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Recidiva de c?ncer labial em pacientes atendidos no Hospital Dr. Luiz Ant?nio (Natal-RN) entre 1997-2004Sena, Marina Fernandes de 26 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-26 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Introduction: Cancer of the lip is very common in tropical countries, being noticeable the squamous cell carcinoma as the main histological type. Objective: Evaluate the socialdemographic profile, habits, occupation, clinical characteristics of the cancer lesions and the aftermath of treatment of the patients treated on the Luiz Ant?nio Hospital (Natal-RN). Design: Retrospective cohort. Methods: We analyzed 181 medical records of patients from the Luiz Ant?nio Cancer Hospital (Natal-RN) in the period between 1997 and 2004. The statistic evaluation of time between the diagnosis and the relapse or the cure of the patient were done through the Kaplan-Meier method and the comparison of survivor functions were done through the Log-rank test. Later, was estimated the proportional risk model of Cox.
Results: The study population were composed by 69,1% males, 95,2% unlettered, the mean age of 66,5 years, 89,0% of smokers and 64,1% had an occupation involving sun exposure. In regard to the clinical characteristics, most lesions were in the lower lip (77,9%), the size of the
tumor was smaller than 2 cm (51,8%), 92,6% had localized lesions. Were verified 16,3% of local relapse and 13% of regional. Almost the totally of the cases corresponded to squamous cell carcinoma (97,2%). We observed smaller accumulated probability of not occurrence of local relapse when the base and borders were free of lesions (p=0,041), as well as a smaller probability of regional relapse when the sort of treatment was surgery, associated with other therapeutics modalities (p=0,001). The patients with advanced pathologic stage (p=0,016), treated with surgery associated with other therapeutics modalities (p=0,001) and diameter above 4cm (p=0,019) presented a bigger possibility of any kind of relapse. The multivariable analysis pointed the complex treatments (surgery plus other therapeutics modalities) as a
predictor variable for occurrence of new local lesions (p=0,001) and total (p=0,046), besides the age above 70 years to the regional relapse (p=0,050). Conclusion: Cancer of the lip occur in the lower lip, in males, smokers and individuals exposed to Sun light. The relapse was frequent, even being localized and without great consequences to the patient s health. The probability of relapse is related to the size and borders of the lesion and to the histological
exam, as well as to the patient s age and complexity of the treatment chosen / Introdu??o: O c?ncer labial ? bastante freq?ente nos pa?ses tropicais, apresentando, geralmente, progn?stico bastante favor?vel. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil s?cio-demogr?fico,
h?bitos, ocupa??o, caracter?sticas cl?nicas da les?o cancerosa e as seq?elas p?s tratamento dos pacientes atendidos no Hospital Dr. Luiz Ant?nio (Natal-RN). Desenho: Coorte retrospectivo. Metodologia: 181 prontu?rios do Registro Hospitalar de C?ncer do Hospital Dr. Luiz Ant?nio (Natal-RN) no per?odo de 1997 2004 foram analisados. Foram obtidas as estimativas das probabilidades acumuladas de n?o ocorr?ncia de recidiva local, regional e de qualquer um dos tipos de recidiva dos pacientes registrados no Hospital Dr. Luiz Antonio entre 1997 e 2004. Foram testadas as diferen?as entre as curvas de probabilidades acumuladas atrav?s do teste log-rank. O modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox foi utilizado para estimativas das raz?es de riscos. Resultados: A popula??o de estudo foi composta por 69,1% de indiv?duos do sexo masculino, 95,2% analfabetos, idade m?dia de 66,5 anos, 89,1% de fumantes e 64,1% apresentavam atividades ocupacionais relacionadas ? exposi??o solar. No que tange ?s caracter?sticas cl?nicas, predominou o l?bio inferior (77,9%), tamanho do tumor menor que 2 cm (51,8%), 92,6% apresentaram les?o localizada. Foram verificados 16,3% de
recidivas locais e 13% regional. Observou-se menor probabilidade acumulada de n?o ocorrer recidiva local quando a base ou as margens da les?o estavam comprometidas (p = 0,041), bem como uma menor probabilidade acumulada de n?o ocorrer recidiva regional quando o tipo de tratamento era cirurgia, associada com outras modalidades terap?uticas (p =0,001). Os pacientes com estadiamento patol?gico avan?ado (p=0,016), aqueles submetidos ? cirurgia associada com outras modalidades terap?uticas (p=0,001) e os pacientes com di?metro histopatol?gico acima de 4 cm (p=0,019) apresentaram uma maior probabilidade acumulada
de ter qualquer tipo de recidiva. A an?lise multivariada apontou os tratamentos complexos (cirurgia aliada a outras modalidades terap?uticas) como vari?vel preditora para ocorr?ncia de recidiva regional (p=0,001) e total (p=0,046), al?m da idade acima de 70 anos para a ocorr?ncia de recidiva regional (p=0,050). Conclus?o: O c?ncer de l?bio acomete mais o l?bio inferior, o sexo masculino, fumantes e indiv?duos submetidos ? exposi??o solar. A recidiva foi alta, apesar de localizada e sem grandes conseq??ncias ? sa?de do paciente. A probabilidade de recidiva est? relacionada ao tamanho e ?s margens da les?o ao exame histopatol?gico, bem como ? idade do paciente e ? complexidade do tratamento realizado
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Prognostički značaj gustine tumorskih pupoljaka i citoplazmatskih pseudofragmenata u tumorskom tkivu karcinoma kolona kod bolesnika u stadijumu II / Prognostic significance of density of tumor buds and cytoplasmic pseudofragments in stage II colonic carcinomaŠolajić Nenad 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Karcinom kolona (KK) je velik javnozdravstveni problem usled visoke incidence i stope mortaliteta. Kod KK je stadijum bolesti najvažniji pojedinačni nezavisni faktor prognoze. U prisustvu nepovoljnih prognostičkih parametara, u koje spadaju visok histološki gradus, ileus, limfo-vaskularna i perineuralna invazija, nakon potencijalno kurativne operacije se kod pacijenata u stadijumu II indikuje primena adjuvantne hemioterapije koja ima pozitivan uticaj na ukupno preživljavanje i na produženje perioda bez bolesti. Međutim, relapsi bolesti nastaju kod nekih bolesnika bez negativnih prognostičkih faktora, što ukazuje na moguće postojanje drugih tkivnih faktora loše prognoze. U novije vreme se sve veća pažnja posvećuje fenomenu tumorskog pupljenja koje predstavlja pojavu tumorskih pupoljaka (TP), odnosno oligocelularnih grupa tumorskih ćelija koje se na invazivnom frontu tumora odvajaju od glavne tumorske mase. Ove tumorske ćelije poprimaju fenotip mezenhimnih ćelija i stiču sposobnost ameboidnog kretanja kroz ekstracelularni matriks, uz pomoć citoplazmatskih podija koje se na dvodimenzionalnim histološkim rezovima vizualizuju kao citoplazmatski pseudofragmenti (CPF). Značaj gustine TP i CPF je još uvek nedovoljno ispitan, ali postoje indicije da se radi o moćnom prediktoru biološkog ponašanja tumora. CILJ: Cilj je bio da se ispita zavisnost dužine perioda bez relapsa, veličine primarnog tumora, gustine peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracije tumorske margine od gustine TP i CPF kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II. METODOLOGIJA: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 114 bolesnika operisanih od KK u stadijumu II na Institutu za onkologiju Vojvodine, bez nepovoljnih prognostičkih faktora i bez indikacija za primenu adjuvantne hemioterapije. Mikroskopskom analizom rutinskih histoloških i imunohistohemijskih preparata utvrđivana je gustina TP i CPF, koja je zatim korelirana sa vremenom pojave relapsa, veličinom primarnog tumora, gustinom peritumorske limfocitne infiltracije i konfiguracijom tumorske margine. REZULTATI: Velika gustina TP i/ili CPF nađena je kod 45 tumora (39,5%). U ovoj grupi se relaps dogodio kod 26 bolesnika (57,8%). U grupi bolesnika sa malom gustinom TP/CPF relaps je registrovan u 4 slučaja (5,8%). Poređenje krivih preživljavanja pokazalo je da je verovatnoća relapsa značajno veća ako se u tumoru nalazi velika gustina TP/CPF (p<0,0001). Tumori sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF su imali najveći prečnik koji je varirao u rasponu od 25 do 100 mm, dok su tumori sa malom gustinom TP/CPF bili najvećeg prečnika od 20 do 110 mm (p=0,6744). Intenzitet peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora je bio velik kod 13 tumora sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF (28,9%) i kod 17 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (24,6%), p=0,7747. Konfiguracija tumorske margine je bila infiltrativna u svim tumorima sa velikom gustinom TP/CPF, kao i kod 42 tumora sa malom gustinom TP/CPF (60,9%). ZAKLJUČAK: Velika gustina TP/CPF je nezavisan tkivni indikator loše prognoze kod bolesnika sa KK u stadijumu II, koji je ne korelira ni sa veličinom primarnog tumora ni sa intenzitetom peritumorskog limfoidnog odgovora. Velika gustina TP/CPF nije kompatibilna sa ekspanzivnom konfiguracijom tumorske margine, ali infiltrativna konfiguracija tumorske margine nije prediktor velike gustine TP/CPF.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Colonic carcinoma (CC) is a serious public health problem due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Stage is the single most important independent prognosticator in patients with CC. In the presence of indicators of poor prognosis, including high histologic grade, ileus, lympho-vascular invasion and perineural invasion, there is a need for adjuvant chemotherapy after a potentially curative operation in patients with stage II CC, because the therapy improves both overall survival and disease-free survival. However, some patients with no documented poor prognostic factors suffer recurrences, which indicates that there may be some other tissue features that confer poor prognosis. In the recent publications there is an increasing interest in the phenomenon of tumor budding, a term assigned to the presence of small groups of discohesive tumor cells at the invasive front of the tumor – tumor buds (TB's). These cells acquire mesenchymal phenotype and gain the ability to migrate through the extracellular matrix by means of cytoplasmic extrusions which are visible on the two-dimensional immunohistologic sections and are called cytoplasmic pseudofragments (CPF's). Significance of density of TB's and CPF's is still to be evaluated, but the pool of evidence suggests that this is a powerful predictor of biologic behaviour of CC. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of density of TB's and CPF's on the risk of recurrence in patients with stage II CC. This research also attempted to establish whether there is a correlation between the density of TB's and CPF's and several other morphologic features such as tumor diameter, peritumoral lymphocytic response and the configuration of the tumor margin. METHODS: 114 patients with stage II CC were enrolled in the study. All the patients received surgery at the Institute of Oncology in Sremska Kamenica and no patient had indication for adjuvant chemotherapy. Microscopic analysis of routine histologic and immunohistochemical slides was performed to establish the density of TB's and CPF's, to estimate the intensity of the peritumoral lymphocytic response and to determine the configuration of the tumor margin. RESULTS: High density of TB's and/or CPF's was found in 45 tumors (39.5%). In this group recurrence occured in 26 patients (57.8%). In the group of patients with low density of TB/CPF in the tumor tissue 4 patients relapsed (5.8%). Comparison of survival curves showed that the probability of recurrence was significantly greater if the density of TB/CPF's was high (p<0.0001). Tumors with high density of TB/CPF's ranged from 25 to 100 mm in greatest diameter, while those with low density measured from 20 to 110 mm (p=0.6744). Intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response was high in 13 tumors with high density of TB/CPF's (28.9%) and in 17 tumors with low density of TB/CPF's (24.6%), p=0.7747. All tumors with high density of TB/CPF's and 42 tumors with low density of TB/CPF's (60.9%) had infiltrative configuration of tumor margin. CONCLUSION: High density of TB/CPF's is an independent indicator of poor prognosis in patients with stage II CC and it correlates neither with tumor diameter nor with intensity of peritumoral lymphocytic response. High density of TB/CPF's is not compatible with the expansive configuration of tumor margin, but the infiltrative configuration of tumor margin is not a predictor of high density of TB/CPF's.</p>
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