Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dendrogramme design"" "subject:"cfdprogramme design""
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The effect of processed adventure-based experiential learning on personal effectiveness outcomes / J. Theron WeilbachWeilbach, Johannes Theron January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Recreation Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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The effect of processed adventure-based experiential learning on personal effectiveness outcomes / Johannes Theron WeilbachWeilbach, Johannes Theron January 2007 (has links)
Limited scientific research regarding the effectiveness of Adventure-Based
Experiential Learning (AEL) as an instrument to develop personal effectiveness
exists. Furthermore, little attention have been given to factors that influence the
effectiveness of these programmes. As a result the purpose of this study was twofold.
Firstly the study aimed to determine whether AEL is effective in improving the
personal effectiveness of participants scientifically. The Review of Personal
Effectiveness with Locus of Control (Richards et al., 2002) was used to determine the
personal effectiveness of participants. For the first article 23 adolescents currently
enrolled in a post-matric development centre were studied. The study consisted of an
experimental (n=12) and control group (n=11). The experimental group participated
in a five day low risk AEL programme in an urban setting. Pre-post test effect sizes
showed that the experimental group experienced significant (d=0.80) development in
four areas and medium (d=0.50) development in nine areas of personal development,
compared to one medium effect size for the control group. Secondly, the study
investigated whether a processed AEL programme will produce higher short-term
outcomes in terms of personal effectiveness than a non-processed programme. For
the second article a processed experimental group (n=12), a non-processed
experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n=11) were studied. The
experimental groups participated in identical Jive day low risk AEL programmes, with
one group receiving group processing after each activity while the other experimental
group did not. Pre-post test effect sizes for the processed experimental group
indicated significant improvements (d=0.80) in four constructs and medium
improvements (d=0.50) in nine constructs. The non-processed experimental group
achieved significant improvements (d=0.80) in one construct and medium
improvements (d=0.50) in two constructs. Results indicate the importance of
processing for the attainment of AEL programme outcomes. Research into the effect
of AEL design and duration as well as the amount and type of processing on outcomes
is recommended. / Thesis (M.A. (Recreation Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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The effect of processed adventure-based experiential learning on personal effectiveness outcomes / Johannes Theron WeilbachWeilbach, Johannes Theron January 2007 (has links)
Limited scientific research regarding the effectiveness of Adventure-Based
Experiential Learning (AEL) as an instrument to develop personal effectiveness
exists. Furthermore, little attention have been given to factors that influence the
effectiveness of these programmes. As a result the purpose of this study was twofold.
Firstly the study aimed to determine whether AEL is effective in improving the
personal effectiveness of participants scientifically. The Review of Personal
Effectiveness with Locus of Control (Richards et al., 2002) was used to determine the
personal effectiveness of participants. For the first article 23 adolescents currently
enrolled in a post-matric development centre were studied. The study consisted of an
experimental (n=12) and control group (n=11). The experimental group participated
in a five day low risk AEL programme in an urban setting. Pre-post test effect sizes
showed that the experimental group experienced significant (d=0.80) development in
four areas and medium (d=0.50) development in nine areas of personal development,
compared to one medium effect size for the control group. Secondly, the study
investigated whether a processed AEL programme will produce higher short-term
outcomes in terms of personal effectiveness than a non-processed programme. For
the second article a processed experimental group (n=12), a non-processed
experimental group (n=12) and a control group (n=11) were studied. The
experimental groups participated in identical Jive day low risk AEL programmes, with
one group receiving group processing after each activity while the other experimental
group did not. Pre-post test effect sizes for the processed experimental group
indicated significant improvements (d=0.80) in four constructs and medium
improvements (d=0.50) in nine constructs. The non-processed experimental group
achieved significant improvements (d=0.80) in one construct and medium
improvements (d=0.50) in two constructs. Results indicate the importance of
processing for the attainment of AEL programme outcomes. Research into the effect
of AEL design and duration as well as the amount and type of processing on outcomes
is recommended. / Thesis (M.A. (Recreation Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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The design and evaluation of a hope enhancement programme for adults / Charl J. PretoriusPretorius, Charl Johan January 2004 (has links)
The aim of the research was to design and assess the effectiveness of a hope
enhancement programme for a group of adults and the resulting influence on their
general psychological well-being.
The purpose of the programme was to increase hope, as conceptualised by Snyder
et al. (1991), by enhancing participants' abilities to set feasible goals, planning ways
to reach those goals (pathways) and increasing determination and motivation (agency)
towards goal achievement. The workshop-format programme, presented by the
researcher, consisted of six two-hour sessions spread over five days. The programme
was developed through incorporating suggestions from existing Hope literature
together with health psychological and positive psychology principles.
In order to determine the impact of the programme, four measurement instruments
were used, namely the Hope Scale, the Hunter Opinions and Personal Expectations
Scale (HOPES), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Sense of Coherence
scale (SOC-29). A pre and post-test design included an experimental group (n = 8),
control group (n = 8) and 'chat' group (n = 8). Prior to group compilation, screening
interviews were conducted with interested participants to exclude those who had
recently experienced trauma or displayed overt signs of psychological pathology. The
control group received no intervention, while the 'chat' group, of which the researcher
was also a member, was allowed to discuss topics of their choosing. The study groups
comprised both men and women of different ages and socio-economic status. All
participants were White and Afrikaans speaking.
Descriptive statistics, psychometric analysis of the measuring instruments and
significant differences between groups were calculated with the assistance of the
STATISTICA (version 6) computer programme (Statsoft Inc., 2003). Reliability
indices compared well with those recorded in the literature for the various scales. For
the experimental group, the findings indicated an increase in the hope levels as
reflected by significant improvement on the Hope Scale and the Hopefulness subscale
of the HOPES. Subjective feedback from the group confirmed these findings.
Psychological well-being improved, as shown by a significant increase in Sense of
Coherence (SOC-29) along with a positive change in Satisfaction with Life (SWLS).
Neither the control nor experimental groups revealed any significant changes.
It was established that the hope enhancement programme is effective in increasing
the levels of hope and general psychological well-being of a group of adults relatively
free of psychological pathology. Considering the findings, it is recommended that
future wellness intervention should not focus solely on individuals with established
psychological pathology, but also consider a preventative approach within the average
population. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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The design and evaluation of a hope enhancement programme for adults / Charl J. PretoriusPretorius, Charl Johan January 2004 (has links)
The aim of the research was to design and assess the effectiveness of a hope
enhancement programme for a group of adults and the resulting influence on their
general psychological well-being.
The purpose of the programme was to increase hope, as conceptualised by Snyder
et al. (1991), by enhancing participants' abilities to set feasible goals, planning ways
to reach those goals (pathways) and increasing determination and motivation (agency)
towards goal achievement. The workshop-format programme, presented by the
researcher, consisted of six two-hour sessions spread over five days. The programme
was developed through incorporating suggestions from existing Hope literature
together with health psychological and positive psychology principles.
In order to determine the impact of the programme, four measurement instruments
were used, namely the Hope Scale, the Hunter Opinions and Personal Expectations
Scale (HOPES), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and the Sense of Coherence
scale (SOC-29). A pre and post-test design included an experimental group (n = 8),
control group (n = 8) and 'chat' group (n = 8). Prior to group compilation, screening
interviews were conducted with interested participants to exclude those who had
recently experienced trauma or displayed overt signs of psychological pathology. The
control group received no intervention, while the 'chat' group, of which the researcher
was also a member, was allowed to discuss topics of their choosing. The study groups
comprised both men and women of different ages and socio-economic status. All
participants were White and Afrikaans speaking.
Descriptive statistics, psychometric analysis of the measuring instruments and
significant differences between groups were calculated with the assistance of the
STATISTICA (version 6) computer programme (Statsoft Inc., 2003). Reliability
indices compared well with those recorded in the literature for the various scales. For
the experimental group, the findings indicated an increase in the hope levels as
reflected by significant improvement on the Hope Scale and the Hopefulness subscale
of the HOPES. Subjective feedback from the group confirmed these findings.
Psychological well-being improved, as shown by a significant increase in Sense of
Coherence (SOC-29) along with a positive change in Satisfaction with Life (SWLS).
Neither the control nor experimental groups revealed any significant changes.
It was established that the hope enhancement programme is effective in increasing
the levels of hope and general psychological well-being of a group of adults relatively
free of psychological pathology. Considering the findings, it is recommended that
future wellness intervention should not focus solely on individuals with established
psychological pathology, but also consider a preventative approach within the average
population. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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Genetic progress and inbreeding rate in complex breeding programmes – Applications to sport horses and laying hensSitzenstock, Florian 21 May 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Optimierung von Zuchtprogrammen. Zum einen wurde eine neue Methode zur Berücksichtigung der mittleren Inzucht in Zuchtplanungsrechnungen entwickelt. Zum anderen werden zwei gänzlich unterschiedliche Zuchtprogramme modelliert und aktuelle Optimierungsansätze validiert. Dabei werden sowohl der naturale als auch der monetäre Zuchtfortschritt und der diskontierte Züchtungsgewinn berücksichtigt. Im Projekt FUGATO+brain wurde die Zuchtplanungssoftware ZPLAN neu programmiert und mit weiteren zuchtplanerischen Werkzeugen versehen. Als Ergebnis des Projektes entstand die Software ZPLAN+. Diese ermöglicht die Modellierung von komplexen Zuchtprogrammen und kann zur Optimierung von Zuchtprogrammen genutzt werden. Die Software ist anwenderfreundlich und umfasst alle Bereiche der Zuchtplanung.
Zur Berechnung der mittleren Inzucht wurde eine neue Methode für die Implementierung in der Zuchtplanung entwickelt. Die Methode basiert auf der mittleren Kinship in einer Zuchtpopulation. Die Kinship ist definiert als die Wahr-scheinlichkeit, dass innerhalb einer Gruppe am gleichen Locus zwei zufällig gewählte Allele herkunftsgleich sind. Die Berechnung der Kinship erfolgt auf Grundlage der Genflussmethode. Zur Validierung der Methode wurde eine früher beschriebene Schafpopulation verwandt, die in unterschiedlichen Weisen modifiziert wurde. Insgesamt wurden drei verschiedene Szenarien modelliert, wovon das erste von einem Populationswachstum ausging. Im zweiten Szenario wurde angenommen, dass die Populationsgröße durch einen Flaschenhals verringert wird und sich dann wieder erhöht. Für die dritte Modellierung wurde die Population über einen Zeitraum getrennt und dann wieder zusammengeführt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich mit der vorgeschlagenen Methode in sämtlichen komplexen Populationsstrukturen die mittlere Inzucht und die effektive Populationsgröße berechnet lässt.
In einer Zuchtplanungsrechnung für Reitpferde sollte der gezielte Einsatz von Embryotransfer in einem Pferdezuchtprogramm validiert werden. Hierfür wurde ein Zuchtprogramm in ZPLAN+ modelliert, welches das aktuelle Zuchtprogramm des Hannoveraner Verbandes e.V. näherungsweise abbildet. In verschiedenen Szenarien wurde eine schärfere Selektion auf der Stutenseite modelliert, wobei die besten Stuten des Zuchtprogramms als Spenderstuten für den Embryotransfer eingesetzt wurden. Es wurde davon ausgegangen, dass die zur Selektion zur Verfügung stehenden Stuten sowohl Ergebnisse in der Eintragung, als auch Ergebnisse einer Leistungsprüfung haben. Die Anzahl der zur Selektion verfügbaren Stuten wurde ebenso variiert wie die Anzahl der selektierten Stuten und die Anzahl der geborenen Fohlen je Spenderstute. Deutlich wurde, dass der Embryotransfer die Möglichkeit bietet den Zuchtfortschritt in einem Pferdezuchtprogramm stark zu steigern, wobei dies mit einer Steigerung der Kosten für die Züchter einhergeht. Mit dem vorgeschlagenen Ansatz zur Inzuchtberechnung konnte gezeigt werden, dass die scharfe Selektion und der starke Einsatz der Spenderstuten eine Erhöhung der mittleren Inzucht und daraus folgend eine geringere effektive Populationsgröße nach sich zieht.
Im dritten Abschnitt der Arbeit sollten die Auswirkungen der Einbeziehung von genomischen Informationen in ein Legehennenzuchtprogramm gezeigt werden. Dafür wurde in enger Kooperation mit der Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH ein Zuchtprogramm zur Produktion von 500 Mio. Legehennen in ZPLAN+ nachgebildet. Die Produktion der Elterntiere basiert auf einer Kreuzung von vier Nukleuslinien, die konventionelle Selektion stützt sich vor allem auf die Leistungsprüfung von Hennen in den einzelnen Linien. Zur Nutzung der genomischen Informationen wurde von unterschiedlich großen Kalibrierungsstichproben ausgegangen. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die genomischen Informationen der Hähne zusätzlich zu allen konventionellen Selektionskriterien genutzt. Dabei wurde die Anzahl der getesteten Hähne variiert und in einem weiteren Schritt wurde davon ausgegangen, dass die Hennen ebenfalls genotypisiert sind. In einem weiteren Szenario basierte die Selektion nur auf Pedigreedaten und genomischen Informationen. Deutlich wurde, dass in der zweiten Variante das Generationsintervall massiv gesenkt werden konnte. Der Zuchtfortschritt konnte in allen modellierten Varianten erhöht werden, wobei es Unterschiede in den Einzelmerkmalen gab. Die Einführung der genomischen Informationen in die Legehennenzucht ist verbunden mit einem massiven Kostenanstieg. Inwieweit der gesteigerte Zuchtfortschritt den Kostenanstieg rechtfertigt bedarf einer Marktanalyse seitens der Zuchtunternehmen.
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A framework for the design and implementation of competency-based teacher education programmes at the University of NamibiaEngelbrecht, Frederik Daniel Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Competency-based education (CBE) was introduced in the 1970s in the United States of
America and its philosophical and practical dimensions are still being explored. As the
Government of Namibia subscribes to CBE for all levels of education, the University of
Namibia needs to understand this approach to education and how such programmes are
ideally designed and implemented to bridge the gap between education (graduateness) and
training (competence).
The goal of this study was to develop a contextualised CBE programme design and
implementation framework. International programme design and implementation
frameworks were analysed and synthesised and applied to a local university programme, the
Advanced Diploma in Education, in order to test the validity of an international framework
and adapt it to local conditions.
A qualitative research approach was used. On the one hand, data on the Advanced Diploma
in Education (ADEd) was generated through methods such as stakeholder feedback on the
ADEd design questionnaire as well as the analysis of relevant design and implementation
documents. The post-hoc qualitative approach included a literature review, a visit to
Australian universities and an international survey regarding the proposed design and
implementation framework.
The findings of the study pertain to programme design and programme implementation. The
programme design findings emphasised the importance of the management of change to a
CBE approach, the format of module descriptors and the assessment of competence. The
implementation findings highlighted the necessity of administrative changes to
accommodate CBE features, the training of staff and continuous evaluation of the teaching
environment and lecturer performance.
The study concludes that CBE appears to be appropriate for teacher education in Namibia
when certain pitfalls are avoided and recommends that CBE programme designers at the
Faculty of Education at the University of Namibia might apply the researched framework,
comprising a comprehensive design and implementation section.
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Dialogue or discipline : distance education support in the Department of DefenceXabanisa, Llewellyn Mxolisi 11 October 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify what were the requirements placed on the design of distance education programmes as regards discipline or dialogue and how did these factors impact on student-support in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). Education in general is used to classical behavioural objective that outlines precisely for the student what has to be done and is one way of structuring the learning materials. The South African National Defence Force (SANDF), by its very nature, is very familiar with this formal structure and style of doing things. It prescribes the way teaching has to happen and how the outcomes have to be achieved and at times in a very formal way. Opposed to the above is dialogue that calls for a move away from the prescriptiveness of doing something. Doing and thinking now becomes more open through dialogue. Education stakeholders now debate the value of certain content, since content is no more fixed, the admission of students into the programme is not fixed any more and the way examinations are set is also not fixed or prescriptive. There is now a move away from the disciplinary way of thinking, that is, thinking in terms of fixed boundaries or discipline any longer – dialogue has opened up options and opportunities. This research is based on the belief that distance education problems in the Department of Defence (DoD) are as result of outdated and inadequate instructional or programme design methods or approaches, and thus lack student-support. The four sub-research questions that emanate from the main research question as posed in this research are summarized as follows: (1) What is the distance learning teaching and learning character of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF)? (2) What is the role dialogue in the design of teaching and learning? (3) How are ‘outcomes’ in transactional distance or dialogue achieved? (4) What is the role of dialogue in student empowerment or student support? The design of this research was based on qualitative approach. The feasibility of the research was assured by focusing on distance learning institutions and practitioners. Literature study and document analysis was utilized as data-collection method. Face-to-face interviews with focused groups and individual interviews utilizing unstructured, open-ended questions on interview schedules were also conducted. In addition, anonymous student reports collected by programme managers at the end of a programme replaced the unavailability of student interviews were utilised. The findings of the study were that the character of structural design of distance learning programmes in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) resembles that of the disciplinary approach, and is thus prescriptive. Structure, in terms of the teaching and learning strategies and the substance of the content is largely the mode of practice in the SANDF’s distance education system. Communication finds its way into the distance learning system of the Department of Defence as authoritative power source. The main function of dialogue in the system is to vest the interest of this organization as programme directors and instructors are not fully emancipated. Students and instructors find it difficult to engage constructively academically. Learner-to-learner interaction and freedom of academic discourse is hampered as the result of authoritarian and prescriptive doctrine of a structured curriculum. It is then concluded that student support in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) distance education settings does not address requirements of dialogue. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Science, Mathematics and Technology Education / unrestricted
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Alignment of the emerging management development programme(EMDP) to the human resource development strategy for the South African public serviceBoshomane, Lekau Godfrey 11 1900 (has links)
The focus of this research is to understand the relevance of the Human Resource Development Strategy for the functioning of South African Public Service and its implications for the Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP).
One of the main challenges of the Human Resource Development Strategy (HRDS) is its translation into well designed training programmes that are aligned with the goals and objectives of the strategy. The Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) is meant to be the translation and interpretation of the HRDS for public sector training and development on emerging management level.
The intention of this study is to evaluate, analyse and understand the alignment of the EMDP with the Human Resource Development Strategy for the South African pubic service and subsequently suggest proposals for the possible improvement of emerging middle management development.
The objectives of the research will be stated in the form of two critical questions:
What are the main directives in the Human Resource Development Strategy for the Public Service regarding management development in general, and the gaps in the design and development of the Emerging Management Development Programme (EMDP) in particular?
How does the design and development of the current EMDP meet the strategic vision for management development as envisioned in the Human Resource Development Strategy for the Public Service?
The research methodology applied in this study, is a qualitative research approach. This approach focuses on phenomena that occur in natural settings, i.e. in the real world and involve studying those phenomena in all of their complexity which is used to gather data. This data is preserved in descriptive narratives. A qualitative research approach also uses mainly the constructivist-interpretive perspective.
The key finding is that as much as the EMDP is comprehensive, it is however not yet aligned with the Human Resource Development Strategy of the South African Public Service. The recommendation is that the conversion of the objectives of HRDS-SA into the learning outcomes of the EMDP in order to provide a framework for a comprehensive base of competencies that inform the curriculation of the EMDP is important. This will ensure that the learners are able to benefit from a multitude of skills development activities in the programme and, in so doing, render them more purposeful to improve their impact on the skills challenges of the country. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Public management)
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A language programme evaluation : English as language of learning and teaching / A. MostertMostert, Annamarie January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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