Spelling suggestions: "subject:"preservation."" "subject:"reservation.""
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An Analysis of Diversifying Museums: American Indians in ConservationDawley, Martina Michelle January 2013 (has links)
An investigation was conducted to show the number of American Indians in the field of conservation, through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research investigated the primary question, why are there so few American Indian conservators. In addition, the following secondary questions were examined: 1) How many conservators of American Indian ethnicity are there? 2) What factors influence the number of American Indian conservators? 3) How will American Indians qualified to practice conservation benefit museums? The findings for this study were collected through an online survey, personal interviews, and observations. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between education, conservation, and being American Indian. The study proved the hypothesis that there were not a lot of American Indian conservators. An earlier report investigating the status of American Indians in professional positions in museums nationwide revealed similar results (Rios-Bustamante, 1996). Other publications mentioned Indigenous people as collaborators and participants in various museum practices such as curatorial work, preservation, conservation, and exhibits; but did not specifically name an American Indian as a professional conservator (Bloomfield, 2013; Clavir, 2002; Erickson, 2002; Lonetree, 2012; Odegaard and Sadongei, 2005).A total of eleven participants were interviewed. Of the eleven participants interviewed, nine identified as American Indian from the United States, one identified as Maori from New Zealand working temporarily in the United States, and one as Italian-American (Table 13). Of the eleven interviewed, three identified as trained conservators qualified to practice conservation as a professional conservator. Of the three identifying at trained conservators, two were American Indian, Navajo/Assiniboine and Navajo. A total of ninety-three participants responded to the online survey. Univariate analysis using the standard t-test was used to compare each variable to the dependent, binomial variable (variable of interest=American Indian Conservator, yes or no) to determine its initial significance (Table 12). Significant variables were then added into the model and logistic regression analysis was performed to capture any effect a variable might have on the dependent variable. As a result, the data showed that a conservator was 8.6 times more likely not to be American Indian than conservators who were not American Indian in this study. This analysis and interpretation of the data was used as a preliminary study for future research.
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Blackfoot Confederacy Keepers of the Rocky MountainsSpoonhunter, Tarissa L. January 2014 (has links)
The Blackfoot Confederacy Keepers of the Rocky Mountains provides a first hand account of the Blackfoot intimate relationship with their mountain landscape now known as Glacier National Park, Bob Marshall Wilderness, Badger Two Medicine Unit of the Lewis and Clark Forest Service, and the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. The animals shared the traditional ecological knowledge of the mountains with the Blackfoot Confederacy so they could survive through the "transfer of knowledge" in their elaborate ceremonial bundles made up of plants, animals, and rocks from the landscape. The Blackfoot agreed to share the minerals of copper and gold with the United States government through a lease agreement in 1895 following the policy of the time under the Dawes Act that allowed Indians to lease their land allotments to non-Indians. Although, the Agreement was written as a land cession with explicit reserved rights for the Blackfeet to hunt, gather, and fish upon the land, the Blackfeet have continued to maintain their ties to the mountain in secret to avoid persecution and publicly when asserting their rights. These rights have been limited, denied, and recognized depending on who is making the decision--Bureau of Indian Affairs, the National Park Service, the Forest Service, and/or tested in the court of law. Despite the turmoil, the Blackfoot People have managed and preserved the area through resource utilization, ceremony, and respect for their mountain territory mapped out by Napi (Creator). Blackfoot know their status when it comes to their landscape as illustrated through the annual renewal of the bundles: "When we begin the ceremony, we call upon the water and the water animals, the sky people, the animals of the land, the plants, the rocks and so forth with the humans being the last to be called upon until all have arrived and taken their place in the lodge. Without the environment and its beings, we could not have this ceremony"
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Stone deterioration and replacement of natural building stones at the Cologne cathedral - A contribution to the preservation of cultural heritageGraue, Birte Johanna 27 March 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Verwitterung von Naturwerkstein als Funktion von mineralogischen und petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften unter unterschiedlichen umwelt- und bauphysikalischen Bedingungen. Am Beispiel des Kölner Doms wird zum einen die große Anzahl an unterschiedlichen Baumaterialien, die in diesem Bauwerk angetroffen werden, vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden auch die daraus resultierenden Probleme von Interferenzen der verschiedenen Materialien untereinander in Hinblick auf ihre Verwitterung beleuchtet. Physikalische und chemische Verwitterungsprozesse werden anhand von Laborversuchen und Tests empirisch erfasst. Diese werden mit den festgestellten spezifischen petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften der unterschiedlichen Gesteine korreliert und im Zusammenhang mit den in situ festgestellten Verwitterungsphänomenen und –prozessen diskutiert. Um die unterschiedlichen Einflüsse der Verwitterungs- und Umweltbelastungen zu evaluieren, wird die Natursteinverwitterung an drei Standorten – dem industriell geprägten Köln, Xanten mit einem städtischen Klima und im ländlichen Altenberg im Bergischen Land – vergleichend studiert. Hierbei zeigt sich der starke Einfluss der Luftverschmutzung auf die Natursteinverwitterung nicht nur für karbonatische sondern auch für silikatische Gesteine. Beispielhaft werden am Drachenfels Trachyt die Mineralkomposition, die Gefügeeigenschaften und die petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften des Gesteins im Gesamtzusammenhang miteinander korreliert und mit den festgestellten Schadensphänomenen und den ermittelten physikalischen und chemischen Verwitterungsprozessen abgeglichen. Aus diesen Erkenntnissen heraus wird ein Modell zur Verwitterung dieses Naturwerksteins entwickelt. In Hinblick auf Natursteinersatz als Erhaltungsmaßnahme für historische Kulturgüter aus Stein werden die Untersuchungsergebnisse, die Erkenntnisse aus den Laborversuchen und den Diskussionen zusammengeführt und bestehende grundsätzliche Anforderungen an ein Ersatzgestein weiter differenziert. Die verschiedenen Wechselwirkungsmechanismen der unterschiedlichen Naturwerksteine, die in einem Bauwerk verbaut sind, werden vor dem Hintergrund ihrer petrophysikalischen Charakteristika sowie ihres Verwitterungsverhaltens bewertet. Basierend auf dieser Beurteilung wird eine Auswahl-Systematik entwickelt, die die Evaluierung der Verträglichkeit von historischen und modernen Austauschgesteinen für historische Bauwerke unterstützt.
Aufgrund seiner langen über 600 Jahre währenden Baugeschichte ist der Kölner Dom aus über 50 verschiedenen Bausteinen errichtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit bezieht sich dabei auf acht Haupt-Bausteine. Die untersuchten „Dom-Bausteine“ sind der Drachenfels Trachyt, der Stenzelberg Latit, der Obernkirchener und der Schlaitdorfer Sandstein, der Krensheimer Muschelkalk, die Londorfer Basaltlava sowie der Montemerlo Trachyt und der Bozanov Sandstein. Eine Verwendung ähnlicher Naturwerksteine ist auch beim Xantener und beim Altenberger Dom festzustellen, die ebenfalls aus dem 13. Jahrhundert stammen. Für diese drei mittelalterlichen Bauwerke wurden nicht nur zu ihrer Entstehungszeit sondern auch in späteren Restaurierungs- und Wiederinstandsetzungsmaßnahmen ähnliche Bausteine verwendet. Kapitel 2 der vorliegenden Arbeit stellt die drei Kathedralen in ihrem bauhistorischen Kontext vor und zeigt die Verwendung der unterschiedlichen Naturwerksteine auf. Es erwies sich schon zu ihrer Erbauungszeit und auch zu Zeiten des Weiterbaus, dass die Frage nach einem adäquaten Ersatzgestein entscheidend war, seit der ursprünglich verwendete Drachenfels Trachyt ab dem 19. Jahrhundert für Weiterbau- und Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen nicht mehr zur Verfügung stand.
Die Umweltbedingungen an den drei Standorten unterscheiden sich sehr stark: Der Kölner Dom ist in einem industriell geprägten Raum zu finden, das städtische Klima von Xanten zeigt geringe industrielle Prägung, während Altenberg in einer ländlichen waldreichen Gegend liegt. Diese drei unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen der Kathedralen werden in Kapitel 3 beleuchtet. Darüber hinaus, werden mikroklimatische Feuchtigkeits- und Temperatur-Messungen und die entsprechenden Verteilungen in verschiedenen Bausteinen des Kölner Doms vorgestellt. Sensoren wurden in situ platziert in unterschiedlichen Tiefen innerhalb der jeweiligen Bauwerksteine und in unterschiedlich exponierten Bereichen des Bauwerks. Diese Messungen sollen dazu beitragen, die Wechselwirkungen von Feuchtigkeits- und Temperatur-Verteilung in den Bauwerksgesteinen mit den festgestellten Schäden und untersuchten Verwitterungsprozessen zu korrelieren.
Die Naturwerksteine an den drei Bauwerken in den unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen zeigen ähnliche Verwitterungsmuster. Am Kölner Dom ist eine sehr starke Naturstein-Verwitterung festzustellen, die die statische Sicherheit von Gebäudeteilen mitunter gefährdet. Der Drachenfels Trachyt zeigt ausgeprägte Verwitterungsmerkmale, wie Schalen- und Schuppenbildung, strukturelle Entfestigung und Bröckelzerfall bis hin zum Totalverlust. Auch die anderen Bauwerksgesteine wie Sand- und Kalksteine sowie vulkanische Gesteine zeigen signifikante Verwitterung. Die unterschiedlichen Verwitterungsphänomene sind in Kapitel 4 dargestellt. Am Xantener und Altenberger Dom wurden ähnliche Verwitterungsmerkmale festgestellt, allerdings in viel geringerem Umfang und geringerer Intensität. Die Prozesse, die die Verwitterung begründen, sind vergleichbar. Diese werden von der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung und den Gefügeeigenschaften der jeweiligen Steine bestimmt, die wiederum die petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Dadurch wird deutlich, dass die unterschiedliche Intensitätsausprägung an den drei Bauwerken in den unterschiedlichen umweltklimatischen Bedingungen begründet liegt.
Die Eigenschaften und gesteinsspezifischen Charakteristika der acht untersuchten „Dom-Bausteine“ sind festgestellt worden. In Kapitel 5 werden ihre petrographischen und petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften sowie ihr Feuchte- und Temperaturverhalten als auch ihre Festigkeitsparameter bestimmt. Diese Eigenschaften werden miteinander korreliert in Hinblick auf ihren wechselwirkenden Einfluss und ihre Abhängigkeiten untereinander und sie werden in Hinblick auf ihren Einfluss auf die typischen Verwitterungsphänomene der einzelnen Steine diskutiert.
Kapitel 6 beschreibt Experimente und Tests zur physikalischen Verwitterung von Naturwerksteinen. Das Trocknungsverhalten der acht „Dom-Bausteine“ sowie ihr Verhalten bei zyklischer Frost-Tau-Belastung und Salzbelastung werden diskutiert. Die Test-Ergebnisse werden mit den gesteinsspezifischen Eigenschaften korreliert und mit dem in situ beobachteten Verfall verglichen.
Die Ergebnisse von verschiedenen chemischen Experimenten werden in Kapitel 7 diskutiert und sollen zum Verständnis von chemischen Verwitterungsreaktionen der unterschiedlichen Steine beitragen. Neben einer generellen Beurteilung ihrer Säureresistenz soll ihr Lösungsverhalten in unterschiedlichen Lösungen untersucht werden. Mögliche chemische Verwitterungsreaktionen werden diskutiert, um das Verhalten der Naturwerksteine in unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen zu beleuchten
Nachdem die einzelnen extrinsischen Faktoren (u.a. Klima- und Umweltbedingungen) sowie die intrinsischen Faktoren der einzelnen Steine (petrophysikalische Eigenschaften und Mineralkomposition sowie Gefügeeigenschaften, etc.) erfasst und ihr physikalisches und chemisches Verwitterungsverhalten in Tests empirisch festgestellt wurde, werden in einem nächsten Schritt diese verschiedenen, sehr komplexen wechselwirkenden Verwitterungsreaktionen und –prozesse physikalischer und chemischer Art in situ untersucht. Kapitel 8 stellt die Untersuchungen an den verschiedenen Bauwerksteinen der drei unterschiedlichen Standorte des Kölner, Xantener und Altenberger Doms vor. Die Bildung schwarzer Verwitterungskrusten als Hauptindikator für die Natursteinverwitterung im Zusammenhang mit Luftverschmutzung variiert sehr stark in diesen drei unterschiedlichen – industriell geprägten, städtischen und ländlichen – Klimata. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass sich nicht nur auf Karbonatgesteinen schwarze Verwitterungskrusten bilden, sondern auch auf silikatischen Naturwerksteinen. Die Krustenbildung auf dem Drachenfels Trachyt ist hauptsächlich durch extrinsische Faktoren bestimmt, dabei können benachbarte Gesteine zu dieser Krustenbildung mit beitragen. Für den Drachenfels Trachyt wird ein Verwitterungsmodell entwickelt, das die Wechselwirkung der verschiedenen Rückkopplungsmechanismen physikalischer und chemischer Verwitterungsprozesse als Funktion intrinsischer und extrinsischer Faktoren darstellt.
Im abschließenden Kapitel wird die anfangs gestellte Frage nach einem adäquaten Ersatzgestein aufgegriffen. Vor dem Hintergrund der unterschiedlichen durchgeführten Untersuchungen und daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden mögliche Wechselwirkungen der unterschiedlichen miteinander verbauten Werksteine beleuchtet. Grundsätzliche Anforderungen an Ersatzgesteine umfassen mineralogische, optische und petrophysikalische Eigenschaften. Die starke Divergenz der festgestellten Steinparameter der verschiedenen untersuchten Gesteine (Mineralkomposition, Porosität, Wasseraufnahme und –sättigung, Trocknungsverhalten, Feuchte- und Temperaturdehnung, Festigkeitsparameter, etc.) zeigt, dass es anhand dieses Anforderungskataloges fast unmöglich ist, ein ideales Ersatzgestein zu finden, falls die Parameter nicht differenzierter betrachtet werden. Dazu wird die Summe der Eigenschaften und Charakteristika in Hinblick auf ihre Signifikanz für die Materialeigenschaften und das Materialverhalten auf der einen Seite sowie für die Ausprägung von Schadensphänomenen und ihr Verwitterungsverhalten auf der anderen Seite miteinander korreliert und bewertet. Anhand einer entsprechenden Punktevergabe werden ein „Material-interner Index“ und ein „Verwitterungs-Index“ erstellt. Aus diesen beiden Bewertungs-Skalen ergeben sich die „Schlüssel-Parameter“ des Originalgesteins, die bei einem Kompatibilitätsabgleich mit einem potenziellen Austauschgestein im Rahmen des genannten Anforderungskataloges übereinstimmen sollten. Diese systematische Herangehensweise der Evaluierung führt zu einer Entwicklung von allgemeinen Qualitätskriterien für die Kompatibilität zur Auswahl geeigneter Ersatzgesteine für historische Bauwerke, in denen mehr als ein Naturwerkstein verbaut ist. Sie trägt zur Beurteilung der Verträglichkeit von historischen und modernen Austauschmaterialien in einem Bauwerk bei.
Die neu gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen also einen Beitrag leisten bei der Aufstellung von Sanierungs- und Konservierungskonzepten, im Besonderen bei der Evaluierung von Materialkompatibilitäten und der entsprechenden Auswahl von Ersatzgestein, und damit die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von qualitativ hochwertigen Erhaltungsstrategien für Baudenkmäler aus Naturwerkstein unterstützen.
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Application of computer simulation and artificial intelligence technologies for modeling and optimization of food thermal processingChen, Cuiren, 1962- January 2001 (has links)
The major objective of this project was to evaluate the feasibility of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and genetic algorithms (GAs) for modeling and optimization of food thermal processing. The specific objectives were: (1) to develop a comprehensive computer simulation program for thermal processing, (2) to apply ANNs and GAs for modeling and optimization of constant retort temperature (CRT) thermal processing and variable retort temperature (VRT) thermal processing, (3) to develop dynamic models for thermal processing using ANNs, and (4) to explore ANN-model-based analysis of critical control points for deviant thermal processes. / As a preliminary research, neural network models were successfully developed for modeling of residence time distribution (RTD) under aseptic processing conditions. The main configuration parameters of neural networks such as the number of hidden layers and their neurons, learning runs, choice of transfer functions and learning rules were optimized. / In order to provide experimental data needed for developing and testing of ANN models and GA optimization, a comprehensive finite difference computer simulation program for thermal processing was first developed in MS Visual Basic language, which could be used for simulating different thermal processes such as constant retort temperature (CRT) and variable retort temperature (VRT) thermal processing. / The second objective was focused on developing modeling and optimization methods for CRT thermal processing using ANNs and GAs. The ANN models were developed for predicting process time, average quality retention, surface cook value, final temperature difference, lethality ratio, and equivalent energy consumption. Using this optimization program, the effects of process variables on the optimal retort temperature and the maximum average quality retention were investigated. / The final part of the thesis research was focused on applying ANN methods for the analysis of critical control points (CCPs) for deviant thermal processes, one of the important steps required for developing hazard analysis of critical control points (HACCP) program. The results indicated that ANN models could be efficiently used for the analysis of CCPs of thermal processing. Such a concept can be expanded for developing an ANN based HACCP expert system for thermal processing. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Radio-Frequency thermal treatments for agri-food productsOrsat, Valérie. January 1999 (has links)
Although radio-frequency (RF) methods have been used for decades in many heating and drying processes, there is still a need for more engineering design data related to the design of the applicators and the performance of these systems before costly prototypes are built. Energy, temperature, and the effect produced by the high frequency field parameters on biological materials need to be examined with regard to their effects on the resulting processing requirements. / Wheat-seed infection by a fungus such as Fusarium graminearum can considerably lower the seed germination and the quality of the harvest. A study was thus conducted to determine the combined effect of different levels of RF power, temperature, and moisture content on the quality of seed-grade wheat and fungus inactivation. Similar treatment combinations were studied with seed-grade soybean in view on improving germination. With higher power, higher temperature (90°C) and higher moisture content (14%), the fungus mortality significantly increased, with a fungal vigour of less than 0.1, and the germination quality of the seeds decreased to a germination vigour below 0.3. For soybean seeds, only treatments of low RF intensity (60°C) were successful in improving germination vigour especially at lowest moisture content typically found in stored seeds. / RF treated wheat was studied to identify the relationship between heating conditions and grain quality categorized in terms of kernel viability and structural damage. / The potential of an RF thermal treatment to improve and extend the storability of vacuum packaged carrot sticks was investigated. The results have shown that it is possible to treat carrot sticks to 60°C in less than 2 min to reduce the initial microbial load. The RF-treatments maintained colour, the vacuum of the packages, and the excellent taste of the carrot sticks. / RF heating was studied for the pasteurization of prepared samples of ham. The ham samples were brought to internal temperatures of 75 and 85°C, by RF heating with a 10 min residence time. The study indicates that radio-frequency heating can improve the storability of re-packed hams by reducing the bacterial load, reducing moisture loss during storage and maintaining an overall greater product quality. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Purification, characterization, production and application of biopreservatives from Bacillus speciesAl-Zenki, Sameer F. January 2000 (has links)
A total of twenty-eight Bacillus spp. isolated from value-added surimi nuggets and their raw ingredients, were tested against each other and selected reference strains of Bacillus and Clostridium for their production of inhibitory substances using the deferred antagonism assay plating method. The isolated Bacillus strains showed inhibitory activity against all Bacillus strains, with the exception of the producer strain, as well as being effective against various strains of C. botulinum (type A, B and E). Subsequent studies showed that the inhibitory activity was detected in the culture supernatant in the late stationary phase of growth prior to sporulation. The inhibitory activity of two Bacillus strains (FN2A and FN33) were selected for further study. The inhibitory substances produced by these two strains were proteinaceous in nature, heat stable (100°C for 15min) and unaffected by organic solvents. A comprehensive study was conducted on the structural characterization of the inhibitor produced by B. subtilis FN2A using FPLC, FTIR, MS and MS/MS. Structural analysis of the inhibitor produced by B. subtilis FN2A showed that it was similar in structure to Surfactin. / Preliminary studies have shown that the Surfactin-like-compound from B. subtilis FN2A was produced in significant amounts during growth in bread with maximum production occurring in the late stationary phase (72h), at 30--35°C and at pH 6.5--7.0. Optimization studies on the production of the Surfactin-like-compound by B. subtilis FN2A in bread using a response surface methodology approach showed that temperature (33--36°C); autoclaving time (30 min); inoculum level (4%), alkali pre-treatment (0.16%), water activity (0.995) and pH 6.66 enhanced the production of the Surfactin-like-compound in bread. The compound produced under these optimal conditions also maintained its activity when subjected to various processing treatments (autoclaving, freezing and freeze drying). / Initial studies showed that low levels (1% w/w) of the Surfactin-like-compound inhibited the growth of B. cereus and proteolytic and non-proteolytic strains of C. botulinum in a model agar system. However, it had no effect on non-proteolytic strains of C. botulinum when bread, or methanol extracts of bread (1--20%), were added to formulated value-added sterile trout nuggets, with all nuggets being toxic after 28 days at 12°C. Furthermore, inoculation of B. subtilis FN2A directly into nuggets also failed to inhibit growth of non-proteolytic strains of C. botulinum. Omitting certain ingredients in the formulation failed to enhance the anti-botulinal effect of the bread or methanol extracts of the Surfactin-like-compound in the value-added nuggets. However, reducing the pH of the nuggets to ~5.5 enhanced the anti-botulinal effect of the Surfactin-like-compound. Further research is required to improve the dispersibility of the Surfactin-like-compound to inhibit the growth of C. botulinum in food systems.
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Studies on high pressure processing of orange juice : enzyme inactivation, microbial destruction, and quality changes, process verification and storageBasak, Sarmistha. January 2001 (has links)
High pressure (HP) processing has been emerging rapidly as a novel technique for non-thermal preservation of foods. Application of HP processing for shelf life extension of orange juice was the principal objective of the current research. To accomplish this objective, and to establish a scientific basis for HP processing of orange juice, a systemic approach was used which included the evaluation of: (a) HP inactivation kinetics of pectin methyl esterase (PME, the key enzyme in orange juice implicated with respect to quality changes), (b) destruction of spoilage microorganisms and changes in product quality, (c) HP process verification and finally, (d) storage studies on HP treated orange juice. / In preliminary studies, the effect of HP treatment on indigenous microorganisms, texture and color of selected fresh fruits and vegetables were evaluated. Results showed that HP had a significant effect on the destruction of microorganisms. Product texture and color were mildly affected, often resembling the appearance of mildly heat-treated products. / Pressure induced inactivation kinetics of pectin methyl esterase (PME) was investigated at pH 3.7 and 3.2 in freshly squeezed single strength (12.6°Brix) and concentrated (10--40° Brix) orange juice. Results showed a biphasic nature of pressure induced inactivation of PME in both juices. The first phase consisted of rapid change in inactivation of enzyme, designated as instantaneous pressure kill (IPK), due to pulse pressurization, followed by gradual inactivation of enzyme, characterized by a first order rate of inactivation during pressure hold-time. / Combination treatment involving pressure cycle, pressure level and pressure hold-time was then evaluated for inactivation of PME using a response surface methodology. Overall, pressure pulse had a lower effect on inactivation of PME compared to other factors. / Pressure destruction kinetics of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Saccharomyces cerevisiae the spoilage organisms in orange juice, were then investigated. Pressure destruction kinetics followed the same dual effect behavior, as observed with PME inactivation. IPK effect increased with pressure cycles and was more pronounced with S. cerevisiae that Leu. mesenteroides. / Storage studies of HP treated single strength and concentrated orange juice were conducted at selected temperatures (4, 10 and 20°C). Results showed that treated juice was microbiologically stable from a few days to several weeks depending on type of juice, storage temperature and processing conditions. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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New right, old Canada : an analysis of the political thought and activities of selected contemporary right-wing organizationsFoster, Bruce Wayne 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of a moral, cultural and political movement referred to as the New
Right. Its specific focus is on three Canadian right-wing organizations, each of which exhibits
particular characteristics while at the same time sharing the basic ideological assumptions of the
others. These organizations and their particular characteristics are: i) the prolife/profamily
REAL Women of Canada and moral conservatism, ii) the anti-bilingualism and anti-Charter
Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada (APEC) and cultural conservatism, and iii)
what was arguably the dominant New Right organization during its time — and as I show, among
the weaker links in the New Right chain — the Reform Party of Canada and conservative
Though Reform was a relatively successful federal political party and the other two are
pressure groups, the members in each nevertheless conceive of their respective organizations as
vehicles for the authentic views of "the people." In other words, of these organizations see
themselves as the true representatives of the majprity of citizens in English-speaking Canada who,
they allege, have been deliberately denied political influence commensurate with their numbers
since the era of left-leaning, "special interest" politics, policies and moral-cultural values took
hold beginning in the late 1960s.
By analyzing the New Right phenomenon in general and the three Canadian groups in
particular, this project seeks to a) understand the ideological perspective of the movement; b)
assess whatever tension, be it normative, policy-driven or strategic, existed between the groups
examined herein; and c) determine whether or not such tension was indicative of a fundamental
wealkness in the Canadian New Right. I also draw upon three basic questions to frame the
analysis presented herein:
1. Is the Canadian New Right ideologically coherent?
2. What explains the New Right's relative lack of success in Canadian politics?
3. Is there a future for the New Right in Canadian politics?
I keep these questions in mind throughout the thesis and reconsider them specifically in the
concluding chapter.
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Digital ‘Publishing’ Services at UBC Library: cIRcle and moreColenbrander, Hilde 30 April 2009 (has links)
The UBC Library along with many other research libraries is beginning to develop a range of publishing support services for faculty and students. This presentation focuses on cIRcle, the Library's institutional repository, and was delivered as part of a graduate seminar in the Dept of English on April 2, 2009.
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Beyond tokenism : aboriginal involvement in archaeological resource management in British ColumbiaDe Paoli, Maria Luisa 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis provides an analysis of aboriginal involvement in archaeological resource
management in British Columbia and explores the potential of co-operative arrangements for the
development of a more inclusive management regime. The objectives of the thesis are (i) to
investigate the role of First Nations in the development of archaeology and archaeological
resource management, (ii) to compare aboriginal community-based heritage management
initiatives in B.C. with those operating within the Yukon and Northwest Territories and the U.S.,
(iii) to develop an aboriginal involvement framework to analyze aboriginal participation in
archaeological resource management in B.C., and (iv) to assess the opportunities and constraints
to increased aboriginal involvement in archaeological resource management in B.C.
Preliminary chapters outline the historical, legislative, and theoretical contexts for this
study. Relevant literature is reviewed to provide a discussion of the development of archaeology
and its effects on aboriginal people. The creation of a management ethic for archaeology is
presented together with the nature of aboriginal participation in the management process.
Secondly, literature pertaining to aboriginal involvement in resource management is surveyed to
provide a context for analyzing aboriginal participation in archaeological resource management.
From this review an aboriginal involvement framework is developed. Based on the
themes discussed in preceding chapters and the proposed framework, six key concepts of
aboriginal involvement in archaeological resource management are identified to provide
structure for an analysis of aboriginal involvement in archaeological resource management in
B.C. Next, in case study format, the Sto:lo Nation's approach to heritage management is
analyzed using the key concepts distilled from the framework. The Sto:lo Nation's experience
with managing archaeology is followed by a discussion of the provincial approach to
archaeological resource management. The contrasting nature of both the Sto:lo Nation's and the
Province's approaches to archaeological resource management is discussed and the difficulties
inherent in developing a more inclusive management regime are highlighted.
Finally, a set of opportunities and constraints to the development of a co-operative
approach to archaeological resource management is outlined. This set is derived both from the
events and literature discussed in the previous chapters as well as the results of the case study
investigation. A pilot project for the co-operative management of archaeological resources is
suggested and the benefits of such an approach are discussed. The thesis closes with the
presentation of conditions to facilitate the development of co-operative management of
archaeological resources in B.C.
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