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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse et modélisation de l'impact de la libéralisation sur les performances ferroviaires / How to analyse and model the impacts of liberalization on railways performances ?

Bougna Tchofo, Emmanuel 05 May 2017 (has links)
Après avoir accompagné la révolution industrielle au XIXe siècle, le transport ferroviaire ne parvient que difficilement à s’adapter aux défis que lui a lancés la route depuis une centaine d’années. Depuis le début du XXe siècle, le rôle des chemins de fer dans le transport des marchandises et de voyageurs n’a cessé de décliner. Dans les pays de l’Union Européenne, il n’assure plus désormais que 6 % du transport de voyageurs et 16 % du transport de marchandises. Le renouveau du transport ferroviaire européen est aussi marqué par le développement du train à grande vitesse. Le trafic total de voyageurs « grande vitesse » est de 15 milliards de voyageurs-km en 1990 contre 111 milliards de voyageurs-km en 2014 soit une croissance globale de 740 %. La Part du trafic total de voyageurs « grande vitesse » a progressé, elle est passée de 4 % en 1990 contre 25 % en 2014. Le constat évident est que, depuis le début des années 1990, les chemins de fer ont perdu des parts de marché et ont donc exigé des subventions croissantes. La nécessité d’améliorer cette situation a conduit à imaginer un large éventail de possibilités d’action de la part des pouvoirs publics nationaux et européens. Depuis le début des années 90, la Commission Européenne s’est engagée dans un vaste chantier dont la finalité est la construction d’un espace ferroviaire intégré. Dans un contexte de marasme ferroviaire européen, nous voulons apprécier les performances des chemins de fer afin d’identifier les principaux facteurs qui permettront d’éviter le déclin. Nous partons de l’idée que les chemins de fer se doivent d’être performants sur le plan de la production et de la commercialisation des biens et services. Chacun des quatre chapitres de cette thèse utilise diverses méthodes pour contribuer au champ croissant de l’économie du transport ferroviaire. Le premier chapitre utilise les mesures partielles des indicateurs de productivité pour évaluer la performance d’un panel de quatre compagnies ferroviaires européennes, la DB en Allemagne, la SNCF en France, la RENFE en Espagne et les FS en Italie, observées entre 1990 et 2012. Notre objectif ici est double, dresser un bilan de la situation actuelle et révéler la trajectoire des entreprises ferroviaires européennes majeures sur une période débutant un peu avant les réformes ferroviaires initiées par la Commission européenne. Les indicateurs retenus nous ont permis d’évaluer quatre domaines de performance : la performance productive, la performance commerciale, la performance économique et la performance financière. Il est question pour nous d’évaluer l’efficacité de la directive 91-440 du 29 juillet 1991 relative au développement de chemins de fer communautaires, directive qui recommande de promouvoir l’indépendance de gestion des entreprises ferroviaires, ainsi que leur assainissement financier, en particulier leur désendettement. Le deuxième chapitre aborde le cadre théorique de l’efficacité technique, en passant en une revue les fondements théoriques et en présentant la méthodologie des frontières. Pour compléter cette analyse, nous proposons une revue de littérature non exhaustive des études empiriques portant sur l’évaluation des performances des chemins de fer. Le troisième chapitre propose des contributions empiriques à la mesure des performances des chemins de fer. Il est question pour nous d’évaluer, de comparer et d’expliquer les écarts de performances de certains pays de l’union européenne. Quatre indicateurs de performance ont retenu notre attention : l’efficacité productive, l’efficacité commerciale, l’efficacité technique et la variation de la productivité totale des facteurs. Pour ce faire nous avons simultanément estimé trois frontières paramétriques et stochastiques, à savoir, une frontière de production orientée input, une frontière de consommation et une frontière d’efficacité technique orientée input.... / After having accompanied the industrial revolution in the 19th century, rail transport difficultly adapt to the challenges launched by the road since a hundred years. Nowadays, European rail transport suffers from competition from the road, both for travellers and cargo. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the role of the railways in the goods and passengers transport has been declining. In the countries of the European Union, it now does ensure only 6% of passenger transport and 16% of goods transport. The European rail transport renewal is also marked by the development of the high-speed train. Total passenger "high speed" traffic is 15 billion passenger-km in 1990 against 111 billion passenger-km in 2014, that is an overall growth of 740%. The share of total passenger "high speed" traffic has increased from 4% in 1990 to 25% in 2014.The obvious observation is that, since the beginning of the 1990s, the railways have lost market share and therefore required growing subsidies.The need to improve this situation led to imagine a wide range of possibilities for action by national and European public authorities. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the European Commission is engaged in a vast reform aiming at the construction of an integrated railway area.In a context of European rail slump, we want to appreciate the performance of the railways in order to identify the main factors that will avoid the decline. We start from the idea that railways must be efficient in terms of production and commercialization of services.Each of the four chapters of this thesis uses various methods to contribute to the growing field of the rail transport.The first chapter uses the partial measures of productivity indicators to evaluate the performance of a panel of four European railway companies, the DB in Germany, SNCF in France, the RENFE in Spain and FS in Italy, observed between 1990 and 2012. Our aim here is twofold, to take stock of the current situation and reveal the path of major European rail companies on a period starting a little before the railway reforms initiated by the European Commission. These indicators help us to evaluate four areas of performance: productive performance, business performance, economic performance and financial performance. It is for us the opportunity to evaluate the efficiency of the directive 91-440 of 29 July 1991 relating to the development of Community railways, directive that recommends to promote the independence of management of railway companies, as well as their financial clean-up, especially their deleveraging. The second chapter shows the theoretical framework of technical efficiency, by a review of the theoretical foundations and by presenting the methodology of the borders. To complete this analysis, we propose a review of non-exhaustive literature of empirical studies on the evaluation of the performance of the railways. The third chapter suggests empirical contributions to the measurement of the performance of the railways. It is for us the opportunity to evaluate, compare and explain the differences in performance of some countries of the European union. Four performance indicators have caught our attention: productive efficiency, trade efficiency, technical efficiency and the variation of the total factor productivity. To this end, we simultaneously estimated three parametric and stochastic borders, namely, a production-oriented input border, a border of consumption and a border of technical efficiency-oriented input......

使用資料包絡分析法之銀行績效評估 / The efficiency analysis of banks in Taiwan - application of data envelopment analysis

張匀, Chang, Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用資料包絡分析法進行我國銀行業生產效率分析,並以彰化銀行作為個案對象,研究彰化銀行在不同經營者下的生產效率,以2001年至2016年我國30家銀行為樣本銀行,探究各年度彰化銀行相對全體銀行之生產效率與Malmquist生產力指數,結果顯示彰銀自行經營期間(2001年至2005年),其生產效率與生產力指數變動大,生產效率變動在三商銀中為唯一衰退;台新金經營彰銀期間(2006年至2014年),彰銀生產效率曾連續五年為三商銀中最佳,直至後半期第一銀行生產效率超越彰銀成為三商銀中第一,因此生產力指數一銀略高於彰銀,唯生產效率進步程度由彰銀在三商銀中進步最多;而彰銀再度自行經營期間(2015年與2016年),彰銀連續兩年達生產效率,顯示其再度自行經營之生產效率相較其他銀行良好。 / This study investigates the productive efficiency of banks in Taiwan by using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This thesis also presents a case study about the transfered right of management of Chang-Hua Bank, to see the difference of productive efficiency between different managers. The study chooses 30 banks of Taiwan from 2001 to 2016 as the sample data, and studies the productive efficiency and Malmquist index of Chang-Hua Bank each year. The study shows the results as follows: 1. The government managed the Chang-Hua bank (2001~2005): It appears a great fluctuation of the productive efficiency and the Malmquist Index of Chang-Hua Bank. Among the Chang-Hua Bank, the First Bank and the Hua-Nan Bank, the Chang-Hua Bank presents the lowest average efficient change. 2. Taishin financial holding company managed the Chang-Hua bank (2006~2014): Comparing to the First Bank and the Hua-Nan Bank, Chang-Hua bank had been the most productive and efficient bank for five years. 3. The government managed the Chang-Hua bank (2015~2016): Chang-Hua Bank has reached the productive efficieny for the recent two years.

Διερεύνηση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας στο ευρωπαϊκό τραπεζικό σύστημα υπό καθεστώς πολλαπλής τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας : ο ρόλος της διάχυσης της γνώσης, της ικανότητας απορρόφησης και του στρατηγικού προσανατολισμού των τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων

Κοντόλαιμου, Αλεξάνδρα 21 March 2011 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή αναπτύσσεται ένα ολοκληρωμένο μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο για την ανάλυση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας επιχειρήσεων που λειτουργούν σε περιβάλλον πολλαπλής τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας. Με βάση την έννοια των μετα-μεταορίων, ορίζονται μέτρα αποτελεσματικότητας και τεχνολογικών χασμάτων σε κάθε επίπεδο τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας, τα οποία, σε ένα δεύτερο στάδιο, «αποδομούνται» σε παράγοντες σταθερούς ως προς τις εισροές και παράγοντες σταθερούς ως προς τις εκροές. Η προτεινόμενη μεθοδολογία χρησιμοποιείται για την διερεύνηση της παραγωγικής αποτελεσματικότητας των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη πιθανή τεχνολογική ετερογένεια που οφείλεται στα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά (i) των εθνικών τραπεζικών συστημάτων και (ii) των τραπεζικών τύπων ειδίκευσης. Οι επιδράσεις των εν λόγω πηγών τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας στην τραπεζική αποτελεσματικότητα εξετάζονται ξεχωριστά, σε ένα πλαίσιο ανάλυσης τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας ενός επιπέδου, και συνδυαστικά, σε ένα πλαίσιο ανάλυσης ιεραρχημένης τεχνολογικής ετερογένειας δύο επιπέδων. Τα αποτελέσματα της σχετικής εμπειρικής ανάλυσης ερμηνεύονται με βάση την «θεωρία της γνώσης», δίνοντας ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στον ρόλο της διάχυσης της γνώσης, της ικανότητας απορρόφησης και του στρατηγικού προσανατολισμού των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζικών επιχειρήσεων. / In the context of the present thesis, a methodological framework is developed for analysing the productive efficiency of firms that operate in a multilevel technologically heterogeneous environment. Based on the meta-metafrontier notion, efficiency and technology gaps measures are defined at each level of technology heterogeneity and are decomposed into input- and output-invariant components. The proposed methodology is used for the investigation of productive efficiency of European banking firms, taking into account potential technology heterogeneity due to the particular characteristics of (i) the national banking systems and (ii) the specialization types of banking firms. The effects of the aforementioned heterogeneity sources on bank efficiency are examined separately, in a single-level technology heterogeneity framework, and simultaneously, in a hierarchical technology heterogeneity framework of two levels. The results of the relevant empirical analysis are interpreted using the “knowledge-based theory”, emphasising on the role of knowledge spillovers, the banking firms’ absorptive capacity and strategic orientation.

Utilização de funções matemáticas em sistemas de produção de leite na região de Nossa Senhora da Glória, Estado de Sergipe / Use of mathematical functions in dairy production systems in the region of Nossa Senhora da Glória, State of Sergipe

Pereira, Mikaele Alexandre 31 July 2013 (has links)
The objective of this study outline a diagnosis of dairy farming in the municipality of Nossa Senhora da Gloria, State of Sergipe, addressing productive and reproductive aspects, and test mathematical models for their suitability to describe the curves of growth and lactation in cattle compounds by crossbred animals Taureans x Zebu cattle. Article 1: Technical evaluation of milk production systems in the region of Nossa Senhora da Gloria, State of Sergipe. Eight producers were selected, which were grouped according to the following scale daily milk yield (kg/day) Group 1 (G1) . 100 kg/day, group 2 (G2): > 100 kg / day . 500, Group 3 (G3):> 500 kg / day. Productivity per cow per year differed between groups (p <0.05) with values of 2.226,06, 4.428,50 and 6063.84 kg / cow / year for G1, G2 and G3, respectively. In land productivity G1 (1.801,63 kg / ha / year) did not differ from G2 (1.562,26 kg/ha/year) and G3 (3.798,08 kg/ha/ year), however the latter two differed other (p <0,05). The reproductive indices obtained for G1, G2 and G3 were: calving interval of 14,59, 12,96 and 13,14 months; service period 169,89, 121,89 and 125,95 days and rates of pregnant 14,87, 28,01 and 17,99%. The G2 got better reproductive rates (P <0,05). Given the above, it is concluded that the groups of producers with production less than 100 kg of milk/day and between 101 and 500 kg milk/day are technically feasible for the region studied. Article 2: Comparison of nonlinear models to describe the growth of females Taurino x Zebu crossbred dairy cattle in Nossa Senhora da Gloria, State of Sergipe. We used 537 records of weighings made at intervals of 30 days during the period from 2010 to 2012. The mathematical models used were: Brody (BD), Von Bertalanffy (VB), Logistics (LG) and Gompertz (GP). The weights and asymptotic growth rates instant (TCI) were respectively: BD, 1.982 kg and 0,451 to 0,555 kg/month, for VB, 550,50 kg and 0,535 to 12,04 kg/month, LG, 405,20 kg and 0,0021 to 0,180 kg/month, GP, 479,70 kg and 0,259 to 0,623 kg/month. The VB model fitted well the growth curve, however showed greater deviation in the rate curve TCI compared to the observed data. The GP model showed better adaptation to growth data crossbred females with genetic variation between groups of Taurino x Zebu crosses in semi-extensive system. Article 3: Shape of lactation curve in Taurino x Zebu crossbred females in the semi-arid region of Sergipe. 1496 records were used for milk production performed every 30 days during the period from 2011 to 2012. The adjustment was made for the mean curve, making the use of four mathematical models: Nelder, 1966 (ND), Wood, 1967 (WD), Bianchini Sobrinho, 1984 (BS) and Wilmink, 1987 (WK). The average values of Ra2 were <0,82. All curves showed typical patterns. The other functions in the graph showed similar distribution of waste, however only the function ND was able to estimate the components of the lactation curve effectively. / Objetivou-se com esse estudo tracar um diagnostico da atividade leiteira no municipio de Nossa Senhora da Gloria, Estado de Sergipe, abordando aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos, e testar modelos matematicos quanto a sua adequacao para descrever as curvas de crescimento e de lactacao de rebanhos compostos por animais mesticos de Taurinos x Zebus. Artigo 1: Avaliacao tecnica de sistemas de producao de leite na regiao de Nossa Senhora da Gloria, Estado de Sergipe. Foram selecionados oito produtores, os quais foram agrupados de acordo com a seguinte escala de producao de leite diaria (kg/dia): Grupo 1 (G1): . 100 kg/dia; Grupo 2 (G2): > 100 kg/dia e . 500; Grupo 3 (G3): > 500 kg/dia. A produtividade por vaca por ano diferiu entre os grupos (p<0,05) com valores de 2.226,06, 4.428,50 e 6.063,84 kg de leite/vaca/ano para G1, G2 e G3, respectivamente. Na produtividade da terra o G1 (1.801,63 kg/ha/ano) nao diferiu de G2 (1.562,26 kg/ha/ano) e G3(3.798,08 kg/ha/ano), no entanto estes dois ultimos diferiram entre si (p<0,05). Os indices reprodutivos obtidos para G1, G2 e G3 foram respectivamente: intervalo de partos de 14,59, 12,96 e 13,14 meses; periodo servico de 169,89, 121,89 e 125,95 dias e taxas de prenhes de 14,87, 28,01 e 17,99%. O G2 obteve melhores indices reprodutivos (P<0,05). Diante do exposto, conclui-se que os grupos de produtores com producoes menores que 100 kg de leite/dia e entre 101 e 500 kg de leite/dia sao tecnicamente viaveis para a regiao estudada. Artigo 2: Comparacao de modelos nao-lineares para descrever o crescimento de femeas mesticas Taurino x Zebu na bacia leiteira de Nossa Senhora da Gloria, Estado de Sergipe. Foram utilizados 537 registros de pesagens realizadas em intervalos de 30 dias durante o periodo de 2010 a 2012. Os modelos matematicos utilizados foram: Brody (BD), Von Bertalanffy (VB), Logistico (LG) e Gompertz (GP). Os pesos assintoticos e as taxas de crescimento instantaneas (TCI) foram respectivamente: para BD, 1.982 kg e 0,451-0,555 kg/mes; para VB, 550,50 kg e 0,535-12,04 kg/mes; LG, 405,20 kg e 0,0021-0,180 kg/mes; GP, 479,70 kg e 0,259-0,623 kg/mes. O modelo VB ajustou-se bem a curva de crescimento, no entanto apresentou maior desvio na curva da taxa TCI em relacao aos dados observados. O modelo de GP apresentou melhor adaptacao aos dados de crescimento de femeas mesticas com variacao de grupos geneticos entre cruzamentos de Taurino x Zebu em sistema semi-extensivo. Artigo 3: Forma da curva de lactacao em femeas mesticas Taurino x Zebu no Semi-arido de Sergipe. Foram utilizados 1496 registros de producao de leite realizados em intervalos de 30 dias durante o periodo de 2011 a 2012. O ajuste foi feito para a curva media, fazendo-se o uso de quatro modelos matematicos: Nelder, 1966 (ND), Wood, 1967 (WD), Bianchini Sobrinho, 1984 (BS) e Wilmink, 1987 (WK). Os valores medios de Ra2 foram < 0,82. Todas as curvas apresentaram padroes tipicos. As demais funcoes apresentaram comportamento semelhante no grafico de distribuicao dos residuos, no entanto somente a funcao ND foi capaz de estimar os componentes da curva de lactacao de forma eficaz.

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