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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA MARIA CORREA MOREIRA DA SILVA 13 November 2013 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é o de investigar a assimetria estrutural e constitutiva entre fatos e proposições, segundo diferentes graus de determinação, que nos conduzem à hipótese de proposições verdadeiras como propriedades de fatos ou do mundo, com consequências semânticas, metafísicas e epistêmicas. Do ponto de vista semântico, partimos da classificação de Russell entre sentido e denotação das sentenças linguísticas, para aplicá-la às proposições empíricas ou contingentes, em sua relação com os complexos fatos que as tornam verdadeiras, em defesa de uma teoria realista da verdade. Do ponto de vista metafísico, analisamos a natureza dos fatos e proposições, como complexos estruturados e unificados, cuja diferença de constituição corrobora a hipótese de que proposições abstraem aspectos parciais de fatos concretos. A complexidade geral dos fatos, eventos ou situações, com fronteiras espaciotemporais vagamente delimitadas, conduz-nos a uma comparação entre as relações de truthmaking e causalidade, que será útil para o desenvolvimento de nossa hipótese, a ser aprofundada por meio de uma análise da noção de propriedade particularizada ou trope. E do ponto de vista epistêmico, investigamos em que medida proposições abstratas são propriedades identificadoras de fatos concretos, bem como de que modo podemos conhecê-los, a partir da distinção russelliana entre conhecimento direto e indireto. / [en] The aim of this study is to investigate the structural and constitutive asymmetry between facts and propositions, subject to different degrees of determination, which lead us to the hypothesis of true propositions as properties of facts or of the world, with semantic, metaphysical and epistemic consequences. From the semantic point of view, we start from the classification of Russell between sense and denotation of linguistic sentences, to apply it to the empirical or contingent propositions, in its relationship with the complex facts that make them true, in defense of a realist theory of truth. From the metaphysical point of view, we analyze the nature of facts and propositions, as structured and unified complexes, whose difference of constitution supports the hypothesis that propositions abstract partial aspects of concrete facts. The overall complexity of the facts, events or situations, with faintly delimited spatiotemporal boundaries, leads us to a comparison between the relations of truthmaking and causality, which will be useful for developing our hypothesis, to be discussed further through an analysis of the notion of a particularized property or trope. And from the epistemic point of view, we investigate to what extent are abstract propositions identifying properties of concrete facts, and how can we know them, by assuming the Russellian distinction between direct and indirect knowledge.

La primauté de l’étant et les premiers principes chez Gérard Odon / The primacy of being and the first principles in Geraldus Odonis

Rieger schmidt, Ana 07 April 2014 (has links)
Il s’agit d’une thèse sur le traité De duobus communissimis principiis scientiarum de Gérard Odon (vers 1320). Dans la première partie, nous faisons l’analyse du texte en nous centrant sur la notion d’« ens tertio adiacens ». Il s’agit de l’étant signifié par la totalité de la proposition et son vérifacteur ; il est univoquement comment à l’ens reale et à l’ens rationis et pour cette raison Odon l’identifie au sujet des principes de non-contradiction et du tiers exclu. L’ens tertio adiacens correspond aussi au premier objet adéquat de l’intellect et au sujet de la logique, entendue comme la science première. Dans la deuxième partie, nous plaçons Odon dans deux débats historiographiques : celui du réalisme propositionnel (à côté de Walter Burley, Grégoire de Rimini et Jean Wyclif) et celui des avancements de la doctrine des surtranscendantaux (à côté de Nicolas Bonet, François de la Marche et d’autres), lequel émerge de la distinction des deux sens de « res » chez Henri de Gand et ensuite chez Duns Scot. / This thesis deals with Geraldus Odonis’ treatise De duobos communissimis principiis scientiarum (ca. 1320). In the first part, we analyze the text by focusing on the concept of "ens tertio adiacens". It is the being signified by the totality of the proposition and its truthmaker; it is univocally common to ens reale and ens rationis, for this reason Odonis identifies it to the subject of the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of excluded middle. The ens tertio adiacens also corresponds to the first adequate object of the intellect and to the subject of logic, which is understood as the first science. In the second part, we place Odonis in two historiographical debates: the propositional realism (alongside Walter Burley, Gregory of Rimini and John Wyclif) and the advancements of the doctrine of supertranscendentals (alongside Nicolas Bonetus, Francis of Marchia and others), which emerges from the distinction between the two senses of "res" in Henry of Ghent and in Duns Scotus .

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