Spelling suggestions: "subject:"probabilistic a'method"" "subject:"probabilistic 20method""
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Extremal and probabilistic problems in order types / Problemas extremais e probabilísticos em o-tiposSales, Marcelo Tadeu de Sá Oliveira 15 June 2018 (has links)
A configuration is a finite set of points in the plane. Two configurations have the same order type if there exists a bijection between them that preserves the orientation of every ordered triple. A configuration A contains a copy of a configuration B if some subset of A has the same order type of B and we denote this by B \\subset A. For a configuration B and a integer N, the extremal number ex(N,B)=max{|A|: B ot \\subset A \\subset [N]^2} is the maximum size of a subset of [N]^2 without a copy of B. We give an upper bound for general and convex cases. A random N-set is a set obtained by randomly choosing N points uniformly and independently in the unit square. A configuration is n-universal if contains all order types in general position of size n. We obtain the threshold for the n-universal property up to a log log factor, that is, we obtain integers N_0 and N_1 with log log N_1=O(log log N_0) such that if N >> N_1 (N << N_0), then a random N-set is n-universal with probability tending to 1 (tending to 0). We also determine a bound for the probability of obtaining a random set without a copy of a fixed configuration. / Uma configuração é um conjunto finito de pontos no plano. Duas configurações possuem o mesmo o-tipo se existe uma bijeção entre elas que preserva a orientação de toda tripla orientada. Uma configuração A contém uma cópia da configuração B se algum subconjunto de A possui o mesmo o-tipo que B e denotamos este fato por B \\subset A. Para uma configuração B e um inteiro N, o número extremal ex(N,B)=max{|A|: B ot \\subset A \\subset [N]^2} é o maior tamanho de um subconjunto de [N]^2 sem uma cópia de B. Neste trabalho, determinamos cotas superiores para o caso geral e para o caso convexo. Um N-conjunto aleatório é um conjunto obtido escolhendo N pontos uniformemente e independentemente ao acaso do quadrado unitário. Uma configuração é n-universal se contém todos os o-tipos de tamanho n. Determinamos o limiar da propriedade de um N-conjunto aleatório ser n-universal a menos de erros da ordem de log log, isto é, determinamos inteiros N_0 e N_1 com log log N_0=O(log log N_1) tais que se N >> N_1 (N << N_0), então o N-conjunto aleatório é n-universal com probabilidade tendendo a 1 (tendendo a 0). Também obtivemos cotas para a probabilidade de um conjunto aleatório não possuir determinado o-tipo.
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On the Erdös-Turán conjecture and related resultsXiao, Stanley Yao January 2011 (has links)
The Erdös-Turán Conjecture, posed in 1941 in, states that if a subset B of natural numbers is such that every positive integer n can be written as the sum of a bounded number of terms from B, then the number of such representations must be unbounded as n tends to infinity. The case for h = 2 was given a positive answer by Erdös in 1956. The case for arbitrary h was given by Erdös and Tetali in 1990. Both of these proofs use the probabilistic method, and so the result only shows the existence of such bases but such bases are not given explicitly. Kolountzakis gave an effective algorithm that is polynomial with respect to the digits of n to compute such bases. Borwein, Choi, and Chu showed that the number of representations cannot be bounded by 7. Van Vu showed that the Waring bases contain thin sub-bases. We will discuss these results in the following work.
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On the Erdös-Turán conjecture and related resultsXiao, Stanley Yao January 2011 (has links)
The Erdös-Turán Conjecture, posed in 1941 in, states that if a subset B of natural numbers is such that every positive integer n can be written as the sum of a bounded number of terms from B, then the number of such representations must be unbounded as n tends to infinity. The case for h = 2 was given a positive answer by Erdös in 1956. The case for arbitrary h was given by Erdös and Tetali in 1990. Both of these proofs use the probabilistic method, and so the result only shows the existence of such bases but such bases are not given explicitly. Kolountzakis gave an effective algorithm that is polynomial with respect to the digits of n to compute such bases. Borwein, Choi, and Chu showed that the number of representations cannot be bounded by 7. Van Vu showed that the Waring bases contain thin sub-bases. We will discuss these results in the following work.
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Coloration de graphes épars / Colouring sparse graphsPirot, Francois 13 September 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour thème la coloration de diverses classes de graphes épars. Shearer montra en 1983 [She83] que le ratio d'indépendance des graphes sans triangle de degré maximal d est au moins (1-o(1))ln d/d, et 13 ans plus tard Johansson [Joh96] démontra que le nombre chromatique de ces graphes est au plus O(d/ln d) quand d tend vers l'infini. Ce dernier résultat fut récemment amélioré par Molloy [Mol19], qui montra que la borne (1+o(1))d/ln d est valide quand d tend vers l'infini.Tandis que le résultat de Molloy s'exprime à l'aide d'un paramètre global, le degré maximal du graphe, nous montrons qu'il est possible de l'étendre à la coloration locale. Il s'agit de la coloration par liste, où la taille de la liste associée à chaque sommet ne dépend que de son degré. Avec une méthode différente se basant sur les propriétés de la distribution hard-core sur les ensembles indépendants d'un graphe, nous obtenons un résultat similaire pour la coloration fractionnaire locale, avec des hypothèses plus faibles. Nous démontrons également un résultat concernant la coloration fractionnaire locale des graphes où chaque sommet est contenu dans un nombre borné de triangles, et une borne principalement optimale sur le taux d'occupation — la taille moyenne des ensembles indépendants — de ces graphes. Nous considérons également les graphes de maille 7, et prouvons des résultats similaires qui améliorent les bornes précédemment connues quand le degré maximal du graphe est au plus 10^7. Finalement, pour les graphes d-réguliers où d vaut 3, 4, ou 5, de maille g variant entre 6 et 12, nous démontrons de nouvelles bornes inférieures sur le ratio d'indépendance.Le Chapitre 2 est dédié à la coloration à distance t d'un graphe, qui généralise la notion de coloration forte des arêtes. Nous cherchons à étendre le théorème de Johansson à la coloration à distance t, par l'exclusion de certains cycles. Le résultat de Johansson s'obtient par exclusion des triangles, ou des cycles de taille k pour n'importe quelle valeur de k. Nous montrons que l'exclusion des cycles de taille 2k, pour n'importe quel k>t, a un effet similaire sur le nombre chromatique à distance t, et sur l'indice chromatique à distance t+1. En outre, quand t est impair, une conclusion similaire peut se faire pour le nombre chromatique à distance t par l'exclusion des cycles de d'une taille impaire fixée valant au moins 3t. Nous étudions l'optimalité de ces résultats à l'aide de constructions de nature combinatoire, algébrique, et probabiliste.Dans le Chapitre 3, nous nous intéressons à la densité bipartie induite des graphes sans triangle, un paramètre relaxant celui de la coloration fractionnaire. Motivés par une conjecture de Esperet, Kang, et Thomassé [EKT19], qui prétend que la densité bipartie induite de graphes sans triangle de degré moyen d est au moins de l'ordre de ln d, nous démontrons cette conjecture quand d est suffisamment grand en termes du nombre de sommets n, à savoir d est au moins de l'ordre de (n ln n)^(1/2). Ce résultat ne pourrait être amélioré que par une valeur de l'ordre de ln n, ce que nous montrons à l'aide d'une construction reposant sur le processus sans triangle. Nos travaux se ramènent à un problème intéressant, celui de déterminer le nombre chromatique fractionnaire maximal d'un graphe épars à n sommets. Nous prouvons des bornes supérieures non triviales pour les graphes sans triangle, et pour les graphes dont chaque sommet appartient à un nombre borné de triangles.Cette thèse est reliée aux nombres de Ramsey. À ce jour, le meilleur encadrement connu sur R(3,t) nous est donné par le résultat de Shearer, et par une analyse récente du processus sans triangle [BoKe13+,FGM13+], ce qui donne(1-o(1)) t²/(4 ln t) < R(3,t) < (1+o(1)) t²/ln t. (1)Beaucoup de nos résultats ne pourraient être améliorés à moins d'améliorer par la même occasion (1), ce qui constituerait une révolution dans la théorie de Ramsey quantitative. / This thesis focuses on generalisations of the colouring problem in various classes of sparse graphs.Triangle-free graphs of maximum degree d are known to have independence ratio at least (1-o(1))ln d/d by a result of Shearer [She83], and chromatic number at most O(d/ln d) by a result of Johansson [Joh96], as d grows to infinity. This was recently improved by Molloy, who showed that the chromatic number of triangle-free graphs of maximum degree d is at most (1+o(1))d/ln d as d grows to infinity.While Molloy's result is expressed with a global parameter, the maximum degree of the graph, we first show that it is possible to extend it to local colourings. Those are list colourings where the size of the list associated to a given vertex depends only on the degree of that vertex. With a different method relying on the properties of the hard-core distribution on the independent sets of a graph, we obtain a similar result for local fractional colourings, with weaker assumptions. We also provide an analogous result concerning local fractional colourings of graphs where each vertex is contained in a bounded number of triangles, and a sharp bound for the occupancy fraction — the average size of an independent set — of those graphs. In another direction, we also consider graphs of girth 7, and prove related results which improve on the previously known bounds when the maximum degree does not exceed 10^7. Finally, for d-regular graphs with d in the set {3,4,5}, of girth g varying between 6 and 12, we provide new lower bounds on the independence ratio.The second chapter is dedicated to distance colourings of graphs, a generalisation of strong edge-colourings. Extending the theme of the first chapter, we investigate minimal sparsity conditions in order to obtain Johansson-like results for distance colourings. While Johansson's result follows from the exclusion of triangles — or actually of cycles of any fixed length — we show that excluding cycles of length 2k, provided that k>t, has a similar effect for the distance-t chromatic number and the distance-(t+1) chromatic index. When t is odd, the same holds for the distance-t chromatic number by excluding cycles of fixed odd length at least 3t. We investigate the asymptotic sharpness of our results with constructions of combinatorial, algebraic, and probabilistic natures.In the third chapter, we are interested in the bipartite induced density of triangle-free graphs, a parameter which conceptually lies between the independence ratio and the fractional chromatic number. Motivated by a conjecture of Esperet, Kang, and Thomassé [EKT19], which states that the bipartite induced density of a triangle-free graph of average degree d should be at least of the order of ln d, we prove that the conjecture holds for when d is large enough in terms of the number of vertices n, namely d is at least of the order of (n ln n)^(1/2). Our result is shown to be sharp up to term of the order of ln n, with a construction relying on the triangle-free process. Our work on the bipartite induced density raises an interesting related problem, which aims at determining the maximum possible fractional chromatic number of sparse graph where the only known parameter is the number of vertices. We prove non trivial upper bounds for triangle-free graphs, and graphs where each vertex belongs to a bounded number of triangles.All the content of this thesis is a collection of specialisations of the off-diagonal Ramsey theory. To this date, the best-known bounds on the off-diagonal Ramsey number R(3,t) come from the aforementioned result of Shearer for the upper-bound, and a recent analysis of the triangle-free process [BoKe13+,FGM13+] for the lower bound, giving(1-o(1)) t²/(4 ln t) < R(3,t) < (1+o(1)) t²/ln t. (1)Many of our results are best possible barring an improvement of (1), which would be a breakthrough in off-diagonal Ramsey theory.
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Expandergraphen und DerandomisierungFetsch, Christian 20 October 2017 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Artikel 'Derandomizing the Ahlswede-Winter matrix-valued Chernoff bound using pessimistic estimators, and applications' von Wigderson und Xiao detailliert nachvollzogen. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie der Beweis der matrixwertigen Chernoff-Ungleichung von Ahlswede und Winter verläuft. Mit diesen Ergebnissen und der Methode der pessimistischen Schätzer wird schließlich der Beweis des Alon-Roichman-Theorems entrandomisiert.
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Partial Covering Arrays and a Generalized Erdo′S - Ko - Rado PropertyCarey, Particia A., Godbole, Anant P. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The classical Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem states that if k≤ ⌊n/2⌋ then the largest family of pairwise intersecting k-subsets of [n]={1,. ,n} is of size (n-1 k-1). A family of k subsets satisfying this pairwise intersecting property is called an EKR family. We generalize the EKR property and provide asymptotic lower bounds on the size of the largest family A of k-subsets of [n] that satis es the following property: For each A,B,CεA, each of the four sets A∩B∩C; A∩B∩C̃; A∩B̃∩C;Ã ∩B∩C are non-empty. This generalized EKR (GEKR) property is motivated, generalizations are suggested, and a comparison is made with fixed weight 3-covering arrays. Our techniques are probabilistic, and reminiscent of those used in (A. Godbole, D. Skipper, and R. Sunley, Comb Prob Computing 5 (1996), 105-118) and in the work of Roux, as cited in (N. J. A. Sloane, J Comb Designs 1 (1993), 51-63).
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Torsion in Homology of Random Simplicial ComplexesNewman, J. Andrew 11 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação de incertezas em modelo de dano com aplicação a prismas de alvenaria sob compressão / Evaluation of model uncertainties of a damage model with application in masonry prisms under compressionGonçalves Júnior, Luiz Aquino 27 August 2008 (has links)
A norma brasileira de cálculo de alvenaria é baseada no método de tensões admissíveis e passa por revisão para ser escrita no método dos estados limites. A confiabilidade estrutural é um ramo da engenharia que mede segurança das estruturas, sendo muitas vezes empregada para calibrar fatores de segurança. Para medir a confiabilidade de uma estrutura deve-se conhecer as incertezas que envolvem o problema. A incerteza de modelo estima a tendência do modelo (que pode ser eventualmente ser eliminada) e a variância do modelo (uma medida da sua variabilidade). O presente trabalho propõe um método de cálculo da incerteza de um modelo numérico de um prisma formado por três unidades concreto sujeito à compressão. O estudo numérico é feito em elementos finitos com análise não-linear baseada em dano. A incerteza é avaliada através de variáveis de projeto: tensão máxima, deformação na tensão máxima e módulo de elasticidade. São aplicados métodos probabilísticos para comparar resultados numéricos e ensaios experimentais disponíveis na literatura. Confronta-se a probabilidade de falha resultante de resistências corrigidas, sem correção e obtidas experimentalmente. Conclui-se que a incerteza de modelo é importante para quantificar a medida de segurança e deve ser levada em conta na análise da confiabilidade de uma estrutura. O procedimento também é útil para qualificar e comparar modelos de cálculo, com aplicações em alvenaria ou quaisquer outros tipos de estruturas. / The brazilian masonry code is based on the allowable stress method and is currently in revision to be written in the partial safety factor format. Structural reliability is a branch of engineering which allows quantitative evaluation of the safety of structures, being useful in the calibration of safety factors. To measure structural safety, it is necessary to know the uncertainties present in the problem. Model error variables estimate the bias of the model (wich can eventually be eliminated) and the variance of the model (a measure of the model variability). The present work suggests a method for evaluation of modeling uncertainty of the resistence of a prism made of three concrete units subject to compression. The numerical study is based on the finite element method and nonlinear analysis with damage mechanics. The uncertainty is evaluated by design variables: maximum stress, deformation in maximum stress and elasticity modulus of the prism. A probabilistic method is used to compare numerical results with experimental results taken from the literature. The probability of failure based on experimental resistances are compared with the probability of failure based on the model and corrected resistances. It is concluded that the model uncertainty is important to quantify safety and must be taken into account in structural reliability analysis. The procedure is also useful to qualify and compare different models, with application to masonry or other kinds of structural materials.
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Avaliação de incertezas em modelo de dano com aplicação a prismas de alvenaria sob compressão / Evaluation of model uncertainties of a damage model with application in masonry prisms under compressionLuiz Aquino Gonçalves Júnior 27 August 2008 (has links)
A norma brasileira de cálculo de alvenaria é baseada no método de tensões admissíveis e passa por revisão para ser escrita no método dos estados limites. A confiabilidade estrutural é um ramo da engenharia que mede segurança das estruturas, sendo muitas vezes empregada para calibrar fatores de segurança. Para medir a confiabilidade de uma estrutura deve-se conhecer as incertezas que envolvem o problema. A incerteza de modelo estima a tendência do modelo (que pode ser eventualmente ser eliminada) e a variância do modelo (uma medida da sua variabilidade). O presente trabalho propõe um método de cálculo da incerteza de um modelo numérico de um prisma formado por três unidades concreto sujeito à compressão. O estudo numérico é feito em elementos finitos com análise não-linear baseada em dano. A incerteza é avaliada através de variáveis de projeto: tensão máxima, deformação na tensão máxima e módulo de elasticidade. São aplicados métodos probabilísticos para comparar resultados numéricos e ensaios experimentais disponíveis na literatura. Confronta-se a probabilidade de falha resultante de resistências corrigidas, sem correção e obtidas experimentalmente. Conclui-se que a incerteza de modelo é importante para quantificar a medida de segurança e deve ser levada em conta na análise da confiabilidade de uma estrutura. O procedimento também é útil para qualificar e comparar modelos de cálculo, com aplicações em alvenaria ou quaisquer outros tipos de estruturas. / The brazilian masonry code is based on the allowable stress method and is currently in revision to be written in the partial safety factor format. Structural reliability is a branch of engineering which allows quantitative evaluation of the safety of structures, being useful in the calibration of safety factors. To measure structural safety, it is necessary to know the uncertainties present in the problem. Model error variables estimate the bias of the model (wich can eventually be eliminated) and the variance of the model (a measure of the model variability). The present work suggests a method for evaluation of modeling uncertainty of the resistence of a prism made of three concrete units subject to compression. The numerical study is based on the finite element method and nonlinear analysis with damage mechanics. The uncertainty is evaluated by design variables: maximum stress, deformation in maximum stress and elasticity modulus of the prism. A probabilistic method is used to compare numerical results with experimental results taken from the literature. The probability of failure based on experimental resistances are compared with the probability of failure based on the model and corrected resistances. It is concluded that the model uncertainty is important to quantify safety and must be taken into account in structural reliability analysis. The procedure is also useful to qualify and compare different models, with application to masonry or other kinds of structural materials.
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Strukturální vlastnosti dynamických náhodných sítí / Structural properties of random networks with dynamicsGajdová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Real systems are often represented by so-called complex networks. These networks have a specific connectivity structure given by the specifics of the studied systems. Since often insufficient or inaccurate data are available, a common approach is to model these systems at the level of this connectivity using random networks replicating specific prop- erties such as ease of connectivity, modularity or specific sparsity. The representation of these properties in basic complex network models is a widely explored area. However, if the presence of edges is controlled by a specific distributions or if an element of the dynamics of the overall graph is added to the model, the analysis of such models be- comes more complex. This thesis aims to investigate the properties of such dynamically dependent random models. 1
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