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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv vlastnictví na efektivnost institutu veřejných zakázek u sektorových zadavatelů / The analysis of a relationship between the level of public ownnership and the procurement effectiveness in utilities sector

Rističová, Sara January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the public procurement in the utilities sector. The main objective is to analyze the influence of the level of the public sector ownership on the public procurement effectiveness. To give the complex view of the problem, the study also determines the final impact of the public procurement effectiveness on the global operational effectiveness. The theoretical part starts with the analysis of the legal directives and the environment in the relevant sectors. The analytical part uses the econometrics methods for the data file of utilities sector procurement from the period of 2006-2011 based on the information from ISVZ and Creditinfo-Albertina systems. When the conclusions are made, the public sector ownership has the positive impact on the public procurement effectiveness but the contrary effect on the global operational effectiveness.

PPP projekty ve zdravotnictví. / PPP Projects in Health Care

Petržela, Karel January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is PPP projects in healthcare. The thesis is focused on assessment of relevance of PPP projects securing public services in the healthcare sector in the Czech Republic. It is intended to assess whether PPP projects are a suitable instrument for securing public services in the healthcare sector and if so, under what conditions and to what extent. The first part of this thesis inquires into the definition of public private partnership and PPP projects in a strict sense and describes individual types of PPP projects. Second part defines in more detail the legal and institutional framework for implementation of PPP projects and discusses the current status of PPP projects in the Czech Republic. Third part analyses in detail the assessment instruments for PPP and guidelines for such assessment concerning projects in healthcare. Fourth part is focused on analysis of implementation of PPP projects abroad and fifth part evaluates PPP projects in healthcare implemented in the Czech Republic. Sixth part reviews this actual experience and findings concerning PPP projects in healthcare. The conclusion summarises results of the assessment.

Možnosti nápravy nesprávného postupu zadavatele v zadávacím řízení / Possible remedies for incorrect procedure used by contracting authority in public procurement

Randýsková, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Possible remedies for incorrect procedure used by contracting authority in public procurement Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to provide analysis of incorrect procedures of contracting authority in public procurement and possible remedies. Particularly from the position of the contracting authority itself and partially from the position of the economic operator, who is able to initiate corrective measures through the institutes of protection against irregular practices of contracting authority. The submitted thesis also deals with certain interpretative problems of the contemporary legislation of public procurement, which may be directly related to the mistakes of the contracting authorities. The first chapter discusses basic concepts of public procurement law and delineates exemplary conduct of one of the typical types of procurement procedure, namely open procedure. The second chapter deals with frequent mistakes and possible remedies of those mistakes by the contracting authority within the time limit for the submission of tenders. The focus of this chapter is on the procurement documents, its explanation and alteration or supplementation. The third chapter follows the second chapter, because it deals with incorrect procedure used by contracting authorities and possibilities of their remedies...

Problematika transparentního zadávání veřejných zakázek v České republice / The issue of the transparent public procurement in the Czech Republic

Hnátová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative case study focused on transparent public procurement. In the first three parts, the entire procurement process as well as the economic, legal and public policy definition were described through document analysis and secondary data analysis. The issue of the transparent behavior of the contracting authorities and the publication of relevant information was assessed more in detail. This fullfill the first secondary goal of the thesis - to describe the entire tender process and describe the transparent behavior associated with public procurement. The fourth part focuses on secondary analysis of data on the theoretical anchoring of the phenomenon. In the fifth part, the research analyzes the behavior of 12 selected public contracting authorities and tenderers using the mentioned qualitative methods. The answers of respondents are compared using tables and diagrams as well as the theoretical background. This was the second part of the thesis - to bring together the opinions and experience of the contracting authorities and tenderers and to compare them with the theoretical background. The benefit of the work is the development of a possible proposal how to improve the current situation in the area of contract transparency, thus fulfillment of the third secondary partial goal of the...

Vliv otevřenosti veřejné soutěže a dohledatelnosti vlastníka firmy na cenu veřejných zakázek / Impact of the Openness of Public Tenders and Traceability of the Beneficial Owner on the Price of Public Procurement

Stehlík, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse factors that contributes to public procurement overpricing in the Czech Republic. The paper combines use of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Existence of competition effect is proved, thus increase of competitors in selection procedure causes that final price decreases. Non-transparent suppliers in terms of traceability of beneficial owner is detected as next factor that contributes to overpricing. Also some types of contracts are showed as more problematic than others. Results of qualitative part of the research reveal other causes of overpricing, such as corruption, weak institutional environment or behaviour of public authorities. Public policy recommendations are presented at the end of the paper in order to improve current state of affairs.

Firmy s anonymními akciemi a veřejné zakázky: případ České republiky / Anonymous Companies and Public Procurement: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Jakab, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
Anonymous Companies and Public Procurement: Evidence from the Czech Republic Abstract This thesis follows up on previous research concerning inefficiencies linked to tenders awarded to anonymous companies. After anonymous shares were abolished in 2014, the question is whether similar inefficiencies can be detected in the case of companies that ceased to be anonymous. A balanced sample of formerly anonymous companies and their comparable peers was constructed via a matching algorithm. A Welch unequal variance t-test was then used to check whether a disproportionate drop in selected performance indicators and in the share of formerly anonymous companies on total volume of public procurement can be detected. A linear regression model was further applied to inquire about the effect of anonymity and former anonymity on tender-specific savings. The results show that anonymity significantly contributes to lower tender savings, but no similar negative effect can be found in case of formerly anonymous companies. Profitability of the formerly anonymous companies also decreased, but no long- term drop in tender volume was found, indicating that a large portion of the inefficiencies can be traced back to well-established businesses rather than special purpose shells. This thesis thus extends the present research in the...

Vývoj rozhodování v oblasti zadávání veřejných zakázek / Development of Decision-making in the Field of Public Procurement

Zapalačová, Michala January 2020 (has links)
- Development of decision-making in the field of public procurement As the title of the dissertation suggests, its content is an analysis of decision-making in the field of public procurement, including its evolution. The dissertation is divided into three main chapters, namely the general conclusions on the legal regulation of the review of the procedure of contracting authorities, a specific analysis of decision-making practice and proposals for legal regulation de lege ferenda. In general, the dissertation focused on both national review and the supervision of public procurement by the EU institutions. The dissertant focused mainly on the description of the motion proceedings and ex officio proceedings, the imposition of corrective measures and also the legal regulation of offenses. In the chapter on the summary of general legislation, the dissertant also briefly described the role of the The Office for the Protection of Competition ("Office") and national administrative courts, as well as the role of the Constitutional Court. In the chapter on decision-making practice in the field of public procurement, which is a key part of the dissertation, the dissertation analyzed the issued decisions, especially in the period after the entry into force of the new Public Procurement Act. The described...

Trestná činnost v souvislosti s veřejnými zakázkami / Criminal liability in public procurements

Richter, Martin January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Criminal liability in public procurements The thesis deals with the criminal liability in public procurements. Public procurement is a very complex and organized activity, the criminal assessment of which, however, cannot reliably lead to satisfactory results on the basis of existing doctrine. The primary goal of this work is therefore to identify the roles and extent of criminal liability of individual actors in the decision- making process of public administration and on this basis to analyze which type of negotiations concerning public procurement may be punished under a special part of the Criminal Code. The importance of effective prosecution of criminal offenses relating to public procurement results from the fact that amount of funds in public procurement correspond to tenth of gross domestic product. For easier orientation of the reader, a formal structure was chosen so that, as far as possible, it comes as close as possible to the standard criminal law teaching on elements of a crime. Specifically, the chapters are divided into actions in public administration, its criminal relevance, the consequence in public administration, the subject, the subjective aspect, circumstances precluding illegality and finally to crimes related to public procurement. From the material point of view, the...

Politické konexe a jejich vliv na trh veřejných zakázek: případ České republiky / Political Connections and Distortions on Public Procurement Markets: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Navrátilová, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Corporate political connections have been shown to induce preferential treatment towards connected firms. This thesis evaluates whether the effect of connections is reflected in the composition of public procurement suppliers in Czechia, using municipal procurement awarded between 2006 and 2020. In particular, we hypothesise that changes in municipal mayors affected the rate of new procurement suppliers following the elections in 2014 and 2018. The findings show that the rate of new suppliers increased significantly in municipalities that elected a new mayor in the 2014 elections; however, the effects appeared to be negative in 2018. We further hypothesise that these results can be driven by the major success of new political parties in 2014, with a large share of new politicians being elected to office. We specifically examine the case of ANO, the political movement that dominated both elections. We do not find robust evidence of a surge in new suppliers in municipalities where ANO was notably successful, suggesting that the effect was not driven only by this party and pointing to alternative explanations.

Politické konexe ve veřejných zakázkách: analýza nabídkové strany / Political connections in public procurement: a supply side analysis

Počarovský, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract The public procurement market that accounts for a significant share of the Czech GDP represents an institution of high rent-seeking motive and corruption potential. Donations to political parties can be used as an indirect linkage between political parties and firms as potential suppliers of public contracts. We analyse whether connections and donations influence the number of supplied contracts, volume of supplied contracts and the number of bidders in the tendering process. Furthermore the impact of donations and connections on firms' performance and profitability is assessed. We identify significant effects on number of contracts, volume of contracts, dependence on revenues from contracts and number of bidders of both giving donations and history of employing a politically active person.

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