Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deproblem drug used"" "subject:"3dproblem drug used""
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Tématicko apercepční test u uživatelů drog / Thematic Apperception test in drug usersSlavíčková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
SLAVÍČKOVÁ, T. Tématicko apercepční test u uživatelů drog. Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, 2012. 140 s. Diplomová práce. Diplomová práce měla za cíl odhalit specifika použití TAT u problémových a závislých uživatelů drog a na základě srovnání s výsledky, kterých v testu dosáhla kontrolní skupina, přinést evidenci pro zhodnocení diagnostického potenciálu TAT u uživatelů drog. Výzkumné šetření bylo provedeno v Kolíně na klientech nízkoprahového kontaktního centra, které poskytuje služby harm reduction skryté populaci uživatelů nealkoholových drog. Těžiště výzkumu bezprostředně souvisí s metodou analýzy příběhů, jejichž vyprávění bylo u probandů vyvoláno předložením tabulí TAT. K analýze příběhů byl použit psychometricky zakotvený skórovací systém SCORS (Social Cognition - Object Relation Scale) současného amerického autora D. Westena. Použití TAT u uživatelů drog tak bylo zaměřeno na zhodnocení úrovně jejich fungování v sociálních vztazích. Metodologický princip diplomové práce tkví v induktivním usuzování a statistickém zpracování dat. Způsob zpracování dat, který je až na několik oblastí výhradně v režii kvantitativních metod, spolu s dostatečně velkým souborem zkoumaných osob umožňuje zobecnění důležitých rozdílů ve výsledcích TAT u výzkumné a kontrolní skupiny. V rámci analýzy...
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Vliv vyrůstání v zařízení ústavní péče na rozvoj závislosti u vybraných respondentů: případové studie / Influence of growth in institutional care facilities on the development of addiction at selected respondents: case studiesKunášková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Background: The main source of the thesis is John Bowlby's Attachment Theory and Erik Erikson's theory The Eight Ages of a Man. The thesis works with the assumption that the separation or loss of the mother figure, in this case by transition to institutional care, affects the personality development. Aim: The aim of this work is to find out whether separation from the parent figure or its complete loss is the main reason for their dependence on addictive substances, eventualy which other factors were present in their lives. The partial goal is to find out how the respondents are doing in relationships. File and methods: The thesis analyzes the life story of respondents through the application of selected theories. The sample consists of four clients of the SANANIM drop in center. A case report was elaborated through consulting sessions. Special attention is paid to institutional care, family environment and client's relationships. Results: Respondents perceive their stay in an institution care facilities as one of the factors that led to the substance abuse and their current lifestyle. It has been found that they find it more difficult to establish healthy relationships and deal with negative emotions, which may be one of the reasons of substance abuse. Key words: addictive substance, addiction,...
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Návrh pilotní studie léčby hepatitidy typu C u polyvalentních problémových uživatelů návykových látek s farmakologickou substitucí opioidů a metamfetaminu (HCV-PPDUSOM) / Design of Pilot Clinical Trial of Treatment of Hepatitis C in Polyvalent Problem Drug Users with Pharmacological Substitution of Opioids and Methamphetamine (HCV-PPDUSOM)Oktábec, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague First Faculty of Medicine Study programme: Specialization in Health Care Branch of Study: Addictology PharmDr. Bc. Zbyněk Oktábec, Ph.D. et Ph.D. Design of Pilot Clinical Trial of Treatment of Hepatitis C in Polyvalent Problem Drug Users with Pharmacological Substitution of Opioids and Methamphetamine (HCV-PPDUSOM) Master's Thesis Advisor: Mgr. Roman Gabrhelík, Ph.D. Prague, 2016 Abstract Hepatitis C is one of the most serious blood-borne complications of somatic health status of drug users. The HCV-positive injecting drug users are therefore directly indicated for the treatment of this type (and other types also) of hepatitis. Problematic adherence and treatment compliance is obvious in this group. Both foreign and domestic experiences show that stabilization of the use of illegal (and/or illegally acquired) substances is the essential part of the treatment of hepatitis. The interaction of the high quality treatment of somatic, psychosocial and add-on pharmacological care, including the substitution of illegal (and/or illegally acquired) drugs, leads to patient's increased compliance and adherence to HCV treatment. This diploma thesis is presenting both the theoretical frame and the study design of the pilot clinical trial of HCV treatment with the supportive substitution...
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Mapování a metodika zvládání somatických komplikací injekčních uživatelů drog / Mapping and metodological management of physical complications of injecting drug usersSpůrová, Nikol January 2014 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Drug abuse is a social problem with psychosocial and physical complications. The lifestyle of injection drug users (IUD) increases the risk of infectious as well as of non-infectious diseases. The workers of low-threshold programmes are often the first ones to encounter the physical complications of injection drug users, and the workers are accordingly often the ones who take the initiative in dealing with those complications. Mapping the possible solutions of injection drug users' complications by the workers of low-threshold programmes would respond to the needs for methodological approach widely available to the workers of low-threshold programmes. AIMS: The present thesis aims to describe the possible solutions to physical complications of injection drug users through mapping the solutions in the practice of the low-threshold programmes workers for drug users in Prague. SAMPLE: All the seven low-threshold programmes facilities based in Prague were appealed to participate on the research. Thirty eight respondents participated in the study (39 % outreach programs, 53 % drop-in centre, 8 % combined services) METHODS: The present research was carried out via questionnaire research. The output data was analysed through descriptive statistics. The standardized questions of the...
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Optimální síť drogových služeb a sonda do drogové scény regionu Jindřichohradecko / Optimal Network of Drug Services and Probe into Drug Scene in Region Jindřichův HradecSCHWARC, Štefan January 2007 (has links)
Diploma work provides description of a drug scene in the region Jindřichův Hradec. It characterizes recent network of services, and presents process as well as basic models of Harm Reduction services optimalization. It also provides analysis and description of problem drug use in four towns within the region {--} it is Jindřichův Hradec, Třeboň, Dačice and a smaller town České Velenice. Next to the analysis and description of recent situation the diploma work also attempts to estimate possible development of drug scene as well as drug services in the near future.
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Zacházení s vězněnými uživateli drog / Treatment of imprisoned drug usersKoňák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of the theoretical part of submitted theses is to describe the field of specialized treatment of imprisoned drug users. The author's emphasis is to put the specialized treatment to a broader frame of the Risk-needs theory as well as to the frame of physical diseases and mental disorders that are often associated with addiction or drug abuse. Different kinds of specialized interventions that are usually used for treatment of imprisoned drug users in different countries are described. There is although demonstrated in which way these interventions are implemented in Czech prison system. By these interventions are especially meant treatment on the entry at the prison, detoxification, counselling and other programs and interventions with low intensity. Especial emphasis is put on residential prison programmes such as prison therapeutic communities for drug users and on opioid substitution treatment. A great number of pages are dedicated to the research of effectivity of treatment programmes. In the practical part of submitted theses results of cross-sectional study that was implemented in all Czech prisons in three waves in 2010, 2012 and 2014 are presented. Representative samples of Czech prisoners were chosen for the purpose of this cross-sectional study. These prisoners were asked to...
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Symptômes dépressifs et consommation problématique de substances psychoactives : effets modérateurs du contexte socialRochon, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
Seulement une minorité d’adolescents qui consomment des substances psychoactives développe des problèmes significatifs reliés à cette consommation. Il importe donc de connaître et de comprendre les processus par lesquels se développe la consommation problématique afin de pouvoir la prévenir. Cette étude examine le rôle des symptômes dépressifs et des relations sociales dans le développement de la consommation problématique à l’adolescence. Plus précisément, elle vise à déterminer, à l’aide d’un devis longitudinal corrélationnel prospectif, si le soutien des pairs, le soutien des parents et la qualité de la relation maître-élève ont des effets modérateurs protecteurs sur la relation entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. L’échantillon utilisé pour cette étude est tiré de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement et comprend 4473 adolescents. Des régressions linéaires multiples ont été effectuées et ont démontré que les symptômes dépressifs et le soutien des parents augmentent le risque d’une consommation problématique, alors que le soutien des pairs le diminue. De plus, les résultats confirment le rôle protecteur du soutien des pairs, mais indiquent que le soutien des parents exacerbe le lien entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. Par ailleurs, la qualité de la relation maître-élève est associée à une consommation moins problématique uniquement chez les jeunes qui n’ont pas beaucoup de symptômes dépressifs. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées. / Of adolescents who use drugs, only a minority develops significant problems related to this drug use. It is then relevant to know and understand the processes by which this problematic consumption develops itself in order to be able to prevent it. This study examines the roles of depression symptoms and social relationships in the development of problematic drug use at the adolescence. More precisely, it aims at determining, with the help of a prospective correlational longitudinal design, if peers support, parental support and the quality of the teacher-student relationship have moderator effects on the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use. The sample used for this study is taken from the Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement and is comprised of 4473 teenagers. Multiple linear regressions were completed and showed that depressive symptoms enhance the risk of a problematic drug use to be developed, whereas peers support impairs it. Contrary to what was expected, results show that parental support enhances the risk of developing a problematic drug use and that the teacher-student relationship has no significant impact. Moreover, peers support has a protective role, parental support intensifies the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use, whereas the quality of the teacher-student relationship attenuates it.
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Symptômes dépressifs et consommation problématique de substances psychoactives : effets modérateurs du contexte socialRochon, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
Seulement une minorité d’adolescents qui consomment des substances psychoactives développe des problèmes significatifs reliés à cette consommation. Il importe donc de connaître et de comprendre les processus par lesquels se développe la consommation problématique afin de pouvoir la prévenir. Cette étude examine le rôle des symptômes dépressifs et des relations sociales dans le développement de la consommation problématique à l’adolescence. Plus précisément, elle vise à déterminer, à l’aide d’un devis longitudinal corrélationnel prospectif, si le soutien des pairs, le soutien des parents et la qualité de la relation maître-élève ont des effets modérateurs protecteurs sur la relation entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. L’échantillon utilisé pour cette étude est tiré de la Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement et comprend 4473 adolescents. Des régressions linéaires multiples ont été effectuées et ont démontré que les symptômes dépressifs et le soutien des parents augmentent le risque d’une consommation problématique, alors que le soutien des pairs le diminue. De plus, les résultats confirment le rôle protecteur du soutien des pairs, mais indiquent que le soutien des parents exacerbe le lien entre les symptômes dépressifs et la consommation problématique. Par ailleurs, la qualité de la relation maître-élève est associée à une consommation moins problématique uniquement chez les jeunes qui n’ont pas beaucoup de symptômes dépressifs. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées. / Of adolescents who use drugs, only a minority develops significant problems related to this drug use. It is then relevant to know and understand the processes by which this problematic consumption develops itself in order to be able to prevent it. This study examines the roles of depression symptoms and social relationships in the development of problematic drug use at the adolescence. More precisely, it aims at determining, with the help of a prospective correlational longitudinal design, if peers support, parental support and the quality of the teacher-student relationship have moderator effects on the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use. The sample used for this study is taken from the Stratégie d’Intervention Agir Autrement and is comprised of 4473 teenagers. Multiple linear regressions were completed and showed that depressive symptoms enhance the risk of a problematic drug use to be developed, whereas peers support impairs it. Contrary to what was expected, results show that parental support enhances the risk of developing a problematic drug use and that the teacher-student relationship has no significant impact. Moreover, peers support has a protective role, parental support intensifies the relationship between depressive symptoms and problematic drug use, whereas the quality of the teacher-student relationship attenuates it.
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