Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic endender"" "subject:"cublic wendender""
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Zadávání veřejných zakázek z pohledu zadavatele / Public Procurement from the Perspective of the Contracting AuthorityŽidková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is primarily to develop a methodological framework for a contracting authority receiving an abnormally low bid. The theoretical part of the thesis outlines the basic terms and definitions, analyzes a public tender from the perspective of a contracting authority and defines an extremely low bid price. The practical part of the thesis applies the methodological framework for dealing with an extremely low bid price on the case study, where on the set of selected areas of mechanical items indicates possible views above the limit costs of individual items costing unit prices of construction work.
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Problematika transparentního zadávání veřejných zakázek v České republice / The issue of the transparent public procurement in the Czech RepublicHnátová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative case study focused on transparent public procurement. In the first three parts, the entire procurement process as well as the economic, legal and public policy definition were described through document analysis and secondary data analysis. The issue of the transparent behavior of the contracting authorities and the publication of relevant information was assessed more in detail. This fullfill the first secondary goal of the thesis - to describe the entire tender process and describe the transparent behavior associated with public procurement. The fourth part focuses on secondary analysis of data on the theoretical anchoring of the phenomenon. In the fifth part, the research analyzes the behavior of 12 selected public contracting authorities and tenderers using the mentioned qualitative methods. The answers of respondents are compared using tables and diagrams as well as the theoretical background. This was the second part of the thesis - to bring together the opinions and experience of the contracting authorities and tenderers and to compare them with the theoretical background. The benefit of the work is the development of a possible proposal how to improve the current situation in the area of contract transparency, thus fulfillment of the third secondary partial goal of the...
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Návrh postupu při hodnocení veřejných zakázek / Proposal of Public Tenders Evaluation ProcedureMAYEROVÁ, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to introduce the issues of evaluating public tenders generally and in a specific organization, to orientate in methods of multicriteria assessment analysis and by their means, to suggest suitable method of evaluating public tenders for the chosen organization. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the description of the process of evaluating public tenders in the Czech Republic, as well as the explanation of multicriteria decision making concept and the description of methods of multicriteria assessment analysis according to the types of information required. The practical part provides the characteristic of the chosen organization, more precisely its divisions. It also provides the regulation that is followed by the organization when realizing competitive tendering. The analysis itself involves the overview of the tenders realized in the scope of activity of the chosen division in the period of five years, as well as the information on the used evaluating criteria. Out of this overview, the sample of the typical tenders is defined, on which the chosen methods of multicriteria assessment analysis are applied. The aim of this process is to assess the order of the variations after the application of the methods of multicriteria assessment analysis and the newly determined evaluating criterion, as well as compare the results with the originally given basic evaluating criterion. Point method, WSA method and TOPSIS method are used for the assessment. In the final part of this thesis, the recommendation on more frequent utilization of multicriteria assessment is suggested to the contract owner, more precisely using such criteria that would be more effective when using public funds.
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Kontraktační proces a změna smlouvy ve veřejné zakázce / The process of contracting and change of public procurement contractKubeš, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
79 Abstract The method of entering into a contract in public tenders according to Act. No. 134/2016 Coll. is a civil contractual process with a high degree of formalization and legal regulation. This makes it different from the general contractual process in civil law. The first chapter of this thesis is devoted to the analysis of public tenders in terms of setting up the legal framework. It goes into a conclusion that contractual process in public tender is part of the civil law with the subsidiary use of civil law rules, especially the Civil Code. The second chapter deals with a contractual process in a public tender itself. The process is divided into two phases - a precontractual phase and contractual phase. The precontractual phase includes procedures of the public tender that determine the clarification of content of the contract and the range of contractors. The contractual phase contains mainly the actual entering into a contract with successful tenderer. The chapter describes the specificity of the contractual process in a public tender since the announcement of the tender up to the actual entering into a contract. These specificities are introduced in relation to the open procedure being used in upper-tier mode. At the end of the chapter, there is a comparison with other types of proceedings and...
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Analýza soupisů prací, dodávek a služeb u veřejných zakázek / analysis of inventory of construction work, materials and servicesMikulík, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis is focused on the issue of compiling an inventory of works, supplies and services of the construction, which is part of the tender documentation for public contracts. The work deals with the issue of prices, budgets and the tender documentation itself. It also lists the most common errors in compiling a list of works, supplies and services in accordance to Decree No. 169/2016 Coll. Individual errors are written and subsequently analyzed according to selected parameters. Based on this analysis, a methodology for checking inventories of works, supplies and services is compiled.
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Veřejné zakázky v oblasti ICT / Public tenders in ICT fieldDvořáková, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on analysis of complicated situation in public tenders in ICT field. The content is divided into two main parts. The first part provides an overview of historical development in terms of legal definition of basic laws in public tenders. Historical excursion includes a chapter dealing with the proposed amendment to public tenders act. There are shown the main points that would have a significant impact and would change the process of future commissioning of public tenders. The second part is practically oriented, beginning with computerization of public tenders and dealing further with a practical side of public tenders. There are also defined administrative offenses of commissioners as well as those of suppliers in this part of the thesis. The main focus of the work is an analysis of the most serious cases of public tenders commissioning in ICT field and definition of the biggest faults that occur. There are also provided suggestions as to how to deal with the situation in this part of the thesis.
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A Alocação de talentos no setor público brasileiroCafé, Renata Motta 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Cafe (tatamcafe@gmail.com) on 2018-03-28T18:01:49Z
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RenataCafe_DissertaçãoMestrado_vDepositada.pdf: 1087524 bytes, checksum: ac030e49a3dff91fec1c2a361decad25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2018-04-12T13:00:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / This paper investigates how the method of hiring used by the public sector can lead to allocative inefficiency and loss in total production, even under a neutral hypothesis that agents produce equally in the public and private sectors. We were motivated to examine this problem by Brazilian data from RAIS, where a simple exercise indicates significant overqualification of workers from the public sector in relation to the private sector, for all federative units. We developed a Roy model including two types of work at each sector, and considered individuals heterogeneous in two types of skill. While private sector hire freely and pay individuals proportionately to what they produce, the public sector announces a fixed remuneration ex-ante and organizes a selection based on only one type of skill, irrespective of the type of work. Results show that public tender, in particular when work is unrelated to the skill evaluated in the test, causes significant misallocation of selected candidates, causing decrease in the overall production of the economy. / O trabalho investiga como a forma de contratação do setor público pode acarretar em ineficiência alocativa e perda na produção total da economia, mesmo sob a hipótese neutra de que os indivíduos produzem igualmente nos setores público e privado. O problema é motivado para o Brasil a partir de dados da RAIS, onde um exercício simples aponta a expressiva sobrequalificação de trabalhadores do setor público em relação ao privado, para todas as unidade federativas. A investigação é feita a partir do desenvolvimento de um modelo de Roy que considera dois tipos de trabalho, presentes em ambos setores da economia, e indivíduos heterogêneos em dois tipos de habilidade. Enquanto o setor privado contrata livremente e remunera o indivíduo proporcionalmente à sua produtividade, o setor público anuncia uma remuneração fixa ex-ante e realiza a seleção com base em apenas um tipo de habilidade, qualquer que seja o tipo de trabalho. Resultados mostram que concursos públicos, em especial para trabalhos pouco relacionados com a habilidade avaliada pela prova, provocam significante má alocação dos selecionados, ocasionando queda na produção final da economia.
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Orçamento de obras : análise na composição do BDI (Bonificação e Despesas Indiretas) e sua influência na exequibilidade dos preços das obras públicas / Building construction budget: analysis od BDI (Bonus and Indirect Expenditures) composition and its feasibility of the price of public worksGilberto José Carneiro da Cunha Júnior 01 December 2007 (has links)
O preço de uma obra é composto de custos diretos, custos indiretos e lucro. É justamente sobre essas despesas indiretas e a bonificação (BDI) que residem as maiores dúvidas e questionamentos em relação à conceituação, aplicação e estimação. O custo direto da construção é facilmente orçável. O problema está na estimativa e controle dos demais elementos formadores do preço, como despesas administrativas, financeiras e custos indiretos no canteiro de obras. Quanto mais o BDI refletir os custos indiretos reais, melhores as possibilidades de se ofertar preços exeqüíveis, competitivos e justos. O objetivo da pesquisa é verificar a influência do BDI (Bonificação e Despesas Indiretas) na exeqüibilidade dos preços das obras públicas, sabendo que este é um incremento percentual aplicado aos custos dos serviços de engenharia para formatação de seus preços. O trabalho procurou comparar os percentuais dos componentes do BDI de algumas obras licitadas pela Empresa de Urbanização do Recife URB, com os seus respectivos valores recomendados pela legislação aplicável e literatura especializada sobre o tema, a fim de levantar a hipótese de que os aditivos de preço contratuais observados nos dados da pesquisa, têm estreita relação com a imperfeita composição da taxa do BDI. Ao final da pesquisa verificou-se uma grande incompatibilidade entre os valores ofertados pelas empresas e os recomendados pela literatura. Essas imperfeições na composição do BDI, colaboraram para a concretização de aditivos para a conclusão das obras estudadas / Breve
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Orçamento de obras : análise na composição do BDI (Bonificação e Despesas Indiretas) e sua influência na exequibilidade dos preços das obras públicas / Building construction budget: analysis od BDI (Bonus and Indirect Expenditures) composition and its feasibility of the price of public worksCunha Júnior, Gilberto José Carneiro da 01 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-01 / Breve / O preço de uma obra é composto de custos diretos, custos indiretos e lucro. É justamente sobre essas despesas indiretas e a bonificação (BDI) que residem as maiores dúvidas e questionamentos em relação à conceituação, aplicação e estimação. O custo direto da construção é facilmente orçável. O problema está na estimativa e controle dos demais elementos formadores do preço, como despesas administrativas, financeiras e custos indiretos no canteiro de obras. Quanto mais o BDI refletir os custos indiretos reais, melhores as possibilidades de se ofertar preços exeqüíveis, competitivos e justos. O objetivo da pesquisa é verificar a influência do BDI (Bonificação e Despesas Indiretas) na exeqüibilidade dos preços das obras públicas, sabendo que este é um incremento percentual aplicado aos custos dos serviços de engenharia para formatação de seus preços. O trabalho procurou comparar os percentuais dos componentes do BDI de algumas obras licitadas pela Empresa de Urbanização do Recife URB, com os seus respectivos valores recomendados pela legislação aplicável e literatura especializada sobre o tema, a fim de levantar a hipótese de que os aditivos de preço contratuais observados nos dados da pesquisa, têm estreita relação com a imperfeita composição da taxa do BDI. Ao final da pesquisa verificou-se uma grande incompatibilidade entre os valores ofertados pelas empresas e os recomendados pela literatura. Essas imperfeições na composição do BDI, colaboraram para a concretização de aditivos para a conclusão das obras estudadas
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Nabídka stavebního podniku do veřejné obchodní soutěže / Offer of the Construction Company to Public TenderHaase, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis addresses the process of assigning construction contracts and its acquisition from the perspective of the construction company. The task is focused on creating public tender`s price propositions by the contender. These findings are from my own personal experience as I was involved in the creation of this particular price proposition. At the time of publication of this tender I worked in a construction company INSKY spol. s r.o. which is mentioned in this thesis. I described the terms which you may encounter during assignment, the progress and the finalization of the contract of the public tender.
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