Spelling suggestions: "subject:"productionsection market"" "subject:"productionisation market""
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Market segmentation and domestic electricity supply in VictoriaSharam, Andrea. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) - Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 2005. / Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Institute for Social Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 2005. Typescript. Bibliography: p. 188-207.
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Istraživanje tržišta organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u Republici Srbiji / Research of the Market of Organic Agricultural Food Products in the Republic of SerbiaRadojević Vuk 12 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet disertacije predstavlja istraživanje tržišta organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i analiza mera za poboljšanje proizvodnje i potrošnje istih u Republici Srbiji. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je sagledavanje trenutnog stanja na međunarodnom i domaćem tržištu organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda i ispitivanje i jasnije definisanje određenih grupacija i stavova potrošača u vezi potrošnje istih. Za potrebe ovakvog cilja istraživane su navike potrošača, mišljenja, motivi, iskustva i stavovi u vezi potrošnje organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u Republici Srbiji. Ovo istraživanje sprovedeno je da bi se utvrdile karakteristike tržišta organskih proizvoda u Srbiji, stavovi, praksa i osobine različitih grupa potrošača organskih prehrambenih proizvoda, kao i faktori koji utiču na kupovinu ovih proizvoda. Jedan deo istraživanja posvećen je i analizi kretanja proizvodnje i tržišta hrane proizvedene u organskom sistemu proizvodnje u Evropskoj uniji i na globalnom nivou. Organska proizvodnja u odnosu na konvencionalnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju ima čitav niz prednosti, naročito ukoliko se sektor posmatra iz ugla multifunkciolalnosti poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Multifunkcionalnost poljoprivrede ne mora da se posmatra samo sa aspekta tržišnih relacija, već čitavog niza drugih funkcija koje poljoprivreda, kao delatnost, ostvaruje u ruralnim područjima. Proizvodnja organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda u svetu u konstantnom je porastu jer je u svetu evidentan značajan rast u površinama pod organskom proizvodnjom. Promet organskih poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda, očekivano, uglavnom raste u zemljama sa višom kupovnom moći, ekološkom i prehrambeno-zdravstvenom svešću i navikama proizvođača. U isto vreme, značajno raste i tražnja za ovakvom vrstom poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda. Republika Srbija poseduje značajne potencijale za proizvodnju organskih poljoprivrednoprehrambenih proizvoda. Mogu se istaći prirodni potencijali, svest o potrebi za kvalitetom u mnogim industrijskim granama; velike površine poljoprivrednog zemljišta koje nisu zagađene niti intenzivno obrađivane, što ubrzava i olakšava konverziju; pozitivan stav o organskoj poljoprivredi među akademskim osobljem, mnogim poljoprivrednicima i potrošačima kao i ugovori o slobodnoj trgovini (EFTA, CEFTA, Ruska federacija, Belorusija, Turska). Ipak, u Srbiji postoji nedovoljan nivo obrazovanja u oblasti organske proizvodnje, nepovoljna struktura poljoprivrednih gazdinstava (veliki broj malih gazdinstava koja međusobno ne sarađuju; visoka prosečna starost farmera; tradicionalan pristup u proizvodnji; kriza stočarskog sektora), ali i neadekvatna primena ekološkog marketinga, nedovoljno svesni i informisani potrošači, na jednoj strani i nedovoljno širok asortiman, količina proizvoda i stalnost u ponudi, na drugoj strani. Tržište organskih prehrambenih proizvoda karakteriše uglavnom niska kupovna moć stanovništva, nedovoljna informisanost potrošača i niska ekološka svest stanovništva u Srbiji.</p> / <p>The subject of the dissertation is the research of the market of organic agricultural food products and the analysis of the measures for improving the production and consumption of these products in the Republic of Serbia. The main goal of the research is to gain insight into the current situation in the international and domestic market of organic agricultural food products and to examine and more clearly define certain consumers’ groups and attitudes related to the consumption of these products. In order to achieve this research goal, the dissertation examined consumers' habits, opinions, motives, experiences and attitudes regarding the consumption of organic agricultural food products in the Republic of Serbia. This research was conducted to determine the characteristics of the market of organic products in Serbia, the attitudes, practices and features of different groups of organic food consumers, as well as the factors that influence the purchase of these products. One part of the research is devoted to the analysis of the trends in the production and the market of the food produced in the organic production system in the European Union and the world. Compared to conventional agricultural production, organic production has a number of advantages, especially if the sector is viewed from the perspective of multifunctionality of agricultural production. Multifunctionality of agriculture does not have to be viewed only from the point of view of market relations, but also within the whole range of other functions that agriculture, as a business activity, realizes in rural areas. Production of organic agricultural food products in the world is constantly increasing, as the areas used for organic production are significant growing globally. The trade of organic agricultural food products, as expected, grows mainly in the countries with higher purchasing power, and higher environmental and food health consciousness and habits of the</p><p><br />VI<br />producers. At the same time, there is a significant increase in the demand for this kind of agricultural food products. The Republic of Serbia has significant potential for production of organic agricultural food products. This is due to its natural potentials, awareness of the need for quality in a number of industrial branches; large areas of agricultural land that have not been contaminated or intensely farmed, which can speed up and facilitate the conversion; the positive attitude towards organic farming among university staff, many farmers and consumers, as well as free trade agreements (EFTA, CEFTA, Russian Federation, Belarus, Turkey). However, the population in Serbia is still not sufficiently educated in the field of organic production, there is unfavorable structure of the farms (a large number of small farms, which do not cooperate; aging of the farmers; the traditional approach to production; crisis of the livestock sector), as well as inadequate application of environmental marketing, insufficiently aware and informed consumers, on the one hand, and insufficiently wide assortment, quantity of products and steady offer, on the other. The market of organic food products is characterized mainly by low purchasing power of the population, lack of consumer awareness and low environmental awareness of the population in Serbia. The analysis of the market in Serbia showed great potential to increase the production and exports to foreign markets, while the increasing consumption of these products in the domestic market is still limited by the purchasing power of domestic consumers. On the other hand, problems of the legislative regulation of the sector of organic farming, problems of the regulation of certification bodies, low volume of production, and the fact that still primary, instead of processed organic products are exported, prevents the increase in the value of total exports.</p>
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En ekonometrisk modell för efterfrågan på nyproducerade hyreslägenheter i Stockholms kommun med fokus på områdesfaktorer / An econometric model for the demand for newly produced rental apartments in the municipality of Stockholm, focusing on area-specific factorsTrabulsi, Dana, Al-karkhi, Zaid January 2018 (has links)
I denna rapport genomförs en multipel linjär regressionsanalys för att skatta efterfrågan, mätt i kötiden som krävs för att få ett förstahandskontrakt till en hyreslägenhet, för hyreslägenheter i olika områden i Stockholms kommun utifrån ett antal områdesspecifika variabler. De oberoende variablerna valdes ur teoretisk ståndpunkt med anledning att förklara variationen i kötid. Dessa variabler är normhyran för en hyreslägenhet, genomsnittliga bostadsrättspriser i en stadsdel, avstånd till centrum och disponibla medelinkomsten i en stadsdel. En modell framställs utifrån data inhämtat från Stockholms Bostadsförmedling över 13 171 förmedlade hyreslägenheter i Stockholms kommun. Arbetet har som utgångspunkt att skatta efterfrågan utifrån en given nyproduktionshyra samt studera hur efterfrågan skiljer sig mellan områden. Studiens resultat beskriver hur den allmänna efterfrågan är större i områden belägna närmre stadskärnan. Vidare visar resultatet att kötiden till hyreslägenheter i områden belägna närmre stadskärnan påverkas som mest vid en given nyproduktionshyra i jämförelse med perifera områden. En diskussion förs kring hur detta kan ha sin grund i hur att nyproduktionshyrorna nära centrum är högre än i ytterstaden och därmed hindrar ett flertal låg- och medelinkomsttagare från att kunna efterfråga dessa. Kritik till modellen har framförts då ett flertal antaganden gjorts samt att en väldigt generaliserande indelning av Stockholms kommun gjordes vilket kan ha påverkat resultat då attraktiviteten bland stadsdelarna i respektive område kan skilja sig åt. / In this report, a multiple linear regression analysis is used to estimate the demand measured by the number of queue days required to get a first-hand contract for a rental apartment in different areas of the municipality of Stockholm based on area-specific variables. The independent variables were chosen from a theoretical point of view in order to explain the variation in queue time. The variables include the standardized rent for a rental apartment, average condominium prices in a neighborhood, distance to the city center and the average income in an area. A model is formed based on data obtained from Stockholms Bostadsförmedling over 13 171 mediated rent apartments in the municipality of Stockholm. The study’s first aim was to estimate the demand based on a given new production rent and to analyze how the demand differs between different areas. The results describe how the overall demand is greater in areas located near the city center. However, the regression analysis has shown that the que time for rent apartments in areas located near the city center is most affected by a given new production rent which indicates that the queue is more prone to decrease at a given new production rent compared new production rents in areas located further away. A discussion is made on how this may depend on the fact that the new production rent near the city center are higher than in the outskirts, thus preventing a large number of low and middle earners from being able to demand them. Criticism to the model has been presented since a number of assumptions has been made as well as a very generalized division of the municipality of Stockholm which may have affected the results as the attractiveness of the neighborhoods in each area may differ.
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Prisutvecklingen för bostadsrättslägenheter i Haninge kommun och prispåverkande faktorer / The price development of tenant owned apartments in Haninge Municipality and price influencing factorsButrs, Mikaela, Fasih, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har Haninge kommun i Stockholms län valt att utveckla sitt bostadsbestånd genom att dels bygga i så kallade miljonprogramsområden och i nya delar av kommunen. Detta kandidatexamensarbete undersöker prisskillnaden mellan bostadsrättslägenheter på successionsmarknaden respektive nyproduktionsmarknaden. Studien har avgränsats till två- och trerumslägenheter i Haninge kommun och inkluderar områdena Handen, Brandbergen, Vega, Vendelsö, Jordbro, Västerhaninge och Tungelsta. Dessa områden valdes ut eftersom att de består av en stor andel bostadsrätter. Analysen har visat att försäljningspriserna på nyproduktionsmarknaden alltid varit högre än försäljningspriserna på successionsmarknaden under tidsintervallet 2011-2018. Ett intressant resultat var att prisskillnaden mellan de två marknaderna minskat under den senaste tiden. För att förklara orsaken bakom priserna undersöktes olika faktorers inverkan på försäljningspriset med hjälp av en förenklad multipel regressionsanalys. Totalt gjordes 3505 observationer med fokus på faktorerna månadsavgift, boytan samt läge. Resultatet indikerar på att Vendelsö är det dyraste området att bo på jämfört med andra områden i Haninge kommun och att närmare avstånd till Haninges centrum inte alltid innebär ett högre transaktionspris. / Over the past few years a lot of new construction has taken place in Haninge Municipality in Stockholm County, partly in areas with housing from the so called million programme but also in new places. This bachelor thesis examines the price difference between tenant owned apartments on the succession market and on the new production market. The study has been delimited to apartments containing only two or three rooms in the Haninge Municipality and includes the areas Handen, Brandbergen, Vega, Vendelsö, Jordbro, Västerhaninge and Tungelsta. These areas were selected due to their large proportion of tenant owned apartments. The analysis showed that the price of a newly produced apartment are always higher than an apartment on the succession market for the time period of 2011-2018. An interesting result was that the price difference between the two markets has declined lately. To further explain the reason behind the pricing, different factors that has an impact on the selling price has been examined by utilising a simplified multiple regression analysis. A total of 3505 observations were made with a focus on the factors monthly fee, living space and location. The result indicated that Vendelsö is the most expensive area to live in compared to other areas in Haninge and that a shorter distance to the center of the Municipality does not always implicate a higher transaction price.
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Analýza exportu specifické komodity a predikce dalšího vývoje / Analysis of the export of specific commodity and prediction at future developmentLHOTOVÁ, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
The main goal was to evaluate current market position of a selected Czech business unit within its industry. A selected joint-stock company is involved in an industry of fresh-water fishery. Main part of this thesis is focused on an analysis of fish market as a main foundation for analysing a market position of a future development in this industry.Other analysis processed for selected countries.
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Le commerce agricole entre le Cameroun et les pays de la CEMAC / Agricultural trade between Cameroon and CEMAC countriesNtsama Etoundi, Sabine Mireille 16 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution empirique à l’analyse du commerce des produits alimentaires entre le Cameroun et les pays voisins de la zone CEMAC et le Nigeria. La thèse utilise plusieurs outils économétriques permettant de mieux prendre en compte le niveau de désagrégation des données par produits et paires de marchés agricoles. Le premier chapitre, essentiellement descriptif, présente quelques faits stylisés sur le commerce intra-régional en zone CEMAC. Le deuxième chapitre analyse la contribution des chocs de rente pétrolière dans les pays limitrophes du Cameroun sur leur demande d’importations de produits alimentaires camerounais. En utilisant une variété d’estimateurs appropriés pour les modèles de gravité, les résultats indiquent que la croissance de la rente pétrolière dans la sous-région a favorisé de manière significative, l’expansion des exportationscamerounaises de produits alimentaires. Le troisième chapitre a pour objectif d’apprécier l’existence de ruptures structurelles et le degré d’asymétrie dans le niveau d’intégration des marchés agricoles au Cameroun. Les résultats des estimations des modèles à correction d’erreur avec rupture et asymétriques révèlent l’existence d’une instabilité temporelle récente dans l’intégration des marchés agricoles au Cameroun. De plus, les résultats indiquent que les chocs de prix de certains produits agricoles dans les marchés de consommation répondent de façon asymétrique aux variations des prix des marchés de production. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre utilise un modèle à deux pays pour quantifier le degré d’intégration entre les marchés camerounais et sous-régionaux (Gabon) au prisme d’une analyse de co-mouvement des prix des entre marchés. Les résultats économétriques obtenus à partir d’estimation de modèles vectoriels à correction d’erreur sur données de panel montrent qu’il existe une causalité bidirectionnelle et positive à court et long terme entre les marchés camerounais et gabonais. / This is an empirical contribution to the analysis of the regional integration of agricultural markets in central Africa. The thesis uses several econometric models aimed at taking advantage of the high disaggregation of the data by products and market dyads. The first chapter focuses on recent stylized facts on agricultural trade and food security in Cameroon and in the region. Chapter 2 examines the effect of oil discoveries in neighbor countries on Cameroonian exports of agricultural products within the region. Using a wide range of estimators designed for gravity data, econometric results uncover a positive and significant association between oil discoveries in neighbor regional countries on the demand for Cameroonian agricultural goods. The third chapter tests and discusses the existence of a temporal structural break and the asymmetry in agricultural markets within Cameroon. The econometric results obtained from error correction models allowing for structural break and the asymmetry of shocks show that Cameroonian agricultural markets have become less integrated recently, contributing to the asymmetry in the transmission of shocks from production to consumption markets. Chapter 4 uses a two-country model to provide an international evidence of the integration of agricultural markets in central Africa. The framework consists in estimating vector error correction models usingpanel data to test the causality between product prices between the two countries. The results highlight the existence of a bi-directional causality in both the short and long-run.
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