Spelling suggestions: "subject:"productionsection engineering."" "subject:"productionisation engineering.""
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Design of a virtual human selector for a virtual environmentJerez Montes, Lorena, Antequera Ortiz, Pablo January 2023 (has links)
Throughout this project, the challenge of developing an intuitive and efficient virtual human selector has been addressed. The main objective was to design a tool that would allow users to analyze their products in a way that would not require them to be physically created, but instead, have their files inserted into a virtual environment or space. Therefore, the idea of designing a selector of virtual humans capable of performing various functions would contribute to the analysis required by these users. To achieve this, the needs and preferences of the users have been investigated, and numerous methods and strategies have been followed throughout the design process to facilitate the development of the design. The human-centred design methodology and double diamond as an iterative design process have been followed to achieve a satisfactory product and guarantee a good user experience. The results highlight its usability, as it is intuitive, easy to use, easy to learn and efficient, and has other advantages. This project, in addition to being sustainable, provides an innovative solution for this field of product design and development. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p><p>There are other digital material (eg film, image or audio files) or models/artifacts that belongs to the thesis and need to be archived.</p><p>Utbytesstudenter</p>
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Riskbedömning av Cobot och integrering av verktyg / Risk assessment of Cobot and integration of toolsNordström, John January 2023 (has links)
Examensarbetet berör maskinsäkerhet och riskbedömning på en kollaborativ robotapplikation. Målet är att utföra en riskbedömning med hjälp av CEDOC som är ett riskbedömningsprogram. Studierna har resulterat till tre säkerhetsaspekter som bör tas i hänsyn vid implementering av samverkande robotar utifrån maskinsäkerhetsperspektivet. / The degree project concerns machine safety and risk assessment on a collaborative robot application. The goal is to perform a risk assessment using CEDOC which is a risk assessment program. The studies have contributed to three safety aspects that should be considered when implementing collaborative robots based on the machine safety perspective.
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Automationspotential för slutbearbetning : Automatisering av manuella arbetsmomentSvensson, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med projektet är att analysera flödet i slutbearbetningen av avgränsad motorkomponent, med målet att hitta områden där tiden för manuellt arbete potentiellt kan reduceras med hjälp av automatiseringsutrustning. Projektet följer uppsatta delmål där analys av arbetsmoment presenteras, och tre områden som utför manuellt arbete väljs ut. Slutmål är presentation av ett utvalt område med potential för automatisering, där layoutförslag, funktionsbeskrivning och investeringskalkyl sammanställs. En nulägesanalys över detaljens olika operationer på företagets avdelningar för slutbearbetning genomförs. Intervjuer med personal på företaget ger information kring processen och lägger grund för analysen. För prioritering av tillverkningsområden används metoder för att jämföra alternativ mot varandra, i syfte att välja ut manuella arbetsmoment som kan avhjälpas med automatisk utrustning. Två automationsförslag visualiseras med programvara för simulering av robotutrustning, med syfte att beskriva och presentera layouten och funktionen. Undersökningar kring förslagens investeringskostnad resulterar i ekonomisk kalkyl som kan motivera införandet av automationsförslagen. Resultatet av projektet visar efter analys att automatiseringsförslaget som rekommenderas både är socialt och ekonomiskt försvarbart. Automation av föreslaget område kan bidra till att ergonomiskt utmanande arbetsmoment för operatörer kan reduceras. / The purpose of the project is to analyze the workflow in the final processing operations of a specific engine component, with the goal of identifying areas where manual labor potentially can be reduced using automation equipment. The project follows predetermined objectives, which include presenting an analysis of the operations and selecting three areas where manual work is performed. The goal of the project is to recommend an area with potential for automation, along with layout proposals, investment cost and functional description. A current state analysis of the operations in the company's final processing operation is performed. Interviews with company staff form the basis for the analysis and provides information about the process. Methods for comparing alternatives are used to select operations that has manual work which can be improved through automation equipment. Two automation layouts are visualized using software for simulating robot equipment. This visualizes the layout and function of the suggestions of automation. Investment costs of the proposed suggestions are analyzed. The result of the project is that the recommended automation proposal is both socially and economically justifiable. The automation also contributes to reducing ergonomically challenging work tasks for operators.
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Tilltro till det nya : En fallstudie om organisationsförändring inom Svenska kyrkan / Faith in the new : A case study about organizational change within The Swedish ChurchBjernefors, Bim, Löfqvist, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för chefers upplevelser, erfarenheter och tankar kring omorganiseringen i två stift inom Svenska kyrkan. Detta för att försöka belysa hur ledarskapet eventuellt uppfattar svårigheter och möjligheter kring omorganisationen. Frågeställningarna i studien är följande: Vilka faktorer har föranlett omorganisationen enligt de intervjuade cheferna?, Hur ser målbilden med den förändrade organisationen ut enligt de intervjuade cheferna? och Hur anser de intervjuade cheferna att den nya organisationen påverkat alternativt kommer att påverka medarbetarna? De teoretiska ramarna som används i studien är nyinstitutionell teori och agilt. Nyinstitutionell teori används för att kunna få en förståelse för om externa faktorer eventuellt kan ha påverkat beslutet till omorganisering. Agilt används som teori i studien för att öka förståelsen kring flexibla arbetsmetoder och hur dessa eventuellt kan underlätta arbetet i verksamheten. Övriga teoretiska begrepp såsom byråkrati samt krav-kontroll-stöd-modellen är av vikt för att kunna analysera empirin. Studien är en kvalitativ induktivt inriktad fallstudie, som använder sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Slutsatsen i studien är att Svenska kyrkans två stift påverkas av upplevd tvingande och normativ isomorfism som får organisationen att ändra på sig. De intervjuade chefernas önskan om ökad effektivitet och professionalisering kan tolkas som en slitning mellan byråkratiska ramar och ett mer agilt förhållningssätt, vilket tyder på att managementtrenden agilt kan ha börjat få fäste i organisationen. Resultatet visar att enligt cheferna skulle ökad flexibilitet och anpassningsförmåga eventuellt kunna leda till ett ökat välmående hos personalen. Alla dessa aspekter kan leda till ökad organisatorisk legitimitet.
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Implementeringsförslag för en kollaborativ robot / Implementation proposal for a collaborative robotMerkert, Alice, Hallman, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Inom industrin sker stora förändringar, vilket innebär att företag behöver vara lyhörda för förändring. Kollaborativa robotar är ett vanligt inslag i utvecklingen mot industri 4.0 och företaget Elos Medtech i Skara har för detta syfte införskaffat sin första kollaborativa robot. Roboten arbetar i dagsläget bara på en arbetsstation, vilket innebär att utnyttjandegraden är relativt låg (ca 17 %). För att öka utnyttjandegraden behöver roboten tilldelas ytterligare arbetsuppgifter och därför utförs examensarbetet med huvudmål att ta fram förslag på olika arbetsuppgifter till roboten i Elos Medtech’s efterbearbetningsavdelning. Metodiken som använts grundar sig i Design research methodology och innefattar fyra steg. Stegen innebär att sätta upp mål, identifiera och skapa förståelse för nuläget, utveckling av förslag och slutligen utvärdera förslagen som tagits fram. En nulägesanalys har utförts genom datainsamling i form av litteraturstudie, intervjuer, enkäter, observationer och dokumentstudier. Insamlade data sammanställdes och analyserades för att utvärdera varje arbetsstations potential till automation. För att utvärdera automationspotentialen användes ramverk och riktlinjer som identifierats i litteraturstudien. För att kunna fatta beslut om vilken arbetsuppgift roboten ska utföra har samtliga arbetsuppgifter utvärderats med plus-minus-intressant-metoden. Resultatet från utvärderingen blev att arbetsstation 1, trycket, är den arbetsstation som Elos Medtech bör tilldela roboten. Förslaget har vidareutvecklats till sex varianter på möjliga utföranden och det som rekommenderas är förslag 1a. Förslag 1a innebär att roboten plockar detaljerna från en låda där produkterna ligger ostrukturerat, med hjälp av ett visionsystem. Anledningen till att arbetsstationen valdes var eftersom företaget inte behöver köpa in en webbkamera för att utföra syningen och det sker ingen förändring i introduktion av material. Eftersom roboten utför syningen kan den arbeta självständigt utan mänsklig hjälp. Genom att tilldela roboten arbetsstation 1, trycket, ökar den teoretiska utnyttjandegraden av roboten med 59 %. Ett identifierat behov under arbetets gång är ramverk, metoder och underlag för val av arbetsuppgifter till kollaborativa robotar, eftersom många företag upplever det som svårt att välja var och hur de ska använda kollaborativa robotar. Detta är nödvändigt för att fler företag ska kunna fortsätta utvecklingen och följa med i den industriella revolutionen. Examensarbetet är en start på detta genom att kombinera metoder som identifierats i litteraturstudien, enkäter och utvärdering för att kunna välja en arbetsuppgift till en kollaborativ robot. Genom att använda dessa metoder kan fler företag utvecklas mot industrins utmaningar. I och med implementering av en kollaborativ robot tar Elos Medtech ett steg mot industri 4.0 och 5.0 och inom båda koncepten är hållbarhet centralt. Slutligen bidrar implementering av kollaborativa robotar till en utveckling av industrin eftersom företag som implementerar dem fortsätter sina resor mot framtidens industri. / Major changes are happening within the industry, which means that companies need to be responsive to change. Collaborative robots are a common element in the development towards industry 4.0 and the company Elos Medtech in Skara has for this purpose acquired its first collaborative robot. The robot currently works at one workstation only, which means that the degree of utilization is relatively low (approx. 17%). To increase the degree of utilization, the robot needs to be assigned additional tasks, and therefore the thesis is carried out with the main goal of developing proposals for different tasks for the robot in Elos Medtech's post-processing department. The methodology used is based on Design research methodology and includes four steps. The steps involve setting goals, identifying, and creating an understanding of the current situation, developing proposals and finally evaluating the proposals. A current state analysis has been carried out through data collection in the form of literature studies, interviews, surveys, observations, and document studies. Collected data was compiled and analysed to evaluate each workstation's potential for automation. To evaluate the automation potential, frameworks and guidelines identified in the literature review were used. To be able to decide about which task the robot should perform, all tasks have been evaluated using the plus-minus-interesting method. The result of the evaluation was that workstation 1, the pressure, is the workstation that Elos Medtech should assign to the robot. The proposal has been further developed into six variants of possible designs and the one recommended is proposal 1a. In proposal 1a, the robot picks the details from a box where the products are unstructured, using a vision system. The workstation was chosen since the company does not need to purchase a webcam to perform the inspection and there is no change in the introduction of material. Since the robot performs the inspection, it can work independently without human assistance. By assigning the robot to workstation 1, the pressure, the theoretical utilization rate of the robot increases by 59%. An identified need in research is a framework, methods, and basis for selecting work tasks for collaborative robots, as many companies find it difficult to choose where and how to use collaborative robots. This is necessary as it enables more companies to be able to continue their development towards industry 4.0. The project is a start by combining methods identified in the literature review, surveys, and evaluation to be able to choose a task for a collaborative robot. By using the combination of these methods, more companies can develop against the industry's challenges. With the implementation of a collaborative robot, Elos Medtech is taking a step towards industry 4.0 and 5.0, and within both concepts sustainability is central. Finally, implementation of collaborative robots contributes to the evolution of the industry as companies that implement them continue their journeys towards the industry of the future.
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Virtual commissioning of an industrial production cellOrtega Valenciano, Jon, Kortazar Astigarraga, Iker January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, in the manufacturing industry, it is essential to test new ideas before implementing them. In this way they avoid making unnecessary expenses and losing time. This is why virtual commissioning is being implemented in many places. In this case, Simumatik, a company that develops an open emulation platform, wants to create an emulator to show their potential customers the opportunities their software offers. That being said, the aim of this project is the just mentioned one, to create a demonstrator of a collaborative indutrial cell as well as a simple industrial robotic cell. The design and creation methodology has been followed, which is a five phase method. After making a research about the devices, that are nowadays used in the manufacturing industry, the frame of reference and the literature review of this project have been studied. Subsequently, the development of the project has taken place, which involved creating and programming the necessary components (products, sensors, actuators…) as well as programming two robots along with the control program of the entire system. At the same time all this process has been taking place, the implementation of the components has been carried out. Some of the main conclusions drawn from this project are that sufficient time is crucial when creating a realistic industrial production cell that fulfills the expectations. Additionally, the difficulty in representing a realistic system lies in achieving the desired level of accuracy for both the individual components and the system’s overall performance.
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Design and control of flexible and distributed production systems using digital twinsSarriegi Irazustabarrena, Josu, Lezeta Iturbe, Kepa January 2023 (has links)
The ongoing fluctuation in customer demand within the manufacturing industry has led companies to reconsider production lines. Flexibility is an essential aspect to face when dealing with this problem. Flexibility allows companies to create different production lines on demand, using the same workstations with the same processes but different manufacturing flows. Just as crucial as adapting to demand is avoiding costs and worthless production time. Virtual Commissioning (VC) is used to cope with this problem by testing in a virtual environment before implementing it in real systems. This project presents a solution to address these problems by implementing VC using Digital Twins with distributed control and MES software that controls production processes. Different workstations for this study have been provided by Linköping University and by the use of Simumatik emulation platform stations have been virtually replicated. For production process control Odoo MES software has been integrated. Odoo has been connected to each station via OPC-UA to send and receive production data and orders. Bringing it all together, different production lines have been created and the flexibility of the system has been proven.
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Introducing New Materials in the Automotive Industry : Managing the Complexity of Introducing New Materials in Existing Production SystemsHenriksson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Passenger vehicles are central to Western society, and contribute to a significant part of our greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce emissions, the automotive industry as a whole is working to reduce mass in passenger vehicles in order to reduce energy consumption. One way to reduce mass is to introduce lightweight materials in the body of the vehicle. This research aims to explore the relationship between product and production system when introducing new materials. Besides a theoretical review and an industry-centered technological mapping, four case studies have been conducted during the course of this licentiate thesis. Two case studies were conducted with engineering design students working as development teams, one case study with the author as the developer and finally one case study in an industrial environment at a product owning company with in-house production. The goal of the case studies has been to increase the collective knowledge of how product development decisions affect production development decisions, and vice versa, when developing passenger vehicles in new materials. In the following analysis of case study outcomes, a number of factors important for introducing new materials are discussed. The relationship between product and production is investigated, both in terms of how the production system affects the product and how the product affects the production system. The outcome from this analysis is a mapping of important factors for automotive industry companies to understand and identify when looking at introducing new materials in existing production systems. Finally, a suggestion for future research efforts is presented.
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The Development of an Automated Production SystemCardinal, Brian M. 01 January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
This paper describes the development of an automated production system recently completed by the Martin Marietta Aerospace Division, Orlando, Florida, for the assembly, inspection and test of printed circuit boards. The project began in January 1981 with the purpose of increasing the then existing production capability and to create the building block for the total automation of the printed circuit board assembly area of the plant in Ocala, Florida. The system was implemented using a combination of off the shelf equipment modified and integrated to create a single production system. The system employs much of the new production philosophies tailored to meet the particular needs of Martin Marietta and to fulfill present production requirements as well as future production projections. During the development and implementation of this project, flexibility within the team was required to accommodate for the unforeseen problems which surfaced. The actual work required to perform this task far exceeded the expectations of the team and the company. This document covers all facets of this project, from inception to operation, and describes the problems encountered and lessons learned throughout the project.
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The Combination of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for a Mobile Robot ApplicationInterrante, Leslie D. 01 January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
The combination of artificial intelligence and robotics led to more flexibility and powerful mobile robot applications. The robot and its environment were simulated with a microcomputer to gather statistical information. An application was demonstrated in the laboratory with a mobile robot. The robot recognized an obstacle in its path and generated the necessary changes in its environment so that it could successfully complete a required task.
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