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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The environment of galaxies and groups of galaxies

Snaith, Owain N. January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we employ two numerical tools - semi- analytical models and N-body plus hydrodynamical simulations of large scale structure and individual galaxies - to explore the underlying physics governing the formation and evolution of groups of galaxies, and the role of environment in generating polar structures around disk galaxies. Using phenomenological models of baryonic physics imposed upon large-scale dissipationless simulations of the Universe, semi-analytic models (SAMs) are one of the principal methods used to model large samples of model galaxies. We sought to examine the properties of groups of galaxies with a range of densities using SAMs applied specifically to the industry-standard Millennium Run; for this work, we make use of the well-known Munich and Durham models, and their descendants. We are especially interested in how group properties change as we change the linking length of our Friends- of-Friends group finder. We compare the group populations and richness in these models and compare them both with observations and high-resolution N- body simulations. This leads us to the conclusion that the Durham models produce a much larger population of compact objects than the Munich models. We also explore the group dynamics and morphology as a function of density. We compare the luminosity distributions of galaxy groups using publicly available SAMs in order to explore

Dust in Early-Type Galaxies using Herschel-ATLAS and GAMA data

Agius, Nicola Kristina January 2014 (has links)
This work investigates the properties of Early-Type Galaxies (ETGs; elliptical and lenticulars) containing thermal dust emission, with aims of linking the formation and evolution of these galaxies with their current dust properties. Three different proxies for morphology are considered for selecting ETGs, and these are tested against three sets of visually classified galaxies. We find that classifying ETGs as those galaxies in the optical Red Sequence results in samples with ≳35% contamination by late-types, and ≲82% completeness. Concentration and Sérsic index proxies result in slightly improved contamination levels of ≳30% and ~60-70% completeness. These results lead to the conclusion that morphological proxies cannot be used to create fully robust samples of ETGs. Therefore, we choose to use visual inspection to identify ETGs at low redshifts.

Novel inference methods for gravitational wave astrophysics

Hu, Yiming January 2015 (has links)
With the development of more and more elegant and sensitive interferometric gravitational wave detectors, we are expecting the first direct detection of gravitational waves in a short time. This triggers huge interest to develop more powerful tools to perform data analysis on these signals, and to develop a good understanding of the analysis so that confident conclu- sions can be made. A further step would be to view into the future, as the first detections will boost the scientific demands for more powerful future generation detectors, which identifies the task of optimising the site of such detectors. Bayesian Inference plays a vital role in data analysis, and one excellent example that demon- strates its usefulness is its ability to resolve the tension between multiple models using the methodology of Bayesian Model Selection. In this thesis we apply this methodology to the timing data of pulses from the pulsar 1E 2259+586. With a set of different choices for the prior range, a fair and quantitative comparison can be made between two competing models: that of so-called successive anti-glitches and an anti-/normal glitch pair. Our analysis of the data shows a consistent support for the successive anti-glitches model, with a Bayes Factor of ∼ 45, where the uncertainty has been estimated from nested sampling and from multiple runs that are slightly different, but still within a factor of two, showing a general consistency. Simplifying the timing model will only make the Bayes Factor even bigger, while the two event model is overwhelmingly supported over the one event model. In gravitational wave data analysis, posteriors are generally complicated structures contain- ing multiple modes. A novel algorithm to achieve efficient sampling for multi-modal pos- teriors, known as mixed MCMC, is proposed in this thesis. This enables communication between multiple regions within the parameter space by adopting a novel jump proposal. We present the mixed MCMC algorithm and first apply it to a toy model problem, where the likelihood may be determined theoretically. By comparing the theoretical and empiri- cally sampled values of 2 log(L) for credible regions that correspond to 68.27%, 95.45% and 99.73%, we conclude that for our illustrative model the sampling result of mixed MCMC is consistent with the theoretical prediction with small uncertainty. Since it does not re- quire multiple chains with different temperatures, mixed MCMC can boost the efficiency of sampling by design, compared with (for example) parallel tempering MCMC. The sampling strategy of mixed MCMC can be helpful for not only Bayesian Inference, but also more general problems like the global optimisation of future generations of Gravita- tional Wave Detectors. As we expect such problem to be intrinsically high dimensional and multi-modal, mixed MCMC is a suitable sampling method, and we develop and apply it in this thesis. Based on our analysis it is concluded that for both a 3-detector-network and a 5-detector-network, Australia hosts the “best” site, in the sense that such site is most flex- ible, i.e. it can be involved in the largest number of detector networks, involving different component sites, that have a high ‘Figure of Merit’. The work of gravitational wave data analysis leads to the ultimate goal of making a direct detection of gravitational waves, which in turn requires the ability of distinguish astronomi- cal signals from a noisy background, and assess the significance of each gravitational wave ‘trigger’ (i.e. candidate event) appropriately. There are two types of method for estimating significance and these differ by the key distinction of either removing the foreground events from the background estimation or keeping them in the analysis. This thesis presents the results of a Mock Data Challenge (MDC), carried out within the LIGO Scientific Collabo- ration using different data analysis pipelines, designed to investigate these two methods for estimating significance. It contains a variety of background complexity ranging from simple, realistic to complex, and foreground event rate ranging from zero, low, medium and high. Analysis of the MDC results illustrated that generally all methods for determining the sig- nificance agree well with each other, irrespective of the background complexity. However, a discrepancy became apparent between the results for removal or non-removal of foreground events, for events below a significance level of < 10−3. Our results demonstrated that the removal method is an unbiased estimator for the mean of the significance. However, as the most scientifically interesting events are likely to have a very small numerical value for their significance, such method would overestimate that significance for most of the realisations.

Chemodynamical adaptive mesh refinement simulations of disk galaxies

Few, Christopher Gareth January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I bring together three projects that comprise my postgraduate studies; using numerical simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological context. The first of these projects involves the simulation of a suite of galaxies in loose group and field environments. This suite of galaxies is used to compare properties such as the metallicity gradients and morphology to determine if systematic differences are apparent as a function of subtle environmental differences. Almost no distinction is seen between galaxies in the field and the loose group environments: individual assembly histories of the galaxies dominate over ambient environmental effects with the exception of the vertical velocity dispersion of the stellar disc where loose group galaxies tend to exhibit a greater number of instances of impulsive heating of the disc. In the second project I present further analysis of this suite of galaxies and a comparison with other galaxies simulated using contrasting methodologies, in ad- dition to several semi-numerical galaxy formation models. The focus of this work is the evolution of metallicity gradients and star formation profiles, finding that galaxies form in an inside-out fashion. This leads to steeper metallicity gradients in young stellar populations at high redshift compared with the present day. By considering present day stellar populations with different ages in these galaxies the converse is found, older populations have flatter gradients. This suggests that while the metallicity gradient starts out steep, it flattens over time due to stellar migra- tion/mixing. This flattening due to stellar migration happens at a faster rate than the flattening of the gas phase metallicity gradient. Finally, I present an update to the N-body and adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamical code ramses that introduces a more sophisticated feedback treatment, this code is dubbed ramses-ch. Under the new scheme, energetic and elemental feedback is contributed by stars throughout their lifetime rather than (as previously) in a single burst. This relaxation of the ‘instantaneous feedback approximation’ in ramses-ch opens up the opportunity for studying chemical evolution using adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics where previous studies were limited to smoothed particle hydrodynamical codes or semi-numerical models. The new code is applied to the simulation of a typical disc galaxy using different stellar initial mass functions and supernovae type-Ia progenitor models. The influence of these model inputs on the ratio of elemental abundances and supernovae rates in the simulated galaxies are compared as a means of constraining chemical evolution models. The conclu- sions drawn from this work are discussed in the broader context of galaxy formation simulations.

Star formation and environment of galaxies

Mahajan, Smriti January 2011 (has links)
Across cosmic time, stars have contributed most of the radiant energy found in the Universe and have created nearly all the chemical elements heavier than helium. Understanding the evolution of the Universe requires understanding the history of star formation. Stars form in galaxies, which are in essence huge aggregations of stars, dust and gas. Understanding star formation requires, among other things, measuring the rate at which interstellar gas is being converted into stars in a given galaxy. Star formation, a critical driver of galaxy evolution, responds both to external influences (local and global environment) and internal factors (e.g. dust).For several decades, the properties of star formation have been studied in galaxies residing in the dense environments of galaxy clusters and compared to those in the sparsely populated field. In this thesis we aim to bridge this gap in the study of the star formation-density relation by studying the evolution of galaxy properties, particularly their star formation rate (SFR) in the critical intermediate region on the periphery of rich galaxy clusters. Using photometric and spectroscopic data from the Sloan Digital Sky survey (SDSS) we show how common observables, such as colour, SFR, and SFR/M* are influenced when galaxies are assembled into clusters via large-scale filaments. We discover that complex galaxy populations (e.g. blue passive galaxies and [optically] red star-forming galaxies) are commonly found in and around rich clusters in the nearby (z ~ 0.1) universe. While the blue passive galaxies are the progenitors of passive red cluster galaxies, the (optically) red star-forming galaxies are a mix of at least two different populations. One set of red star-forming galaxies are dust obscured star-forming x galaxies, while the rest of them are normal star-forming galaxies whose colour is a result of metal-rich dominant stellar populations.

Λ and K\(^0\)\(_S\) production in Pb-Pb and pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC

Hanratty, Luke David January 2014 (has links)
In this work, the transverse momentum spectra of Λ and K\(^0\)\(_S\) measured with the ALICE experiment at the LHC are discussed. Measurements are presented for colliding systems of protons, at centre of mass energies 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV, and for lead ions at a centre of mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon. The spectra are discussed within a theoretical framework of a thermally equilibrated, hydrodynamically evolving system, which serves to explain the shape of the spectra for p\(_T\) < 2 GeV/c. For p\(_T\) > 6 GeV/c jet quenching is evident, but no evidence of particle species dependance in jet quenching is observed. The Λ/K\(^0\)\(_S\) ratio shows an enhancement for 2 < p\(_T\) < 6 GeV/c, peaking at 1.5 for the 5% most central Pb–Pb collisions compared to 0.6 for pp. This is discussed in terms of a coalescence model. It cannot be explained purely by enhanced baryon production, but must also involve a redistribution of particles within p\(_T\). This supports the hydrodynamical picture of hadron production. A brief comparison to the results presently available in p–Pb collisions at the LHC is also given.

Gravitational wave astrophysics with pulsar timing arrays

Mingarelli, Chiara Maria Francesca January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on gravitational wave (GW) astrophysics with Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs). Firstly it is shown that anisotropy in the GW background may be present, and that its characterization at different angular scales carries important information. The standard analysis for isotropic backgrounds is then generalized by decomposing the angular distribution of the GW energy density into multipole moments. Generalized overlap reduction functions (ORFs) are computed for a generic level of anisotropy and PTA configuration. A rigorous analysis is then done of the assumptions made when calculating ORFs. It is shown that correlated phase changes introduce previously unmodeled effects for pulsars pairs separated by less than a radiation wavelength. The research then turns to the study of continuous GW sources from supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs). Here it shown that the detection of GWs from SMBHB systems can yield direct information about the masses and spins of the black holes, provided that the GW-induced timing fluctuations both at the pulsar and at Earth are detected. This in turn provides a map of the nonlinear dynamics of the gravitational field and a new avenue to tackle open problems in astrophysics connected to the formation and evolution of SMBHs.

Astrophysical inference from pulsar timing array searches for gravitational waves

Middleton, Hannah Rose January 2018 (has links)
Gravitational waves (GWs) have been detected for the first time in 2015 by the LIGO-Virgo Scientific Collaboration. The source of the GWs was a binary black hole (BBH). The observation caught the final fraction of a second as the two black holes spiralled together and merged. This observation (and the others to follow) marked the beginnings of GW astronomy, ‘a new window on the dark universe’, providing a means to observe astronomical phenomena which may be completely inaccessible via other avenues as well as a new testing ground for Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR). However, this is just the beginning – like electromagnetic astrophysics, there is a full spectrum of GW frequencies to explore. At very low frequencies, pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are being used to search for the GW background from the merging population of massive black hole binaries (MBHBs). No detection has yet been made, but upper limits have been placed. Here we present results on what inference on the MBHB population can be learnt from present and possible future PTA results, and also compare current upper limits with astrophysical predictions, finding them to be fully consistent so far. We also present a generic method for testing the consistency of a theory against experimental evidence in the situation where there is no strong viable alternative (for example GR). We apply this to BBH observations, finding them to be fully consistent with GR and also to Newton’s constant of gravitation, where there is considerable inconsistency between measurements.

Resonant scattering studies of 24Mg and 28Mg and the search for nuclear water

Walshe, Joseph Michael January 2016 (has links)
The neutron-rich nucleus 28Mg has been studied for the first time above the particle decay threshold using α-particle resonant scattering with a beam of radioactive 24Ne ions from the SPIRAL facility at GANIL. The thick target inverse kinematics technique was used to permit measurement of the differential cross section at 180◦ in the centre-of-mass frame, for the excitation energy region from 15 to 21 MeV, with a single beam energy. Since no previous experimental data exist with which to compare the current work, data were also taken for 24Mg using a 20Ne beam with the same experimental set-up. Comparison of these data with previous work yields excellent agreement and so validates the data collection method. In 28Mg, energies and widths of thirteen new states are reported with relative strengths given for ten of these. For two states, spin-parity assignments are made and it is found, by calculation of the α-decay branching ratios and comparison to a theoretical model, that these two states do not appear to be strongly α clustered. The underlying structure of 28Mg in this region is therefore not clear, and further experimental work is required in order to establish a full understanding, with a particular focus on the energy resolution of the measurement. The experimental technique is a powerful tool for the study of α elastic scattering cross sections, and combined with new radioactive beam facilities will prove an effective method of investigating α clustering in a wide range of unstable nuclei.

Cosmic giants on cosmic scales

Lieu, Maggie January 2016 (has links)
Galaxy groups and clusters are cosmic giants. They are the largest observable virialised objects that have materialised from the initial perturbations in the early Universe. These systems comprise of not only galaxies, but also hot gas and dark matter. They are ideal astrophysical laboratories to study the matter distribution of the Universe and cluster physics whilst their distribution and evolution can be used constrain cosmological parameters. Clusters are the ultimate test for the structure formation paradigm. However, for this to be achieved requires knowledge of their mass which is a particularly challenging task since there are no ‘cosmic scales’ to directly measure the masses of these objects. Groups and clusters are massive enough to gravitationally influence light emitted from background galaxies, an effect known as gravitational lensing. Its mass can be inferred from the strength of the weak lensing signal and is only dependent on the gravitational potential well depth. However, its limitations arise from systematic uncertainties of shape measurement, photometric redshift and shallow survey depth. This thesis concerns constraining accurate and precise cluster mass estimates of low mass groups and poor clusters, and testing the limits that can be achieved with current noisy, ground-based data.

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