referrals were obtained from their health records, following delivery. In the qualitative element (Study Part 2) a sub-sample of women (n=22) experiencing high levels of maternal stress took part in up to three serial in-depth interviews during pregnancy and the early postnatal period.Findings: Maternal stress was found to be common. Using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) threshold of ≥10, approximately 1 in 4 women were classed as high depression (halving to 1 in 8 at the more conservative threshold of ≥13). Almost 1 in 3 women were classed as high anxiety, using the state scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, threshold ≥41), compared with 1 in 5 using the two-item GAD (threshold ≥3). Fewer than half of the women identified as high anxiety were identified by both measures. Factor analyses of the symptom measures were consistent with wider literature suggesting a three-item anxiety component of the EPDS; however, concurrent validation using regression analyses did not indicate that the EPDS could be used as an anxiety case finding instrument. Women reported that maternal stress had significant impact on their lives that may not be captured with existing clinical approaches. Women commonly found it difficult to self-assess severity of maternal stress and the assessment process could itself act as an intervention. The research provided the first validation of the depression case finding questions in UK clinical practice. The Whooley items completed in clinical practice identified only half of the possible cases identified by the EPDS, at both commonly adopted EPDS thresholds. Inclusion of the Arroll 'help' question as a criterion improved specificity of the assessment completed in clinical practice but substantially compromised sensitivity, missing 9 in 10 possible cases. Women’s mental health history and treatment history were similarly under-reported, particularly concerning anxiety. APA was introduced into routine clinical practice without attention to topics of relevance to women, context of disclosure or to provision of adequate resources for consistently responding to identified need. Women experiencing, or at risk of, mild-moderate disorder were thus usually ineligible for further support. Implications: Care pathways are needed that encompass both assessing and responding to maternal stress, where communication with health professionals, subsequent referral and management are addressed. The development, implementation and evaluation of low-cost resources embedded in such pathways are a priority and the research presented in the thesis offers a foundation on which to build.
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