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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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?ndice de desenvolvimento da educa??o b?sica (IDEB) : afinal de quem ? essa nota?

Santos, Betisabel Vilar de Jesus 27 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-06T19:51:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_BETISABEL_VILAR_DE_JESUS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 3860683 bytes, checksum: 8038f6abb22e4bcd2305fa0692f03170 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T19:51:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_BETISABEL_VILAR_DE_JESUS_SANTOS_COMPLETO.pdf: 3860683 bytes, checksum: 8038f6abb22e4bcd2305fa0692f03170 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-27 / This study is intended to analyze the school agents? perception of the educational process and of the large-scale evaluation, particularly Ideb (initial in Portuguese for ?ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa??o B?sica), as inducer of educational quality policy, and how they appropriated the results and incorporated them into their daily life. It also aims to analyze the impact of overall public policy evaluation, embodied by Ideb at the public schools in Aracaju. The timeframe is the period from 2005 to 2013. The research lies in the field of debate about all people?s right to a quality education, which was initiated during the democratization of Brazil and in the midst of reforms produced by the liberal state, which has guided the implementation of local educational policies, but with a global perspective. Bourdieu and Certeau constituted the theoretical framework that guided the analyses for providing the elements to understand that, between the evaluation policy and the way it is embodied in everyday school, there is a gap open to explanation. In this sense, I sought to understand how the educational policies were implemented in the everyday life of the municipal school in Aracaju and how the school agents perceived and interpreted them. Therefore, I placed the analyses from the macro to the micro social scope. In the first case, understanding that evaluation is a good indicator to guide the reflection as an important learning tool to ensure the right to learn. In the second case, because the policies, no matter how good they are, need to be implemented and the everyday school is the place where this process takes place. In this sense, it was carried out a preliminary survey on academic production in the evaluation field in order to identify the trends and the effects present in the educational debate. It was also carried out a documentary analysis and interviews with teachers and school and Semed (initial for Secretaria Municipal de Education) managers. Facing the choice of the object and for the need it generated, the most suitable type of research was the qualitative approach as it seeks a better understanding of the process by which people construct meaning and describe what are these same meanings, allowing two types of consideration: one that concerning the relationships of macro-structural issues, which constitute the control policy analysis of the classroom evaluative practices; and another analyzing the evaluation practices in everyday school and the conceptions of the evaluation. Based on the above, the study has concluded that despite the criticism, the quality indicator embodied by Ideb has motivated Government actions to prepare the public schools in Aracaju for Prova Brazil and to reflect on its indicators, however, it is still not possible to say that there is a consolidated evaluation culture. The education quality improvement proposals that emerged from the schools resulted from commitments made by these agents in everyday school. / Este estudo se deteve na an?lise da percep??o que os agentes escolares t?m do processo educativo e das avalia??es em larga escala, em particular do Ideb, enquanto pol?tica indutora da qualidade da educa??o, e de que forma os seus resultados foram por eles apropriados e incorporados ao cotidiano escolar. Tem como objetivo geral analisar o impacto da pol?tica p?blica de avalia??o, consubstanciada no ?ndice de Desenvolvimento da Educa??o B?sica ? Ideb, nas escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Aracaju. O marco temporal situa-se no per?odo de 2005 a 2013. A pesquisa situa-se no campo do debate sobre o direito de todos a educa??o de qualidade, desencadeado no contexto da redemocratiza??o do pa?s e no bojo das reformas produzidas pelo Estado liberal, que tem norteado a implementa??o de pol?ticas educacionais locais, mas com perspectiva global. Bourdieu e Certeau constitu?ram o aporte te?rico que conduziu as an?lises empreendidas, por fornecerem os elementos para entender que entre a pol?tica de avalia??o e a forma como ela se consubstancia no cotidiano escolar, existe um hiato pass?vel de explica??o. Neste sentido, busquei compreender como as pol?ticas educacionais se efetivaram no cotidiano escolar da rede municipal de ensino de Aracaju e como os agentes escolares a percebem e dela se apropriam. Para tanto, situei as an?lises, do ?mbito macro ao microssocial. No primeiro caso por entender que a avalia??o constitui um bom indicador para balizar a reflex?o a respeito da aprendizagem ferramenta importante para assegurar o direito de aprender. No segundo caso, porque as pol?ticas por melhor que sejam, precisam ser efetivadas e o cotidiano escolar ? o l?cus onde este processo acontece. Neste sentido, foi realizado um levantamento preliminar sobre a produ??o acad?mica no campo da avalia??o, com a finalidade de identificar as tend?ncias e repercuss?es presentes no debate educacional. Tamb?m foi realizada an?lise documental e entrevistas com docentes e gestores das escolas e da Semed. Diante da escolha do objeto e pela necessidade dele gerada, o tipo de pesquisa que se adequou foi a abordagem qualitativa, por buscar melhor compreender o processo mediante o qual as pessoas constroem significados e descrever em que consistem estes mesmos significados, permitindo considera??es que podem ser relacionadas sob dois aspectos: um tendo em vista as rela??es das quest?es macroestruturais, que constituem a an?lise da pol?tica de controle por meio da avalia??o em seus desdobramentos nas pr?ticas avaliativas de sala de aula; e outro que estabelece a an?lise das pr?ticas avaliativas no cotidiano escolar e as concep??es de avalia??o que as orientam. Com base no exposto, o estudo concluiu que apesar das cr?ticas feitas, o indicador de qualidade consubstanciado no Ideb tem motivado a??es do poder p?blico que condicionaram as escolas municipais de Aracaju a se prepararem para a Prova Brasil e a refletirem sobre seus indicadores, sem que ainda seja poss?vel afirmar que existe uma cultura de avalia??o consolidada. As propostas de melhoria da qualidade da educa??o que emergiram das escolas resultaram dos compromissos assumidos por estes agentes no cotidiano escolar.

Oficinas Curriculares nas Escolas de Tempo Integral da rede p?blica estadual de S?o Paulo: percep??o dos gestores

Jacomini, Mari?ngela Leoc?rdio 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariangela Leocardio Jacomini.pdf: 2340500 bytes, checksum: 1724124109097fe87edba0d50021be20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / The present quantitative and qualitative approach research aims to investigate the Full Time School Program of the State of S?o Paulo, established by Resolution SE 89 published on December 9, 2005, focusing on the identification and analysis of existing challenges in the implementation and operation of Curriculum Workshops, from the program managers point of view. The researcher studied the deployment and implementation of curriculum workshops in schools that are part of the Full Time School Program, using research methods like bibliography survey, document analysis and application of mixed questionnaire. We investigated how the process of implementing the curriculum workshops in full-time schools occurred (considering the public policies of the state of S?o Paulo), the characteristics of curriculum workshops in FTEs, the infrastructure and the teaching resources needed for its implementation and the pedagogical, structural and operational challenges to the development of the workshops. The research was developed in four of the six schools included in the Program, in counties under the jurisdiction of the Regional Board of Education of S?o Jo?o da Boa Vista, having principals, vice-principals and teaching coordinators as subjects. We concluded that the Full Time School Program was implemented in public schools without previous preparation of the schools and their staff, causing the occurrence of makeshift solutions to the emanating challenges, among which stand out the absence, insufficiency or inadequacy of physical space and lack of trained teachers to administer them, which, according to the subjects, are obstacles that interfere with the quality of the offered education. We believe that curricular workshops represent a differential to the improvement of the education standard and to the integral formation of the student. However, there must be specific continuing education to teachers who work on them, and reforms must be made in school buildings, in order to create suitable spaces for the proper development of diversified activities proposed for the workshops. / A pesquisa, de abordagem quanti-qualitativa, teve como objetivo investigar o Programa Escola de Tempo Integral do Estado de S?o Paulo institu?do pela Resolu??o SE 89 publicada em 9 de dezembro de 2005, com foco na identifica??o e an?lise dos desafios existentes na implanta??o e funcionamento das Oficinas Curriculares, ? luz da percep??o dos gestores. A pesquisadora estudou a implanta??o e implementa??o das oficinas curriculares nas escolas que fazem parte do Programa Escola de Tempo Integral, tendo como m?todos o levantamento bibliogr?fico, a an?lise documental e a aplica??o de question?rio misto. Investigamos como se deu o processo de implementa??o das oficinas curriculares nas escolas de tempo integral (considerando as pol?ticas p?blicas do estado de S?o Paulo), quais as caracter?sticas das oficinas curriculares nas ETIs, qual a infraestrutura e os recursos pedag?gicos necess?rios para a sua realiza??o e quais os desafios relacionados aos campos pedag?gico, estrutural e operacional para o desenvolvimento das oficinas. A pesquisa se desenvolveu em quatro das seis escolas inclu?das no Programa, em munic?pios jurisdicionados ? Diretoria Regional de Ensino de S?o Jo?o da Boa Vista, tendo como sujeitos diretores, vice-diretores e professores coordenadores pedag?gicos. Conclu?mos que o Programa Escola de Tempo Integral foi implantado na rede p?blica estadual sem pr?via prepara??o das escolas e de suas equipes, fazendo com que se recorresse a solu??es improvisadas para os desafios que emanaram, dentre os quais se destacaram a inexist?ncia, insufici?ncia ou inadequa??o do espa?o f?sico e a falta de professores com forma??o e perfil adequados para ministr?-las, o que, segundo os gestores, sujeitos da pesquisa, s?o obst?culos que interferem na qualidade da educa??o oferecida. Acreditamos que as oficinas curriculares representam um diferencial para a melhoria da qualidade da educa??o e para a forma??o integral do aluno. No entanto, ? necess?rio que haja forma??o continuada espec?fica aos professores que nelas atuam e que sejam feitas reformas nos pr?dios escolares, a fim de criar espa?os pr?prios para o desenvolvimento adequado das atividades diversificadas propostas para as oficinas.

Prova Brasil e SARESP: repercuss?es na constru??o da qualidade da educa??o na percep??o de professores e gestores de escolas p?blicas estaduais do munic?pio de Campinas (SP) / PROVA BRASIL and SARESP: Repercussions on quality education construction in the perception of teachers and managers in state public schools of Campinas City (SP)

Colombo, Bruna 26 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BRUNA COLOMBO.pdf: 1151495 bytes, checksum: 60ff0eeb7094c23e1a673bdf81b5d07e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Large-scale assessment of Basic Education, focused in exams of the students performance, has been used to monitor the quality of education through the development of indicators. This study aims to investigate the repercussions of the large-scale evaluations on the quality of Basic Education, considering Prova Brasil, a nationwide exam, and SARESP,restricted to the State of S?o Paulo, whose results compose IDEB and IDESP respectively according to the prerceptions of the school managers and teachers.It consists in a qualitative approach research conducted in two primary and secondary state schools in the city of Campinas/SP and uses as production techniques of empirical material the documental analysis of the schools political pedagogical projects; semi structured interviews; and focal group, in which the school managers and teachers were the participant subjects. The theoretical background of this research had as its main contributors Almerindo Afonso, Jos? Dias Sobrinho and Luiz Carlos de Freitas, all of which excel in the field of educational assessment. It was verified that the public policies of evaluation increased in Brazil in the 1990s decade within the background of political reforms and with the consolidation of the Evaluator State. It is in this scenario that Prova Brasil and SARESP are situated, centered in students performance, whose predominant evaluation paradigm has been the prioritization of results. The perception analysis of the surveyed subjects revealed that despite the recognition regarding the gains and difficulties linked to these evaluations, the polarization of pedagogical work prevails, which manifest itself on the students preparation for the assessments in favor of rising rates. This practice demonstrates a tendency for using large-scale evaluations with regulation and control functions through quality indicators in the light of IDEB and IDESP. The participants also highlighted challenges related to intra and extraschool conditions involving teaching and learning processes. This study points to the necessity of redefining public assessment policies, with emancipatory nature, so that it transcends the mere achievement of goals translated into indicators, putting into perspective the construction of a education with social quality for everyone. / As avalia??es em larga escala da Educa??o B?sica, centradas em exames de desempenho dos alunos, t?m sido utilizadas para monitoramento da qualidade da educa??o por meio da gera??o de indicadores. O presente trabalho busca investigar quais s?o as percep??es de professores e gestores de escolas p?blicas estaduais do munic?pio de Campinas (SP) sobre as repercuss?es da Prova Brasil e do SARESP na constru??o da qualidade da educa??o, considerando a Prova Brasil, de abrang?ncia nacional, e o SARESP, restrito ao estado de S?o Paulo, cujos resultados integram o IDEB e o IDESP, respectivamente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa realizada em duas escolas p?blicas estaduais de ensino fundamental e ensino m?dio do munic?pio de Campinas/SP, tendo como t?cnicas de produ??o de material emp?rico a an?lise documental dos projetos pol?ticos pedag?gicos das escolas pesquisadas; a entrevista semiestruturada; e o grupo focal, sendo as gestoras escolares e os professores os sujeitos participantes. O aporte te?rico que balizou esta pesquisa teve como principais contribuintes, que se destacam no campo da avalia??o educacional, Almerindo Afonso, Jos? Dias Sobrinho e Luiz Carlos de Freitas. Constatou-se que as pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, no Brasil, intensificaram-se na d?cada de 1990, no contexto das reformas pol?ticas, com a consolida??o do Estado Avaliador. ? nesse cen?rio que se inscrevem a Prova Brasil e o SARESP, centradas no desempenho dos alunos, cujo paradigma avaliativo predominante tem sido o que prioriza os resultados. A an?lise da percep??o dos sujeitos pesquisados revelou que, apesar do reconhecimento sobre os ganhos e dificuldades atrelados a essas avalia??es, prevalece a polariza??o do trabalho pedag?gico que se expressa pela prepara??o dos alunos para as avalia??es, em prol da eleva??o dos ?ndices. Tal pr?tica evidencia a tend?ncia de utiliza??o das avalia??es em larga escala com fun??o de regula??o e controle, por meio de indicadores de qualidade, como o do IDEB e do IDESP. Os participantes acentuaram, ainda, desafios que se referem a condicionantes intra e extraescolares que implicam os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. A pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de se redefinir pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, com cunho emancipat?rio, que transcenda o mero alcance de metas traduzidas por meio de indicadores, perspectivando a constru??o de uma educa??o de qualidade social para todos.

Sempre cabe mais um! A qualidade da educa??o infantil frente ?s matr?culas via decis?es judiciais.

Mendes, Beatriz F?tima 08 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-02-26T17:29:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 BEATRIZ F?TIMA MENDES.pdf: 2409789 bytes, checksum: 1f8df97b394d57d21a7e943afbd7ae65 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-26T17:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BEATRIZ F?TIMA MENDES.pdf: 2409789 bytes, checksum: 1f8df97b394d57d21a7e943afbd7ae65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-08 / The hereby research it?s about the relations of judicial decisions, wich determinate the registration of children in day care centers, and the teaching offered in those institutions. The discussed problematic it?s about the influence of judicial decisions wich compels the enrollment of kids from 0(zero) to 3(three) years old and the quality of childs education offered in those institutions because of overcrowded day care centers due to those decisions. The education it?s a fundamental subjective right, fundamental cause it?s a right inherent to the human being, subjective because it must be effective, there?s no room for discretion, the public power can?t decide if it?s going to offer education or not, it simply have to. The present paper?s goal is to analyse the envolved subjectives produced senses for the colocation of children in city?s day care centers, especial in the city of Campinas/SP, due to judicial decisions. The importance of offering a quallity child?s education justifies the present search?s importance, cause it means to propiciate the subjects reflexion in the way to improve the quallity of child?s education offered in day cares. For the present researche?s achiviement were used as tools the search off data related to the amount off judicial decisions determinating the registration of children in day cares in the city of Campinas/SP in the past years, semi structured interviews with the following subjects: day care professionals (teacher and director), day care pupil?s father, youth and education prosecutor in Campinas County and the youth judge in Campinas County; beyond those interviews it was made a visit in loco in one of municipal day care centers of Campinas/SP, to evaluate the center?s phisycal structure. In the making of research?s relyzation it was possible to observe that judicial decisions determinating kid?s enrollment in Campinas/SP day cares grew in the past years, however, the youth judge keeps determinating the children?s registration in day care centers, for the child?s education it?s a children?s right, and due to it the day care?s become over crowded. In an over crowded enviroment the professional work conditions and the quality of child?s education offered to kids from 0(zero) to 3(three) years old become compromised. / A presente pesquisa trata da rela??o das decis?es judiciais, que determinam as matr?culas das crian?as nas creches, e o ensino oferecido nestas institui??es. A problem?tica discutida ? a influ?ncia das decis?es judiciais que obrigam as matr?culas as crian?as de zero a tr?s anos nas creches e a qualidade da educa??o infantil oferecida nestas institui??es em raz?o da superlota??o gerada por essas decis?es. A educa??o ? um direito fundamental subjetivo; fundamental porque ? um direito inerente ao ser humano, subjetivo porque ele tem que ser efetivado, n?o h? margem para discricionariedade, o Poder P?blico n?o pode decidir se vai ou n?o oferecer a educa??o, ele simplesmente tem que oferecer. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os sentidos produzidos pelos sujeitos envolvidos na coloca??o das crian?as nas creches municipais, especialmente no munic?pio de Campinas/SP, em raz?o das decis?es judiciais. A import?ncia do oferecimento de uma educa??o infantil de qualidade justifica a relev?ncia da presente pesquisa, pois ela pretende propiciar a reflex?o dos sujeitos no que se refere ? necessidade de uma melhoria na qualidade da educa??o infantil oferecida nas creches. Para a possibilidade da realiza??o da presente pesquisa foram utilizados como instrumentos busca de dados relativos ? quantidade de decis?es judiciais determinando as matr?culas das crian?as em creches no munic?pio de Campinas/SP nos ?ltimos anos, entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de creche (diretor e professor), pai de aluno de creche, Promotor de Justi?a atuante perante a Vara da Inf?ncia e da Juventude ? Educa??o da Comarca de Campinas/SP e Juiz da Vara da Inf?ncia e da Juventude da Comarca de Campinas/SP; al?m das entrevistas, foi realizada visita in loco em uma das creches municipais de Campinas/SP para avaliarmos a estrutura f?sica do local. No curso da realiza??o da pesquisa foi poss?vel observar que o n?mero de decis?es judiciais determinando as matr?culas das crian?as em creches do munic?pio aumentou nos ?ltimos anos, no entanto, o Juiz da Vara da Inf?ncia e Juventude determina as matr?culas das crian?as, pois a educa??o infantil ? um direito da crian?a, e isso gera uma superlota??o nessas institui??es educacionais. Em um ambiente superlotado as condi??es de trabalho dos profissionais e a qualidade da educa??o infantil oferecida ?s crian?as de zero a tr?s anos ficam comprometidas.

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