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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche de photons pulsés au-dessus de 30 GeV dans le pulsar du Crabe et PSR B1951+32 avec le détecteur Tchérenkov atmosphérique CELESTE

DURAND, Emmanuel 20 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Basée sur la reconversion de la centrale solaire THEMIS (Pyrénées Orientales françaises) en télescope pour l'astronomie gamma, CELESTE est la première expérience à explorer le spectre électromagnétique entre 10 GeV et 300 GeV et à relier ainsi le domaine des satellites à celui des imageurs au sol. Ce domaine d'énergie est particulièrement important pour les pulsars. En effet, aucun des six pulsars gamma haute énergie détectés par EGRET n'a été détecté au sol. Deux modèles théoriques visent à expliquer la cassure des spectres observée entre 1 et 100 GeV : calotte polaire et cavité externe. Ceux-ci diffèrent toutefois en plusieurs points et une détection dans ce domaine d'énergie permettrait d'éclaircir la situation. Cette thèse regroupe les premiers travaux dédiés à l'étude des pulsars avec CELESTE, et plus particulièrement deux candidats : le pulsar du Crabe et PSR B1951+32. La recherche d'un signal pulsé sous-entend une analyse quelque peu différente de celle développée pour les sources continues. Une première étape a donc consisté en l'adaptation à CELESTE de la procédure de datation spécifique. Dans une seconde étape, l'objectif de ce travail a été de développer une analyse spécifique préservant les basses énergies où est attendu un éventuel signal. Ainsi, en se basant sur les acquis des analyses précédentes et sur les caractéristiques des gerbes électromagnétiques et hadroniques en dessous de 50 GeV, des critères de réjection particuliers ont pu être établis et appliqués aux données. Les résultats résident essentiellement dans l'établissement de nouvelle limites supérieures sur l'énergie de coupure basse des deux pulsars observés. Bien qu'insuffisants pour contraindre les modèles théoriques, ceux-ci restent d'un intérêt certain pour la physique de ces objets ne serait ce que parce qu'ils constituent les premières mesures réalisées dans cette gamme d'énergie. Un excès a malgré tout été observé sur le Crabe mais avec une significativité insuffisante. Cette indication de modulation présentant les propriétés attendues, elle a été traduite en terme de flux dans l'hypothèse d'un signal pulsé, puis interprétée. Si de nouvelles observations venaient a confirmer cet excès, il s'agirait de la première détection autour de 30 GeV et le modèle Polar Cap se verrait alors sérieusement remis en cause.

Premières détections de nébuleuses avec le Fermi-Large Area Telescope et étude de leurs pulsars

Grondin, Marie-hélène 02 July 2010 (has links)
Dédié à l’étude de l’astronomie gamma, le satellite Fermi a été lancé le 11 juin 2008. Il comporte à sonbord l’instrument Large Area Telescope (LAT), sensible au rayonnement gamma dans la gamme d’énergie de20 MeV à 300 GeV. Bien que la nébuleuse du Crabe ait été étudiée dans la gamme d’énergie 70 MeV à 30GeV couverte par son précédesseur, l’expérience CGRO-EGRET, aucune nébuleuse n’a jamais été clairementidentifiée dans le domaine des rayons gamma de haute énergie jusqu’au lancement de Fermi.Les pulsars alimentent les nébuleuses qui les entourent par l’injection permanente d’un vent d’électrons etpositrons relativistes qui, accélérés au niveau de l’onde de choc délimitant les nébuleuses de pulsars, émettentun rayonnement pouvant être observé dans les différents domaines du spectre électromagnétique, et notammentdans le domaine des rayons gamma de haute énergie.Les données recueillies par le Fermi-LAT au cours des deux premières années de mission ont désormaispermis la détection et l’identification de trois nébuleuses et de leurs pulsars associés (nébuleuses du Crabe, deVela-X et de MSH 15-52) ainsi que de la nébuleuse de pulsar HESS J1825-137 découverte par les instrumentsau sol dédiés à l’astronomie gamma de très haute énergie.Les résultats des analyses temporelle, spectrale et morphologique réalisées sur les systèmes pulsars/nébuleuses détectés par le LAT sont exposés dans ce manuscrit. La synthèse des études systématiquesréalisées (i) dans les régions comportant un pulsar émetteur en rayons gamma et (ii) dans les régions comportant une source émettrice de rayons gamma de très haute énergie étant identifiée en tant que nébuleuse depulsar ou candidate en tant que telle, sont également présentés dans cette thèse. Ces études apportent de nouvelles contraintes sur les propriétés physiques des sources ainsi que sur les mécanismes de rayonnement mis enjeu dans la magnétosphère des pulsars et au sein de leurs nébuleuses. / The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope was launched on 2008 June 11, carrying the Large Area Telescope(LAT), sensitive to gamma-rays in the 20 MeV – 300 GeV energy range. The Crab Nebula had been detectedand studied in the 70 MeV – 30 GeV band using the CGRO-EGRET experiment, but no pulsar wind nebula(PWN) had ever been firmly identified in the high energy gamma-ray domain.PWNe are powered by the constant injection of a relativistic wind of electrons and positrons from theircentral pulsars. These charged particles are accelerated at the shock front forming the PWN and emit photons which can be observed along the entire electromagnetic spectrum, including the high energy gamma-raydomain.Data provided by the Fermi-LAT during the first two years of the mission have allowed the detection andthe identification of three PWNe and their associated pulsars (Crab Nebula, Vela X and MSH 15-52) as well asthe PWN HESS J1825-137 discovered by ground-based experiments sensitive to very high energy gamma-rays.Results of temporal, spectral and morphological analyses of the pulsar/PWN systems detected by Fermi-LAT, as well as results of systematic studies performed (i) around every gamma-ray pulsar detected by the LATand (ii) around every very high energy source identified as a PWN or a PWN candidate are presented in thisdissertation. These studies bring new insights and constraints on the physical properties of the sources as wellas on emitting processes in pulsar magnetospheres and in PWNe.

Modelling the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae / Michael Johannes Vorster

Vorster, Michael Johannes January 2014 (has links)
This study focusses on modelling important aspects of the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae using two different approaches. The first uses a hydrodynamic model to simulate the morphological evolution of a spherically-symmetric composite supernova remnant that is expanding into a homogeneous interstellar medium. In order to extend this model, a magnetic field is included in a kinematic fashion, implying that the reaction of the fluid on the magnetic field is taken into account, while neglecting any counter-reaction of the field on the fluid. This approach is valid provided that the ratio of electromagnetic to particle energy in the nebula is small, or equivalently, for a large plasma β environment. This model therefore allows one to not only calculate the evolution of the convection velocity but also, for example, the evolution of the average magnetic field. The second part of this study focusses on calculating the evolution of the energy spectra of the particles in the nebula using a number of particle evolution models. The first of these is a spatially independent temporal evolution model, similar to the models that can be found in the literature. While spatially independent models are useful, a large part of this study is devoted to developing spatially dependent models based on the Fokker-Planck transport equation. Two such models are developed, the first being a spherically-symmetric model that includes the processes of convection, diffusion, adiabatic losses, as well as the non-thermal energy loss processes of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. As the magnetic field geometry can lead to the additional transport process of drift, the previous model is extended to an axisymmetric geometry, thereby allowing one to also include this process. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Modelling the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae / Michael Johannes Vorster

Vorster, Michael Johannes January 2014 (has links)
This study focusses on modelling important aspects of the evolution of pulsar wind nebulae using two different approaches. The first uses a hydrodynamic model to simulate the morphological evolution of a spherically-symmetric composite supernova remnant that is expanding into a homogeneous interstellar medium. In order to extend this model, a magnetic field is included in a kinematic fashion, implying that the reaction of the fluid on the magnetic field is taken into account, while neglecting any counter-reaction of the field on the fluid. This approach is valid provided that the ratio of electromagnetic to particle energy in the nebula is small, or equivalently, for a large plasma β environment. This model therefore allows one to not only calculate the evolution of the convection velocity but also, for example, the evolution of the average magnetic field. The second part of this study focusses on calculating the evolution of the energy spectra of the particles in the nebula using a number of particle evolution models. The first of these is a spatially independent temporal evolution model, similar to the models that can be found in the literature. While spatially independent models are useful, a large part of this study is devoted to developing spatially dependent models based on the Fokker-Planck transport equation. Two such models are developed, the first being a spherically-symmetric model that includes the processes of convection, diffusion, adiabatic losses, as well as the non-thermal energy loss processes of synchrotron radiation and inverse Compton scattering. As the magnetic field geometry can lead to the additional transport process of drift, the previous model is extended to an axisymmetric geometry, thereby allowing one to also include this process. / PhD (Space Physics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

High Magnetic Field Neutron Stars : Cyclotron Lines and Polarization

Maitra, Chandreyee January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis concerns with the study of X-ray binaries which are gravitationally bound systems consisting of a compact object (either a neutron star or a black hole) and usually a non degenerate companion star, both rotating around the common centre of mass. The compact star shines brightly in the X-ray regime. Emission from these systems are powered by accretion which is the most radioactively efficient mechanism known in the universe by the release of gravitational potential energy when matter from the companion star falls on the compact object. Accretion onto high magnetic field neutron stars are special as the magnetic field plays a crucial role in governing the dynamics of gas flow and the flow of the matter close to the compact object. The radiation emitted from these systems are anisotropic and for a distant observer, the intensity is modulated at the spin period of the neutron star, hence these objects are called accretion powered pulsars. The angular pattern of the emitted radiation is also highly anisotropic and depends on the mass accreted and hence the luminosity. The beaming pattern commonly known as the pulse profiles exhibit a wide variety in the pulse shape and pulse fraction and vary with energy as well as intensity. They also exhibit cyclotron absorption features in their energy spectrum which are a direct probe to the magnetic field geometry of these systems. This thesis is dedicated to the study of the magnetic field and emission geometry of accretion powered pulsars through the pulse phase resolved studies of the cyclotron absorption features which are a direct probe of the magnetized plasma. In order to study these features in detail broadband continuum modeling of the energy spectrum is done, taking care of all other factors which may smear the pulse phase dependence. Another prerequisite for detailed continuum modeling is accounting for the low absorption dips in the pulse profiles of many these sources. The dips are presumably formed by phase locked accretion stream causing partial covering absorption when the stream is along our line of sight towards the emission region. Studying the pulse phase dependence of this partial covering absorber also provides us with important clues on the local environment of the neutron star and the structure of the accretion stream. All of these studies are performed with data from the broadband and most sensitive instruments onboard the Japanese satellite Suzuki. Lastly we provide estimates of the polarization expected to be detected from these sources by a Thomson scattering polarimeter being developed to observe the polarization of X-rays in the energy range of 5--30 keV. Along with the X-ray pulsars, we also make an estimate of the likelihood of detection of X-ray polarization from black hole X-ray binaries in different spectral states. This is a particularly interesting topic as it will play a crucial role in providing additional handles on the magnetic field geometry in accretion powered pulsars as well as constrain the fundamental parameters of a black hole like its spin.

Analyse discriminante et perceptron multicouche-liens formels et applications

Diagne, Elhadji Diaraff Diegane January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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