Spelling suggestions: "subject:"protokol"" "subject:"messprotokol""
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Predikce dopadů aukcí emisních povolenek na státní rozpočet ČR / Forecasting the impact of auctioning of emission allowances on the state budget of the Czech RepublicHanák, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The increasing volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to the creation of European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). This system should also fulfil an incentive function to reduce emissions. The EU ETS also participates in revenues of the state budgets. This master thesis deals with impacts of EU ETS on revenues of state budgets for each member states of this system. The thesis is compiled with calculations of revenues of state budgets. This methodology is then applied to the assessment of the impact of auctioning of emission allowances on the Czech state budget and is demonstrated on three possible scenarios.
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Legislativní a ekonomické problémy solární energie v ČR / Legislative and Economic Problems of Solar Energetics in the Czech RepublicKnězů, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
This work discusses the development of solar energy exploitation in Czech republic and partially in Germany. It contains basic definitions of terms in the area of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, fotovoltaic powrplants etc. In next part it describes development of solar systems in Czech republic and birth of legislation that regulates it. The main part of the work analyzes status quo of solar systems in Czech republic, especially in relation to continuous development of legislative environment. Equal attention is paid to solar energy evolution in Germany and its simmilarities with Czech environment. Based on these findings potential trends are outlined.
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The history of diplomatic protocol with the emphasis on French influence on diplomatic protocol and new cultural influences on today´s diplomatic protocol / Historie diplomatického protokolu se zaměřením na francouzský vliv na diplomatický protokol a nové kulturní vlivy na diplomatický protokolLukovicsová, Nicola January 2014 (has links)
The Master's Thesis on "The History of Diplomatic Protocol with the Emphasis on French Influence on Diplomatic Protocol and New Cultural Influences on Today's Diplomatic Protocol" aims at introducing the topic of History of Diplomatic protocol and is further elaborating on the topic in terms of various influences on Diplomacy and Diplomatic protocol. The purpose was to show that the evolution of the practices, protocols and etiquette is a gradual process of change. Nowadays we live in the world strongly influenced by the European tradition that mainly comes from France. However, the changing world and process of globalization makes it easier for people to interact, share their values and spread their ideas.
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Specifika obchodního jednání v Číně / Specifics of business negotiations in ChinaTycová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide complex view of business negotiations with Chinese partners, particularly with regard to intercultural differences and characteristics of business protocol. The thesis is divided into four chapters, focused on China as a territory, distinctions in culture and business, as well as selected business dealings between Czech and Chinese company. Knowledge of Chinese "game rules" and sufficient preparation are two essential preconditions for long-term success in the Chinese scene.
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Využití technologie virtuální reality k monitoringu a vizualizaci vybraných provozních vlastností stroje a jejich analýze / Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Monitoring and Visualization of Selected Operational Charakteristics of Machines and Their AnalysisAugste, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the study of the use of virtual technologies for an analysis of operating characteristics of a machine. Operating characteristics of a machine are parameters that determine the usability of the machine to accomplish a certain task in addition to the specified time and under the certain conditions. These include parameters that can be changed based on customer requirements, for example, the table size and the highest spindle speed to the parameters influenced from the start of the machine design such as positioning accuracy, acceleration value in the axes or consumption. The first part sets out general requirements for visualization of information and these are subsequently verified experimentally in the chapter devoted to the time visualization protocol. This thesis presents the original experiments to determine the basic requirements for visualization of a measured quantity, in this case the feed rate. By verifying usability when displaying these properties on the underlying data showing machine position change, the four basic requirements for visual data processing using immerse virtual reality are validated. A deeper insight into the work with data will enable to analyse more complicated relations within a longer period, greater transparency and clearer outputs of analysis.
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Dolování procesů jako služba / Process Mining as a ServiceDobias, Ondrej January 2017 (has links)
Softwérové a hardvérové aplikácie zaznamenávajú veľké množstvo informácií do protokolov udalostí. Každé dva roky sa množstvo zaznamenaných dát viac než zdvojnásobí. Dolovanie procesov je relatívne mladá disciplína, ktorá sa nachádza na rozmedzí strojového učenia a dolovania dát na jednej strane a modelovania a analýzy procesov na druhej strane. Cieľom dolovania procesov je popísať a analyzovať skutočné procesy extrahovaním znalostí z protokolov udalostí, ktoré sú v dnešných aplikáciách bežne dostupné. Táto práca mieri na spojenie obchodných príležitostí (organizácie bohaté na dáta; dopyt po službách BPM; limitácie na strane tradičnej dodávky BPM služieb) s technickými možnosťammi Dolovania procesov. Cieľom práce je návrh produktu, ktorý bude riešiť potreby zákazníkov a poskytovateľov služieb v oblasti Dolovania procesov lepšie než súčasné riešenie vybranej spoločnosti.
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Analytické zpracování blockchainu kryptoměn / Cryptocurrencies Blockchain AnalysisOčenáš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes important existing cryptocurrencies and their basis principles. Especially it describes differences between this cryptocurrencies and theid basis principles. Also describes posibilites for analysis of Bitcoin blockchain. Next part describes improvments of tool for blockchain analysis. Futher it describes cryptocurrency analyzing tool, and it's implemented extensions.
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FM vysílač APRS telemetrických dat v pásmu 144MHz / FM Transmitter of APRS Telemetry in 144MHz BandBohátka, Jan January 2010 (has links)
APRS system is described are sent toin my essay, which is used for sending and receiving text messages. The text messages frequenc 144 MHz by using the modulation scheme AFSK. APRS communicate by using the protocol AX 25, which sends and receives the text messages in the area where are carried despatches and control bits as well. The whole area of high frequency part is in one integrated circuit. The control, coding and decoding of the area is the microcontroller’s job.
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Návrh protokolu hardwarového akcelerátoru náročných výpočtů nad více jádry / A Hardware-acceleration Protocol Design for Demanding Computations over Multiple CoresBareš, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with design of communication protocol for data transmission between control computer and computing cores implemented on FPGA chips. The purpose of the communication is speeding the performance demanding software algorithms of non-stream data processing by their hardware computation on accelerating system. The work defines a terminology used for protocol design and analyses current solutions of given issue. After that the work designs structure of the accelerating system and communication protocol. In the main part the work describes the implementation of the protocol in VHDL language and the simulation of implemented modules. At the end of the work the aplication of designed solution is presented along with possible extension of this work.
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Firmware pro řízení systému komunikace po silnoproudém vedení / Firmware for power line communicaiton systemMajer, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis it was introduced the issue of power line communication and network architecture design with goal to create own concept of smart house system. Consequently, the necessary communication protocols are designed and described based on the concept. Further is described the implementation of the designs and testing of the realized system under laboratory conditions using the real communication devices. Summary of the achieved results is supported by demonstration of real functionality.
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