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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přehled zvláštních režimů ochrany u jednotlivých druhů autorských děl včetně srovnání s ochranou obecnou / An outline of special regimes of protection with respect to individual types of copyrighted works including the comparison with the general protection regime

Lukenda, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Overview of special protection regimes of copyright works including the comparison with the general protection regime Object and purpose of this work is to explore the special protection regimes of copyright works. But before I start to deal with these regimes, I find necessary to, at least in brief, outline the historical development and basic concepts of copyright law. In my opinion special protection regimes can not be examined without knowledge of these basics. In the next chapter, I will discuss the general protection regime of copyright works. I think it is a sort of bridge between first general chapters on one side and specialities of special protection regimes of copyright works on the other. Copyright law has traditionally belong to private law, so I will explore different interventions to author rights and the means of protection, typically aimed at compensating injured. However, certain aspects of copyright law are so important to society that it is protected by criminal and administraticve means, and those belong to public law. For this area is typical preventive repressive method of solving infringements. Thus compensating injured is on the second place, the primary is to protect society from such undesirable phenomena. In the last part of this work, I'll get to the very core of this work,...

Ochrana autorských práv a mezinárodní právo / Protection of copyright and international Law

Rybář, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
Protection of Copyright and International Law Abstract The topic of the thesis is focused on currnet situation within the area of international copyright protection in connection with new technologies. Firstly, it points to differences in national and regional adaptations of legislation based on the principle of teritoriality typical for copyright protection. It defines the position of copyright within the framework of international law and within the system of intellectual property rights. It then presents the legislational framework of this area through the Berne Convention, the TRIPs Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization. It then focuses on the regional area of the European Union, where it discusses the Copyright Directive in the Information Society and the currently prepared Copyright Directive in the Single Digital Market and discusses in more detail its controversial articles 11 and 13. In Its second part, the thesis aproaches concepts of copyright, the criterion of originality and uniqueness, dualism of copyright as divided to the economic and moral rights and the concept of employee works. This provides a theoretical basis for the following chapters to illustrate a possible copyright problem related to artificial...

Autorių teisių apsaugos ir kitų intelektinės nuosavybės teisių gynimo teoriniai bei praktiniai aspektai / Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Protection and Enforcement of Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights

Mizaras, Vytautas 11 June 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijai teikiami mokslo darbai, susiję su dviem tyrimų sritimi – autorių teisių ir kitų intelektinės nuosavybės teisių apsaugos ir gynimo teoriniais ir praktiniais aspektais. Teikiamuose mokslo darbuose, remiantis kitų valstybių, Lietuvos doktrina ir teismų praktika analizuojama ir aiškinama teisinio reguliavimo novelų esmė, pateikiamos tam tikro instituto ar dalyko fundamentalios žinios ir vertinimai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad, ypač intelektinės nuosavybės teisės srityje, dauguma analizuotų klausimų susiję su Europos Sąjungos ar tarptautinės teisės aktų nuostatų įgyvendinimu vidaus teisėje, analizuojami šio įgyvendinimo rezultatai, nagrinėjamos atitinkamų nuostatų turinys ir taikymo galimybės, atskleidžiamos tinkamo ir netinkamo teisės taikymo atvejai, doktrininiu aiškinimu šalinamos esamos teisinio reguliavimo ar teisės taikymo spragos arba klaidos. Taip pat iškeliamos tam tikros teisės politikos formavimo, vystymo ir strategijos kryptys bei problemos, orientuojantis į racionalumo ir apsaugos funkcionalumo kriterijus. Tyrimuose didelę reikšmę turi istorinis, lyginamasis, teleologinis tyrimų metodai. Didelę reikšmę teikiamuose darbuose turi monografija apie autorių teisę, kurioje sistemiškai nagrinėjami pagrindiniai principai, šaltiniai, objektai, subjektai, asmeninės neturtinės teisės ir turtinės teisės bei jų apribojimai. Remiantis droit d‘ auteure tradicija, autorių teisės paskirtis ir pagrindinė funkcija yra reguliuoti trejopo pobūdžio interesų konfliktus ir rasti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject matter of the scientific studies comprises a study of key issues of the protection of copyright as well as enforcement of other intellectual property rights. The basic methods of study used in the works are comparative, historical and teleological. The model of legal regulation of the protection of intellectual property rights chosen is the one existing in the states of droit d’ auteur and copyright systems, and based on this model the key issues of copyright protection are analysed by way of comparing and assessing the aspects provided for in the Lithuanian legislation. Lithuania follows the droit d’ auteur system. In general, the Lithuanian copyright law does not reflect any unique tradition. The development of intellectual property rights protection in Lithuania essentially coincided with the accession to international and regional organisations and to international agreements. When Lithuania decisively implemented one of its foreign policy aims — to become a member of the European Union — the approximation of its national law to the European Union legislation commenced in the field of intellectual property law as well as in the whole legal system. The scientific monograph and the few scientific articles analyse the main aspects of the protection of copyright: main principles of copyright, legal sources, subject matter of the protections, the author or other copyright owner, contents of protection (economic rights and moral rights), limitations and exceptions... [to full text]

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