Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burchase price"" "subject:"pourchase price""
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Accounting for Goodwill in Public vs. Private Deals : Evidence from US Mergers and AcquisitionsKim, Christian, Mandal, Susmita January 2016 (has links)
In 2001, the FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board) introduced accounting regulations SFAS 141 and SFAS 142 to improve the relevance, representational faithfulness, and comparability of financial reporting. The new standards have profoundly changed the accounting for business combinations and goodwill under US GAAP by requiring reporting entities to no longer amortize goodwill over its expected useful life, but to test for impairment annually. However, the new regulation has met sharp criticism for creating a scope for high levels of managerial discretion which may be exercised opportunistically in the accounting for goodwill. This study examines whether the proportion of purchase price allocated to goodwill differs between public and private acquisitions. We try to answer this question by carrying out a quantitative study on 481 observations, between the period of 2001 to 2005 by studying the relationship between acquirer type (Public vs. Private) and target firm characteristic on goodwill allocated, and we find the following results: 1) Public acquirers allocate higher levels of goodwill in comparison to private acquirers. (2) Market-to-book values of private target firms are not positively correlated with recorded goodwill levels.
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Purchase Price Mechanisms / Mechanizmy upravy kupnej cenyGajdošech, Martin January 2012 (has links)
My diploma thesis focuses on the M&A transaction closing mechanisms. Their function is to reflect the value changes of the target company into the purchase price. Value change occurs during the time lag between the date of the financial statements and the date of the transaction closing. Throughout history, there have been two major approaches developed. The "Completion Accounts Mechanism" uses post-completion price adjustments to reflect the change of the net working capital and net debt during the interim period. The "Locked Box Mechanism", using fixed price, assures non-fluctuation of target value in the interim period by imposing strict restrictions on the seller's activities. In this research, I have analyzed 44 transactions closed in the Czech Republic. I have challenged the theoretical foundations and described the application of the mechanisms in practice. At the end, I have compared the Czech and European practices. Thesis findings: 1. All the theoretical features of the mechanisms were proven by an analyzed sample of closed transactions. The completion accounts mechanism is buyer-friendly, while the locked box is a seller-friendly mechanism. 2. The main driver in mechanism selection is bargaining power. Buyers were in a better negotiating position in 69% of the completion account transactions. On the contrary, the sellers had bargaining power in 100% of the locked box transactions. 3. The Czech Republic is an environment where buyers (big multinational companies) dominate. They have preferred the completion account mechanism that provides them with higher protection from value leakage or other risks associated with small CEE economies. A total of 91% of analyzed transactions were executed by the completion account mechanism in the Czech Republic between 2011 and 2012.
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Výpočet pořizovací ceny stavby investorem / Calculation of the Purchase Price by the InvestorBilová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the draft procedure for the compilation of the purchase price of a building by the investor and the impact of the height of this price on the period of the recovery of investment. The basic content of this thesis is the making out of the optimal purchase price for the investor in accordance with the lowest purchase costs but also with regard to the minimisation of the risks connected to the breach of the obligation of the contractor. Further in this thesis there is made a research of the influence of the purchase price on the recovery with the help of the economic effectiveness indicator – net present value (NPV – Net Present Value). The theoretical part of this thesis is applied to a case study – the property of a sales hall.
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Combinações de negócios no Brasil: o que direcionou a alocação do goodwill nas empresas integrantes do IBr-A? / Business combination in Brazil: what droves the goodwill allocation by the companies listed in the IBr-A?Tancini, Gustavo Raldi 21 December 2017 (has links)
Em 2007 foi sancionada a Lei no 11.638, que possibilitou a adoção das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS) no Brasil. A convergência às IFRS trouxe diversas inovações, incluindo dentre elas a contabilização das aquisições de empresas, normatizadas pelo Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócio, que tornou obrigatória a aplicação do método de aquisição. Por esse novo modelo, a entidade adquirente contabiliza os ativos identificáveis adquiridos e os passivos assumidos da adquirida pelos seus respectivos valores justos. Já o ágio por expectativa de rentabilidade futura (goodwill) passa a ser mensurado pela parcela do valor justo da contraprestação transferida que não foi individualmente identificada, sendo realizado exclusivamente por meio do teste de impairment. Esta tese tem o objetivo de identificar fatores determinantes no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill nas combinações de negócios realizadas e divulgadas pelas 101 empresas que compõe o Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) durante o período entre 2009 e 2015. Foram identificados e coletados, em grande parte, manualmente, dados sobre 442 combinações de negócios, e utilizaram-se efetivamente as 307 observações em que foi reconhecido goodwill. Foi empregada uma técnica multivariada de dependência conhecida como modelos hierárquicos lineares ou modelos multinível (HLM), cuja característica basilar é a captura da estrutura aninhada dos dados, considerando a variabilidade dos dados dentro dos 39 segmentos econômicos das empresas da amostra deste estudo. Os resultados indicaram a existência de uma estrutura hierárquica, na qual o segmento econômico de atuação da adquirente explicou em torno de 15% da variabilidade no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill. Durante a pesquisa foram testadas cinco variáveis relacionadas a fatores de 1o nível (percentual de remuneração variável da diretoria, relevância da aquisição, número de analistas, contraprestação em ações e o aproveitamento fiscal do goodwill) e outras duas relacionadas ao 2o nível (índice de imobilização e market-to-book ratio do segmento). Individualmente, dentre as variáveis de 1o nível, apenas o número de analistas acompanhando as ações da adquirente apresentou associação com o percentual de goodwill. As interações entre o aproveitamento fiscal e o índice de imobilização médio do segmento com o número de analistas também apresentaram associação. / In 2007, the approval of the Law 11.638 made the adoption of the International Accounting Reporting Standard (IFRS) possible in Brazil. The convergence to the IFRS brought several innovations, among then, the accounting for business combinations, regulated by the Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócios, which made the acquisition method mandatory. Under this new model, the acquirer measures the identifiable acquired assets and the assumed liabilities by their respective fair values. The goodwill, in turn, is the portion of the fair value of the consideration transferred that are not individually identified, and it is realized exclusively by the impairment test. This thesis aims to identify the determining factors in the percentage of the acquisition cost allocated as goodwill in the business combinations realized and disclosed by the 101 companies which comprises the Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) in the period from 2009 to 2015. It was identified and, in great part, hand collected, data about 442 business combinations, and the 307 observationsin which a goodwill was recognized were effectively used. It was used a multivariate dependency technique known as Hierarchical Linear Models or Multilevel Models (HLM), thathas the fundamental characteristic of capturing the nested data structure, considering the variability within the 39 economic segments of the firms of this study\'s sample. The results indicated the presence of a hierarchical structure, in which the segment that the acquirer operates explains about 15% of the variability in the percentage of acquisition cost allocated as goodwill. During the research five first level variables were tested (variable remuneration percentage of the acquirer\'s directors, acquisition relevance, number of analysts, stock consideration and the goodwill tax allowance), as well as two related to the second level (properties, plants and equipment to total asset and market-to-book value of the segment). Individually, among the first level variables, only the number of analyst following the acquirer shares presented an association with the percentage of goodwill. The interactions between the use of the tax allowance and the properties, plants and equipment to total asset with the number of analyst also presented an association.
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Combinações de negócios no Brasil: o que direcionou a alocação do goodwill nas empresas integrantes do IBr-A? / Business combination in Brazil: what droves the goodwill allocation by the companies listed in the IBr-A?Gustavo Raldi Tancini 21 December 2017 (has links)
Em 2007 foi sancionada a Lei no 11.638, que possibilitou a adoção das Normas Internacionais de Relato Financeiro (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS) no Brasil. A convergência às IFRS trouxe diversas inovações, incluindo dentre elas a contabilização das aquisições de empresas, normatizadas pelo Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócio, que tornou obrigatória a aplicação do método de aquisição. Por esse novo modelo, a entidade adquirente contabiliza os ativos identificáveis adquiridos e os passivos assumidos da adquirida pelos seus respectivos valores justos. Já o ágio por expectativa de rentabilidade futura (goodwill) passa a ser mensurado pela parcela do valor justo da contraprestação transferida que não foi individualmente identificada, sendo realizado exclusivamente por meio do teste de impairment. Esta tese tem o objetivo de identificar fatores determinantes no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill nas combinações de negócios realizadas e divulgadas pelas 101 empresas que compõe o Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) durante o período entre 2009 e 2015. Foram identificados e coletados, em grande parte, manualmente, dados sobre 442 combinações de negócios, e utilizaram-se efetivamente as 307 observações em que foi reconhecido goodwill. Foi empregada uma técnica multivariada de dependência conhecida como modelos hierárquicos lineares ou modelos multinível (HLM), cuja característica basilar é a captura da estrutura aninhada dos dados, considerando a variabilidade dos dados dentro dos 39 segmentos econômicos das empresas da amostra deste estudo. Os resultados indicaram a existência de uma estrutura hierárquica, na qual o segmento econômico de atuação da adquirente explicou em torno de 15% da variabilidade no percentual do custo de aquisição alocado como goodwill. Durante a pesquisa foram testadas cinco variáveis relacionadas a fatores de 1o nível (percentual de remuneração variável da diretoria, relevância da aquisição, número de analistas, contraprestação em ações e o aproveitamento fiscal do goodwill) e outras duas relacionadas ao 2o nível (índice de imobilização e market-to-book ratio do segmento). Individualmente, dentre as variáveis de 1o nível, apenas o número de analistas acompanhando as ações da adquirente apresentou associação com o percentual de goodwill. As interações entre o aproveitamento fiscal e o índice de imobilização médio do segmento com o número de analistas também apresentaram associação. / In 2007, the approval of the Law 11.638 made the adoption of the International Accounting Reporting Standard (IFRS) possible in Brazil. The convergence to the IFRS brought several innovations, among then, the accounting for business combinations, regulated by the Pronunciamento Técnico CPC 15 - Combinações de negócios, which made the acquisition method mandatory. Under this new model, the acquirer measures the identifiable acquired assets and the assumed liabilities by their respective fair values. The goodwill, in turn, is the portion of the fair value of the consideration transferred that are not individually identified, and it is realized exclusively by the impairment test. This thesis aims to identify the determining factors in the percentage of the acquisition cost allocated as goodwill in the business combinations realized and disclosed by the 101 companies which comprises the Índice Brasil Amplo (IBr-A) in the period from 2009 to 2015. It was identified and, in great part, hand collected, data about 442 business combinations, and the 307 observationsin which a goodwill was recognized were effectively used. It was used a multivariate dependency technique known as Hierarchical Linear Models or Multilevel Models (HLM), thathas the fundamental characteristic of capturing the nested data structure, considering the variability within the 39 economic segments of the firms of this study\'s sample. The results indicated the presence of a hierarchical structure, in which the segment that the acquirer operates explains about 15% of the variability in the percentage of acquisition cost allocated as goodwill. During the research five first level variables were tested (variable remuneration percentage of the acquirer\'s directors, acquisition relevance, number of analysts, stock consideration and the goodwill tax allowance), as well as two related to the second level (properties, plants and equipment to total asset and market-to-book value of the segment). Individually, among the first level variables, only the number of analyst following the acquirer shares presented an association with the percentage of goodwill. The interactions between the use of the tax allowance and the properties, plants and equipment to total asset with the number of analyst also presented an association.
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Agerar Företagsledare Opportunistiskt vid Köpeskillingsallokering : Bevis från Svenska RörelseförvärvDingertz, Jakob, Ohlin, Vilhelm January 2014 (has links)
SammandragGoodwill har de senaste åren fått en allt mer betydelsefull roll i svenska bolag och utgör idag majoriteten av köpeskillingen vid ett rörelseförvärv. Rådande redovisningsstandarder lämnar en stor del av ansvaret för köpeskillingsallokering hos bolagen själva, något som tidigare studier visat ger utrymme för opportunistiskt agerande. Vi undersöker i denna studie 213 rörelseförvärv gjorda på den svenska marknaden under åren 2011-2013. Via en multipel regressionsanalys finner vi belägg för att rörlig ersättning till företagsledare baserad på kortsiktiga resultatmål, tenderar att leda till en högre allokering till goodwill i relation till immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv. Resultatet kan tolkas som att företagsledare maximerar resultatet ur ett kortsiktigt perspektiv i syfte att också maximera sin egen lön. Detta skapar en problematik då företagsledare som agerar i egenintresse försvagar de kvalitativa karaktäristika IASB efterstävar vid standardsättande. / Abstract Goodwill has over the last years gained a more influential role in Swedish corporations and accounts for a majority of the purchase price during an acquisition. Current accounting standards leave a substantial part of the responsibility of the purchase price allocation to the firms themselves, something that previous studies have found gives room for opportunistic behavior. We study 213 company acquisitions on the Swedish market during the years of 2011-2013. Through a multiple regression analysis we find that short-term compensations based on short-term financial results, tend to lead to a higher allocation to goodwill in relation to intangible assets. These findings could be interpreted as an indication of executives striving to maximize short-term results in order to also maximize their compensation. This creates a problematic situation since executives acting in self-interest diminishes the qualitative characteristics IASB endeavor when setting accounting standards.
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Souvislost mezi charakteristikami trhu práce a trhu nemovitostí / The relationship between the characteristics of the labor market and real estate marketLUKŠÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the relationship between the characteristics of the labor market and real estate market. The basic objective is to identify and assess the close ties between these markets and market influence on the volume of sales of real estate types. The work is divided into two parts, the first part is a literature review, which are clarified and explained selected basic concepts relating to the issue. The second part is a practical part in which the property itself divided into three segments and to family homes, apartments and building plots. Each segment that contains the values of the purchase prices and the number of deposits in the Land Registry. Other data obtained unemployment and wage. Individual data are divided, both within the Czech Republic, but also within each region and are listed in the resulting summary table, which is evaluated verbally.
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Oceňování a vykazování nehmotných aktiv při akvizici v rozsahu IFRS / Measurement and financial reporting of intangible assets acquired in a business combination according to IFRSSagokon, Evgeniya January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with specifics of valuation, recognition and reporting of intangible assets that were acquired as a business combination under IFRS. This thesis is also devoted to specifics of intangible assets which indicate importance and difficulty of its standardization in accounting. The aim of the master thesis is to combine valuation and accounting standards for intangible assets with emphasis on acquisition process. Practical part is here to show how definitely companies valuate, measure and recognize intangible assets acquired in a business combination.
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Alokace kupní ceny v rámci podnikových kombinací (IFRS vs. české účetní předpisy) / Purchase Price Allocation in Business Combinations (IFRS vs. Czech Accounting Regulations)Bartušková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on business combinations according to IFRS and Czech accounting regulations. According to IFRS, Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) is a vital tool in acquisition reporting and therefore this paper mainly focuses on it. The theoretical part serves as a solid based for the empirical part, highlighting the main differences within the examined accounting types. The empirical part primarily focuses on setting the purchase price containing a contingent consideration, newly identified intangible assets and contingent liabilities reporting, and also net asset's fair value valuation to the acquisition date. The results show a major difference and drawbacks in using the Czech accounting regulations when solving business combinations.
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Národohospodářský význam výroby elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů v ČR / Economic importance of electricity from renewable energy sources in the Czech RepublicProcházka, Štěpán January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the national economy importance of electricity from renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part introduces the different types of RES legislation relative to RES and energy intensity of the economy of the Czech Republic. Analytical part shows the financial impact of support RES in the Czech Republic to year 2030.
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