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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

hACME game : Administrative Interface

Berrum, Christian Grønnet, Johnsen, Morten Weel January 2011 (has links)
hACME game is a game based learning tool for teaching software security. The game is intended to help raising awareness and interest in the subject of software security. The purpose of the game is to make future software developers aware of how important security is. A key feature of the game is how it measures the participant's progress and the use of hints. This thesis focus on implementing an administrative interface for hACME game enabling easier access to statistics and results by admin users. The foundation for the thesis is a project written in the autumn semester of 2010 by Christian Berrum and Morten Weel Johnsen. The project thesis contained a conceptual design for the administrative interface.The result is a fully functional implementation of the administrative interface. The administrative interface consists of functionality for doing management tasks and getting statistics about the game and user progress. The thesis also focuses on the implementation of questionnaires in order to get information about the player's learning process.

Open Source, Distributed IS Development : A Study of the Development and Implementation of a Hospital Information System in India

Valland, Samson, Øygard, Per Øyvind January 2011 (has links)
Open-Source software has become increasingly more common in IT-organisations. Despite this the focus of studies on open-source has largely been focused on large system software. In our thesis we have worked on a software development project in Shimla, India, to create a hospital management system for the district hospitals in the state of Himachal Pradesh. Through our studies we have looked at the challenges of developing and implementing an open-source IS system in low-resource environment. Our results show that such an undertaking can be successful, but that distributed development poses a lot of challenges, and that the use of open-source software, while free, still necessitates a lot of work and close communication with the community.

Design and Evaluation of a Personalized Mobile Tourist System

Røine, Per Christian January 2011 (has links)
Smartphones are rapidly evolving, making them powerful devices with many features. Location awareness is one of the hot topics, aiding applications to provide better services to users. A challenge is to combine the large amount of tourist information with the limited display sizes of smartphones. Also, tourists spend a lot of time nding information with little knowledge of their probable enjoyment of these tourist relevant locations. Recommender systems attempt to solve this by using information about users and points of interest. We will investigate several studies that discuss tourist applications.This project presents the Mobile Tourist Service Recommender which is a personalized tourist application introduced by [Wium, 2010]. We have further developed this system, performed thorough usability testing, applied the Mobile Services Acceptance Model, and analyzed the results.The results indicate that the system has potential and is encouraged by the positive feedback from many users. Users especially found the system to be benecial to them as tourists, and that they could use the system during vacations. Unfortunately, the achieved responses were not completely satisfactory to our goals, but further iterations with the suggested improvements implemented will raise the user experience.

Extracting Keyphrases from Individual News Articles

Lund, Kristian January 2011 (has links)
Extraction of keyphrases from individual documents is a research area in which one try to extract a small set of keyphrases that describe the content of a single document. The advantages with this form of extraction is that it retains most of the semantic context from the document.In this thesis we focus on the news article domain and use the structure of a news article to improve the quality of the extracted keyphrases. An existing individual document keyphrase extraction algorithm is used as the basis. This algorithm is enhanced by implementing a weighting system based upon the structure of news articles. In addition some other common methods for keyword extraction is applied. The effects of these changes are tested extensively in the evaluation phase.In the evaluation of the implemented prototype we find that the introduction of a weight based system yields results that are equal to the basic algorithm and that few improvements can be made. We do however find that an automatically generated stopword list based on the corpus improves the results by 1-2%.

Introducing The iPad in A Norwegian High School : How Do Students and Teachers React to This Technology

Valstad, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies the use of iPad in a Norwegian classroom. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate how suitable the iPad is in a classroom, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it and if it can produce increased motivation towards learning among students. To conduct this evaluation in a realistic setting, a class with 15 students together with 5 teachers were each provided with 1 iPad. A set of qualitative data gathering activities were selected; observations, focus group meetings and interviews. Through these activities empirical data was obtained for further analysis and discussion.Abstract The findings indicate that the iPad hold many advantages in a classroom, but not without disadvantages. iPad's convenient size made reading easier for the students. Multiple means of content representation and possible ways of expression provided students with options in learning. It was found an increase in motivation among several of the students. The disadvantages are that the iPad requires extensive training, if it would be used to it fullest potential and not as another substitute to a laptop computer. Lack of educational content, such as multimedia enriched books is needed to increase learning, simply because PDF versions of textbooks does not bring anything new except increased portability. Abstract The main challenge in this project was the balancing act of two somewhat conflicting goals: Acquiring knowledge of the pedagogical advantages of the iPad, thus covering the breadth of its features, while at the same time being constrained by very strict network restrictions, which resulted in that not all of iPad's features could be used. Abstract From this work, the project team has gained deep insight in how the iPad should be integrated into schools. We are particularly pleased with how many of the students used the iPad to solve tasks and used it with their schoolwork. The teachers in this thesis are positive towards the iPad's educational capabilities, and this thesis will provide useful information for anyone considering using the iPad in school and what kind of experiences and difficulties to expect.

Unit Testing with TDD in JavaScript

Kleivane, Tine Flåten January 2011 (has links)
JavaScript has gained increased usage and attention the last years, but development and testing methods is still lagging behind.To mitigate some of these issues, this thesis brings together unit testing and JavaScript, using test-driven development as a methodology. Through exploration of these topics, the differentiators in a unit testing framework are considered. Existing frameworks are also discussed and how the terminology in JavaScript differs from traditional xUnit family frameworks.By creating and running a set of four test cases, both the general and unique features of JavaScript are tested in hand-picked frameworks, which were decided through an evaluation process. One of the contributions is based on this; a recommendation for a minimum set of test library features for a JavaScript unit testing framework.Various factors were found to differentiate the frameworks, and so the thesis also provides a Discovery test case to emphasize some of these aspects. This test case provides practitioners with a quick option for learning a new framework. The set of test cases can be applied to new frameworks to assess their functionality.As the thesis explores an area with little current research, suggestions for further work present several topics, ranging from system level JavaScript testing to quantitative studies building on the set of test cases.

Brukerinvolvering i smidig utvikling: Utfordringer og muligheter / User Involvement in Agile Development: Challenges and Possibilities

Sandven, Håvard January 2011 (has links)
Smidig systemutvikling har i løpet av de siste årene blitt en svært populær utviklingsmetode for utarbeidelse av IT-systemer. Denne oppgaven ser nærmere på hvordan man integrerer arbeid med brukeropplevelse i en smidig utviklingsprosess. Selve studiet er todelt og bygger videre på arbeidet som ble gjennomført høsten 2010 i forstudiet <i>Brukervennlighet i smidig systemutvikling</i>.I første del av oppgaven ser vi på samspillet mellom kunde og leverandør for de tre prosjektene som ble studert i forprosjektet, og da spesielt med hensyn på brukerinvolvering. Informasjon om dette er hentet inn gjennom intervjuer med prosjektledere for utviklingsprosjektene og tilhørende representanter fra kundesiden. Studiet viser at utviklingsprosjekter er en svært kompleks prosess, der man har mange elementer å forholde seg til. Et viktig element som kom frem i dette studiet er at kunderepresentanten har en svært sentral rolle. Det kreves et godt samarbeid mellom kunderepresentanten og utviklere, med god to-veis kommunikasjon, for at utviklingsprosjektet skal bli vellykket. Med bakgrunn i resultatene i fra undersøkelsene om samspillet mellom kunde og utviklere ønsket vi i den andre delen av oppgaven å se nærmere på de generelle mulighetene og utfordringene som eksisterer mellom disiplinene brukeropplevelse og smidig utvikling. Dette innebar å intervjue noen representanter fra de to fagmiljøene for smidig utvikling og brukeropplevelse i Norge. Resultatene av intervjuene viste at det er et stort engasjement i begge fagmiljøene rundt denne problematikken. Det kom frem at dagens beste praksis er å alltid involvere brukeropplevelse tidlig i utviklingsprosessen. I tillegg vil det i en del tilfeller være hensiktsmessig å la brukeropplevelse ligge en iterasjon i forkant, da brukeropplevelse ønsker å ha et holistisk overblikk, mens utviklerne ønsker å fokusere mer på detaljene.Studiet viser også at det fortsatt eksisterer utfordringer i samspillet mellom brukeropplevelse og smidige utviklere, men at man er på riktig spor i forhold til å skape det gode samarbeidet. Dette har sammenheng med at smidig utvikling er relativt ungt, og er i en modningsfase der man søker å finne den optimale prosessen.

Efficient Processes and Transparent Information Flow in Supply Chain Through Use of RFID

Sørensen, Anita January 2007 (has links)
RFID is an up-and-coming technology holding promise of closing information gaps in the supply chain. Information is probably the biggest driver of performance in supply chains today and information control is seen as a huge advantage in management. This report addresses how RFID may contribute to improve management and supply chain within warehouse management. By doing a case study of three Norwegian businesses the report finds processes in management and logistics. An evaluation of where a theoretical RFID implementation may impact show that RFID increases data and data collection in almost all identified processes. Both management and logistics in general have the potential of automating several processes and collected data results in increased information sharing. When businesses handle identified challenges in the technology RFID have huge possibilities in improving warehouse management and the supply chain in general.

Accessing Cultural Heritage Resources on a Mobile Augmented Reality Platform : A Study on Technology Acceptance

Haugstvedt, Anne-Cecilie January 2012 (has links)
This project follows the design science research methodology and uses an extended version of the technology acceptance model (TAM) to study the acceptance of a mobile augmented reality application with historical photographs and information. A prototype application was developed in accordance with general principles for usability design, and a street survey was conducted, where 42 participants out on the street got the opportunity to try the application before answering a questionnaire. A modified version of the same questionnaire was later on used in a web survey with 200 participants that watched a short video demonstration before answering the questionnaire.The results show that there is an interest in mobile augmented reality applications with historical pictures and information. Both perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment have a direct impact on the intention to use this type of application. This finding suggests that institutions developing this type of applications can benefit from focusing on both the fun and the useful aspect of their applications.

Using open vs. proprietary standards when developing applications for mobile devices

Freberg, Jon January 2012 (has links)
This thesis discusses the possibilities and limitations when developing mobile ap- plications natively vs. HTML5. Research has been carried out to understand how mobile devices can be utilized to its fullest when running applications, and a native iPad application was developed to help in discovering unforeseen challenges. It was developed with a client-server architecture to decrease the amount of work it would take to implement the application natively as a client for all the different mobile platforms.The native approach combined with the client-server architecture is not cross platform by nature, but the study shows that its benefits outweighs the limitations in many cases. It is also shown that time- and cost of the development of an appli- cation favours the HTML5 approach. HTML5 was concluded to be a solution that solves the cross platform problem, but it lacks both performance and API access. However, the type of application developed should be the deciding factor of what solution to choose.

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